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File: 42 KB, 570x856, glowie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16914717 No.16914717 [Reply] [Original]

Whether or not you get it depends entirely on your worldview. If you believe cryptos inception came about in a natural grassroots manner you are going to lose.
Ask yourself which coins glow the most and you will have a shortlist of possible winners. They never pick a winner outright. They support multiple sides and see what works out. We are close to the selection being made in crypto. Maybe it already was.
They know their fractional reserve ponzi-scheme will fail as it was designed to and they will pivot in a controlled manner. This means there will be no big boogaloo. Just a rocky transition which is your chance to make it.
We will end up with a global money which allows them to tighten their stranglehold over every aspect of our lives.

2010-2012 FIRST WAVE
>Onboard freedom minded and competent high-IQ free-thinkers with a sprinkle of entrepreneurs, libertarians. Idealistic people are needed for believing in and shilling an obscure project.

>Get in first wave of normies but still out-of-the-box thinkers and libertarians

2013-2015 FIRST PURGE
>Squeeze and rek dumb money and normies
>They leave the pool of holders
>Keep onboarding entrepreneurs

>Pull in mass amounts of normies to fund getting millions of low-IQ codemonkeys into blockchain via ICOs, their projects fail but they will be needed down the line

2017-2018 SECOND PURGE
>Destroy the ICO normies
>Trap all socialist dumb money late adopters and fags in BTC by halting all scaling and selling them on Lightning but not letting it collapse
>all the ancaps,libertarians,entrepeneneurs and high IQ adopters are now in BCH or move to other projects

>Remove ancaps and anti-government adopters from the pool, they are no longer needed
>Keep out low-IQ undesirables with tons of bad PR

>pump fast enough to price undesirables out of big positions

Profit from your own enslavement or don't and still get enslaved.

>> No.16914741

Absolutely based and redpilled as fuck.

What is the next NSA-shilled move in crypto? What do we do now to maximize profit from (((them)))?

>> No.16914752

Also, (((Satoshi Nakamoto))) is just Rothschilds/US-Israeli deepstate. They envisioned a world where they could track the movement of every last shekel and invented Bitcoin.

>> No.16914785

>What is the next NSA-shilled move in crypto? What do we do now to maximize profit from (((them)))?
If the powers that be had made a decision on what wins, they would not allow low IQ follower-types to get in at rock bottom and it would be a project they created themselves.
They realize that they have to allow randoms to become rich in order to make it look like its a natural development in the history books but they will make sure only a group with specific traits get in cheap. This requires the winner to be unpopular first and grow rapidly when a tipping point is hit later.
That process the great filter I greentexted in the OP

>> No.16914812


>> No.16914927


BSV is the next move

>> No.16914937

Buy ZEC. Seriously....

>> No.16914972

And that is why you buy Chainlink. If it is not blatantly obvious to you how it will facilitate an intricate system of enslavement through self executing social scoring contracts, you are braindead

>> No.16914983

You have to be completely brainwashed or stupid to think a token on a spaghetti coded scam chain is the answer. This is why you will be priced out

>> No.16915027

You don't seem to understand bitcoin very well, it's just the opposite, so we can track them. Their game is over, they just don't know it yet.

>> No.16915049

See >>16914937

>> No.16915053

Lets say you identify a state actors wrongdoing using chainanalysis. Whats your recourse?

Lets say a state actor identifies your wrongdoing using using chainanalysis. Whats his recourse?

>> No.16915074

bro you know how messy humans are? you think any group can even keep their mess in tact long enough to CONTROL the mess of others. we messy. we are chaos.

>> No.16915078


Don't force the people to a new law or system the government wants. Make them believe they wanted it and accept their terms willingly.

Simple really.

>> No.16915084

Yeah, that's a fallacy.

>> No.16915092

Ordo Ab Chao

>> No.16915129

If a full shift or integration toward a blockchain based economy happens on the scale of the usd, your new "programmable fiat" is going to have lots of automatic, immutable, permanently stored 'features' like every purchase you've ever made, everywhere you've ever been(not that these factors aren't already virtually easy to establish). In China, this will be integrated with their social credit score system.

The shift to crypto money requires new precedents and regulations to be set on personal privacy and identity sovereignty.. Like we need a fucking constitutional amendment or else it is going to be used against the general public's privacy and autonomy.

