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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 280 KB, 1195x606, C8EC2B3F-361B-419A-A787-31CB3473CB3F.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17155280 No.17155280 [Reply] [Original]

This shit is going to be the biggest financial black swan in the past 100 years

>> No.17155296

nothing ever happens. just another flu. don't you feel sleepy anon? I'm going to sleep now

>> No.17155310

Because it doesn’t do ANYTHING

>> No.17155374
File: 30 KB, 414x299, CD286F0A-F955-411E-909D-B44B75E9F662.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just the flu bros
>just fucks your immune system permanently and kills you 20% of the time
>extremely virulent and contagious

>> No.17155394

theres no conspiracy.. it's just a nothingburger like everything else

>> No.17155417

>it's just a flu bro

china Internet army is going around saying it

>> No.17155430

>This shit is going to be the biggest financial black swan in the past 100 years
Zoomers first outbreak

>> No.17156068

it's just some flu in china anon. it's half a world away! you're tired, go back to sleep.

>> No.17156737

The number of shills is terrifying me.

>> No.17156750


There is nothing to fear. Rest is good for you.

>> No.17156751

The chicoms are doing damage control

>> No.17156762
File: 476 KB, 786x719, 1561593065983.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>half the population number of the US is currently quarentined in China
>it's just a flu bro
动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

>> No.17156811
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is this ironically or unironically bullish for link?

>> No.17156820
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I hope we're able to get through this. It seems to be spreading at a much faster rate than any of the previous flu's.

Also the # of death cases may be much much higher, like 30,000 deaths vs 800 deaths (what the news tells us)

>> No.17156838

Every dead chink is a golden bull run in my book

>> No.17156850


Ok. I dont really care. Why would you even wish such a curse? The racism is obvious here...

>> No.17156867

>Coronavirus kills 700+, causing panic
>Flu kills 10k in the US, no one cares

I hate stupidity

>> No.17156870


>30,000 deaths
Just a drop in the yellow ocean. Literally nothing.

>> No.17156920

the flu has been around for centuries and is well established in our society with millions and millions of people infected.

coronavirus has been around for 3+ months?

When you compare them from day 0, coronavirus starts looking a bit scarier.

>> No.17156940

it's nothing bad chinese have everyhting under control flu kill more people

>> No.17156955

Your chart is just tinfoil hat /pol/ tier bullshit
>CDC estimates that so far this season there have been at least 22 million flu illnesses, 210,000 hospitalizations and 12,000 deaths from flu.
There's even speculation that the flu could even be the primary cause of 15x the amount of reported flu deaths

No it doesn't. The estimates of flu deaths are well below the actual amounts of people the flu kills, because it isn't always reported properly. The only reason why people fear coronavirus more is not because it's more deadly, but because it's new (and also it's in the news every other day)

>> No.17156969

it's the fact that if 30,000 people may have died within the span of 3 months - imagine how many people may die within the next year if they virus keeps spreading?

also the impact on the global economy will be huge - it's already starting. there are factories in china shutting down and unable to manufacture goods because they aren't able to source parts for their products

>> No.17156973

Chinks aren’t people

>> No.17157013

I bought some shares in a Chinese company that produces copper and similar stuff.
It immediately dropped from over 0.3HKD to less than 0.1HKD a share when Corona became a thing. I bought in at well under that.
I can't decide on if I'm gonna try to sell it for 10-20% gains next week or hodl until it returns to pre-Corona prices.
There's definitely potential but I'm a pussy so I just invested a bit.

>> No.17157024

What stocks should I invest in If I’m looking to profit off this?

>> No.17157040

how much of a brainlet can you be to think its comparable in that way

If corona would be as widespread as the flu, then you could compare the numbers, do you think it would only be 10k if all of the US would have contracted it? flu mortality rate is 0.05%, even if corona's rate were only 2% its 40k alone, in wuhan rate is 5% so were already at 100k

>> No.17157041

Imagine buying link for 0,01 cents

>> No.17157054

>pneumonia, digestive shutdown, asymptomatic for two weeks prior
>chink holocaust
>90% of exports of China freezed due to quarantines
>"just a flu bro"

>> No.17157074

>Your chart is just tinfoil hat /pol/ tier bullshit
Soo 100% legit? understood. good talk, I assume you believe the CCP numbers like everyone else

>> No.17157093

T. Retard that doesn’t understand mortality rates
The flu kills roughly 0.05% of people that contract it, according to the likely inaccurate numbers the Chinese have released corona kills 2%
If it were to become a pandemic in America it’d kill way more people than the flu

>> No.17157111

>go to stock broker
>choose China and Hong Kong
>look through stocks until you find something on Corona sale
Some stocks are already back at their pre-Corona price. You obviously shouldn't invest in those.

