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File: 184 KB, 908x824, 5C738DF0-3C04-4E56-886E-3F6A0553B635.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16933660 No.16933660 [Reply] [Original]

Chain link cannot have a trillion market cap to be worth a thousand dollars.
Imho it’s never going to even 20 dollars.

>> No.16933669

dr;ns nice try though at a demoralization thread right before the pump

>> No.16933671

>an arbitrary number arrived at by multiplying price by supply can never exist! Never!

>> No.16933677

Why would it pump?
What’s the reason??
Anyway $1000 is a dream and it’s impossible

>> No.16933678

Wow you've completely shut down all of the discussion that biz has had about this project with your incredibly intelligent post.
Keep up the good work anon I totally won't sage and hide this.

>> No.16933683

How do you like your fowl cooked?

>> No.16933684


>> No.16933703

Thank you so much for your opinion anon
I am now stupider

>> No.16933711

Prove that they partnered with SWIFT

The only real partner is unironically WHO?! Shitcoins

>> No.16933716



With your mum

>> No.16933724

Why a billion premined tokens cannot exist? They exist already.
Only 35% is in circulation

>> No.16933739

I can’t afford to wait on a retarded meme of 1k or even $100. But there’s a good chance this thing will pump if btc goes on a crazy bull run and selling at $8-15 would be pretty sweet for me.

>> No.16933918
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Wtfuck a me stesso e ti voto il profilo con le mie foto di una persona a persona più felice di essere un altro giorno e non mi piace il mio migliore amica a casa e non è un altro che non è un po’ una cosa combini stasera a casa e non mi piace il mio migliore amica

>> No.16933946

yes genius we know

>> No.16933960
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>He doesn't know

>> No.16933970
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The pertnership with SWIFT is fake

>> No.16933973

I know without seeing the gif that he is an alien. “Not a chance in hell” was FAKE
because it made a 2000% gain in 2019

But why a premined shit erc 17 token can bullrun?!

>> No.16934049

time to take your meds fella

>> No.16934092

I don’t live in your place so I don’t want; can not, will not.
But you, fuck you.

>> No.16934104

What was the market cap of railroads during their peak?
What is the market cap of the internet?

>> No.16934228

It’s not money
It’s your data and personal information and history of searches
This is how jewgle and jewtube monetizzare on you

>> No.16934247

Stop these shit posts you fucking attention whore new fag . Chainlink is going to change the world and 1k is fud

>> No.16934263

Tell this to your mother

>> No.16934284

Incredibly based

>> No.16934315

Credibly false; fake; and lies

>> No.16934420

they are psychotic shills, they've been saying $1000 for almost 3 years now kek

>> No.16935539

I sell if it hits +3$ there is no way it's going double digit.

>> No.16935612

Double digits is assured with just the next bull run. Triple is possible if we see actual adoption and the crumbs were real. During the last bull Eth hit ~$150bil market cap. If Eth exceeds all time high this bull run to something like $5k, it’s not unreasonable to think Link could have 1/6th that market cap at $100 bil and a triple digit price

>> No.16935764


>> No.16935794

2021. BTC will lead the way in the next halving and pulling everything else with it through end of 2020 and then money will begin rotating out for altseason again

>> No.16935824
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Your dubs of 7 tell a different tale.

>> No.16935834

Theoretically LINK could reach a multi quadrillion mcap based on its tokenomics & use cases. A multi trillion dollar mcap (a very small % of its market) is much more likely, but it's actually possible for it to be handling collateral for 20%+ of its market which would put it in the hundreds of trillions of dollars in terms of market cap assuming all tokens are being staked & used. If it succeeds, $1,000/token is a fraction of the price it will eventually (20ish yrs form now) reach. Think closer to $5-10k/token.

>> No.16935861

Woahhh, wait a minute there nolinker, you're telling me that

>despite hating LINK you monitor the price religiously and make a thread as soon as there is any movement
>develop novel and intiutive FUD plotlines using the most up to date information you constantly seek out
>dedicate your creative energies to editing maymays with LINK branding
>have LINKtrader, GitHub, Gitter, pivotaltracker bookmarked so you can keep up to date with the project you hate
>actively participate in a LINK discord or telegram group
>know more about LINK than any other project, even more than stinkylinkies themselves

You need to have sex incel

>> No.16935876
File: 314 KB, 638x359, eb7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

price of a cup of coffee, read the whitepaper

>> No.16935920

Fuck and fuck off you cunt. No linker of has 8K link is the absolute state of your claims: a shitload or incorrectness. You blatant handicapped

A cup of coffee in Italy is 1 euro. Chain link is 2,2€. So what about that white paper you fucking twat? It made 2163% in 2019.

>> No.16935975

> Immediately admits in pajeet-tier english that he has over $20k invested in the project he's aggressively fudding
>Thinks he is the superior intellect

>> No.16936002

The price will fluctuate between 1$ and 5$, maximum 10$ in a bubble. 700k sell offs will keep the price low when demands go up to keep it at the price of a cup of coffee. Read the whitepaper.

