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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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17087459 No.17087459 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.17088206

Can't really tell if this is pro or con VIDT, OP.

>> No.17088217

I would sue these fucks if I could. I lost $5000 of my bankroll early on with this scam

>> No.17088296

why did you buy the top anon?

>> No.17088309

Bought at 28¢. I was told it was going back to ATH

>> No.17088316

>token will be exchangeable for actual stake in the company(which is quite profitable) this year
None of you actually hold this alt with the intention of turning a profit right? Your goal should be to buy an early in to VIDS, before this company is worth billions. VIDT will never be more than $0.60.

>> No.17088338

VIDT will pump next

>> No.17088353

>before this company is worth billions
How about they crack $10M first...this piece of shit has done nothing but bleed. It's garbage.

>> No.17088375

its going back to ath you brainlet

>> No.17088475
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>> No.17088531

>he thinks crypto market cap has anything to do with the valuation of the company itself
God damn, this place reeks of newfag. Look at their revenue, brainlet. Crypto market cap is a meme and means nothing. Look at ChainLink, you think anyone would pay a billion dollars for an aggregated json parser with a handful of data points?

>> No.17088548

What a pleasant waft or curry I'm getting. Good one sirs.

>> No.17088561

>Look at their revenue, brainlet.
Where are the financial documents? Or you expect me to blindly buy VIDT then convert it into VIDS without knowing how much this company is really worth? Good one.

>> No.17088592

Let me just repeat myself for the slower anons in here. VIDT is a shitcoin, but it is going to be exchangeable for a security token(VIDS) that are actual shares in V-ID in 2020. VIDT is just a means of buying your ticket to early VIDS. The token price has nothing to do with the company itself, the price of the token is only a traceable method of tracking who verified what, subject to the forces of supply and demand in the market. The price of VIDS is directly related to how well the company is performing, as it represents partial ownership in the company itself.

>> No.17088599

I don’t expect you to buy anything. All i am saying is, anyone ITT who holds VIDT beyond the date that they become exchangeable for VIDS is a brainlet.

>> No.17088609

please tell me you actually sold?

>> No.17088628

Yeah, for a loss. Put the rest into LINK. I could have had 2000 more LINK if it wasn't for this scam.

>> No.17088642

you are legitimately retarded and i don’t mean that in a loving biz way.

>> No.17088666

Fuck you, bitch

>> No.17088669

devil trips for your own stupidity, congrats

>> No.17088678

Suck my dick, faggot. I'd slit your throat and leave you slumped in an alley. No one would miss you

>> No.17088801

>All i am saying is, anyone ITT who holds VIDT beyond the date that they become exchangeable for VIDS is a brainlet.
Only few people will be able to convert to VIDS. Maybe 5% of holders.

>> No.17088821

fucking loser

>> No.17088840

You're a total faggot. I would snap your neck like a twig, sissy

>> No.17088957

I'm all in.

>> No.17089003

Yeah I'm not holding a security token in another country lol

>> No.17089021

how so?

>> No.17089044

Dragon, why you so angry?

Leave the basement.

>> No.17089068

Where are most people going to be able to hold these shares? No where. They'll just keep holding vidt.

>> No.17089077

he claimed “be able to” not “not going to”, huge difference

>> No.17089158

It won't really matter. Most won't because they can't hold a security in another country realistically.

>> No.17089180

Burgers will not hold a security in another country, this is fact

>> No.17089220

gotcha, ty

>> No.17089266

I don't know how this will affect token price though.

>> No.17089913

Another anon said it well, but also because V-ID is not going to bother manually converting and doing the necessary work to convert VIDT to VIDS if you have, say, $1000 worth max. And what can you do with VIDS anyway? Where will you sell it?

It's going to dump to 1 cent, because that's how much it's worth. Once you know the price of VIDS and the number of VIDT you need for one VIDS, all speculation goes out the window.

