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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 24 KB, 640x480, flsbem.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
170749 No.170749 [Reply] [Original]



>> No.170768

Bump for hype

>> No.170797

Finally, a non-shit thread we can all post in.

I've got my computers ready to GPU/CPU mine on amDOGE's pool.

>> No.170805


>> No.170799

Why can't I unpack the wallet?

>> No.170811

pools where

>> No.170818

ok there is a password and this is released with the launch?

>> No.170819

the password is up now

>> No.170813


devs are solo mining the fuck out of it

>> No.170816

Because it hasn't launched yet.

>> No.170817

Unable to connect to wallet RPC service: RPC call did not return 200: HTTP error: 0 - JSON Response: []Unable to connect to wallet RPC service: RPC call did not return 200: HTTP error: 0 - JSON Response: []Unable to connect to wallet RPC service: RPC call did not return 200: HTTP error: 0 - JSON Response: []Unable to connect to wallet RPC service: RPC call did not return 200: HTTP error: 0 - JSON Response: []Unable to connect to wallet RPC service: RPC call did not return 200: HTTP error: 0 - JSON Response: []Unable to connect to wallet RPC service: RPC call did not return 200: HTTP error: 0 - JSON Response: []Unable to connect to wallet RPC service: RPC call did not return 200: HTTP error: 0 - JSON Response: []Unable to connect to wallet RPC service: RPC call did not return 200: HTTP error: 0 - JSON Response: []Unable to connect to wallet RPC service: RPC call did not return 200: HTTP error: 0 - JSON Response: []Unable to connect to wallet RPC service: RPC call did not return 200: HTTP error: 0 - JSON Response: []Unable to connect to wallet RPC service: RPC call did not return 200: HTTP error: 0 - JSON Response: []Unable to connect to wallet RPC service: RPC call did not return 200: HTTP error: 0 - JSON Response: []Unable to connect to wallet RPC service: RPC call did not return 200: HTTP error: 0 - JSON Response: []Unable to connect to wallet RPC service: RPC call did not return 200: HTTP error: 0 - JSON Response: []Unable to connect to wallet RPC service: RPC call did not return 200: HTTP error: 0 - JSON Response: []

>> No.170827

sickening failed launch

>> No.170828

Pool links are in the thread.

>> No.170821

Password = CgZqt0x@

>> No.170822


where nigga

>> No.170824

Is there a pool that actually works?

>> No.170833
File: 2 KB, 499x54, LOL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice scam devs

>> No.170846



>> No.170847

7 fucking minutes since launch. no pools are up.

that's a lifetime in the cryptoworld. those who are solo mining will hold 50% of the coins soon

>> No.170836

in the bitcointalk thread

also >>170821

>> No.170855

none of which are live.

you know what, fuck this.

>> No.170849
File: 97 KB, 640x480, 1393870094059.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

none of them work.

theyre all dead.

this coin is already dead before even launch.

>> No.170850


>> No.170856


>> No.170870

>no premine

>literally 5 minutes after launch
>need to sync 340+ blocks

>> No.170877

>going from one failure back to another

>> No.170875

friendly reminder to go back to pnd

>> No.170887

where the fuck is amDOGE pool

>> No.170881

official pools don't work, What do you recommend?

>> No.170883

pnd had a fair launch

this credits thing is a sham and a scam

>> No.170897


It's finally up.

>> No.170893

No official pools work
Devs solo mined 300 blocks
Others solo mining now
amDOGE isn't working on the pool because he's solo mining

Okay, back to PNDOGE now.

>> No.170909

Okay this is the most fucking infuriating thing ever, we're on the case.


>> No.170911


up now

devs should have released the source a bit early to trustworthy pool owners

>> No.170920

fucking hell even amdoge is more competent than cr devs

>> No.170914




>> No.170916

I'm mining on amDOGE's pool right meow

>> No.170918

jacob pls

>> No.170928

That was a monumental fuck up on our part, I can't believe it's turning out like this. But yeah two pools are up right now.

