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File: 113 KB, 608x608, 129dc09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1716940 No.1716940 [Reply] [Original]

You have 0.1 seconds to refute this

>> No.1716946

Market economics. When the thirsty can pay the same premium as those who need gasoline, they'll get their pipes.

>> No.1716956

The people that paid to get robots on mars are drinking water just fine. Do not credit the impoverished for humanity's progress yet guilt the innovators for being too busy innovating to not babysit the world for us.

>> No.1716959

you cant help niggers. by attempting to help them you just make things worse

>> No.1716962


I don't need to refute your opinion.

>> No.1716964
File: 224 KB, 447x489, 1483342162311.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More and more money thrown into the pit that is third world charity only creates more people that are suffering.
You are ultimately exponentially increasing the suffering in the world by assuring that these people have the resources to breed more.

>> No.1716972


Stop feeding niggers, you're murdering Europeans.

>> No.1716976

how many dollars have you given away to the third world?

If none, then youre part of the problem

>> No.1716982

Well, oil is much more viscous then water, so it gets where it's going faster.
Plus, people will build oil pipelines for free, since they want cheaper gas.
You're just not watching enough MSNBC.

>> No.1716991
File: 24 KB, 448x314, visualizing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These problems are political and religious in nature. They were solved in the USA. All people have access to water. The problem is not humanity. The problem is certain segments of humans mostly inferior races with inferior ideologies, block progress. You will notice in the picture that the is piping oil and sending robots to Mars. It does not good to be like a child and cry "All humanity is either stupid or blind"... It's more focused a problem than that.

>> No.1716992


>> No.1716994

What are aquaducts and irrigation.

>> No.1716996

>socialized water distribution
>everyone gets water
good thing we don't leave it up to the free markets. People could die.

>> No.1717004


We do know how to get water where it's needed, but corrupt third world governments and ideologies retard progress. This is why some parts of the world have perfectly fine access to drinking water and others don't.

The picture is implying that either some sort of global communist regime is enacted to "solve" the problem or that people in rich countries give money to rich people in poor countries and the problem will somehow be solved.

>> No.1717008

I constantly see commercials on tv about irrigation projects in Africa where white people (not black people) are using irrigation to try and turn African wastelands into fertile grounds.

>> No.1717009


Only because the free(ish) markets produced enough wealth for the government to be able to provide water to everyone in what is probably a relatively inefficient way.

>> No.1717013


The problem is that even if a good irrigation system gets implemented it's hard to get people to spend the effort and money to maintain it when Lord Zulu and his warlords could come along and seize all your land at any time.

>> No.1717032

True. If people dont respect ownership then it demotivates people to build something.
Here in the Netherlands Shell often gets shit for hiring mercenaries in Nigeria. But if you dont hire mercenaries the pipelines constantly get blown up to tap a marginal amount of oil.

>> No.1717035

Africa is over populated, by saving half of them you are killing the other half.
Besides, we are not responsible for them no matter what lefties say

>> No.1717036

>not knowing
>not caring

Which one do you think it is. Hint: we know how

>> No.1717039

They're assuming we're looking for water on Mars to bring it back to Earth as a commodity to use.

Actually the search for water is for scientific reasons, to check if there is life on Mars. The pic is a false equivalency.

>> No.1717042

Im so glad you guys are getting fucked to extinction. Whites are being hybridizated slowly, and soon all will have mixed blood. Then we shall have the last laugh.

>> No.1717044
File: 101 KB, 620x1116, ez-agriculture-trade-2014-eng-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Africa is hardly overpopulated. Its just filled with scavengers instead of builders. The Netherlands is overpopulated and we're the second food exporter in the world. You dont need a lot of land to do anything. In fact, most land here would be unusual and below sea level without human intervention.

>> No.1717047


>> No.1717056


No, you sub-humans will be genocided.


>> No.1717059

Building pipes is not black magic. Why won't niggers build them themselves?

>> No.1717070
File: 83 KB, 725x445, Rome_2ee189_298401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have never felt bad for countries that still don't have water after all this time.

>> No.1717079
File: 35 KB, 400x273, Black on Black Genocide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every year, you fucked up white people waste HUDREDS of millions to breed Niggers in africa in the middle of the fucking desert.

