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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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17041238 No.17041238 [Reply] [Original]

There is nothing redeeming about this project. All the partnerships are fake or just hype. Where are the "muh african banks"? There is also no DAG is just a shitty fork of outdated version ethereum. There are no useful dapps. The staking is not part of consensus, it's just a ponzi scam so they can dump longer. This one is a complete failure and an obvious scam. There is no new news, the team has pretty much evaporated. Fuck this shit, I'm dumping now and gonna take the loss as opposed to waiting for the unlock dump which will be even worse.

>> No.17041313


>> No.17041362

One of the most obvious scams in crypto. Chink team exit scammed long time ago. All you have left is a giant marketing department and some Russian temp devs. 300K TPS lie was their hook, line and sinker. ICO whales are preparing class action lawsuit. The whole scam is imploding...

>> No.17041370

Buying 1 million here for a laugh at 94 sats.

>> No.17041463

Fantom is a documented scam >>17038448

>> No.17041499


>> No.17041542

Insane, retarded or both

>> No.17041636
File: 151 KB, 657x626, 557A9CEB-22D4-4C81-9122-133E0B0DBE0C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Full chart, this is worth a punt. Cut if it loses ATL.

>> No.17041700

jesus christ this thread is literally just
"bump my thread plz" followed by the shitty copypasta and then some bullshit. fuck biz

>> No.17041738

see ya sub 30 sats
order book is almost empty

>> No.17041742

>The staking is not part of consensus
lol is this real

>> No.17041748

I'm selling so I can rebuy lower

>> No.17041808

realistically though, I wouldn't buy it at any price
"the fantom of the opera" LOL
another gook/chink scam designed to rip off westerners

>> No.17042413

Fantom is crashing.

>> No.17042816

fantom a scam sirs! all bhanchod who are invest in this coin will losing his wealth! entire my viIIage destroyed because fantom team make coin dumping onto us

>> No.17043637

Literally this, if it bounces, it bounces hard, if not, it was worth a shot.
Many /biz/ posters are fucking braindead and only buy into things when they've already pumped 20x.
I'm DCAing into FTM right now and not a single one of you retards can stop me, suck my dick bhanchods.

>> No.17043652

all I see is baseless accusations and FUD, can we have a serious discussion? it doesn't seem like a scam at all, quite the contrary

>> No.17043689

You'll see all these fudders turn on a dime soon enough. Half of them are working together to drive price down, super easy with recent BTC moves, and the rest are either shitposting bhanchod pasta or actually fell for the brainlet bait fud.
There's something happening in the background according to a couple of sources I have but nobody is willing to say what, even in the vaguest terms so I'm buying as much as I can whenever I can. It's taking all of my self control not to dump half of my BTC stack into FTM right fucking now, I'm still kinda hoping for a nice wick down into some speculative buy orders I have at the bottom of the book on less liquid exchanges.

>> No.17043705

thanks, do you happen to know whether the founder is still involved? his LinkedIN profile seems to say he is, but he is not listed on the Fantom.foundation website. Also what was up with the other FUD regarding low transaction count? it's time to uncover the truth once and for all.

>> No.17043753

question, the founder is not just anybody, look at his LinkedIN profile, he was awarded by the government and has succesful businesses, proper educational background, you cannot convince me his intention was to scam from the beginning. Sure some things may have been exaggerated (300k tx/s) at first release, but it doesn't take away from the fact that it seems to work, sure Opera is currently limited by the Ethereum EVM, but this gets solved, it seems like a promising project. Saying there is ill intent involved you really need to come up with evidence.

>> No.17044713

The image he keeps posting as proof of low TPS can be found on GitHub easily. I don't want to type a lot while phoneposting. If this thread is still alive in about 6 hours I'll dump everything I know in response to any questions you or others have.

>> No.17044861

okay thanks, would love to know more about the stresstest.


I think FTM has just barely come alive and I am not worried as long as the project keeps evolving, I think the fundamentals are sounds.

>> No.17045737

so sad to see a lot of exit scam in crypto, but a major ticker will always be use case and feasibility thats where project like tahyon got it right, time will revea this gem soon

>> No.17045856

Thanks for the bump, random shitcoin shill

>> No.17046423

I took the L before all was lost too. It was tough, but dont be like the other faggots sucking their own dicks as their money goes to 0. The community is horrible

>> No.17046527

Look at the telegram, its literally all Indians speaking broken English crying about fudders. So fucking pathetic lol

>> No.17046549

Welcome to crypto telegram channels

>> No.17046595

>Half of them are working together
>the rest are either shitposting
>something happening in the background
Or maybe it's just a scam shitcoin

>> No.17046899


>> No.17047307

why do you think so? I think it is the way you look at it, it must be extremely hard to build an alternative to Ethereum that can scale, if not, everybody would be able to create one and there wouldn't be a market for it anymore, value dillution, Fantom has taken the first steps, if they succeed it would be huge.

>> No.17047348


>> No.17047468

Fantom will never be the next ethereum

they are consensus, lets hope theres some big clients

>> No.17048197

As a former FTM shiller, I've moved onto FRM