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File: 57 KB, 639x648, eua36f-Jen_Brett_s_5_year_change-0EjrhlK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17236271 No.17236271 [Reply] [Original]

How can I buy a CS degree without doing any of the bullshit classes?

>> No.17236279

Yeah a lot of Americans aren’t healthy and the girls drunk too much

>> No.17236292

How the fuck did she get such a fat ass and legs?

>> No.17236303

Probably a lot of weight gain and fat transfers

>> No.17236317

Would rather fuck 2020. 2015 is flat as a fucking door.

>> No.17236319

t. burger

>> No.17236322

Alcoholism combined with fast food sweets etc . Your liver starts going bad and this is what happens

>> No.17236330

birth control, alcohol, eating like shit, good genes

>> No.17236356

I want to see circa 2017

>> No.17236371

You obviously don't fuck. Fucking fat chicks is boring and not passionate.

>> No.17236386

Better than being a faggot. 2015 has the shape of some skinny 16 year old dude.

>> No.17236485


>> No.17236492

Lol post this same girl in another 5 years

>> No.17236527

Your mind has been subverted by Jews to think land whale butts are fun to fuck

>> No.17236570

Based and thinpilled

>> No.17236668


>> No.17236808
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>> No.17236823
File: 28 KB, 375x392, 36598062_1723680407748762_6782190695428915200_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone that prefers 2015 to 2020 unironically is a virgin

>> No.17236850
File: 279 KB, 1024x768, nigga she in heat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


or not a third worlder

>> No.17236869

i should post my fat hairy ass for the world and rant about how anyone who doesn't like it is a donkey

>> No.17236912

Find a hacker on the dark web, but I think all the dark markets like Alpha Bay have been shut down. Not 100% sure, but anyways, for $1,000 you could probably find a decent hacker who could put all your info in a univeristies database - name, courses taken, grades, graduation date etc. some can even get you a mailed diploma from the actual university, not a fake copy.

>> No.17236960

i would slam the fuck outta that ass and treat her like total shit because i know she has low self esteem and would let it happen

>> No.17236971
File: 241 KB, 800x533, .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow she's beaten anorexia with obesity.. well done.

>> No.17236985
File: 729 KB, 267x200, 1578662005358.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone who doesn't find both appalling is a virgin larper pretending he's a normy on anonymous image boards.

>> No.17237008

where's mid 2017 pics

>> No.17237009

Her whole body is fat now, she's just twisting her waist to hide it. Look how fat her arm is, the tattoo is stretched, it's twice as big. Her ass looks like a soiled diaper made of skin, that is fucking disgusting.

>> No.17237025

aha! there are fine gentlemen on this board after all..

>> No.17237035

the only ones who find that attractive are the ones who acquired all their knowledge about the opposite sex from porn movies.

>> No.17237080

you have not lived until you have hit a girl with a fat ass from behind when shes backing up on you

>> No.17237088

i have lived and had sex with multiple partners. never in my life had i said "you know what's missing here? a 60 pounds of fat."

>> No.17237091

> porn bad
all women are whores you dumb christcuck

>> No.17237101

alright rabbi why don't you go and nibble on those foreskins in the fridge, leave the talk to humans..

>> No.17237122

>duh joos
the jews didn’t turn women into whores you dumb christcuck, they were always whores

>> No.17237156
File: 380 KB, 700x687, 1579195394274.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but they did invent porn sites rabbi, quit shifting blame. Most christian and Muslim women are decent and loyal, it's the jewish ones that get into incestuous and degenerate relationships. Jews watch what's going on around them and project that that's how it must be in every home an religion -it ain't so. Porn degeneracy is jewish invention. quit subverting beak-man.

>> No.17237192

>but they did invent porn sites rabbi
No, they didn’t.
>Most christian and Muslim women are decent and loyal
All women are whores by nature, they need to be brainwashed and beaten from an early age to prevent this (source: Christian and Muslim scripture)
>Porn degeneracy is jewish invention
Again, wrong. Porn was invented by goys, jews just capitalise on it

>> No.17237227

spoken like a true rabbi, but twisting facts no longer works foreskin gobbler. go seethe somewhere else..

>> No.17237241

Like a broken record

>> No.17237257

Women will do miracles for a BCC

>> No.17237389
File: 33 KB, 324x394, doctortonguehasarrived.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanna see circa 2010

>> No.17237405

what a fat ass hnnng

>> No.17237472

Now this ID is what I'd call textbook psyicopath. Even tough psychology is retarded.
I remember a girl telling me a similar story, getting kicked in the back by an ex boyfriend, wasn't a good experience. She was fat at the time of happening also.

>> No.17237478