>> No.17157170

What a paragraph of unsubstantiated drivel.

>> No.17157175
File: 516 KB, 2000x1333, guo-wengui.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy (Guo Wengui) says there are actually 2 million confirmed cases and 50,000 + deaths.


>> No.17157200

Fucking zoomers, no one will care about the Chinavirus in 3-6months.

>> No.17157217

Definitely a once in a life time event, China (CCP) could collapse. Short the DAX, Nikkei and any other economies that *heavily* rely on Chinas exports.

>> No.17157225
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>what is exponential growth


>> No.17157238

Do you have the full chink basedboy pic?

>> No.17157249

It's not so much the virus itself (Unless it really is a bioweapon) but China's reaction to it. They're risking economic collapse right now because of this.

>> No.17157252

everyone is sleep walking into this. Boomers are too busy squabbling over petty garbage to understand this is an endgame scenario for humanity

>> No.17157256

chinks getting punished for eating anything and everything that moves, and it's still only 2% fatality rate. Wish it was like 50%

>> No.17157262

Not individual stocks but equity indices.
Short US tech 100, DAX 30, NKY225. Long silver, gold, USD/EUR and possibly bitcoin. If you're insistent on shorting stocks, Alibaba is an easy bet. Keep away from other Chinese assets, including RMB.

>> No.17157275

i really hope it isn't my life is just getting start

>> No.17157305


>> No.17157310
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Coronavirus is unironically gonna send crypto to the moon. It already is.

>> No.17157451
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>> No.17157465
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>> No.17157473

he has a pretty good track record, predicted many things over the past few years

>> No.17157510


This. Imagine feeling pity for these people. They were selling skinned dogs at the market in Wuhan for christ sake.

>> No.17157512

what has he predicted?

>> No.17157539
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If you're white this is just a common cold to walk off. Chinks getting justed.
Probably according to someone's plan.

>> No.17157545


You are pushing a one-side narrative and stoking fear. Just get a good night's rest and you will feel better tomorrow.

>> No.17157603

he predicted that Ma would resign, hand over his shares to unnamed individuals, and further predicted that Ma would be gone a year after stepping down.

he also made some predictions about the chinese government that came true a few years ago (forgot exactly what)

>> No.17157627

agreed. link is finally starting to moon and now we get bumfucked by some wuhan virus?

>> No.17158069

Why are you believing random twitter posts and literally bullshit conspiracies over official numbers, it because your edgy and want it to be more serious than it is, perhaps?

>> No.17158139


>> No.17158409

The official numbers are the real numbers anon. According to the World Health Organization, the numbers China is putting forward may even be over exaggerated. Are you getting enough rest? Sleep deprivation is known to cause elevated cortisol levels and anxiety.

>> No.17158858
File: 106 KB, 626x1024, 62E7C219-8B58-4B04-94B7-32CF371648C6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope everyone realizes that these are literally paid shills


>> No.17159171


We aren't shills but friends. We are trying to help you see.

>> No.17159233

Why don't you take a little nap anon? Things will look much brighter tomorrow.

>> No.17159245

Even if Coronavirus doesn't end up being the next bubonic plague or Spanish Flu, how can you not think this will have an absolutely devastating effect on China's economy, and maybe the world economy as well?

>> No.17159253


can domino effect and create other issues

>> No.17159257
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It's just the flu, get in the box


>> No.17159283

Based chinese government putting infected people in the magic instant healing chamber! That's why the chinese are such known humanitarians!

So glad everything is going to be all right!
>over official numbers
>official numbers are the real numbers anon
Oh yes, you are right! Why would the Chinese Communist Party ever lie?

>> No.17159301
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Factories are staying closed, Foxconn is staying closed! Not just supply chains are getting fucked, the entire world's economy is essentially all an overdrawn equity bet on continued growth, and allot of those bets are on China. Shit will be hitting the fan soon.

>> No.17159852

How long can they keep the markets propped up?

>> No.17159868


The markets are continuing to run as they always do.

>> No.17159978

This virus one of the signs that CRAB-17 is ending.