>> No.170945

Tell us why 418 blocks premined plox

>> No.170946

Getting decent results with my NoVidya 760 at AMdoge's pool

>> No.170943

what the fuck? I'm solo mining but it fucking says 0 hashes a second. What the fuck do I do to fix it?!

>> No.170958
File: 514 KB, 1680x1050, 1393870903529.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>GPU mining on my desktop
>CPU mining on my two laptops
>GPU mining on one of my laptops
>mfw shitty hash rate but still getting on the train

>> No.170961

I may be wrong but you don't need to sync your wallet if there's no blocks.

>> No.170951

Premined? No, those were solomined by a bunch of people at once right as their wallets synced.

>> No.170962

Added conf file. Wallet still not syncing

trying connection lastseen=359408.6hrs
send version message: version 1040000, blocks=0, us=, them=, peer=
trying connection lastseen=359408.6hrs
send version message: version 1040000, blocks=0, us=, them=, peer=
trying connection lastseen=359408.6hrs
send version message: version 1040000, blocks=0, us=, them=, peer=
trying connection lastseen=359408.6hrs
send version message: version 1040000, blocks=0, us=, them=, peer=
connection timeout
trying connection lastseen=82.4hrs

>> No.170967

Wth, network already at 700MH/s????

>> No.170969

How the fuck do I solomine im not getting any fucking hash rate?

>> No.170970

Spare some Creds?

>> No.170974

>difficulty going up to 5
give a laptop brother a break for fucks sake

>> No.170972

At least the blockchain didn't fork immediately.

P smooth launch

>> No.170981

damn, just started mining! did i miss the train?

>> No.170977


Start shilling amDOGE's pool.

Don't let that overkill server go to waste.

>> No.170978

anyone having luck with the included cgminer?

>> No.170988

is amdoge the only pool up?

>> No.170994


>> No.171001

why is there are different miner? i'm harvesting coins with the old on amdoge's pool...

>> No.170995
File: 81 KB, 419x480, laughing tom cruise.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Estimated starting value: 1500-2000 Satoshis (0.000015 - 0.0002 BTC)

If we're lucky.

>> No.170998

Credits-Qt cannot be opened because of a problem.

Check with the developer to make sure Credits-Qt works with this version of OS X. You may need to reinstall the application. Be sure to install any available updates for the application and OS X.

Click Report to see more detailed information and send a report to Apple.


>> No.171003

I know that I had to sync at 1PM

>> No.171008

YOU >>170962

Pls assist

>> No.171005

I'm using the same cgminer I've always used with no problems.

>> No.171009
File: 2 KB, 405x63, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for working pool !amDOGE :^)

>> No.171014
File: 41 KB, 861x570, eGiVwza.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What version of osx do you have?

>> No.171017

Rename it to creditscoin.conf

>> No.171024

amDOGE confirmed for a literal GOD

>> No.171025

10 9 1

>> No.171031


>> No.171034
File: 519 KB, 360x362, Fuuuck2315371.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That feel when mining at a blazing 0.15 MH/s.

>> No.171036

>implying they arent doing it on purpose

>> No.171039

Now I don't get any connections at all

nFileVersion = 1040000
wallet 819ms
Loading addresses...
Loaded 1 addresses from peers.dat 1ms
mapBlockIndex.size() = 1
nBestHeight = 0
setKeyPool.size() = 100
mapWallet.size() = 0
mapAddressBook.size() = 1
Done loading
send version message: version 1040000, blocks=0, us=, them=, peer=
ThreadDNSAddressSeed started
Loading addresses from DNS seeds (could take a while)
ThreadMapPort started
ThreadIRCSeed started
ThreadSocketHandler started
ThreadOpenAddedConnections started
ThreadOpenAddedConnections exited
ThreadOpenConnections started
ThreadMessageHandler started
Flushed 1 addresses to peers.dat 213ms
1 addresses found from DNS seeds
ThreadDNSAddressSeed exited
ipcThread started
trying connection lastseen=82.5hrs
UPnP: ExternalIPAddress =
UPnP Port Mapping successful.
connection timeout
ERROR: GetMyExternalIP() : connection to failed
connection timeout
connection timeout
trying connection lastseen=82.5hrs
connection timeout
ERROR: GetMyExternalIP() : connection to failed
connection timeout
IRC connect failed
IRC waiting 71 seconds to reconnect
GetMyExternalIP() received []
GetMyExternalIP() returned
connection timeout
trying connection lastseen=82.5hrs
connection timeout
trying connection lastseen=82.5hrs
connection timeout
trying connection lastseen=82.5hrs
connection timeout
trying connection lastseen=82.5hrs
connection timeout
trying connection lastseen=82.5hrs
connection timeout
trying connection lastseen=82.5hrs

