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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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17140001 No.17140001 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.17140004


>> No.17140016

the only bitcoin you can buy at 2k will be the fake bitcoin scamforks: bcash, bcash scam vision etc

>> No.17140294

Sorry you missed 4k

>> No.17140298
File: 26 KB, 445x398, 1569608332815.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will use my gay for pay profits to buy Bitcoin.

>> No.17140328

there is a threshold of how low bitcoin will go without "dying", i don't think bitcoin could ever rise from sub 1K, it would demonstrate that there are no demand at all and no one believes in the project.
at 2k bitcoin would more or less stay in the grave.

>> No.17141031


>> No.17141036

Based Zidane

>> No.17141047

BitCoin is only 340 a pop right now. You will have to wait till EOM for 2k

>> No.17141054

whos frenchbro?

>> No.17141081

och you are back

>> No.17141098

a gigantic faggot probably also an sv cuck

>> No.17141116

I see this ugly face I hide the thread

>> No.17141172

He isnt high IQ enough to understand scaling anon

>> No.17141186

I hate this faggot

>> No.17141197

no sv cucks i met or talked to are higher than room temperature. also scaling as needed and going full retard by removing dos protection is not nearly the same.

>> No.17141235

based frenchbro. you kind of look like Ryan Reynolds in this pic. good luck and watch out for the aids virus.

>> No.17141244

What you corecucks don't understand is that the discussion is over. We are simply going to do it while you jerk off about 0.5% gains on your crippled low throughput chain with 0 projects developing on it.
There is no more talking to be done and any interaction between BitCoiners and subhuman smallblockers now are just us enjoying your salt on our 100x sandwich

>> No.17141502

You missed the quads you were going for. So. No, you wont be buying btc for 2k. Sorry fagbro.

>> No.17141564

arab with aids

>> No.17141733

maybe you meant 'I have bought'
it's understandable for an ESL to make past tense grammar mistakes

>> No.17141740

meanwhile you haven't noticed your UTXO is clogged and about to orphan another shitblock

>> No.17141741

is this the face of rekt?

>> No.17142441

>We are simply going to do it
alone? rofl

>> No.17142457
File: 150 KB, 1172x659, yes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17142468

orphan blocks don't matter tho. unless it's a deep reorg. accepting sv tx-es not 100 times confirmed is russian roulette to begin with because theoretically it's fairly easy to do a 100 deep reorg on sv. and if you can short it sufficiently it will be worth your while.

>> No.17142480

so it's true cahsies just can't comprehend what consensus is and why bitcoin is consensus.

>> No.17142575

enjoy those $0.5 fees and unpredictable finality times corecuck

>> No.17142634

$0.5 fees result in several thousand dollar rewards for miners compared to the nonexistent miner rewards on the shitforks. you do know there is a halving coming up and there will be an other. miners need to depend on tx fees more and more but they are unpredictable not stable as subsidy. what you fags don't understand is the small block doesn't mean any arbitrary number just mostly full blocks. could be 10 or 100mb in the future. but it needs to be full so that it has value and is used for actual financial transactions that move value not fucking spam.

>> No.17142671

>you do know there is a halving coming up and there will be an other.
Yea its great. BTC fees will have to be $10+ soon to sustain miners while BSV will scale to millions of micro-tx per block and be magnitudes more profitable for miners

>> No.17142683

>BTC fees will have to be $10+ soon to sustain miners
no they will keep around 0.4 to 0.6 usd

>> No.17142700

also no there is no real adoption that would make it possible to sustain miners in large blocks. if there would be the story could be different. but spam apparently doesn't sustain shit and blockspace in unbound blocks is infinitely cheap.

>> No.17142787

>implying corecuck devs will ever raise blocksize
>implying corecuck devs are making the necessary code optimizations to raise blocksize if they ever wanted to do it

>> No.17142795

>also no there is no real adoption that would make it possible to sustain miners in large blocks
yes because BTC cuckdevs ruined all adoption by not raising to 2mb in 2017 and ostracized any and all businesses who were planning to or already building on BTC

>> No.17142808

why even bother bro, this shitcoin's going to zero in a couple of years
just leverage trade the shit out of it