>> No.17160090

30,000 dead chinks isn’t even a blip on the radar

>> No.17160307

I'm a boomer and never in my life I heard someone dying from a flu

>> No.17160320

Why did my 3m drop

>> No.17160416

First google result
>CDC estimates that influenza has resulted in between 9 million – 45 million illnesses, between 140,000 – 810,000 hospitalizations and between 12,000 – 61,000 deaths annually since 2010.

>> No.17160450

Wikipedia doesn't mean real life. Do you personally know anyone who died from a flu?
Cancer is the main reason of death and I unfortunately know people who died from cancer.
These influenza deaths are probably elderly people who died for a sum of many factors (flu included), mostly because they are just old

>> No.17160465

Ah, I thought you meant that influenza doesn't kill people.

>> No.17160490

>Do you personally know anyone who died from a flu
not really an argument
how many people do you know, personally? 100? 200?

>> No.17160542

I still believe influenza doesn't kill people. I think it could be called a concurrent cause, rather than a main cause of death. If you have other problem it may be the straw that broke the donkey's back as britons say

>> No.17160552

Not personally, also on the newspaper, on the obituary, on the internet, on television
Have you aver opened a wikipedia page and read of someone who died from flu?

>> No.17160577

Good thing we all got protection from corona virus with our generic vaccine (measles, mumps, rubella), r-right anons? R-right????

>> No.17160598

It won’t be “from flu”. It’ll be pneumonia.

>> No.17160611

You must the absolutely newest of literal faggots to not get the tired and going to bed meme.

Fucking hate yourself.

>> No.17160612

i dont think so, there are other many countries that we can outsource almost everything. Except electronics, expect a rise

>> No.17160623
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>japan at the end of the webm is almost exactly where china was at the start

>> No.17160640
File: 1.95 MB, 256x143, apes.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol look at this-
‘We’re definitely not prepared’: Africa braces for new coronavirus

>> No.17160642

Wuhan's air pollution has caused its inhabitants to have shit lungs and shit immune system

>> No.17160683

For now. CCP may do all they can to keep it going normally through QE and maybe asset forfeiture if that works.

>> No.17160797

Coronavirus infects through ACE2 receptors. They're higher in men and Asian men have the absolute most...
so if it does get bad, if you're not Asian you should be relatively better off.

there's heart medication that might work? What exactly does an inhibitor do?
2004 study: https://www.ahajournals.org/doi/10.1161/01.HYP.0000146120.29648.36
> identified N-(2-aminoethyl)-1 aziridine-ethanamine as a novel ACE2 inhibitor that also is effective in blocking the SARS coronavirus spike

if you believe in holistic medicine it wouldn't be a bad time to get a diffuser, some essential oils that act as antivirals and some rosemary (also an antiviral).

>> No.17161038

damn can you spread coronavirus from "dancing" like that?

>> No.17161087
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They got scared of immutable air quality data stored on BSV

>> No.17161161
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LOL the innocent Chinese flu is LITERALLY NOTHING to worry about. Just go to sleep already. Ah geez, anyone else getting really sleepy? Boy am I tired! Think I'll call it a night and log off.

>> No.17161191

Can't wait for the impending collapse of the Sanghai index. It will be pretty soon.

>> No.17161263
File: 162 KB, 847x793, 1563622259994.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just placed an order to market sell all my AMD and am going into gold (actually XAUT) and crypto. Hopefully the trade war followed by corona can burst this bubble. Hopefully it'll be messy.

>> No.17161342

What should be expected afterward son the ground level in China or other countries?

>> No.17161453

Suppose we all agree that China is bullshitting about the severity of the virus. Wouldn't the cases outside the country allow the rest of the world to study it and confirm or contradict their official statements? If it were actually that bad other countries would know by now.

>> No.17161504


What do you mean? Factories haven't been working and likely won't get back to work till later this month.

Maybe, but why would the rest of the world want to cause global panic? All that would do is just tank the market.

>> No.17161517

I was talking to my Dad about it and he said there was an issue with China's reporting, which is that the corona virus weakens people and makes them more likely to die from other diseases, and that when that happens China records the death as being due to this other disease, not corona, even though the person would almost certainly still be alive if they didn't get corona.

>> No.17161523

read what happened during SARS. Chinese health ministers were fired for inaccurate estimates. if coronavirus is underrpoted it's because of the fog of war / inadequate public health systems and because patients don't know if they have the disease, not
>muh conspiracy

>> No.17161535

not if you are European , its been 16 days since the german who took 2 sickdays for it and the 13 days since the 2 anglo aussies have tested as non infecteous. no europeans descent people have died let alone experienced much more then the flu from it.