Illiterate, ignorant niggers who only murder each other or starve.

You white people are fucking sick.

>> No.1717080
File: 69 KB, 505x335, Black on Black Genocide 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No, you sub-humans will be genocided.

yeah... never heard of Rawanda? The Congos? Nigeria? Sudan? Gabon? Somalia? etc, etc .......

>> No.1717114


Talking about those entering into European countries.

>> No.1717115
File: 61 KB, 620x459, Nigger Party Time.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking smug white liberals keep breeding Niggers in Africa just so they can genocide each other.

well done white people. well done.

>> No.1717119


>ignorant niggers

the irony

>> No.1717124

This will happen to every race you retard.

>> No.1717125

> I should focus on helping retarded self-destructive alcoholic uncle bob instead of focussing on my dreams and ambitions.

Keep dreaming kid.

>> No.1717139

You're literally agreeing with me.

>> No.1717140

>Want to go to Mars(a desolate, desert-like planet) to colonize a new planet because ours is dying
>Nobody is bothering with terra-forming our own planet's desolate zones such as Egypt and Antarctica.

>Place trillions of dollars into technological evolution
>Barely spend any money at all on researching biological evolution when our bodies are biological.
Do we need a virus world war in order to make humanity focus on biology?
I mean simple and basic things like curing the common cold, disabling sperm & ovule production, controlling the substances inside our brain, learning process, memory, anger. happiness, etc.

>> No.1717142
File: 47 KB, 400x327, Niggers Genociding Niggers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Keep breeding those pet niggers, sick fucks.

>> No.1717143
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>> No.1717145
File: 333 KB, 1600x1065, savages3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You want to see racism? Go to Africa.

Niggers are literally slaughtering hundreds of thousands of other niggers for slight perceived genetic/cultural differences.

>> No.1717146

Whoops, srry ment for Op

>> No.1717149

Egypt is filled with sand niggers. Mars is empty.

>> No.1717152

And finally politics or rather with great power comes great responsibility(which nobody follows), my favourite subject.

-Leave the third worlders alone so that: their corrupted political leaders can eat up all the money, Russia can eat Ukraine, they immigrate to our countries, causing conflicting problems and a major identity crisis.
-Leave the fourth worlders so they can suffer and become spastic obnoxious bombing retards, instead of just offering them a peaceful death.
They key word being leaving/quit/not giving a fuck. Pretty much the most irresponsible thing you can do is to leave matters in their own incapable hands.

Oh this one is my absolute favourite.
Letting children to beat the living shit out of each other in elementary school while the pseudo-intellectual teacher is doing her manicure. Thus creating this subjective power over cowards mentality where the bully enjoys more to give his enemies stockholm syndrome and passive aggressiveness rather than ending it all properly.
What's amazing is how this elementary school mentality manages to apply in the adult world, where an adult feels compelled to live in denial and pretend he's grown up, when in fact he's the same retarded child as before except even more dishonest. Basically communism in a nutshell.

And another one which is equally my favourite
Letting anyone be president, no matter their education and professionalism in the matter. Letting a bunch of college-less under 100IQ idiots who never studied economy, history, culture, common sense be responsible for ruling over millions of people and the future of humanity as we know it.

Who thought to let them unsupervised Just letting every careless shmuck rule the world? There should be no such thing as an uneducated president.

Same problem with letting every retarded teen couple in charge of bringing new life into this world.
And then the retards pretending to step in and fix the problem, which do it exactly like our moderators on every forum.

>> No.1717157

For fuck's sake it's like we're still living in tribes where they injure each other for made-up bullshit, believe in ghosts and aren't capable of building a fence so the panthers stop eating them in their sleep.

I was expecting beyond the 19th century that we will grow more serious and responsible with our future as a planet, not just as a country.

>> No.1717219

We are having much better luck with the robots than we ever did with Africans.

>we need food and water, we are starving
>ok, here take this money since we are good Christians
>we need more because now I have 6 kids and their starving

Gates has been over there for a decade now wasting billions and what does he have to show for it? He cured some people of malaria so they too could have 6 kids who now also have malaria.

