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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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17316975 No.17316975 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.17317000

we got too cocky bros

>> No.17317001

Sergshit is getting nervous

>> No.17317004
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>> No.17317007

The prophet has spoken!

>> No.17317008
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Check em

>> No.17317014

faggot looks like a monkey. FUCK CHAINLINK and every fucking anon on /biz/ that tries to push this crap. FUCK YOU FAGGOTS ALL OF YOU. I'll organize RWDS to take you faggots out one day

>> No.17317020


>> No.17317025

>$40+ million price feeds
Can’t wait for this Cayman Islands shittoken to tank. We’re solving it with our price feeds guys

>> No.17317031


This is not what the whitepaper spoke about

>> No.17317038
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All cucks will bend the knee. All hail our lord and saviour

>> No.17317042
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>> No.17317058

fucking newfag you have to go back please just fucking go back

>> No.17317068

Look at the price pumping lel

>> No.17317070

ruined. he was much better when he didnt post anything. now he is no different than justin sun. just sold all my link stack.

>> No.17317074
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>> No.17317080

Who is the guy on his profilepic?

>> No.17317105
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>> No.17317111

Also I'm shorting. Never liked linkies.

>> No.17317117

Its json parser

>> No.17317124
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no you wont

>> No.17317128

Literally who the fuck is this and who cares about crypto price feeds.

>> No.17317130

Good luck getting by my personal RWDS battalion, and my mote filled with nigger-fed alligators.

>> No.17317133

What did kek mean by this

>> No.17317135


>> No.17317138
File: 305 KB, 750x754, 940B762F-B8C2-4F5E-BA0E-E4FDB5EEE813.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sergey and Ari are the bzx “hacker”.

>> No.17317146

This... Sergtard is getting so desperate that he has to shill his shittoken now.

>> No.17317155

>meta oracles

Jesus you retarded fags will believe literally anything lmao

>> No.17317157

Sell dipshit, sell before conference dump, but you won't cuz you're a lazy neet who cant get laid or a decent job so you rely on monopoly money from Russian hackers. I bet you vote trump too

>> No.17317192

was it really a hack tho? it seems like the contracts on the exchanges all work as intended and how they were coded.

>> No.17317215

"decentralized oracle"
"decentralized exchange"


>> No.17317229

So, this could make or break Link of it doesn't actually fix the problem?

>> No.17317233

whales are fucking mortified, as usual

>> No.17317241
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literally, literally, literally who?

>> No.17317261

Yes. Meta oracles are a thing - they are trustless and don’t require a token. Completely trustless. Chainlink has meta oracles but the bad news is these oracles do not require a node: thus no token needed.

>> No.17317265

That’s why I put the quotation marks. No, it wasn’t really a hack. It was brilliant manipulation.

>> No.17317281

Link will obviously fix the problem.
If you understand anything about this space at all and know how the attack was done you will understand it.
In fact the attack was so obvious that I feel bad for not exploiting it myself.
Any DeFi with central oracles left? Asking for a friend.

>> No.17317315

Well the problem was they were using one price feed, from a low volume dex. Chainlink's "free" feeds are 10+ real exchanges prices aggregated.

Sure it's make or break...but that's the case for literally anything using CL. One misstep and it's all over, but so far so good

>> No.17317317

sounds like a bunch of buzzwords. kinda reminds me of justin sun 2bh

>> No.17317327


>> No.17317474

Sergey to the rescue

>> No.17317542
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>> No.17317579

the problem is with bzx's model, not oracles.
Instant dex oracles -> susceptible to manipulation due to low liquidity
Slow oracles from all exchanges -> susceptible to front running
The solution is in changing their model of trades, not manipulating oracles.

>> No.17317590

based as hell

>> No.17317599

DeFi is cool. DeFi needs Chainlink.

>> No.17317613

Holy fucking shit. I own 17k link but ive never read any technical or official documents from Link. Now I was checking this bzx trade and I heard about meta oracles again. So i figured its just a buzzword... But wtf. They literally predicted and already made the preventive medicine for it. Check here

Defi will come. It will have some childs diseases ofc. Fuck Linknwill be huge. Just went all in . (77k link)

>> No.17317631

This man has literally never said anything stupid, done anything shady or acted bad. There’s no bad history or anything. I’m glad I found the most competent person in this space to invest in.

>> No.17317636
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He's a literal prophet

>> No.17317638
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based checkage

>> No.17317649

>But wtf. They literally predicted and already made the preventive medicine for it.
Yes they did.
There's serious vision behind Chainlink.

And to top it off: that link you posted was published on January 1st.
All Chainlink care about is progress.

>> No.17317679

it's spelt 'jason' dumbass.

>> No.17317689
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>Good morning defiers!

>> No.17317690

>our decentralized oracle network
>21 hand-picked KYC friends

Linkods will defend this.

