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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 1.47 MB, 2400x1600, 737-Max_grounded.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16928854 No.16928854 [Reply] [Original]

>Boeing has so far secured at least $6 billion from banks
>costs of the 737 MAX grounding are more than $9 billion to date
>Boeing has been losing around $1 billion a month
Is the future of Boeing looking a/biz/mal yet?

>> No.16928870

Why you think they pushing ww3?

>> No.16928881

>the Max scandal isn’t the only dire threat to Boeing
>Boeing had struggled to plug a gaping hole in its product lineup between its single-aisle 737 and larger twin-aisle 787 planes.
>Now, plans to launch an entirely new, “clean sheet” jetliner for this midsize market have been shelved

>> No.16928906

Good ridance. Fucking faggots outsourcing to jeets

>> No.16928958

This is what you get when you try and save money by hiring Indians

>> No.16929045

And Airbus keeps climbing.

>> No.16929063

unironically down

>> No.16929071

Yeah, but they're leveling off soon at which point you'll be free to walk around the cabin

>> No.16929119

Boeing is going down and more companies will follow. American engineering and construction quality are on the decline. Profit is being prioritized over quality and safety. Look up Bay Bridge steel bolt failures, Millennium Tower sinking, and Florida bridge collapse. There's a pattern going on.

>> No.16929131

My opinion; they're going nowhere. Even if they get relegated to second place and Airbus takes over as the dominant commercial player, they're too big to fail and the US likes to fuck with Airbus and other countries with tariffs too much not to have a Boeing shaped stick to wave at them.

If they can't straighten this shit out and show us a light at the end of the tunnel, I could see their stock under performing, but both Boeing and Airbus have a backlog of orders for years. As a company they will survive.

>> No.16929136


>> No.16929145
File: 121 KB, 549x284, quote-from-MCM-leader[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There's a pattern going on.
More women in engineering and more Indian/Chinese outsourcing for hardware design instead of just software?

>> No.16929146
File: 996 KB, 250x250, unnamed (3).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16929233
File: 538 KB, 2290x1322, 90[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only absolute autistic femcel legbeards should ever be allowed to be engineers. How the fuck does a bridge which was essentially just a slab of concrete resting on 2 end points even get signed off in a rural African shithole let alone Miami? This thing killed like 6 people. This is worse than the chinkiest chinkland engineering failure caught on CCTV.


>> No.16929252
File: 66 KB, 640x427, 1542695186408.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Outsourcing never pays off but middle managers never get in the ass and snr management looks the other way so long as costs are in check and budget doesn't over run.

>> No.16929254

Is it really a "Shareholder First" culture, or is it a "Revenue First" culture, leading to higher executive pay, bonus, and perks?
I see no sign of executives caring about shareholders, at all.

>> No.16929333

Screencap this.

>> No.16929510

Corporate religions like Agile/Lean/Six Sigma claim yet another victim.

>> No.16929751
File: 39 KB, 857x504, Boeing-BA.N.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16929767

Nowhere. They are backed by the us gov that’s why they just don’t give a fuck anymore.

>> No.16929776

Outsourced to pajeets for a decade. BA has underlying engineering problems that will likely persist for the next 10 years. The thing about engineering is it's the first in the pipeline, so we're just starting to feel its effects. Their reputation is irreparably damaged, deservedly so. But their company is such a massive percentage of the US economy, and the fact that they are our largest remaining manufacturer means they are too big to fail and are guaranteed a bail out in the worst case scenario.

>> No.16930149

>Over the past six years, Boeing spent $43.4billion on stock buybacks, compared with $15.7billion on research and development for commercial airplanes. The board even approved an additional $20billion buyback in December2018, less than two months after the first 737Max crash
They appear to be extremely concerned indeed with the share price - moreso than the tiresome business of making planes that don't actively drive their customers customers head first into the grave. Your mistake is assuming executive pay is not intrinsically linked to the share price. No prospect of share price climbing anytime soon now tho - may as well just walk away (and collect $60 million plus in payoffs) - leave the entire corrupt shitfest for the next mug to sort out.

