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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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16935082 No.16935082 [Reply] [Original]

Why is it always like this?

>> No.16935108

because they are salty they are more jewed than us in the usa. We have jewish cuck shit in the usa but at least we can own guns.

>> No.16935123

hey faggot that can't compare the correct metrics.
why is it always like this?

>> No.16935132

Turbo v4 is more fun, more reliable, and gets better gas mileage than a v8.

>> No.16935139

You are correct.
t. yuro in bongland who wants to move to the us

>> No.16935161

>wants to move to the us
Don't do it, your falling for memes
The Mutts are so brainwashed they can't see how the kikes have fucked em over.
t. lived in that shithole

>> No.16935184

Because they're too dumb to understand that americans aren't wasting their own money, they're wasting other people's money. Most american cars are financed with debt.

>> No.16935199
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Really its all fucked. Best hope is to be reborn in Japan, Switzerland or Lichtenstein after dying in WW3/The Great Race War.

>> No.16935217

>Really its all fucked.
>. Best hope is to be reborn in Japan, Switzerland or Lichtenstein after dying in WW3/The Great Race War.
TOTALLY & unequivocally based

>> No.16935242

Very high probability this anon doesn't understand that the people that will pay are the future generations of his own country.

>> No.16935253

>spend $25k more on a car because of a brand and engines r Kool
>it's not even a Lamborghini or something but a shitty mustang any poorfag can buy

yes u r the smart one

>> No.16935388

Europoors have a weird inferiority complex that causes them to obsess and lash out.

>> No.16935506

>feeling inferior to the world's biggest debtor nation in history

>> No.16936134

Does your country have military bases in the USA or is it the other way around lol

>> No.16936229

This. Nothing compares to the seething rage of eurofags who have to confront the reality that America is far, far more powerful and wealthy than their charming little shithole villa.

>> No.16936244

Top kek
10/10 thread, OP

>> No.16936485


>> No.16936502

>US taxpayers paying to defend my country
Very nice

>> No.16936548
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>your country

>> No.16936583

Man it must suck to live in someone else's protectorate

>> No.16936653

they get to drink mineral water with their espresso and eat brioche for breakfast instead of dusting rag heads and sucking down MRE's

>> No.16936682

It doesn't. I'm not even sure what we're being protected from.

>> No.16936719

> great race war
Black people don't stock ammo, they don't practice that much, won't really be much of a war.

>> No.16936767

So what, I can conveniently buy fast food everywhere I go. Isn't that wonderful? When I go to McDonald's I know exactly what to expect! It's all a matter of perspective in the end.

>> No.16936848

For me, it's the McChicken!

>> No.16936933

>going bankrupt
>deficit is all time high
>sjw and lgbtq loonies taking over the country
>gangbanged by taxes
>”a-at least we’re have guns”
The cope is beyond human levels

>> No.16936962
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>>”a-at least we’re have guns”
Yes... Ultimately those who have the most nukes win.

>> No.16936975
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Amerimuts have this inane need to pretend that they’re still the macho men of this world when in reality the Chinese absolutely mog them on every aspect.

>> No.16936986

>Car for only 2 people
Why would you waste money on that instead of a family car? Unless you are rich enough to just have 2 cars and maintain them there is no reason to get such a waste of space with no real use.

>> No.16937071

"salty" go back to tf2 and idubz, npc

>> No.16937199

>any muscle car is a mustang
You'd look like a complete flamer in your Lamborghini, so much that I'm willing to bet many kids would laugh and end up throw rocks at your faggot ass.

>> No.16937606
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>has an opinion about cars

>> No.16937642

For me, it's Liechtenstein.

>> No.16937801

Yeah, 4 cylinders are great m8. I'll take a Japanese 80s sports car with 4 cylinders over NO REPLACEMENT FOR DISPLACEMENT shitboxes any day of the week.

If you're after me for my misuse of v4, apologize. Was thinking about a v6 since I'm thinking of trying to find a 9th gen accord with the v6

>> No.16937877

Is eurotrash telling us that we're "going bankrupt" and have a problem with lgbtq and sjw loonies? That's funny. Most if not all of the fags perpetuating these problems look to Europe as the Utopia theyre trying to emulate.
What does that tell you?