>> No.17161567

I know people near wuhan, about 300 miles away. They said it’s serious but nothing like the media is portraying it to be. Hope that makes you feel a lil better as I’m unironically not larping.

>> No.17161571

There's really three mortality rates at play: the optimistic bullshit pushed by the CCP (2%), the realistic number for Chinese citizens with shitty collapsing healthcare (10%? 20%? 50?), and the realistic number for functioning first world/smog-free medical care (1-10%?).

If it's three weeks from first contact to final resolution (recovery or death), then a statistically significant measurement for that last number is still a week or two off.

Keep an eye on the plague ships imo.

>> No.17161625

Organ harvesting and trafficking. FUCK CHINA and the CCP.

>> No.17161640

For real. If something like this tanks the very market in the world it’s just GG for me nothing I can do to control shit like that

>> No.17161975

After the Shanghai Index collapses. China gets a market crash and their electronic hardware production's down the drain. Isn't that going to cause a bit of chaos?

>> No.17162405

Man I sure hope this thing doesn't sweep through and decimate the populations in Africa and India too, that would be terrible

>> No.17162421


>> No.17162506
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>> No.17163193

Better to let the market crash unexpectedly than cause it. At least then people can go on living their lives for as long as they can.

>> No.17163616

98% of biz are chinese shills
who could have guessed

>> No.17163694

funny, because you are a stupid fucking retard.

>> No.17163917

It's because it's literally the biggest event of the 21th century, even if China supply lines shut down for 3 months that will be enough to send the world gdp growth into the negative harder than 2008.

Not to mention fuck commodities prices massively.

>> No.17163967

Not even shills. We live in a world where any mobile normie knows about 4chan. There are far more retarded faggots on the internet now. That is what really concerns me.

>> No.17163976

The cases outside are few but show a death rate of 3% this shit is incredibly infectious even people that never went to China in France have catched this shit.

This is why it's a black swan event it spreads even under quarantine and the kill ratio being little helps it to spread.

Mind you 3% it's pretty big but it's in that goldilocks zone of not killing too much to keep spreading and killing enough to cause chaos.

>> No.17163997


This. It’s time go to bed and this is nothing serious anyway plus I can’t stop yawning. Yep, time to shut down the computer and have a nice long sleep.

>> No.17164021
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I wonder how many problematic people in china will seemingly get coronavirus and die? The mortality seems quite high there.
I wonder how many other incidents are being falsely reported as coronavirus deaths?

>> No.17164032

Then why are equities at an all time high?

>> No.17164163

>tfw hapa
how fucked am I

this looks like some shit out of GTA. I remember many years ago there was one video going around where some little girl got hit and ran over by the front wheel of a truck, and the driver paused for a bit and then, instead of getting out of the truck and trying to get an ambulance or something, decided to keep going and ran her over with the rear wheel too. People were hella mad about it but then a week later some other thing happened and everyone forgot

>> No.17164327

There were estimates ranging from it already having cost china $60 billion to $150 billion and that was over a week ago. Who knows what it could hit, all depends on how long it shuts them down.

There'll be estimates especially as we get to a full quarter dealing with this shit, but that won't come out from china.

Rather it'll be china-heavy companies in the US. They'll take a hit and investors will demand reasons.

I doubt there can be a good estimate of the economic impact because there's too much under-reporting and fudging of numbers. China is printing more money which is dropping the value of the yen. Various companies that depended on China for goods will be moving their factories or taking other options. There is also the fact that this broke out during China's equivalent of Christmas. Needless to say it's gonna hit them pretty hard and the aftermath will also be hideous.

>> No.17164453

>coronavirus: spreading rapidly, causing huge economic disruption
>global markets: up 1% for 59th day in a row
t b h it looks like nobody important gives a fuck

>> No.17164578

Because the monetary base is growing

>> No.17165332
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Even the Spanish Flu didn't tank the market to the point that it couldn't recover a few years later for the roaring 20's.


>> No.17165832

This is going to be the biggest happening since WW2

Governments are lying

>> No.17165858

except for when the chinese just print enough fiat to make up for it.

>> No.17165871

They won’t be able to print enough to replace their entire economy

For fucks sake forget about the economy, there’s going to be a REVOLUTION in China

>> No.17166015

its now est to be 400m. so more than US pop.

>> No.17166063

That's because you don't "die from the flu," you die due to complications stemming from getting the flu.