>> No.17090207

It depends on how they implement it. If they provide a fixed conversion ratio at the time VIDS is created based on the price of VIDT at that time, VIDT price will remain pretty stable until that conversion window is closed(IF its ever closed) at which point this shitcoin will likely get pounded into the dirt. VIDS is going to be like any other token, except they are looking to file the paperwork to make it a legal security, and this will allow it to take the place of a share on a stock market. A notable difference being, it will be traded on crypto exchanges, and will be held in an ETH wallet, instead of through a third party broker. Being a registered security should make it legal for Amerilards to hold, this is all assuming they make it through the mountains of red legal tape they are going to encounter. They are basically looking to implement blockchain in novel ways, that provide autonomy for the end user, for a company that provides validation services.
The way i look at it is, buying VIDT now is betting on the team being able to clear the way to becoming a legally registered security, and that they will also provide a conversion mechanism that throws a bone to their early investors for the switch to VIDS. Theres a lot of ways that could go wrong for you as an investor, but thats where the risk comes in. If it were foolproof profit, it would be too late to buy. Judging by the way the team has delivered on the promises made thus far, I am comfortable taking that risk. You must assess for yourself if you are as well.
This is the most honest post you will likely ever see on /biz/, but do not take my word for it. Do your own research.

>> No.17090248

Same faggots spamming biz with shitcoins

>> No.17090351

>VIDS is going to be like any other token, except they are looking to file the paperwork to make it a legal security, and this will allow it to take the place of a share on a stock market. A notable difference being, it will be traded on crypto exchanges, and will be held in an ETH wallet, instead of through a third party broker.
JUST. This will be even bigger case of token not needed than it is now. Holy shit. Anyone holding VIDT better hope that this is not the case. There is no way and now how this will would be legal in United States. Especially because VIDT was an illegal security and you cannot retroactively make it legal, even if you create another useless token and you convert to it. VIDS being another ERC-20 token would mean it's not actual shares at all. It's make believe pretend shares.

We will know if they decide to reveal their financial documents. If they reveal it: They're being honest and it could possibly legal in some parts of Europe. If they don't reveal it: SCAM. Appreciate your honest post.

>> No.17090364

Im not sure what you are implying here. You are not a fan of V-ID i take it?

>> No.17090514

>VIDT is an illegal security
Wrong. The SEC has not made any specific classifications as to what constitutes a crypto security. They have general guidelines, but there is no black and white definition. It says on the SECs website that no specific criteria that classify something as a crypto security, but the more boxes it checks, the more likely it will be a security. Ultimately they have left it up to the exchanges themselves for interpretation. As far as VIDS goes.
>There is no way and now how this will would be legal in United States
Its actually really easy to make it a legal security. The SEC has set out the previously mentioned guidelines for this exact thing. All V-ID has to do is make VIDS avoid all of these definitions and requirements(things like it must have a fixed supply) and file the appropriate paperwork. Theres nothing inherently illegal about using crypto to represent shares in your company. All it does is take stock brokers out of the equation in a way that still maintains the ability for the end user to prove they own said security, while not being able to counterfeit it.
>token not needed
If the function of the token is to represent ownership in the company, then as long as the company is worth money, the tokens only function is to be worth a fraction of that money. Its function is to be easily traded in a way that is auditable and impossible to counterfeit. That’s exactly what it does.
>make believe pretend shares
As long as the company is willing to buy them from you at market value, it makes them no different than traditional shares. Traditional shares can also be seen as “make believe”, if you want to get into semantics.

>> No.17090580

>The SEC has not made any specific classifications as to what constitutes a crypto security.
Burns and buybacks. Third-party resellers. No utility (need subscription plan and you have to buy the tokens from V-ID).

>Its actually really easy to make it a legal security. The SEC has set out the previously mentioned guidelines for this exact thing.
Could you name me a few coins that work exactly as VIDS does currently on the market and available for purchase in the US? A coin with no utility, but to represent shares in the company.

>As long as the company is willing to buy them from you at market value, it makes them no different than traditional shares. Traditional shares can also be seen as “make believe”, if you want to get into semantics.
What stops V-ID from creating real, regular shares down the line? How can you own shares in something where the revenue/profit is not made publicly available for you?