>> No.17317695

How did a Philosophy major become the king of blockchain?

>> No.17317697


>> No.17317743

unce oldfag please give it a rest dude.
we are nearing $5 bro. I cant imagine how this is still comical to you.
I mean seriously, talk about beating a dead horse. Even Astro quit after a couple months.

>> No.17317755

By asking the right questions.

>> No.17317775

you are already making $ then. Look at the bloody graph

>> No.17317790

if the rumors are correct his parents taught him programming at a young age, degrees aren't everything.

>> No.17317792

Unironically LINK

>> No.17317797

oh fuck off you faggots. Trump going after the faggots who killed his friends in 9.11 (the jews/ mossad) You low IQ brainlets who think Trump is a kike puppet literally believe the JIDF psyop. Retard.

>> No.17317802

What fucking graph are you looking at?

>> No.17317813

it's time to stop

>> No.17317815

fuck you cancerous kikes. I will laugh when you faggots commit suicide when LINK is outted as a scam by the crypto industry. You linkers are FUCKED.

>> No.17317819

>he thinks that isn’t astro

>> No.17317824
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Imagine being a Nolinker.

>> No.17317832

LINK/ BTC you god damned semite, take a LOOK at the red candles. FUCK YOU RETARDS

>> No.17317854

Ah, I'm looking at the one with the actual money.

>> No.17317856


>> No.17317859
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>Placeholder: Customers
>0 customers

>> No.17317874

its time to kill yourself. Link is going to ZERO YOU BETA FAGGOT JUST KILL YOURSELF I FUCKING HATE YOU CHAINLINK JEWS SO FUCKING MUCH. You literally all worship a blue cube (BLACK CUBE- MOSSAD). You have all been psyopped by jews that this coin will lead you to financial freedom. YOU FUCKERS DESERVE FINANCIAL RUIN. For 2 fucking years you faggots have ruined the crypto industry with your homosexual memes and you degenerate shilling campaign on /biz/ FUCK YOU ALL

>> No.17317876
File: 45 KB, 544x496, 9B57F4EF-6166-4B13-84DF-13A46B5DB6AC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>faggot looks like a monkey. FUCK CHAINLINK and every fucking anon on /biz/ that tries to push this crap. FUCK YOU FAGGOTS ALL OF YOU. I'll organize RWDS to take you faggots out one day

>> No.17317878

He’s one of the most “competent” people in crypto at the very least. It sounds like he did well in VC while he was there as well. Plus he’s confident enough in his ability to work with and command the mega nerd devs.

>> No.17317892

if they solve this, link will unironically jump to $10 straight away.
i have a hard on right now because i now how fucking competent the link team is.

>> No.17317905

> being this angry at being priced out
Careful now, your extra chromosome is showing.

>> No.17317909

you had 2 years to accumulate. I really hope this isn't a larp and you hold zero though.

>> No.17317927

Jews rule
Goys drool

>> No.17317938
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>tfw my relentless LINK shilling and nolinker bullying on /pol/ is showing results

>> No.17317985

He's a literal oracle

>> No.17318018

>by the crypto industry

Fucking kek. The cyber police are coming for us linkies we dun goofed

>> No.17318094

You are correct there was no hack, just taking advantage of price slippage and dumping bags on people.

>> No.17318274

Makes me think this is some CIA project. There's absolutely no dirt on Sergey.

>> No.17318275

You should all vote trump, if you want crypto (economy) keep growing/rising.
Not even kidding

>> No.17318331
File: 578 KB, 1616x2889, Francisco_de_Goya,_Saturno_devorando_a_su_hijo_(1819-1823).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You literally all worship a blue cube (BLACK CUBE- MOSSAD). You have all been psyopped by jews that this coin will lead you to financial freedom.

Hahaha. It goes deeper than that my friend.
We worship older gods then even the jews.
Do you want to believe?

>> No.17318369

Go back to le.ddit

>> No.17318436

>if they solve this, link will unironically jump to $10 straight away.
>i have a hard on right now because i now how fucking competent the link team is.
And if it fails again the opposite will happen link will be blamed and tank

>> No.17318478

you ever ran his name through lexisnexis? kek

>> No.17318526

Wtf is a lexisnexis

>> No.17318634
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>> No.17318718

thanks for the keks kurt
now please kys

>> No.17318776

I tried to get a lawyer friend to do it but he kept making a bunch of faggy excuses.
>it has nothing to do with my cases, if someone finds out i could get the firm in trouble
Have you? What's it show anon?

>> No.17318797
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Emin gun faggot needs to shut the fuck up.

>> No.17319032

Nail in the coffin
>Based and chainlink pill general Sergey

>> No.17319049


followers yesterday: 432
followers after sergey tweeted about them: 4,522

how do i get sergey to tweet about me so all the linkshills start to follow and retweet me to make me look serious?