>> No.171049

Why in the fuck would we intentionally screw up our pools and subsequently our reputation?

>> No.171050


Crashed Thread: 0

Exception Codes: 0x0000000000000002, 0x0000000000000000

Application Specific Information:
dyld: launch, loading dependent libraries

Dyld Error Message:
Library not loaded: /opt/local/lib/db48/libdb_cxx-4.8.dylib
Referenced from: /Applications/Credits-Qt.app/Contents/MacOS/Credits-Qt
Reason: image not found

>> No.171053

Is there even a way to see what config file it loads?

>> No.171056

So I'm new to this mining digital currency thing. I chose one of the starting groups (Batman Beyond in this case) and I'm following the guide to setup the mining bat.

Pic related is what the instructions say to do. Do I use Weblogin.Worker? Or do I need to fill in my username.myworker's name?" And what do I put for the password?

>> No.171057

keep shilling his pool

his pool can handle anything we throw at it

>> No.171055

You need to chill out if you want your coin to succeed.

>> No.171064
File: 10 KB, 699x290, help.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic

>> No.171061


1. set up pool 30 min after launch
2. instamine for yourself meanwhile
3. ???
4. profit

>> No.171068
File: 20 KB, 300x300, sdfasdf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based fucking amDOGE

>> No.171078

just figured it out. The devs included a version of cgminer in their pack that no longer supports GPU mining (asic only, no --scrypt option), and proceeded to pack it up in the 'Mine Credits with GPU' section

fucking retards

>> No.171072


Sucks that most devs who say no premine find someway to instamine.

>> No.171076

Fair enough, my apologies. I'm just a bit confused.

>> No.171081

How many poolworkers does it have?

>> No.171083
File: 7 KB, 578x123, wat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is on amdoges pool
what do

>> No.171084


When the first pool went up there was ~20mh of other people mining. It's not unlikely that 300 blocks could have been mined in that time, although he really should have released the source a bit earlier to pool owners.

>Pool Hashrate: 234 MH/s
>Net Hashrate: 0.23 GH/s

amdoge is literally entire credits

>> No.171087
File: 48 KB, 698x338, Unbenannt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guys, why isnt it working?

>> No.171088

Use amDOGEs pool:

cgminer.exe --scrypt -o stratum+tcp://cr.bamboohouse.info:3336 -O weblogin.workername:workerpw

>> No.171093

Your username or password is wrong iirc

>> No.171096
File: 19 KB, 241x230, 1290353778505.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.171097

>fucking genius

I had to sync 360 blocks when I opened the wallet 1-2 mins after launch..... why

>> No.171098


use an older version of cgminer like 3.6.6

>> No.171102

./cgminer --scrypt -o stratum+tcp://cr.cryptopirates.net:3335 -u Weblogin.Worker -p Worker password

>> No.171103

potential blockchain fork detected

>> No.171104
File: 27 KB, 493x213, 1393871678337.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what happens when pools don't work at launch.

>> No.171111


i'm getting few "Accepted" jobs. Got 1.7 MH/s, kinda looks like when a pool is under ddos.

>> No.171112
File: 55 KB, 383x600, 1345012687737.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posted this in the wrong thread, wanted your guys' opinions too.

Does anyone else ITT think Credits are going to take off because the have a catchy, sci-fi, non "coin" name? It seems like just the kind of thing normalfags would jump on to feel "nerdy," like TBBT or Mario games.

