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17282154 No.17282154 [Reply] [Original]

>gf gives me sexy coupons for christmas
>its february and she's still coming up with excuses

Its 2020 and I have had sex once this year

>> No.17282170

2020, wtf is wrong with you zoomers

>> No.17282183

Just rape her you stupid cuck

>> No.17282186

Dude are you me wtf

>> No.17282190
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>> No.17282200

>allowing a girl to dictate the terms of sex coupons
>using sex coupons, ever
You are not a man. Rape her.

>> No.17282203

KEK, what did you buy her?
Lets her why the whore wont do her job

>> No.17282205

Fucking crossed my mind
Tell me your tales anon, they'll bring me catharsis

>> No.17282209

She’s fucking other dudes idiot

>> No.17282213
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>> No.17282223
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there's your problem. you're so fucking beta, you need to ask permission to fuck your own girlfriend. dude, you are a fucking pathetic cuck, you're so pathetic you go onto /biz/ and tell us this shit and in your mind, because ur anon, it is "okay" to do so. fucking loser.

>pic very related

>> No.17282225

my gf lives in barcelona like 400 miles away from me and we've still had sex more times this year than you

>> No.17282230

Everything she wanted plus the usual crap (clothes, chocolate, perfume).

>> No.17282261

Did you even fuck her on Valentine's Day?
Are you bad at sex?

>> No.17282270

>not using your rape coupons to avoid prison time

Amateur hour on /biz/

>> No.17282274

>sexy coupons
lmao imagine being such a cuck your "girlfriend" rations out sexual favors to you

>> No.17282278

>Sexy time coupons
>Need coupons to have sex
You've got your relation game all wrong, it's her who should sex you up to keep you happy.
Maybe start with not wanting sex in the first place and see where things go. If she doesn't do anything within 2 weeks, dump her she's not worth it. If she does be happy and let her initiate more. Sex is not a mental game you play with a woman, it's something you deserve.

>> No.17282295

Chances are she is also having more sex than you while showcasing her boobs on the beach of barcelgbtona cuck

>> No.17282303

Your gf doesn’t cum from sex then.
Must really be a shitty experience to not wanna fuck.... Jesus man.

>> No.17282315

The problem is you have a faggot in your pic. I watched this retarded meme movie last night and you little retards are hopeless. No wonder you're not fucking your own female. If you really wanted sex, you would have sex with her. She's already your gf supposedly. Pathetic. You should probably break it off.

>> No.17282327

& she got you coupons...but wont even commit to the contract.
she's fuckin someone else

>> No.17282339

Maybe your gf is actually a lesbian and loves you emotionally but has trouble being intimate with you due to how your body is. Maybe you could try transitioning.

>> No.17282346

>sex coupons
what the fuck am I reading?

>> No.17282348

Disagree. Movie is pure keno
But OP is def a cuck

>> No.17282352

fucking based kek

>> No.17282355

Probably just talking to guys online.

>> No.17282363
File: 37 KB, 960x640, JackMaUp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't give up, work on your wizard powers and portfolio until you're 30, then go and summon a succubus in a sect
>it actually works, but the succubus might try to break free from it's contract, proceed with caution

>> No.17282374

>sex coupons
you need to break up with her

>> No.17282377

Start cheating on her, she's 100% cheating on you

>> No.17282390

I'm on the other side of things, and while she's a good girl she did put on a lot of weight, so I'm the one witholding.

Then again I do my duty as a man 2-3 times a week or she might dump me and I don't make 1/4th of what she does fuck feminism

>> No.17282417

start calling her piggy while u fuck her, tell her to say "oink oink" as she cums, this is piggish.

>> No.17282431

Is she really your gf? I have the opposite problem, maybe stop being so pussy hungry

>> No.17282433

>guy drives and has no real problem
>meets a dumb bottle blonde with a mutt
>she's married and husband gets out of prison
>stupid cuck gets caught up in some retarded shit for her husband
>has one little drive scene that wasn't that big
>never leads to a big car chase or anything cool
>most of the driving is just idle filler
>fucking boring and gay and Ryan Gosling is a faggot who doesn't come across as cool or intimidating
>whole movie is pointless
I was so mad that I watched this meme movie that I raped my gf. Unlike OP

>> No.17282442
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Same happened to me with one of my past gfs
She gave me coupons for blowjobs, sex, footjobs etc
They weren't worth anything, I don't think I managed to redeem a single one and threw them out 3 months after my birthday
Another 3 months later she cheated on me

>> No.17282466

My gf always has excuses lately. In the evening she's tired, in the morning she's out of bed before me, without.the coupon thing tho. But I showed her your post and said that's literally us and she laughed and said yes. So we're kinda open about it, I may just rape her in a boyfriend kinda way tonight.