>> No.17166095

how might this outbreak effect the bitcoin hashing power?

what bugs me about it is that it might be an engineered bio weapon. everyone is saying it only effects asians but this shit mutates...

>> No.17166113

Guo Wengui just said that Xi is dead and that the CCP will collapse. Ive seen some batshit crazy things in my time but thats next level absurdity, who does that guy think he is?

>> No.17166139

it will flatline hashing power while normally that would be bearish it's bullish as fuck due to the halving.
It means that miners will experience a new floor after the halving but they will be able to speculate what the new high will be due to the lack of need to upgrade asics.

>> No.17166153

Even if everyone was cured and back to work today they supply chain backlog is already staggering and will take months to years to recalibrate.

>> No.17166166

Link is a premined shittoken that solves nothing.

>> No.17166168

Yeah shady companies will take this opportunity to fuck over their investors and partners using corona virus as an excuse

>> No.17166180

Imagine being this retarded. What shittokens do you hold?

>> No.17166209

Disgusting fuckers who can't figure out how to wash their motherfucking hands killed us all

Not washing your hands should be a death sentence

>> No.17166216

Niggers smell

>> No.17166234

>all those incinerated bodies producing massive clouds of organic particles identified and forever stored on Bitcoin

Communism sucks

>> No.17166266

Yes goyim lets shut down a giant portion of the country and risk total collapse economic collapse for a virus that’s not a big deal and less potent than the flu.

>> No.17166429

In China, the liability of the driver for fatal car-pedestrian accidents is a lot less than for non-fatal car-pedestrian accidents.

>> No.17166443

same. but maybe this endgame IS the beginning of our lives anon.

>> No.17166473

it's china. they'll just open more factories. they have endless supply of people
but to op yeah i would be ecstatic if the infection are actually increasing but it's decreasing so it's another nothing ever happens maybe in another country it would spread but china lock that shit down

>> No.17166506

Yes, everyone will work from home and all paper and coinage will be too risky to use because of potential disease spread.

>> No.17166511

>400 million people are on lockdown because of flu season

>> No.17166530

How the fuck is this not spreading like wildfire through india?

>> No.17166542

I don't buy this shit. This sounds like China trying to downplay it

>> No.17167244
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Today is the week in which the golden bullrun starts.

>> No.17167252

As the news of this shit spread the marekts will panic and QE4 will pump crypto to the moon.

>> No.17167325
File: 35 KB, 462x571, 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chinks control most of the hashpower, your neet tokens aren't worth jack without them. if they die you need to go get a real job

>> No.17167475

their testing labs are at capacity so they can only increase the number of cases at a set rate at this point

>> No.17167485

checked and agreedpilled

>> No.17167522

400,000 die a year from malaria. Stop being sheep. This is nothing.

>> No.17167554

He said nothing about wishing it. Also nothing racist.

>> No.17167556

im crying right now, i had waves and link, paniksold them

>> No.17167573

Shut the fuck up idiot, have you taken a math class before? Exponential growth is extremely massive, so massive our monkey brains can’t wrap their heads around it

The reason why everyone is panicking is because it can go from basically no one on the planet to everyone on the planet in a week. If it does hospitals will be clogged and the death rate will be close to 15% from the FIRST ORDER EFFECTS ALONE

This is literally an end game for globalism

>> No.17167622

yup and there are rumours who gonna announce the real numbers this week, an anon (could be larp though) leaked who infos, scary shit like 400k infected 30k deaths, multiple mutated strains, one of them os estimated to have a deathrate of 68 fucking percent and they dont know which steing is in which coubtry etc.. oh ye incubation period is not 1-2 weeks it actually ranges from 2-3 weeks. if all of this is true imagine an airborn virus with an asymptomatic incubation period of 3 weeks that kills 68% hosts. that shit is designed to kill. and to be almost uncontainable.

>> No.17167630

Remember SARS? Yeah, neither do I.

It’s nothing. Don’t think about it too much.

>> No.17167639

you do realize the chinese will probably retaliate with their own bioweapon if they feel the US did this to them?

>> No.17167687

This. Whether or not the corona virus is serious qua virus is less important to me than what it is going to do to the market.

You can call me when the fed stops printing money tho. That is the real black swan.

>> No.17167698


Already should have killed yourself mongrel.

>> No.17168009

Sooner rather than later they will have to if they want to preserve the value of the dollar. Oil and commodity demand will not increase to match their money printing...the whole system will unwind in that case