>> No.16915136

You think all humans are messy. You think the world is huge. You think it's impossible to track 7 billion people.

As someone that's been in a certain level of clearance: the world is small, the routines are predictable, the minds are weak and the patterns are easy to analyze. You have no idea because most people lack the depth and logical capacity to remove emotions and to see the whole picture. Nobody is special. They are all idiots trying to act like they know better and the best part, your obedience to authority keeps you in check.

>> No.16915176
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>> No.16915200


Ever hear those words? I'm sure you have.
>"Blockchain will free you from your fiscal enslavement, your private data and identity no longer centralized but I'm a secure private decentralized blockchain. "

They will want it, they do want it. That's why the government is making it "sooo" difficult to regulate. It makes it look like they resist the idea. Slowly corporate entities adopt these ideas. Because they are just one of us right? Even though you hate capitalism you love Starbucks, you love Apple. So these companies adopting blockchain are fighting the system right? They are heroes to anti government sentiments.

It's not hard to manipulate a situation.

>> No.16915262

When the transition happens with the next recession, the recession will be blamed on Trumps nationalism, protectionism and tradewars

>> No.16915264

Except shadow branches of government of other systems of power do not want full transparency for theselves. Just full transparency for the common man.
What glows? Nothing as bright as ZEC, for a number of reasons, that we don't need to get too far into. From a technical perspective, it's attractive to those in power because it's both transparent, or private, depending on how you're transacting. It will end up being very difficult for the common man to keep his history shielded, as he will be required to tie himself to transparent addresses for legitimate reasons. Moving in and out of t-addresses to z-addresses will likely leave enough of a trail for intelligent actors with resources to track. The common man lacks the time and resources required to track the flow of money from those in power though

>> No.16915273

>When the transition happens with the next recession, the recession will be blamed on Trumps nationalism, protectionism and tradewars
It's not happened any time soon retard. Also things 'happen' very slowly. You aren't going to live to see much dramatic change, which sucks because your life must be fucking boring.

>> No.16915276
File: 17 KB, 266x189, images (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

doesnt matter if you get rich or not becuase ultimatley your going to have to make an ultimatum down the line, this decision will either allow you to retain your wealth or allow it to be seized. The people who are fanatical on this board about their stacks and dreams of yachts and unlimited tendies have already made their decision. Even if you win, you lose. Youre simply not going to win.

>> No.16915290

Its happening during trumps second term

>> No.16915294

If the elite ever adopt a blockchain as the new currency, it won't be a fully transparent one.

>> No.16915295

Boomerstocks are safe until the election

>> No.16915317


>> No.16915329


>> No.16915352

The first step will be fiat currency issued on a large high-throughput chain. They will of course be centrally issued and be able to be minted at will according to central banks. Just like current fiat in those regards but on chain.

>> No.16915407

Yes, I agree. That would be a logical step.

>> No.16915425

There is only one chain that qualifies at this moment

>> No.16915426

Finally. a quality biz thread with minimal shitposting

>> No.16915433

I’m a neet. How do I become wealthy

>> No.16915467
File: 280 KB, 646x595, 1554673914042.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf does my id mean guys? I'm scared

>> No.16915549

I like BSV too, but I'm not convinced. Tbh, my two picks are ZEC and BSV. Zec may end up just being the research platform,, either way, I think it's going to pump like crazy this year. It should be a top 3 coin imo.

>> No.16915686


Based end-times shillposter. Which chain might you be shilling? Is this a fancy Tezos-shill?

>> No.16915688

Based thread.

>> No.16915711

Most posters in this thread know and decide to not shill it hard ITT

>> No.16915733


>> No.16915757

you don't use your real name when you ask guys to get ass fucked

>> No.16915886


I’m not on here much, seems like BSV or ZEC are what you’re talking about. Or maybe decred?

>> No.16915919

The absolute state

>> No.16915987

mark my words

>> No.16916003

i saw it in a dream

>> No.16916020

imagine how the elite feels

>> No.16916026

the adopted currensy will be a stable coin, you wont be able to profit off of it buddy

>> No.16916428

You said all this shit and didn’t say the fucking coin

>> No.16916431

but it will certainly go up from the current price in the process given that it’s a 23-24 cent coin

>> No.16916440

my guess is iota

>> No.16916473

kanye west had that one song like “xtz, xtz, xtz ooh ooh ooh, xtz, xtz, xtz”

>> No.16916491

why would i buy OP?