>> No.17282471

Wrong movie faggot

>> No.17282475

>opposite problem
You're.not fucking.your gf? You're gay.

>> No.17282491

The Notebook is a bitchflick.

>> No.17282506

Break up with her you dumbass. You have it so easy. I'm fucking married and am going through this shit. I now have to divorce my fucking wife to end it so I can actually get laid.

You have it so easy you have no idea.

> it's over babe
> move out
> plow a new woman 2 weeks later

>> No.17282507

That will probably excite her.

>> No.17282515

I have no idea, other partners seemed to be really happy but maybe I'm shit at sex and they were all faking

>> No.17282540

She's fucking with someone else on daily basis, you're just a Beta Provider.

>> No.17282576

Shes pushing off the inevitable. Shes planning her escape and is pulling away emotionally to get you to breakup with her so she doesnt have to. If shes not literally begging for your dick regularly, you probably are being too beta in the relationship, meaning the gender roles are confusing her on a biological level. Stop treating her like an equal, and focus on a higher purpose in life. When they back away you back away. You know why? Cause you're a high value male and you can get any woman you want. She should be chasing you.

How do I know this is the case? I learned it the hard way.

When they know you like them they like you less and this is honestly the same for dudes. When I know a girl likes me i like them less and want someone harder to get. Know this and be the man.

>> No.17282605

I have less interest in sex than her, after the first months fuckign like rabbits passed, we love each other very much. Stop being a retarded teenager in a man's body on the internet

>> No.17282653

>having sex early in the relationship
I recommend to you and everyone who does this (I also did it in the past) to read this:
It explains very well why you are experiencing this

>> No.17282663

OP sell the coupons and then dump her.
Sex is for making babies. Get her pregnant to shut her up.

>> No.17282712

Tried this. Didnt go well

>> No.17282732
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Also OP it doesn't have to be the case that she is cheating, like everyone said
I know I added to it by telling my story
But I didn't tell the full story
Our relationship was already fucked at this point and within the last year everytime we had sex I thought of her mothers feet and the only reason I didn't break up with her was that I could take more creepshots of her mothers soles
I also didn't mind the lack of sex since I preferred jerking off to said pictures anyways
So I guess that made us kind of even, I sometimes wish I told that cunt

>> No.17282772
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>> No.17282781

Fuck women man.
Just fucking fuck them.

>> No.17282851

Wow she just admitted she's cheating just like that?

>> No.17282862

Is her vagina shaved?
You don't clean the house if doesn't expect visits

>> No.17282879

>Its 2020 and I have had sex once this year
Same except once this decade.

>> No.17282893

You want it too much. The problem is that you both think that you need her. The best thing you can do is go do your own thing and definitely talk to random women at every opportunity. I'm not saying to fuck then, but just get straight with yourself. You don't *need* your women. Especially if you're not fucking because what else do really get from a female?

>> No.17282896

I fuck my girlfriend whenever I want. If she were to refuse me sex on a basis not related to her health or menstrual cycle, I would dump her instantly and she knows it.

She also knows that if she gets fat she goes to the curb also, and maintains her figure specifically because it is a criteria of remaining attached to me.

Your woman doesn't respect you and certainly doesnt love you. If she loved you she woukd fuck you. Dump her. An occasional pity fuck or cuddle are more humiliating than involuntary celibacy.

>> No.17282912

>sell the coupons for sex with your girlfriend
IMAGINE the look on her face holy fuck

>> No.17282916

Yeah you have to know what you want and so does she.

>> No.17282934
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Is she taking the pill?
It fucked up the libido from mine, took us a while to get back to having regularly sex. Switch to another method of birth control

>> No.17282941

Or rip them up in her face. The coupon thing seems like a big shit test to see if he'll actually believe she has power over their sexual relationship.

>> No.17282959
File: 124 KB, 957x745, 1563937763949.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrong movie you fucking retard

>> No.17282960

I agree she’s likely fucking other people. I suck as a person, I bought my girlfriend nothing for Valentine’s Day or christmas, and she still wants to fuck every single day multiple times per day. Get a new GF

>> No.17282983

She's going to cheat on you anon, sell before the dump

>> No.17283031

Stefan molyneux is a cuck

>> No.17283032

Raping her butthole is the only way

>> No.17283036

I am 25 years old and I never even kissed a girl

>> No.17283056

You need to develop a skill

>> No.17283087

>Its 2020 and I have had sex once this year
Do you take her to restaurants and shit?

>> No.17283089


>> No.17283094

I'm sure he's good at masturbation

>> No.17283108

I can create you a very detailed 3D model for animation.