>> No.16936925


>> No.16936977 [DELETED] 

Almost 2 years actually.>>16935539

>> No.16936996

Almost 2 years actually

>> No.16937064

But is $100 even possible? Cause I don’t think so

>> No.16937153

Sorry I thought you were fudding but it turns out you're just ignorant. You need to look into the size of the derivatives and insurance markets and realize how much cost saving and automation chainlink enables for companies in those spaces. Look into applicable industry organizations like ISDA and judge for yourself how excited they are about smart contracts. Then ask yourself whether any other oracle solution is close to actually competing with chainlink.

>> No.16937191

Anyone that doesn't hold at least a suicide stack of LINK is fucking nuts. It's one of very projects that really has a chance of enormous success.

>> No.16937235

Nice English Raj

>> No.16937247

Why can none of the link shills refute the cup of coffee price from the white paper? Genuinely interested

t link hodler

>> No.16937271


>> No.16937306

You realize market cap doesn’t mean much in crypto, right? Its just an arbitrary number attached to a coin/token that’s derived from the number of tokens in existence and the last price payed for said token. In fact, ChainLink already hit a trillion dollar market cap for a few seconds back when that Binance order filled for $9999 per link. It has nothing to do with how much the company itself is worth. You think anyone would buy SmartContract.com for 1billion right now? Fucking lmao at your stupidity.

>> No.16937327

How much is a suicide stack?

4$ is 4 times the price of a coffee

>> No.16937343

It’s was just a stupid old market buyer with the paxos dollar.

>> No.16937433

Im well aware. That doesnt change the fact that for a brief moment, ChainLink had a market cap of $999,999,999,999. My point being, market cap doesnt mean anything, and if you base your investment strategy on it you are definitely not going to make it.

>> No.16937506

Why the fuck are there price predictions on this then? Wouldn’t they just manipulate the price of the asset towards their goal? someone needs to fill me in on this because every time it gets brought up it just gets ignored lol

>> No.16937537


>> No.16937888

That’s a retarded way to make the point. Market cap is a meme because link tokens are not shares.

>> No.16938045


>> No.16938076

Literally duh!!! Buy cheap low market cap coins tons of people sold for realized losses. Coins like OCN decentralized ODYSSEY fagget s

Ocn can go to all time high and get you rich that is what you want .

All the chainlink shills have big money and they are only buying scam centralized bankers coins off of Coinbase

Fuck off about muh Coinbase coins and buy cheap low market cap "scam coins" now while they are cheap and 98% below all time high.

That is if you want to get rich. OCN cunts

>> No.16938083

Literally duh!!! Buy cheap low market cap coins tons of people sold for realized losses. Coins like OCN decentralized ODYSSEY fagget s

Ocn can go to all time high and get you rich that is what you want .

All the chainlink shills have big money and they are only buying scam centralized bankers coins off of Coinbase

Fuck off about muh Coinbase coins and buy cheap low market cap "scam coins" now while they are cheap and 98% below all time high.

That is if you want to get rich. OCN cunts...

>> No.16938118
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That's because it's chainfake. Now make way for the REAL link

>> No.16938143

ssh they dont know KEK. Network value could be in trillions doesnt matter , it is a NETWORK.

>> No.16938146
File: 22 KB, 542x681, rip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16938185

Most sensible reply in this thread. Best case scenario for LINK is $50. Which isnt bad at all. I'm rooting for LINK since I'm in ETH. If LINK ever hits $10-$20, GTFO or at least sell enough to get your initial investment back. This $1,000 talk is completely nuts. Not hating, I want it to succeed, but you're out of your gawd damned mind if you think LINK will ever hit anything close to $100. MAYBE if Google or another big tech firm contracts with it for a rewards or tipping program....

>> No.16938190

Mi dispiace

>> No.16938223

None of these partnerships mean anything to the value. If a tech giant like Google, Amazon, Facebook, Apple etc doesnt partner with it none of the others matter.

>> No.16939013


>> No.16939025


>> No.16939425

Fuck you

>> No.16939521
File: 123 KB, 666x660, A6D72F67-BB63-4FCB-8AF8-242521B2E9B1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16939547

Amazed it went to almost $5 based off a "partnership" with Google that still isn't clearly outlined. I think there's just an army of people buying, shilling, and getting more dumbasses to believe Chainlink is connecting real data onchain. There isn't any oracles and still no staking. It's a plain ERC20 token with a json parser that is not resistant to sybil attacks. It's not decentralized in any sense.

>> No.16939613

Chico crypto and a coooold one
While I smoke a biiig blunt
He dislikes
bsv so I’m buyin
With the scalable blocks
Yall be cryin

>> No.16939811
File: 7 KB, 231x250, DA95DA14-593F-4117-91DE-BDA6730F7E94.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reading this already makes me nostalgic.