>> No.17090641

> Burns and buybacks. Third-party resellers. No utility (need subscription plan and you have to buy the tokens from V-ID).
Read their website, none of those things definitively make it a security. They are criteria that are considered when the official ruling on what constitutes a crypto security is defined, but right now its nebulous, and up to the exchanges to decide for themselves.
> Could you name me a few coins that work exactly as VIDS does currently on the market and available for purchase in the US? A coin with no utility, but to represent shares in the company.
No, thats why this has the potential to be a good investment. The fact that it doesnt exist yet has no bearing on whether its legally possible, it just means that no company has bothered or succeeded to do so. Again, this is where I mentioned in my first post that the risk comes in for you as an investor. Try to keep up.
> What stops V-ID from creating real, regular shares down the line? How can you own shares in something where the revenue/profit is not made publicly available for you?
Nothing stops them from doing that except legal issues. This is undefined as to how this will work because its never been done. As far as your second question goes, thats likely going to be part of the paperwork they must file to be legally registered.

>> No.17090650

Does it have to be either? It simply IS, anon.

>> No.17090749

>Read their website, none of those things definitively make it a security. They are criteria that are considered when the official ruling on what constitutes a crypto security is defined, but right now its nebulous, and up to the exchanges to decide for themselves.
IDEX delisted it, Coinbase will not list it, and V-ID is not actively working on getting VIDT on other exchanges (we wonder why). Considering how low cap the project is, no decent and legal exchange will want to take on the risk to make less than 0.5% on $30,000 daily trade volume.

>No, thats why this has the potential to be a good investment. The fact that it doesnt exist yet has no bearing on whether its legally possible, it just means that no company has bothered or succeeded to do so. Again, this is where I mentioned in my first post that the risk comes in for you as an investor. Try to keep up.
You're dreaming and hoping. Anyone not holding VIDT already will read this and realize it's a crapshoot. V-ID is not going to change shit. It is not Ethereum 2.0. It is a Dutch shitcoin startup ran out of a shared office with no unique tech and roughly 32 clients doing what other companies/projects already do for cheaper.

>Nothing stops them from doing that except legal issues.
LOL. V-ID doesn't even have a legal department. It's over.

>> No.17090864

>investing in crypto so you can get ~shares~ of some z tier startup
Why not just buy penny stocks at that point?

>> No.17090975

They're COPING. It's either that or admit they're fucked.

>> No.17092043

Token not needed

>> No.17092075

VIDT team is so based. Imagine thinking they arent going to pump this to at least $10.00.

>> No.17092113

Imagine being this fucking retarded lmao. He's a linktard as well go figure.

>> No.17092138
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VIDT is a scam. People are making an extremely risky investment choice if they're buying VIDT. The price of a token will be determined once V-ID will decide how much equity they do give to bagholders. They have zero reasons or obstacles to give them only 1% of the company. For all we know the real value of VIDT will be 1% of the company which is worth a million or couple. It's pure gambling to invest into VIDT. There's just too many flaws besides VIDS conversation. Let's not even talk about the competition...

>> No.17092186
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The market cap of VIDT is way too high for what it is. Satsgang inflated the market cap when they pumped it to 55c and made thousands of bagholders who are only trying to sell their bags to stupid anons to make their payday loan payments on time.

>> No.17092217

>VIDS being another ERC-20 token would mean it's not actual shares at all. It's make believe pretend shares.
Imagine believing that upgraded shares aren't better than the current existing shares, having this little understanding of the potential of blockchain despite being here and sucking the old system's dick so hard.

>> No.17092219
File: 9 KB, 528x70, dua8vlS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This bagholder chat is just pure gold. Fucking bagholders kek.

>> No.17092225

You got raped by Satsgang

You are a fucking pajeet with dark brown hands covered in shit

>> No.17092250

The way these truck drivers talk is enough to keep me away from this scam.

>> No.17092294
File: 47 KB, 1024x576, chadthevidtshill1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

VIDT is a scam. Don't fall for it anons.