>> No.17283114

Is she hot? I'll give you a dollar a coupon

>> No.17283154

I recommend you stop projecting
Sure, when I can grant at least wo babies a good life. Else I'll leave her before she hits the wall.

>> No.17283168

Could you create lewd anomations of my ex gfs mother if I would show you pics of her?

>> No.17283199

Holy shit why did I even keep giving you attention, re-read all your posts and go to sleep. The shame will fade away.

>> No.17283201

human models are the hardest if you want anything close to reality, but I could make you something like those cheesy porn ads with animation you see according to some pics yes

>> No.17283234

Swing trade your coupons and build up your stack
When she puts out the price will Moon.

>> No.17283268

The price is already mooning on another exchange. OP needs to arbitrage.

>> No.17283507

Imagine being disappointed everytime you have sex... of course she doesn't want it that often

>> No.17283517

same except I'm 23
never really had much interest desu, I only leave the house to go to work, run errands and all of that.
I'd much rather read books, work on hobbies and gamble my money away.
that's possibly a cope, but I really don't like being around people much.

>> No.17283580


>> No.17283849
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I'm pretty good with a bo-staff

>> No.17283927

She wont say what she wants

>> No.17283986
File: 62 KB, 861x891, 1581199345399.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do something out of character and unpredictable.

>> No.17284007

Your girlfriend should be paying for 80% of the meals. Make her pay for you and she will like you more

>> No.17284142

Sounds like this one is broken. Get a new one.

>> No.17284202

>ITT Incels
But you are a cuck op seriously wtf

>> No.17284216

seriously op, hope you larping, this story is by far the worse i've ever read

>> No.17284302

Had a gf like this, it sucks. Completely kills your confidence, took me so long to get my confidence back up. Best decision I ever made was to leave her ass and found another gf who fucks me 3-4x a day and loves it. Leave her.

>> No.17284347

I dump dumb sluts that dont put out or keep their word. she's broken and should be replaced with a newer younger more compliant model asap

>> No.17284442

I'm so jealous of you. I wish I had a gf. I'm so horny and lonely. I just want to smell and lick a woman's asshole. Have you smelled your gf's ass?

>> No.17284469


How do i short sexy coupons

>> No.17284477

you are so far in the hole you don't even realise. I used to be in your exact situation and couldn't get it.

Everything you think you know about women is a lie including your own gf

you need redpilling at the least

>> No.17284572

This means she doesn’t feel sexy or appreciated. Why not ask her about her past lovers? Ask he what experiences she has had and with what guys and then offer to role play- act out the experiences she had that made feel good. Let her call you by their names, wear the same cologne they wore etc. this will give her pleasure and might fix things in the bedroom

>> No.17284825

cucked beyond all comprehension

>> No.17284850

Imagine being married to a frigid woman like that. Run, anon. Run.

>> No.17284875
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After 30 years of virginity I'm convinced that sex doesn't actually exist it's just a running gag normals came up with

>> No.17284916

this, don't let women guilt you into thinking sex isn't a necessity in a romantic relationship. You entered this relationship and you both had certain expectations, if she isn't fulfilling those expectations then drop her and fuck a new girl who won't act like an entitled cunt over something as simple as sex

>> No.17284941

wtf is virginitiy?

>> No.17284971

sounds like u got a friend:) nice anon

>> No.17284985

sell the coupons on craigslist

>> No.17285114

>Sex Coupons
White people don't REALLY do this, do they?

>> No.17285305
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>> No.17285404

When my wife quit putting out for a while I straight up told her I'd leave her if she didn't sort it out.
She cried and tried to mumble some feminist bullshit but my dick has got WAY more attention ever since.
This may backfire if you're not a catch, so you may need to put in some gym time etc first.

>> No.17285697

lmao same thing happened to me. probably different timespan, but same outcome. and she even fucked a black guy too.

>> No.17285806

Story time, anon

>> No.17285988

She's cheating on you. She uses you to obtain resources and protection, though she's not interested in your genes.

>> No.17286022

>not even married and you are already a complete cuck to her
Damn, I hope you don't marry her. Say goodbye to ever having sex again if you do.

>> No.17286046

If this isn't a larp I see no reason why you shouldn't just leave, don't fall for the sunk cost fallacy anon. You're not married, and hopefully you are financially separated r-right?

>> No.17286113
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What movie is that pic from? I'd like to check it out.

>> No.17286175

Bladerunner 2049

>> No.17286204
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>> No.17286224

>Were fucking now or I’m leaving you
It’s that simple.

>> No.17286283
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Thank you anon

>> No.17287282

fuck this hit me hard

>> No.17287411

>When I know a girl likes me i like them less and want someone harder to get. Know this and be the man.
This is fucking retarded, not true at all, and the most reddit tier claim I've read on this website in a while. Sort yourself out dumbass.