>> No.16939907

dont spoonfeed them we need retards to buy our bags retard

>> No.16940183

100$ is what like 40 billion market cap? that's going to be nothing in the next bullrun by 2021-2022

>> No.16940194

ETH is going to be worth around 5k easy by then. BTC will be flirting with 100k....you'd have to be naive to think LINK can't come close to 100

>> No.16940336

>this bull run

Anon, it was a bubble that will never occur again the the realm of fake internet coins. Please stop the propagation of delusion and cease your cope.

Every single one of these crypto coins are currently propped up by hopium which will gradually be eroded akin to waves on a rock until there is just not more support and the whole space collapses in on itself.

Everything is a solution looking for a problem which has not been found in like 10 years.

Rip the band-aid off.

>> No.16940751

They were fudding

>> No.16940843

the wait hurts me. it’s really taking hits on me. i know you guys feel it too. please give me relief. at this point i just want it to end. i might actually just go offline IRL soon

>> No.16941016

Based and informedpilled

>> No.16941024

>pajeet-tier English

Top kek I noticed this too.

>> No.16941037

> You need to look into the size of the derivatives and insurance markets and realize how much cost saving and automation chainlink enables for companies in those spaces
the absolute delusion .Take your meds stinky.

>> No.16941993

>1 trillion MC is impossible
>1k link is impossible
>>nothing in crypto is impossible
>>have sex incel

>> No.16942526

350 billion market cap is all it needs right now.

>> No.16942584

Is now a bad time to buy LINK? Is it going to dip or should I just get some now, just in case?

>> No.16943320

Woahhh, wait a minute there nolinker, you're telling me that

>despite hating LINK you monitor the price religiously and make a thread as soon as there is any movement
>develop novel and intiutive FUD plotlines using the most up to date information you constantly seek out
>dedicate your creative energies to editing maymays with LINK branding
>have LINKtrader, GitHub, Gitter, pivotaltracker bookmarked so you can keep up to date with the project you hate
>actively participate in a LINK discord or telegram group
>know more about LINK than any other project, even more than stinkylinkies themselves

You need to have sex incel

>> No.16943966
File: 472 KB, 1024x784, Pass it along if you are saved.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stinky linkies dumpetey doos, many of you will make it in this life and be financially comfy, but are you spiritually comfy? Do you know for sure that you have a place in Heaven if you were to die tonight?

Here's a short prayer you can make aloud to God if you are not sure of your salvation:

Dear Lord Jesus Christ,
I know that I am a sinner
I know I deserve to go to hell
But I believe you died on the cross for me
And rose again on the third day
Please save me right now
And give me eternal life
I'm only trusting in you alone Jesus


>> No.16944002
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link tokens can be worth 1k usd without link having a trillion dollar market cap. If you can't understand this you deserve to stay poor.

>> No.16944017

Thanks Suven, how much is a cup of coffee in your home town of Bunjashmahindra?

>> No.16944487

Nice to see Christine again. Hello, /christian/ brother.
t. Catholic

>> No.16944885

cardano shitcoin reached $30bln during last bullrun. $100 is fucking nothing

>> No.16944896

retards spammed 1000 EOY during 2017

>> No.16945384

1$ espresso where?

>> No.16945406
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This is you guys, damnation

>> No.16945408

you can get espresso (real not the watery american shit) in italy for 1 eur

>> No.16945493

What an uninformed and pajeet tier response

>> No.16946148

Do you know how many derivatives are traded daily. Now tack a 1% fee on it.

Bitcoin was trying to replace m1 money and this is trying to replace 100 trillion outstanding derivatives.

>> No.16946323

If LINK hits the mcap of XRP in last bullrun it's around 300-something USD

>> No.16946370

You linkies digust me. You're so deluded you don't realize that link is nothing more than a simple Jason Parser that could be written in javascript in a few minutes. it doesn't even need a token. Speaking of tokens, link being more than $1 defeats the entire fucking purpose of the coin. How can you be this oblivious?

What real world use does link even have? Have you ever thought beyond the memes and the charts and really considered it? Nobody uses smart contracts because nobody wants to get involved in white supremacist internet funny money. Banks aren't going to adopt it because they make money off of things taking forever, and normies don't know any better.

And that's not even talking about the 'team', which is literally two people. They haven't even hired anyone. Did you miss all of the reports of Sergey fucking prostitutes and eating cheeseburgers after the ICO was finished? Hope you got your $32MM worth, retards.

This is also all completely ignoring the fact that link is just an ERC20 token. What other token has made it past, say, $2? Can you name a single one? Exactly, no, you cant.

Even Vitalik says it's not worth $32MM. Are you going to disagree with the autistic genius money skelly? Of course he understands the value of oracles, that's why he's going to include it in the next ETH update (cap this). Why the fuck would he leave something like this to a no-name shitcoin? Use your fucking brain manlets.

This is also all completely ignoring the fact that Ripple (XRP) will effectively put bank supercomputers in every major city, completely removing any use LINK ever may have had. If you believe in oracles, great, why not pick a project that has an actual fucking future? OH LOOK, IT'S CRASHING AGAIN, SURPRISE. Fucking deluded stinky linkies. Market sell your shit now and thank me later.

>> No.16946556

It's just a meme bro