>> No.17092311

>IDEX delisted it, Coinbase will not list it, and V-ID is not actively working on getting VIDT on other exchanges (we wonder why). Considering how low cap the project is, no decent and legal exchange will want to take on the risk to make less than 0.5% on $30,000 daily trade volume
What part of “up to the exchanges to decide” did you not understand? IDEX delisted it because they wanted to be cautious. I doubt VIDT is even on the map for Coinbase, so saying they wont list it is somewhat misleading. Its legal status is undefined, you said its an illegal security, which is objectively false. We may get more definitive guidelines when the cryptocurrency act of 2020 goes through.
> You're dreaming and hoping. Anyone not holding VIDT already will read this and realize it's a crapshoot. V-ID is not going to change shit. It is not Ethereum 2.0. It is a Dutch shitcoin startup ran out of a shared office with no unique tech and roughly 32 clients doing what other companies/projects already do for cheaper
Its not “dreaming and hoping”, considering how deep I have gone on this project research wise. Its a calculated risk that I think is worth throwing some money at in hopes it will pay off. If it goes to zero, I wont be heartbroken over it. My portfolio is very LINK heavy anyway. If they succeed, I will be getting PAID for a relatively small investment. Thats how this game is played anon. If you dont think its worth it, thats your decision. I am not trying to convince you, i am only relaying information so other anons can hopefully sift through the bullshit a little easier. This place has made me some good money, I like to give back.

>> No.17092578
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Yeah, I'm thinking it's 2015

>> No.17093618
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Fucking depressing

>> No.17093705

Oh no no no no look at the bottom of his chart


>> No.17093799

>We may might possibly hoping wishing could be there's a chance

>Its not “dreaming and hoping”, considering how deep I have gone on this project research wise. Its a calculated risk that I think is worth throwing some money at in hopes it will pay off.

>> No.17093864
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Yes they are really desperate. Bagholders are clearly getting triggered.

>> No.17093895
File: 266 KB, 1070x800, big-vidt-shill.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LYING LEE STRIKES AGAIN. Imagine if your life consisted of defending a shitcoin you invested your life savings into, all while having to make up lies in order to COPE.

>> No.17093927

Find me that monthly plan please. Link me to it.

You won't be able to.

>> No.17093976
File: 271 KB, 1070x800, big-vidt-shill-new.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder V-ID requires a $655 year subscription to maintain and gets you nothing. Literally nothing. N O T H I N G. You do not get file validations with your subscription anymore. You pay $655 for the PRIVILEGE of giving V-ID $2.20 for every file you want validated. Need to validate 5,000 files over the course of a year? V-ID will charge you over $11,000. How much Acronis will charge for 5,000 files? Nothing (other than the $99/year subscription).

Bagholders were whining about the original picture being "Photoshopped" - it wasn't; it was using a screenshot from September, 2019. Clients like AmSpec were locked in for a year and therefore were not affected by the "new and improved" pricing structure. The new pricing actually makes V-ID more expensive if you need to validate more than 55 files a month. For comparison, AmSpec supposedly validates 50,000 files a month.


>> No.17094031

Reminder....I'm still waiting.

>> No.17094100

Why are you trying so hard to convince me to sell? I own merely a suicide stack and I have stated multiple times I am not trying to convince anyone to buy. Besides, I guarantee I have information pertaining to this project that you dont. Its not a sure thing, by any means, but the information I have makes me confident that the team will accomplish what they set out to do.

>> No.17094276

Acronis doesnt even do the same thing as V-ID. They arent even competitors, its apples and oranges. What is this Pajeet tier FUD?

>> No.17094287

>Reminder....I'm still waiting.
The link with proof is there at the bottom of my post.

>Implying when I'm replying to you I'm specifically talking to you and not whoever might be reading the thread
I guarantee your information is baloney.

>> No.17094314

>Posts from 06/30/2011
Ethereum wasn't even around then. Retarded bagholder spotted (Hello Hugo).

>> No.17094382

Different ID because WiFi.
>I guarantee your information is baloney
Thats nice. I know its not, and again, I am not trying to get anyone to buy. Why are you trying trying so hard to get me to sell?