>"credits will be fine, LMAO such a geek XD"

>> No.171115

What is your difficulty?

>> No.171120

where to get in amdoge

>> No.171124

256. can i parameterize this?

>> No.171122

you earned it

>> No.171123

i was always using 3.7.2 before and now it works with this version, thanks

>> No.171125

Honestly its name is the only redeeming factor. Devs have no idea what they are doing.

>> No.171131
File: 40 KB, 404x311, what is wrong with you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not using sgminer

>> No.171132

Yeah that is why you don't get a lot of accepts, but if you run it long enough it all evens out and diff doesn't matter.

>> No.171139
File: 339 KB, 1500x999, imageref2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it has a good chance to catch on.
It looks legit, has a good name, and the only thing negative about it at this point is the slight fuckup on launch.

>> No.171143

>amDoge's pool hashrate
>net hashrate

>> No.171148

k, thx. lets see how this one pans out.

>> No.171150

It sure as hell has more potential than pandacoin

>> No.171155
File: 228 KB, 640x400, 1393104144119.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.171159

How do people get 50k kH/s?

>> No.171163
File: 92 KB, 1229x595, wot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what am i supposed to do?
it won't sync, can't get more than 4 connections and it cuts out every minute

>> No.171164

And we're forked.

>> No.171167

So should I keep mining on amDOGE's pool or switch back to PND?

>> No.171171
File: 9 KB, 635x211, help2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I pasted all that info in and made an account and a worker but when I run the program I get pic related. And then the command prompt closes.

>> No.171177

You have to use 3.7.2. Your version doesn't support SCRYPT

The fork might actually be FUD that I was dumb enough to believe. Looks like it's working

>> No.171181

Also, use amDOGEs pool. cryptopirates steals like 80% of your coins

>> No.171182


nope. :^)

>> No.171187

Yeah, if you're solomining or mining at cryptopirates mine at bamboohouse.

>> No.171192

Nevermind. Believed the FUD

>> No.171194

Jesus christ, use your normal miner instead of that piece of shit.

>> No.171197
File: 8 KB, 831x109, bat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its alot easier if you just make a .bat file like this

Literally just type your info in a text doc, rename the .txt extension to .bat then run it.
Make sure its in the same folder as cgminer.exe.

>> No.171198
File: 184 KB, 1057x123, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw the dev is a fucken scammer who stole all his artwork and instamined the coin

What is up with all these third-worlders creating scamshitcoins and stealing all their artwork?

>> No.171200

>tfw only ¤100 confirmed

>> No.171201


>> No.171204

Nah, everyone instamined at once and this killed the coin.

>> No.171205

same problem, bump

>> No.171211

Wait. You don't even need your wallet right now, only address.

>> No.171217

How do I create a Cryptocoin that just steals people's Doges?

>> No.171224

Those graphics are for sale as an infographic template lol, I can get the link if you want.

>> No.171227

fork dogecoin
replace doge with your coin
replace all the images with litecoin's
replace the coin image with your own coin
add code to steal doge

>> No.171234

where do I put that
./cgminer --scrypt -o stratum+tcp://cr.bamboohouse.info:3336 -u Weblogin.Worker -p Worker password
I create .bat file and run that?

>> No.171241


basically mooncoin

>> No.171235
File: 16 KB, 893x245, ss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a fucking faggot.

>> No.171238

1) Create shitcoin
2) Announce IPO
3) Collect doges
4) ????
5) Profit

>> No.171243
File: 54 KB, 330x330, 1296288489862.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You notice that the 4chan Lady just decided a hour ago to set up a pool for your coin and already runs the shit?

>> No.171244

i'd like it to sync, why should i keep mining if i can't get the damn wallet to work?

>> No.171247

>dredd ool is dead

>> No.171248

holy shit fuck that guy hard
we're trying to bait feminists for money

>> No.171261
File: 8 KB, 733x151, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

amDOGE is banning hecka peeps from her pool

If your username is a known wolong affiliate you are getting banned?

