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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1717408 No.1717408 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else get a kick from firing employees for no good reason? I don't know why but it makes me feel invicible, like I have total control over someone else's future when they are in tears begging me not go fire them because they have wife and kids or some other generic excuse

>> No.1717410

Karma will be your only friend.

You control nothing.

>> No.1717413

No I like punishing them for something they are doing wrong. I make sure I have plenty of evidence and write-ups so when I get a call about them filling for unemployment I can make sure they are unable to collect. I do like to antagonize them by taking down to them like a child though.

>> No.1717415

you should go to tg or qst if you want to play role playing games.

>> No.1717419

I once fired a guy because he came in late and visibly drunk, then I got fired for firing him without informing HR beforehand.

>> No.1717421
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pure evil

>> No.1717428
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>> No.1717483

The sob story is just a cover to show they tried to appeal

What happens afterward is you get sued for unfair dismissal and have to settle

>> No.1717494
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>What happens afterward is you get sued for unfair dismissal and have to settle

yeah right

>> No.1717498


>firing for no good reason
Are you at least covering your bases on paper?

>> No.1717518


sure thing, buddy

>> No.1717519
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Holy shit, biz is full of desperate wagecucks getting angry on AP

>> No.1717522

Just out of total curiosity, how would you even attempt to make a case for this? companies have been doing the at-will clause well before I was born

>> No.1717524

try /r9k/

>> No.1717539


>angry wagecucks
>just asking if he's covering his bases
I've never been dismissed unfairly. I've always found a new job first.

For every boss who was a faggot, I just got resourceful.

For every boss who wasn't a faggot, I was still resourceful.

>> No.1717561

enjoy those unemployment claims, and UI insurance hikes!

>> No.1717576

This. Or just make them quit so they leave voluntarily and can't collect unemployment.

>> No.1719080

>muh karma

Reincarnation is bullshit, faggot

>> No.1719088

I like this actually. If you can fire them then obviously they were dispensable and believe it or not people like you made me go back to school. Kind of works out on both ends except the exchange makes you feel good and them bad (usually)

>> No.1719094

I'm the head of my division's internship program. So most of the people I fire are recent university graduates lol.

>> No.1719221

>ITT: autistic Walmart and McDonald's managers popping a boner at having power over the people that bullied and ostracized them in high school

t. self employed

>> No.1719244

You'll be dead one day, lol.

>> No.1720010

Shit dude, keep a better grip on the rod. Youre only supposed to throw bait in the water, not the whole pole

>> No.1721452
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Then everybody in HR got fired for firing a guy who fired a drunk guy.
A few layoffs later, the international market collapse was unstoppable.

>> No.1722032

depends on your state. ive worked in states where hr would approve any firing and states where you had to call three different offices with proof. and at some point someone is going to ask if they are a lbgtq or just a black woman. if they are forget it. just reduce their hours and pretend you dont see them

>> No.1722045

I wish, but our HR team consisted of a black lesbian and a Hispanic gay guy. They can't be fired.

>> No.1722185

When you're at your worst and only ever shown your bad side to those who have been in the position you are at now, your psych will overload on guilt you'll drive yourself mad and into a state of psychosis where you'll believe you're in hell

>> No.1722558
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Fucking kek. Best post ITT.