>> No.1717228

By taking into account you pic, Why the fuck is our food so expensive in the netherlands??? What the actual fuck

>> No.1717422

because other countries will pay more so you have to compete with that price

>> No.1717426

the pork industry is a prime example. some English farmers sell pork to china because they get more money than selling in the UK. if a UK buyer wants to buy the premium pork they have to pay the same as the Chinese or more.

>> No.1717429

I don't think anyone would argue that the human race is fucking stupid and a giant failure in general

>> No.1717432
File: 59 KB, 580x822, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1717434

Big money in oil.
I doubt any money in sending water to Africans

>> No.1717449
File: 184 KB, 960x720, 1480867153372.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> with great power comes great responsibility
That is just a movie cliche. You can have power and not be responsible for a lot of things. You have to pay attention to the most important things to keep power.

>> No.1717454

Perhaps if the corrupt, retarded third worlders we keep giving billions of dollars to annually prioritized things like water purification and sanitation over stupid vanity projects like nuclear arsenals and space exploration this wouldn't be an issue.

>> No.1717457

If you're a tax payer then you've given aid to the third world.

>> No.1717461

African population growth is completely out of control. Lefties want to accelerate this. Are they stupid or blind?

>> No.1717462

>African population growth is completely out of control. Lefties want to accelerate this.

Liberals like to breed niggers out in the desert and then leave them to starve and murder each other.

It makes facebook liberal activists feel good about to breed pet niggers.

>> No.1717473


Only correct answer.

Counter-intuitively, letting them starve and perish is statistically the most humane solution, until their population stabilizes at a sustainable level.

>> No.1717474


> Niggers can't come up with irrigation solutions that the rest of humanity was able to accomplish 3000 years ago
> We should therefore halt all technological advancement until they're caught up

Sounds logical

>> No.1717482

Water can't be replenished or charged from an aquifer fast enough to make a pipeline an efficient or cheap way to transport water.

>> No.1717574

Love you netherlands

>> No.1717610

Sad true ;-;

This is not a point at all

The oppressed oppress themselves by neither emigrating nor leaving. Reverse racism is just the plain notion that they blame others for things those people have no responsibility for

>> No.1717636


> 80 billion in dutch cheese exports.

Goat cheese isn't that great...

>> No.1717637
File: 22 KB, 367x370, 1435519531421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Came here to post this. Thanks anon, I was able to reply to you in .1 second.

It just comes down to the simple fact that a lot of people ignore the true order of the world. There will always be a group that is taken advantage of/exploited. It's called the food chain. You have no problem accepting this fact when it refers to other animals but when it's humans? Oh noooo save da children. Boo fuckin hoo

>> No.1717644

>Reverse racism

"reverse racism" is a term made up by racists in an attempt to justify their own bigotry & racism.

>> No.1717714
File: 49 KB, 556x508, Successful2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Listen kid, this is flat out wrong. The real world doesn't work like how it is in your picture. This kind of bait is more for /pol/.

I am a businessman. I make decisions.

For example, an oil pipeline will make me lots of money if I invest in it.

A water pipeline will not. Time after time, I will invest in the one that makes me money.

It makes sense for the government (be it a first-world country) to invest in outer space rather than water programs in some third world shit-hole that will not benefit said government in anyways.

Refuted 100%. This is why you are not successful and why /biz/ is the smartest board of them all.

>> No.1717718


Capitalism does not care about needs. If capitalism was about needs, water would be $1175 and ounce and gold would be a nickel an ounce. Scarcity matters. Not necessity.

>> No.1717734

This guy knows what's up.

>> No.1717802

Pick one faggot.

>> No.1717805


>> No.1717859
File: 358 KB, 498x278, 1478287105281.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i imagine humanity on earth like a mold or fungus, rapidly spreading in a petri dish. large portions of it die and wither away in the expansion, but overall it continues expanding rapidly until the inevitable conclusion

>> No.1718069


>> No.1718569

>Pseudo-intellectuals wanting their cake and eating it too

I bet this fucker would be the first one screaming 'Imperialism' and 'exploitation' the second we step in to fix the 3rd world.

And you obviously haven't been in any leadership position if you think iq and education is all that it takes to make a good leader.