>> No.171263

The real post says "I do appreciate her help though"

>> No.171265

anyone using the linux wallet

>> No.171270

He said "do", not "don't"

>> No.171272

still have to download it. tell me about it.

>> No.171276
File: 1.68 MB, 878x484, zG87HQk.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys, there's a small bug with the mac wallet. You can't select anything unless you drag the bar out of the window, hopefully you can see from this .gif

>> No.171279

Of all the scamcoins, this one and dark coin have the most promise, assuming the devs don't fuck up on their promises.

>> No.171282

>Current block: 1030

At what time was the launch?

>> No.171280

>could not open 'credits-qt'
>The package may be corrupted or you are not allowed to open the file. Check the permissions of the file

>> No.171285

I'm calling it bullshit

>> No.171286

418 was at the very start of the launch BTW

>> No.171287


>> No.171289

hey see >>171163

>> No.171299

>mfw there are already people with 5000+ Cr and here I am with 400

I guess I'll mine as much as I can and buy up cheap Cr when it gets up on the exchanges.

>> No.171292

Hour ago

>> No.171294
File: 17 KB, 797x566, ss (2014-03-03 at 02.11.09).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright. I think I'm pretty much good. I generated an address via the credits client wallet thing. And pasted it into my profile. The command prompt is open, and SOMETHING is happening because my computer is slow, and my worker is "active" but should I mess with the credits client at all? What about this menu?

>> No.171295


download source, compile it. i only use the daemon anyway.

>> No.171296

*schemes intensify*

>> No.171306
File: 64 KB, 358x318, reggieriding.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.171301


But what about the "0% premine"?

>> No.171307

how many credits before i'm rich?

>so i can go back mining mona

>> No.171309

It was instamine

>> No.171310

I couldn't get solomine to work and I only have 5 thanks to amDOGE's pool...

>> No.171311


>> No.171314

Are you new to altcoins? Because you need at least R9 270x to make a profit.

>> No.171315

>8.18821541 (Change in 1 Blocks)

>> No.171318


Mac client does not work at all. Crashes on launch.

Fix your shit.

>> No.171319


Jew know who did this, right?

>> No.171323

I'm new to digital currency as a whole. I guess my 6950 is too shitty to even bother with this?

>> No.171324


Exception Codes: 0x0000000000000002, 0x0000000000000000

Application Specific Information:
dyld: launch, loading dependent libraries

Dyld Error Message:
Library not loaded: /opt/local/lib/db48/libdb_cxx-4.8.dylib
Referenced from: /Volumes/VOLUME/Credits-Qt.app/Contents/MacOS/Credits-Qt
Reason: image not found

>> No.171326
File: 20 KB, 572x555, oc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Santa Credit, look at this OC I just made!

>> No.171332

HD 6950 is bretty good.

Use mining guides from here >>170686

>> No.171335

nigger, think about the kids mining this shit with their 70 KH/s. is it too late for them?

>> No.171336

Nah mate 6950 is gd, unlock shaders

>> No.171339

nice, sent ;)

>> No.171345


it said don't before, I saw it as well

>> No.171353
File: 12 KB, 624x648, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pls send cred 4 OC

>> No.171358


Please spare some credits for a poor man trying to make his way in the world with a half-dead 570?

>> No.171361
File: 90 KB, 850x500, OC2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OC just out of the oven.

>> No.171363


So can you include the needed dependencies so that the client can actually work on OSX?


>> No.171386

what can i buy on the marketplace for 50 credits??

>> No.171392


The waste top of a pen.

>> No.171407

>Not a single tip for both pics

>> No.171410
File: 135 KB, 1280x720, 1363787348361.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wallet finally synced. Thanks for the help guys

>> No.171414

no one mining in pools? are they broken? how do i solo mine?

also OC i made yesterday give credits pls

>> No.171418

I'm not >>171323, but I also have a 6950. I'm mining on amDOGE's pool and apparently it's reporting that I have 329 Kh/s when my miner says I have 406. Should I just wait until more shares are submitted for it to increase or is there a problem? Currently GUIMiner says 186 accepted / 21 stale/invalid

>> No.171421

>no one mining in pools?
amDOGE's pool is working fine.