>> No.17094412

Garbage link aside though, hes right isnt he? Acronis appears to be a cloud backup service, I dont see them offering file validation in the way V-ID does anywhere? Can you spoonfeed an anon?

>> No.17094592

Why would anybody buy VIDT right now? Whales are dumping their bags even at a small loss because VIDT is a shitty investment.


>> No.17094626
File: 126 KB, 927x500, Acronis Does More.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Different ID because WiFi.
>Why are you trying trying so hard to get me to sell?
I realized it's a different IP. I'm saying I'm replying to your arguments, but I don't care to convince whoever is writing them. I'm here to convince the anons who are not posting. As always.

No, he is wrong. Pic related and go on the Acronis home page for more info.

>> No.17094957

It says
>request early access
Am I correct in assuming this service is not available to all their customers yet?

>> No.17095024

I've been fudding this shitcoin way before Acronis even released that feature. It's available for everyone now since like October of last year.

>> No.17095087

Im just wondering because there doesnt appear to be a way to purchase that feature directly. It seems to be still in a “beta” of some sort. The website gives no other option than “Request early access”.


>> No.17095133

It's a free feature included with every $99 subscription. Your link is for resellers who want to start V-ID 2.0 without needing the other features (like backup). As you can see the page talks about selling, upselling, bundling, and quick on-boarding (of your clients).

>> No.17095350

Ok i see it now. But Acronis only stores fingerprints on Ethereum, correct? Wont that be a potential problem when sharding comes into play with ETH 2.0?

>> No.17095385
File: 761 KB, 740x493, partners.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ethereum has partnered with Acronis and they opened up an office together for blockchain development: https://cointelegraph.com/news/ethereum-to-open-blockchain-research-center-in-russias-silicon-valley

The answer is no.

>> No.17095436

Wow how the fuck do VIDT moonbois think that they can compete with that.

>> No.17095495
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>Ctrl+f Acronis
>7 results
Fud is super effective, ow my bags

>> No.17095540
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>> No.17095767

VIDT is gonna moon so hard it will leave a mark on it's eyes

>> No.17095998
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REMINDER - you are here:
>pic related

>> No.17096236

COPE. Chainlink had a 32 million dollar ICO.

>> No.17096294
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>> No.17097443

Law firm rep already concluded that vidt is not a security. Good try though.

>> No.17097503

What law firm? Is it from the US?

>> No.17097591

That article is from 2016. Ouch, try harder.

>> No.17097866

It was a top tier UK law firm but there guidelines for a security remains is the same as US.

"in our view the VIDT do not fall within the definition of a "transferable security". Therefore, in our view the Prospectus Rules do not apple to VIDT"

>> No.17098894

confirmed satsgang pumpndump scamcoin

>> No.17099149

VIDT is the new LINK. Fud is same as early link days.

>> No.17099171

Is it a 1:1 exchange?

>> No.17099659

Really bullish, i should more viddies

>> No.17099948
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remember guys, always do the opposite of what biz says

>> No.17100855
File: 148 KB, 1518x1014, EP-q_oPX4AEIsgv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DUMP IT DUMP IT fucking shitcoin

>> No.17100878

I hope you poo yourself tonight whilst sleeping for even mentioning link anywhere near this abomination

>> No.17100913

^this shitpost and 3/4 of the FUD on this gem is brought to you by a cowardly kid in Finland named crypto dragon who didn't even know what ethereum was but kept calling it a shitcoin anyway. This is the type of person that obsessively makes FUD threads. What kind of person believes them?

>> No.17100924
File: 160 KB, 400x400, 6VTxNHaY_400x400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you want my signature or something? I didn't call ETH a shitcoin so get your facts straight. VIDT bagholders lying as usual.

>> No.17101024

go do your homework little man, you're going to need the degree. your investment strategy of mimicking tryhards is never, ever going to be successful, no matter what tiny rush it gives your juvenile brain. be your own man, grow up.

>> No.17101037
File: 299 KB, 800x1032, 1576434719247.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enjoy the dump faggot