>> No.1718578

Third worlders have children even though they know the child's life will be shit. I have no sympathy for them.

>> No.1718603
File: 91 KB, 585x270, rush .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>one is a privately owned resource, handled by private corporations, following their own self-interests
>the other is managed by incompetent world governments that can't even manage pipes in Flint properly knowing they won't be prosecuted for their mistakes

Wow I wonder why

>> No.1718631

poor countries have tyrannical regimes we can't do much about, we spent trillions on Iraq and Afghanistan and accomplished nothing, whereas we can spend a few million sending a robot to mars

science has reduced poverty the most, so spending on science can help to this end

it is up to debate whether your purpose in life should be to expend every ounce of effort and all your surplus money helping the poor

also why are you scolding us and not rich people spending on lamborghinis who would be a priority

>> No.1718657

>It makes sense for the government (be it a first-world country) to invest in outer space rather than water programs in some third world shit-hole that will not benefit said government in anyways
How does searching for water on Mars help the government?

>> No.1718659


>> No.1718668

>how will it benefit the government to defend our nation's right to access space and ability of our companies to extract natural resources abroad before other countries

I'm a Friedmanite free marketeer, but c'mon man NASA helps us.

>> No.1718670

Mars robots are not looking for water as a resource, and the money spent on it will be returned manifold.

We don't need to figure out how to get it where it's needed, we already know. The problem is a lack of resources and political will.

Oil supply has its own problems, but we don't even use a tenth of what we use in water per capita. It's also a completely different resource, you might as well compare water to mercury; just because both are liquids doesn't mean you can compare them.

>> No.1718681

>how will it benefit the government to defend our nation's right to access space and ability of our companies to extract natural resources abroad before other countries
I get the idea of extracting natural resources from other planets, but shouldn't the government not focus on water and focus on more valuable resources ?

>> No.1718703

>why are you scolding us and not rich people spending on lamborghinis who would be a priority
Oh yeah, because they deserve scorn for having money.
Why don't you have a nice big pile of go fuck yourself.

>> No.1718769

It'd be critical to find a domestic supply of water in order to have sustainable colonization, wouldn't it? As the meme suggests, there are even places on Earth we can't get Earth-based water to, much less getting it all the way to Mars.

Most people who support looking for water are a bunch of neckbeard scientists jerking off to the idea of life on another planet, but there are legitimate pro-business reasons to look for it I guess.

>> No.1718884

>third world's problems
>the first world's responsibility

>> No.1718908

I guess. But that is a big if. No human has been to Mars. I think they are pushing the ball

>> No.1718992

First of all, humanity can't and won't retard technological progress until every single person in the world is fed.

Second of all, there's actually incentives for investing on oil pipelines. Most money invested in Africa ends up being wasted in the long run since the infrastructure built there isn't even used by the natives.

Someone post that webm with the chinese guy.

>> No.1719002
File: 44 KB, 640x519, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1719013

water pipelines are a thing, and water wars are also a thing just like oil wars are, poor people who get dehydrated to death are just poor

>> No.1719019

>all these retards think theyre trying to find water on mars so they can mine it

it's scientific research you loons

the money nasa makes is off all the patents for the shit they do along the way

>> No.1719087


>> No.1719208

OP is the one scolding people not me

I'm just saying IF you are going to scold someone for not spending money on good causes it would be rich people first

>> No.1719709

I didn't claim you were scolding anyone, but the fact you think it's a priority to scold someone who buys a Lambo shows you have the thought process of a teenager.
What, if rich people were doing the right thing, they would be poor? (and safe from your criticism)
Guess who gives more to charity, rich people or poor people?

>> No.1719744


You just blow in from stupid town?

Humanity is focused on biology.. AND technology. You can have different specialists existing on earth simultaneously. Just because we're biological doesn't mean it's easier to make biological breakthroughs. Technology is man made and well understood, so the rate of progress is faster.

>> No.1719802

Surely they would have a poor lifestyle and a rich income, but this is neither here nor there anyway since I am playing devil's advocate for OP.

>> No.1719884

So what you're really saying is that everyone should live a poor lifestyle, regardless of income.
Otherwise, they deserve to be shit upon.
Good to know.