>> No.171422

Get banned

>> No.171424

Never trust the dashboard.

>> No.171433

Does cpuminer use both cores? Or can I set up two cpuminers for each core?

>> No.171437
File: 31 KB, 1146x551, Untitled1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guess the characters

>> No.171439


apparently i can't post it twice here it is:

>> No.171450

cpuminer uses all cores.

>> No.171454
File: 12 KB, 543x407, grinman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bomberman, Captain Falcon, Zubat, Feels guy

>> No.171461


>> No.171481

I was talking about the batman and jensen "official" pools. can you link me to whatever you're using?

>> No.171482

Where do I dump Credit to get Doge?

>> No.171480
File: 70 KB, 405x348, THanks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.171493

I'll buy 1000 Credits for 500 Doge.

>> No.171497

>tfw don't have 1000 credits

>> No.171501
File: 4 KB, 273x112, download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Friendly reminder that block rewards are going to increase over the next several months.

>Our unique block reward system(FAIR) essentially functions like any other halving system except one key factor. The first period (six months) starts at a 796 block reward and rises by 1000 bi-monthly (every two weeks) to a total of nearly 13,000 after six months; these rising figures average to around ¤6800. This limits early adopter dominance (less Credits for very early adopters who mine for a short period), and subsequently curtails the effects of "Pump N' Dumps".

>> No.171502

how much do you have?

>> No.171503

How much do you have? I'll buy them all. 2Creds per Doge

>> No.171507

welp, fuck this coin

>> No.171537

"oh no it's fair!"

>> No.171536

Hey, looks like we just got listed on an exchange!


>> No.171541

>people asking for 2000 satoshi


>> No.171545

>(less Credits for very early adopters who mine for a short period)
Thats funny seeing as how 400 blocks were mined by a select few solominers while the official pools were down.
Thats like 300k creds.

>> No.171554
File: 4 KB, 452x523, 1377296655028.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.171556

I can assure it wasn't us. Plus if those individuals plan on just holding until they're ready to dump their money will devalue

>> No.171559
File: 6 KB, 166x199, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

storm the castle

>> No.171574


The fucking mac wallet doesn't even work.

Fuck this shit I'm out.

>> No.171595

>Looking to only get ¤500 by the end of the day

>> No.171599

Ur a fag that's why it doesn't work

>> No.171602
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She does that a lot

>> No.171603
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My rig is too shit to mine with, so making OC is all I can do to contribute.

>> No.171604

IS this amDOGE?

>> No.171623

How long till we get faucets?

>> No.171636

No, this is Patrick

>> No.171641

Guys how do I accept the terms and conditions there's no button or anything

>> No.171643
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>> No.171646

Click the X dimwit

>> No.171647

Remove the popup and click on the X next to the prompt

>> No.171649

you're not getting anything fagg. i'm going to milk the faucets dry

>> No.171654

I'll do the same to you for some Creds

>> No.171657

i'll trade you my crypto shekels for some Cr?

>> No.171664

>mining intensity at 19
>black boxes all over firefox
>just firefox

I forgot about this shit since I haven't mined in like 2 months. Did AMD get their shit together with the catalyst drivers yet?

>> No.171674
File: 17 KB, 391x481, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll give you doge for Cr

Also should I be worried?

>> No.171685

50k doge for 500 CR?

>> No.171694

I only have 10,000doge

>> No.171695

>gpu temp 98C

totally fine

>> No.171696

Dude, turn off now. The silicone is melting at that temp

>> No.171700

So, 10k doge for 250 Cr?

>> No.171703

Maybe later, I can smell burning.

>> No.171705


>> No.171708

So it looks like ¤ are going to have a high value, they aren't being mined quickly

>> No.171714

Within the week
As predicted the starting value should be pretty high

>> No.171731

So, same as any other coin, lel.

