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17135780 No.17135780 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.17135831

I bet it tastes better than candy

>> No.17135847

id fuck her in the ass

>> No.17135867

Cute and funny

>> No.17135873


>> No.17135884


Too much skin softening on the ass, I’m gonna have to pass on it. Prob got stretch marks or pimples.

>> No.17135915

age sex location

>> No.17136010


>> No.17136023

That’s a big phone

>> No.17136038


>> No.17136046
File: 43 KB, 662x478, 1575544514714.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17136049

Is this another signal to coom?

>> No.17136063

what's her age though?

>> No.17136099


>> No.17136124

So each of her arms are only ~18" long... uhmmm........
definitely underage...

>> No.17136225


I am slightly tired right now (it's 2 o'clock here). Perhaps someone could jump into math.

>> No.17136260

Redpill me on the foot fetish
Why do I, as a man, look directly at her feet in this picture? The foot there made my penis twitch ngl, but the ass? I don't care.

Why is this? Even though I have a foot fetish I believe this to be a problem and unhealthy in many ways. In my mind, the foot itself can be turned into a sexual thing like seeing tits or pussy, so the pornkikes can use this to trick you into finding something attractive that you don't really find attractive. I was browsing /gif/ the other day and noticed some fag was posting edited webms of women with their feet in the camera so you could see the female in the background but closer to the camera were feet, but edited in men's feet or trannies feet (men). This confused my lizard brain and it got me thinking... these porn kikes could easily do this. I've also seen a few ads on tv where, nowadays, they have a shot of feet in the frame. My guess is they do this to sell you the product in the same way they used to use tits or the female mouth sucking something, or lips, etc. If you have a foot fetish the foot becomes like tits or pussy

How do I get over it? Also I've been watching porn every other day since 13 years old and even though I don't believe in bigger government I think they should ban pornography or unironically require ID, so that people (like me at 15) can't allow curiosity to ruin their psyche because they are not adults yet and can't make good decisions for themselves or possibly know the consequences. The porn industry gets away with this for now almost like the government turns a blind eye

Hmm makes me think goodbye

>> No.17136261

How many football fields are that?

>> No.17136303

And a foot can look the same or very similar on a man or woman. If you didn't know it was a male foot and it looked like a good foot then you wouldn't know you wouldn't know you wouldn't care, it's a good foot, so I'm gonna coom. Very homosexual and problematic. But a tranny can't have a pussy and most of the time they can't have good tits. They could have good feet as in feet that look like women's feet and look like good feet but they're a man, very homo, very problematic

Don't fall for the footkike

>> No.17136327
File: 414 KB, 628x719, 1576563830833.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Perversion is a type of human behavior that deviates from that which is understood to be orthodox or normal. Although the term perversion can refer to a variety of forms of deviation, it is most often used to describe sexual behaviors that are considered particularly abnormal, repulsive or obsessive.

>Freud's reading of foot fetishism also involved early imprinting, but he considered the smell of feet significant in this, as well as the foot as penis-symbol/surrogate (castration complex, especially when encountered while voyeuristic exploring the female body from below).[23] Otto Fenichel similarly saw castration fear as significant in foot fetishism, citing a future fetishist who as an adolescent said to himself "You must remember this throughout life – that girls, too, have legs", to protect himself from the fear.[24] Where fear of the (castrated) female body is too great, desire is felt not for shoes on female feet but for women's shoes alone, without women.[25]

>Georges Bataille saw the lure of the feet as linked to their anatomical baseness (abjection).[26]

>The term abjection literally means "the state of being cast off". The term has been explored in post-structuralism as that which inherently disturbs conventional identity and cultural concepts.[1] Among the most popular interpretations of abjection is Julia Kristeva's, pursued particularly in her 1980 work Powers of Horror: An Essay on Abjection.[citation needed] Kristeva describes subjective horror (abjection) as the feeling when an individual experiences, or is confronted by (both mentally and as a body), what Kristeva calls one's "corporeal reality", or a breakdown in the distinction between what is Self and what is Other.[2]

Fucking footjew got me

>> No.17136349

When I make it I am going to get electro shock therapy to cure me of the foot fetish menace

>> No.17136445

>18 in long
Then she's like 4'5"

>> No.17136455

i dont care is shes a man that body is so fuckable

>> No.17136457

wait shit that would be underage

>> No.17136503

what's a janny, urban dictionary says it's a misunderstood nice person, but I've been reading it as a derogatory

>> No.17136518

The 4chan janitor

>> No.17136521

They are very kind. Kind enough to work for free

>> No.17136620

wtf that would be 10 y.o. according to https://www.disabled-world.com/calculators-charts/height-weight-teens.php

are you sure?

>> No.17136662

I used the ratios from my proportions

>> No.17136676

based post

>> No.17136692

how does she even fit through that door

>> No.17136710

People can be short and of age. I knew a girl in high school that was still technically supposed to be in a car seat if you go by height requirements(like 4’11” or something) when she turned 18. She didnt look like a child, so it wasnt a pituitary thing, just a mini 18 year old. Tits and everything. I would have hit it at the time.

>> No.17137254

Source on this beautiful 18+ year old woman?

>> No.17137294

greta thunberg

>> No.17137298

My dick

>> No.17137558

Just short bro.

>> No.17137785

I can only hope.

>> No.17137870

Imagine if she yelled "HOW DARE YOU" while you were banging her from behind, that would be so hot haha

>> No.17137886


>> No.17137907

greta thotberg

>> No.17137946
File: 3.00 MB, 640x532, 1571231724605.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17138232

there is no way that chick in the photo is greta... her vegan leaf eating self would not have such pinchable cheeks they'd be more bleh