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File: 1.44 MB, 1242x1571, IMG_2337.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17006514 No.17006514 [Reply] [Original]

Even when we make it into 8figs how we gonna get money thirsty hoes?

What are the best ways to rule 18-20 8/10+ thots to be our sex slaves and degrade them any way we want?

obvious would be tinder and instagram but even there you need some game and good pictures

Is there any secret how to successfully get into this type of women?

>> No.17006521

By promising them a credit card with a $5k a month allowance

>> No.17006533



Seriously though, hot 20 y/o's have no concept of money or value, 2k a month is like a really really big deal to them and they're mostly just happy posting selfies of themself at whereever you drag them to for vacation before fucking them, and then fucking them again and leaving them at the airport with no return flight.

>> No.17006558

just be yourself

>> No.17006566

I assume you need to get out there with your name, people actually need to know that you are rich so these type of women will naturally start orbiting around you.

>> No.17006911

El abomodad de las Americano dios fuckin mios

>> No.17007640

Imagine that this is what you aspire to.

>> No.17007754

Move to Asia and join other the ARPA elite. Give them a few tokens to do whatever you wish.

>> No.17007767
File: 487 KB, 1931x2148, IMG_0908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

be frenchbro and move to Bulgaria

>> No.17007774

you don't need to make it , all you need is to find a credit card receipt with big bux on it and when you find a ho you like take it out and write your number on it

>> No.17007802

kys sick fuck

>> No.17007820

Instagram, DM the with offers of trips/money. A normal girl having a thot account is basically advertising herself. Maybe not consciously, but more are open to offers than you'd think.

>> No.17007862

They like ,,western" men there?

>> No.17007872

not into shitskins anymore bro

>> No.17007881

what else in life

>> No.17007882
File: 2.77 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_0970.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there are all kind of women
they love money because most of people dont have much, also they all say bulgaria men are not attractive
it does not mean you will be the king of the town with 3000$ per month but you will live VERY confortably

>> No.17007895

ok dude but if that's your picture you look god damn handsome lol and you wouldn't need any money, the girls would buy you drinks...

Are you like French-moroccan smth>?

>> No.17007903

I can spend maybe $5000 per month atm

>> No.17008011
File: 132 KB, 800x535, chad vs billionaire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you get used goods that have been ragdolled by Chad when it mattered (prime HS years)

Just accept it. You are genetic trash trying to cope with money, no better than some girl accepting money to be degraded, it's over no mater how much money you are.

>> No.17008177


>> No.17008265

hes not french but north african

>> No.17008277


>> No.17008346

he is tall af

>> No.17009285

I don’t understand how people like this still exist. Like how do you not u detest and basic interaction with the opposite sex? If you’re trying to fuck a thot just offer money to Instagram/tinder hoes til one of them fucks you or go on seeking arrangements and get a sugar baby.

Any actual woman worth dating will either not care about your money or will see through it and realize you’re a virginfag. Women are attracted to successful people. Money is not success, you still have to be a genuine human being with legitimate interests and friends.

That being said I see nothing wrong with fucking hookers just don’t kid yourself that it will make you happy in any way that matters in the long run

>> No.17009455

I know a guy who made millions holding btc and he wastes tons of money on night clubs/travelling and never gets laid its actually sad. He talks abt being suicidal as well. Many such cases

>> No.17009554

You're not going to "get" these type of women unless you have high value status, where they genuinely love you. If you want to have sex with them, they already have a site for this called seeking.

>> No.17009660

I'm not in America. I get what you are saying I'm just wondering how does one place yourself in a spot where these type of women will flock to him. Say you made $10kk in crypto.

Yeah people think it's cool but actually you don't have it written on your forehead and unless you demonstrate visible signs of wealth you will fly under the radar.

I'm talking about 18-22 girls, they don't really need a status.

I manage to convince some thots to travel with me but they were 7/10 at best and that's not what I'm looking for.

>> No.17009683

it's because of fags like you the world is what is. consider suicide

>> No.17010407
File: 493 KB, 918x1080, VIAiO2wQiOc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is not 10/8 this max 5.

and pavin is 10 /10

>> No.17010461

just be gay bro
9/10 twinks will do anything for money

>> No.17010623

she looks deformed desu something about her eyebrows

>> No.17010729

Right back at ya slick.

>> No.17010798
File: 369 KB, 1022x1280, TMveQEaTnDI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she is a goddess, u wont have gfs like this

>> No.17010860

look at the hairline bro

She is pretty in a way of a high fashion model but not really as a fuckslut

>> No.17010889


>> No.17010906
File: 1.29 MB, 1242x1617, IMG_2357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need to bang proper fuckdolls like her

>> No.17010918
File: 96 KB, 1080x857, TYGQ0bHBIwU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>17010889 shut up
i wrote this type is 10 from 10
not roastie with fake lips and botox

>> No.17011013
File: 36 KB, 500x500, rotend.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

to me I see a disgusting needy self-obsessed skeleton creature looks like some fucking rat pig hybrid. 3/10 would exterminate

>> No.17011046
File: 471 KB, 1280x1920, kjwJ3tWkMp0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i bet u never meet a beautiful girl in ur life. im right?
and she is not skinny for model

>> No.17011050


This. You sell her a dream and dangle that carrot in front of her stupid whore face. Fuck her in the ass, facefuck her, spit in her face, do all that shit a few times and move on a to a new thot.

Don't "hint" at your wealth or do other dumb time/money wasting shit like this. Advertise what you're offering clearly (online), and play the numbers game. If you plateau at a certain level of woman and still want truly top shelf sluts, just pay them. Trying to get them any other way is simply not worth the effort.

>> No.17011053

Balding Roastie no thanks

>> No.17011064

>no fake lips and botox
>still has a professional MUA and a ton of post processing

>> No.17011080
File: 52 KB, 640x631, QLxkzvUgmHE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she is not a roastie which is ur ex gfs which sucked bbc cocks

she is a true beaty

>> No.17011109

What you are looking for is sugar babies. There are a few websites where you can meet them, the most famous and specialised one being SeekingArrangement or whatever it's called. You can also find sugar babies on Tinder (but you will be limited to your location so not optimal) and Instagram (but finding a sugar baby there is like playing minesweeper).

>> No.17011114
File: 43 KB, 900x900, 1450635158_angry_pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17011133

>having 8 figure worth
>fucking a roastie that probably took more than 100ish dicks instead you could find less used and prettier roasties for much cheaper

>> No.17011140

Bulgarian here, he's posing next to the ugliest gypsy bitch you can find here.
Golddiggers love men with money and the country has its fair share of them.

>> No.17011167
File: 856 KB, 1404x2160, sklGunIeV60.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek u want to have her like gf

>> No.17011183

you are the femanon that posted her nudes here right?

>> No.17011210
File: 173 KB, 636x1024, YGGlWs8pB9c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and ure a dumb brazilian?
worship on her ...pepoopeeepó

>> No.17011496

just be a chad bro

>> No.17011797

Really bro this is extremely beautiful for ma and I dig this kind of beauty so much. It is not really gypsy for me

>> No.17011897

NBA all star week in LA. Hoes from around the world fren.

>> No.17011911

I'm only interested in EU + Eastern Europe. Never been to US

>> No.17011949

Lucky you kek American women are sloppy and trashy compared to European women

>> No.17011983

Manlet here 5'10, I'm average even tho I get a decent amunt of matches and dates with 6/7's but there is a concrete ceiling at 8/10 for me.

>> No.17012056

Larp as a poorfag at a library.