>> No.171726

And they should drop in value as time goes on due to increasing block rewards.

>> No.171729


>> No.171735

On AMD cards that pretty safe, shame its nvidia

>> No.171738

Thanks for putting adware in the wallet download you fucking assholes.

You fucked up my Mac. Not even fucking joking and yes I'm fucking pissed.

>> No.171740

Should I choose a low intensity?

>> No.171744

Does the increasing block reward over come the increase in difficulty? i.e Will we be getting more for mining with the same hashrate in the future?

>> No.171746

No it isn't.

>> No.171747

Most other coins have decreasing block rewards.

>> No.171748
File: 57 KB, 369x405, 1387455059048.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>GPU Temp 98C
>GPU Fan 100%

>> No.171756

Yes, but the end result on value is the same.

>> No.171771

What the fuck is the key.

>>170821 Doesn't work for me

>> No.171782

Stop copying the space

>> No.171777

it worked for me

>difficulty 7
so much for being laptop friendly

>> No.171779

>Doesn't work for me
There's something wrong with you.

>> No.171792

Do you live on the Sun?

>> No.171803

It's not great but I've mined at 100c for six months and my card still works.

>> No.171814

I have 1200 CR, so at an optimistic 2000 satoshi I might have .02 BTC for my efforts? Seems like a waste of time...

>> No.171833
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>Seems like a waste of time

I'm just breaking 1.4 Cr and I started with everyone els

time to set up hidden workers on all my friends PC's

>> No.171825

>seems like a waste of time
gib then.

>> No.171826

Post khash and Cr so far!

>> No.171835

This isn't a pump and dump coin
Block rewards will increase for six months

>> No.171837

340 and 0

>> No.171840

¤1200 (solo mined an 800 block)

>> No.171841

You got 14 bucks for doing nothing. I buy at 2000 satoshi


>> No.171834


>> No.171844



>> No.171852

If I get sent ¤10 I will post a link to Monster Hunter Portable 3rd HD on MEGA translated

>> No.171853


>> No.171855

It was about two hours of watching threads and setting up my miner, so $7/hr

The coin is OK but I'm probably going back to PND

>> No.171866


>> No.171860


>> No.171862

Why not preparing for GPUCoin, relaunching at 4AM GMT?

>> No.171870
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I'm buying Credits for Doge. Lets negotiate. Say your figure, I'll hit you with a counter offer.

>> No.171875

1200 creds for 100K doge

>> No.171877

20k Doge for ¤.1

>> No.171873

Because I have coin fatigue and it's a piece of shit premined pump and dump?

>> No.171878

1 credit = 100 doge

>> No.171882

What's this about adware? I got an EA pop-up but then I realized origin wasn't running.

What the fuck?

>> No.171885

Got, 600, so 60k DOGE.

>> No.171886

Not happening.

I'm willing to make 1Credit = 10 Doges

>> No.171895

Buying credits with Doge. Got around 500k doge in total, looking to buy up some. Post offers.

>> No.171893

send a few if you don't want em. i've got 0.2cr so far

>> No.171894

>I'm willing to make 1Credit = 10 Doges
Double that and we have a deal, 612CR=12240 DOGE

>> No.171905

I'll make 12Doge per Credits and this is my final offer.

>> No.171897

260 credits for 50k doges

>> No.171898

well FUCK YOU then, nitwit.
the fuck, you come around here saying you want to buy? i ain't selling shit, nigger, for that price! go fuck yourself and your momma and poppa!

>> No.171899
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>> No.171900

612CR = 24480 DOGE

>> No.171916


Way too high

>> No.171911 [DELETED] 

Penn State?

>> No.171914

No deal then, not going under 18 Doge.

>> No.171920

15 Doges per Credit and this is my final offer from hell.

>> No.171933

So, how are we doing this? Any escrow service for Doge, or you send first?

>> No.171938

Stop selling you dumbfucks. A reward back is only like 700 credits and the difficulty is rapidly increasing.

>> No.171944
File: 12 KB, 227x224, 1288883567453.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buuuuut, Doge will soon rise to the moon...