>> No.1720106

Europe came out of the hole by themselves.

China literally needed a tyrannic dictatorship for decades before they were capable of developing capitalism and some sort of respect for private property.

Africa needs warlords, Africa needs to be left alone, Africa will come out of the hole but I'm sorry, it's not going to happen any time soon. At least they can copy others now and catch up faster.

>> No.1720126


Poor people doesn't matter because they don't produce anything, it's easier to took all their resources (Gold, Diamonds) and let people starve to death or die young.

They aren't productive and they don't improve as we did on Europe.

>> No.1720319

>technological advancement
>positive externalities generated by said new technologies that would have been too unprofitable for most private corporations to pursue
>(idealistic) future access and de facto claims to planet

>> No.1721149

>water is most needed in shitty African countries
>shitty African countries are controlled by dictators and warlords
>dictators and warlords will demolish hydrostructures in their quest for control

>> No.1721152
File: 2.47 MB, 640x360, EmpireofDust.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>someone post that webm with the chinese guy

here you gofam

>> No.1721154
File: 24 KB, 400x400, vd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1721280

Who's gonna pay for those pipes?

>> No.1721282

We are America, we spend our money on exploring the galaxy because that's what we do. This is the real question:

Why can't African niggers figure out how to get water? Can't they see that their own country is so shitty? Why is it the duty of America to help black people? That makes absolutely zero sense. Are you seriously implying that black people can't even feed themselves without the help of white America? You racist fuck. Black people are equal in every way to white people, we figured out how to solve our food/water problem so they are just as capable as doing it themselves. If you don't agree you are racist, plain and simple. Part of the problem is caused by all this "aid" white countries are sending African countries. Farmers and local craftsman cannot compete against all this free shit that is flooding the market. This destroys the economy and doesn't allow businessmen to start the positive feedback loop to raise the country's GDP. These black dictators and the organizations they work with are incentivized to keep the country shitty and keep the public a perception of these countries as filled with a bunch of helpless babies living in mud huts, and OP's pic just re-enforces this lie that black africas are filthy casement that can't help themselves.

>> No.1721357

African Economist Dambisa Moyo has a really great book on this topic: Dead Aid explains how much harm western charities have done in Africa.

>> No.1721369

>what is nuance
I can think of several Indian reserves going without water in both the US and Canada, its third world conditions in first world

>> No.1721415
File: 244 KB, 319x415, Kaldur'ahm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Every butthurt neet can't accept some simple to understand ideas which would actually be good we started from somewhere.
>Everyone is too dishonest to simply tell him that his writing style and presentation is shit, that's why everyone disagrees with him despite his concepts being common sensical enough to be agreeable by anyone intelligent, responsible and not a lazy contradicting retard who hates anything which isn't degeneracy.
/biz/ once again confirmed for worst place on the internet.

>> No.1721427

Niggers should stop fucking so much in a place with no water
I'm not going to put my work and money in fixing their self-made problems

>> No.1721434

They're called wells you babbling ass

>> No.1721688

>what is a depleted aquifer

>> No.1721708

Moronic fake problem.

Humans, through history, would not live where there was no access to water. Why do they do it now?

>> No.1721718


We have a finite source of water. To take water to those areas without we must pipeline it from somewhere there is already water, and where there's fresh water, usually it is already inhabited by people and wildlife. In Africa or the Middle east's case oftentimes that water can even be in a different country. Why the fuck should Uganda give up water so Sudan can have some?

>> No.1722165

What would the world be like if we had a full ashkenazi population?

>> No.1723215

Greed is short sighted.

>> No.1723220

The neoliberal philosophy will bring about demise. What the future holds for Africa: Islam.

>> No.1723262

the kid in the picture obviously has water. just look at the big ass jug on her head!

>> No.1723273

Damn son you woke as fuck

>> No.1723331

This term means anything from Hillary Clinton to Augusto Pinochet. If anything, the "neoliberal" revolutions of the 80s and 90s saved millions of people from starvation under inefficient collectivism.

But yeah, Naomi Klein Zeitgeist Chomsky to you too

>> No.1723352

Why does the chinese guy look so fucking smug in his natural resting state and why is the black guy literally shaking?