>> No.16930339

Why are stock buybacks event allowed? Asking as a brainlet. To me it just seems like an easy way for companies to pump their own stock and get morons to fomo in.

>> No.16930410

>companies to pump their own stock and get morons to fomo in
pretty much, yeah. But if a company doesn't believe in their own stock, who else should - you can't really ban them from buying it. But it gets muddy when its a quasi government-supported concern like Boeing - and attempting to spend $60b on stock buybacks with only $15b on R&D, this in a tech-led co. over 6 years - i'd agree, this is morally questionable, to say the fucking least. Wait and see how much the US needs to spend bailing the fuckers out now

>> No.16930440

For every shitty boomer company with no talent or ideas like GE and Boeing there is a Tesla. It's just the natural cycle of business. Nobody stays on top forever.

>> No.16930452

>Your mistake is assuming executive pay is not intrinsically linked to the share price.
I know execs (and even lower-level employees) get part of their pay in stock options, but is that really a driving force?

>> No.16930471


Sears was Amazon once, probably even bigger in terms of role.

>> No.16930486

they are usually linked, yeah. Even when salary level not contractually linked to share price, unhappy shareholders can still get execs/boards booted. Elons your best example - he gets $50b salry/bonuses when share price +, nothing when not. Bet seems to be going well for him this far

>> No.16930535

>There's a pattern going on.
Yes, outsourcing to Pajeets and hiring affirmative action engineers.

>> No.16930537

It used to be illegal in the 80s or 90s

>> No.16930565

Based airbus a380 is the best plane

>> No.16930672

I love that plane

>> No.16930904

It looks fat and stupid.

>> No.16931092 [DELETED] 

This company has very serious problems, yet is only 20-30% off its high.
Companies that miss earnings or revenue estimates have regularly been punished much worse than Boeing.
I believe this stock is being propped up by income-seeking investors (eg dividend growth investors), and as soon as Boeing cuts or eliminates the dividend, the price will tank.
Do not try to catch this falling knife.

>> No.16931156

This company is facing billions in liabilities, and has seen orders dry up, yet is only 20-30% off its high.
That's the kind of penalty you see for a company that misses a quarterly revenue or earnings target.
I believe this stock is being propped up by income-seeking investors (eg dividend growth investors), and as soon as Boeing cuts or eliminates the dividend, the price will tank.
Do not try to catch this falling knife.

>> No.16931217



>> No.16931264

This shit is crazier than that James bond movie

>> No.16931688


They rushed a shitty, sloppy redesign of an existing jet to compete with a surprise release by Airbus of an entirely new jet that had been designed from the ground up. They deserve this for being typically American in their lack of innovation and risky, lazy search for profit from nothing.

In case anyone needed reminders why regulations are good... and that if we lived in a free market, businesses would make decisions regularly that could and would kill us and then lie about there being anything wrong.

>> No.16931854

Regulations are pointless when they're not being followed or they're self-enforced by the businesses. Boeing's scandal was caused by corruption. The FAA gave Boeing the authority to certify their own jet designs, which makes the whole certification process pointless.

No matter how much regulation you introduce, corrupt people with power will find a way to get around them or reduce the penalties for violations. You're assuming the government is incorruptible.

>> No.16931912

It's another example that corporate "self-policing" means "no policing".

>> No.16931950

>But if a company doesn't believe in their own stock, who else should
Yeah that makes sense in a general/ideal world. However, as you pointed out Boeing isn’t your average company so it’s very shady indeed.

Has anyone at Boeing actually faced any real penalties? You would have thought when you have planes falling out of the sky that’s the kind of thing Boeing executives would be thrown in jail for. There’s obviously no chance in hell that’s going to happen, though.

>> No.16932478

I mean no regulations just means you get shit like china escalators eating people. The big dogs can sometimes avoid regs but everyone cant

>> No.16933362

They're borrowing money now, probably in part to keep the dividend afloat:
>Payout Ratio 120.05%