>> No.171942
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you send first.

>> No.171948

There's an exchange if you wanna buy in guys

>> No.171951


Offer still stands

>> No.171954

Doge won't have the potential to double its price any time soon.

Remember, this is THE /g/&/biz/ coin. There'll be threads on a daily.

Don't sell your ticket so soon.

>> No.171957

Send me an amount of Credits and I'll send you the proportional amount of Doges. Simple as that.

I'm buying 15000 equivalent of Credits, so 1000 Credits.

>> No.171968
File: 20 KB, 150x150, 1290267908694.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you have any idea how many times I got burned in the last month?
Swagcoin, orgcoin, potcoin, primecoin, metiscoin, topcoin, reddcoin, maxcoin, smartcoin, and those are just the ones I have from the top of my head.
I waited before selling on ALL of them, the value of ALL of them tanked within days.
I'm tired of getting burnt, and I have a r9 290 to pay back and another one to buy, ffs, and I only have 0.1BTC currently, from nearly 2 months of mining!
This fucking crypto crap is pissing me off so hard you have no idea.

>> No.171976

Daily reminder that if you don't fucks with Huntercoin, you're a bitch nigga lmao

>> No.171971

Good evening,

I'm currently working on a mutli-wallet that allows you to choose which coins you want to carry in it by installing plugins for different coins. Do you think I should add one for Credits? I am trying to avoid writing the plugins for coins that will get dumped and abandoned after a month as it is a lot of work and I don't want to waste my time and efforts for those.

Of course noone knows which coin will last, but this one seems to be aimed at long-term support. Can anyone confirm this presentiment?

>> No.171981

It's supposed to be long term, but I wouldn't expect it to last long, as I wouldn't expect ANY coin to last long.

My electricity bill disagrees.

>> No.171977

>being surprised when you don't get free money

>> No.171986


Hanging on to your shit after a pump and dump at early release is a bet that the pump and dump won't kill the currency. I wouldn't make that bet in a market this young and diverse with such a limited field of investors.

>> No.171982

they all use the same JSON api, all you need to change for your "plugins" are the ports, no? How i'd do it is just have users compile/download their headless coin daemons and the client just links up with the coin daemon json api and issues calls to that. Seems simpler than rewriting a plugin for each coin

>> No.171984

Pls go

>> No.171990

shit is trading for near 700 satshi right now
I sold before the pump

>> No.171992

Why are you so bad? I've earned money from literally every coin I've mined. Just stop going for the obviously shitty ones with premine and no dev support

I genuinely believe in Credits as I've watched the development since December and I know how hard they've worked on this

>> No.171988

pls no

>> No.171989

The problem is that you mined shitcoins.

This coin will have threads daily, twice an hour, viralled to hell and back. The shills will be relentless, you won't be able to avoid it even if you tried.

>> No.171995

It's only just begun

>> No.171998

>I genuinely believe in Credits as I've watched the development since December and I know how hard they've worked on this


>> No.172001

Remind me, what's the value of PANDA?

Shit was trading at 10k = 1BTC in the first week after launch, so make your calculations...

>No dev support
U w0t m8? Devs are still working hard on these coins, despite the value being on the ground.

Redd and Top true. It was my mistake following /g/ on Topcoin, but whatever.

>> No.171999

No, it's already happening

That was a shill post

>> No.172003

Yep, we definitely want to get some volume guys, keep it up. Glad to see that the beginning troubles didn't cripple us, thanks again for the support everyone.

>> No.172010

Indeed, I have some features planned however so it's a little more complicated than copy paste. Don't really want to give more information yet because I have no idea if it's gonna work out.

>> No.172015

yeah, I had a similar idea that I wanted to do in Vala, just for fun. Just giving you my approach on how I'd do it

>> No.172026

New thread


>> No.172039

>Shit was trading at 10k = 1BTC in the first week after launch, so make your calculations...

Really? I don't remember exactly but POT was only on one exchange back then. Shit I had 300 POT

>> No.172046


220 Kh
¤50 , joined the party late