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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 191 KB, 1035x1196, erbtr5-Pick_your_poison-ylrd10qp0xb41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16990920 No.16990920 [Reply] [Original]

Will getting good at sucking dick help me get ahead in the business world? I'm not gay, but I could train myself to take a shot in the mouth if it genuinely helped me get ahead. Are the upper echelons of business filled with fags or is it more 4chan bullshit?

>> No.16990932

would you decline a free blowjob? do you have to be gay to get blown by a guy?

>> No.16990956

Sauce the whore on the right

>> No.16990976

It’s right beside her you fucking smooth brain coomer.

>> No.16990980

That name is in the photo you tardis

>> No.16991005

Too distracted by the brapper, thanx anon

>> No.16991067
File: 43 KB, 400x276, D1E20185-565D-4E89-A687-2DC575D08FB4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tee hee! We’re so crazy, anon! Look at these fertility signals. How much did you make with Link? We bout that life.

>> No.16991087

>fertility signals
Those are silicone discs and fat injections.

>> No.16991156

Mostly the discs, as the fat/silicone injections need repeat treatments and get infected.

I’m going to enjoy laughing at these thots as withered old hags, with atrophy and these prosthetics jutting out from wrinkled, saggy skin.

>> No.16991201

You fuckers posting about fake assed make me wanna kill myself

>> No.16991219

Ignore them. The asses are real.

>> No.16991269
File: 650 KB, 1206x1340, 5D481FBA-FFA2-4836-9A84-A04A3A563FB1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I’m not gay

>> No.16991561

I'm 100% straight but I'd give head to get ahead

>> No.16991663
File: 3.71 MB, 480x270, 1571102237670.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm not gay

>> No.16991693

You’re a retard if you think that. Educate yourself. It’s straight up silicone discs and you can tell by the shape.

>> No.16991703


They're real.

>> No.16991727

yeah having meaningless sex with strangers spreading stds is nice but imagine marrying a 12 year old and loving her like your daughter, raising her to be your perfect soulmate and then impregnating her at her prime so you can have many kids and spend the rest of your lives together in a deep, passionate marriage

>> No.16991763

I suggest you do some research buddy. Chick on the right is comically cheap and a bad implant.

>> No.16991766

OP, I've been around the block a little, both as a freelancer and as an employee, I've even had the fortune of older ex-employers mentoring me along the way.

A big part of business is being taken seriously, being seen as somebody who has a pair. Being willing to suck dick is literally the opposite of what you should strive for. Whoring yourself out for favors will grant some short-term benefits, but will not bring any lasting success. This is why a lot of women and fags hit a glass ceiling in business, they don't know how to carry themselves with sovereignty "like a boss"... don't be like them!

>> No.16991834

The majority of influencers have fake asses, fat injections and photoshop...countless hours of photoshop and filters.

>> No.16992204

Don’t suck dick anon just buy SNSS

>> No.16992590

My research has found no evidence of implants or photoshop

>> No.16992610

That’s because you’re a fucking idiot and no amount of research will change that. The worst people are those which can’t process how stupid they are..

>> No.16992615

I would give up my life savings if I could just smell that beautiful brappers for a few hours. Holy fuck. I'm so horny and lonely. I fantasize about smelling/licking women's asses 24/7.

>> No.16992634

Sweet vishnu look at the toilets on those bish

>> No.16992661

I notified the feds, go to jail

>> No.16993119
File: 32 KB, 312x342, good goy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good goy, you should only marry a girl at 35 when she can't produce offspring or form matrimonial bonds anymore

>> No.16993400

haha wow anon ur such an edgy faggot enjoy being an ugly recluse for the rest of ur life