>> No.16916506

scam thread

>> No.16916531

yea what a scam that coin is gosh

>> No.16916544

relevant thread:

>> No.16916582

Are you being serious?

>> No.16916931

I’m not the one posting all this text and not making the coin. Everything from fuckin zcssh tk X-rp was named but op said none

>> No.16917047

Did you read the Greentext? Isnt it obvious?

>> No.16917435

Ok lets reveal
Its verge

>> No.16917525
File: 55 KB, 645x773, I+have+no+comment+_3d9fb85acd6f8893f1aa8f8a65ca25b0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thx just bought 100k

>> No.16917554

Aren't you one of those retards shilling BSV?

>> No.16917578

If you didn't understand which coin this thread is obviously about you have no idea about Blockchain-history

>> No.16917712

Shut up pajeet, I wasn't talking to you. I was talking to the tripfag who is shitting on chainlink instead of his designated street.

>> No.16917745

Yes and it sounded like xrp

And now I believe this was a troll thread so good job on all The Who dunit scooby doo mystery as that’s the only time it adds to the joke

>> No.16917836

How did xrp remove ancaps from their pool of holders in 2018?

>> No.16917972

pro tip
youre going to be very very salty by end of next month
cap it my friend

>> No.16918066
File: 143 KB, 1600x1200, B83FF2D3-94CD-4263-BEF4-DC4CFDE40A40.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They never pick a winner outright. They support multiple sides and see what works out. We are close to the selection being made in crypto.
Except they already chose it, its called ZeroCash, the most glow in the dark coin there possibly is
High IQ but they went through their agents in the NSA to actually build it
Unprecedentedly high IQ

Unironically most retards don’t even know who created the internet and its the same agency that has now created the NWO one world currency coin that works for roths/royal families

>> No.16918098

>Zero cash

top kek

>> No.16918116

Chain link looks like a toilet bowl perfect for shitting.

It's a shit token

>> No.16918122

I doubt ZEC is the one because they will have already begun implementing it and the coins currency being implemented for their banks and governments are permissioned blockchains (CBDCs, jpmc), XRP, XLM, UTN. IOTA is a longshot but could be the currency of machines.

Furthermore, Zk-snarks can be implemented in several other blockchains with faster transactions, smart contracts, and more use cases than ZEC itself.

>> No.16918147

It’s XRP.

>> No.16918203

Sorry for not knowing every little tidbit of info about a random shitcoin friend. You could just talk instead of being mysterious for the 20ppl on biz and 4 in this thread

>> No.16918227

Original names only
>whats a merger
makes sense the insiders keep dumping their bags on cripple taxi drivers, because this shit is going to $1000 and they want to lose gains on purpose

>> No.16918281


>> No.16918296

>It will end up being very difficult for the common man to keep his history shielded, as he will be required to tie himself to transparent addresses for legitimate reasons. Moving in and out of t-addresses to z-addresses will likely leave enough of a trail for intelligent actors with resources to track. The common man lacks the time and resources required to track the flow of money from those in power though
ZEC is completely backdoored from top to bottom, creators (roths/royal families) have access to everything and all the founder rewards. Agents (DARPA, spooks, financial institutions) will have access to everything as well. Only truly hidden transactions will be (((their))) transactions

>> No.16918424

How is this “minted at will”?

>> No.16918434


the inflation is retarded

>> No.16918449

Failed LARP

>> No.16918464


>> No.16918512

Real original faggot

>> No.16918553
File: 842 KB, 1242x931, E04EDD67-35D2-4E80-A9F8-031AAD31A41D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All of that just to tell us to buy btc and dodgecoin

>> No.16918559

They will not adopt a coin controlled by asic miners in China, that means no ZEC, no BTC, no BCH, no BTC. They are pushing the sustainable finance meme in the media already.

>> No.16918598


>> No.16918697

keep shilling a completely irrelevant literal who peak tier shitcoin scam known as dodgecoindark you massively failed LARPer. You make LINK shills look like geniuses the way you shill this trash thats down 99.99%, your scam will be off the top 100 by next month
>thinking zcash is going to stay PoW
>implying chicoms own the supply right now

>> No.16918698

It’s Xrp
Craig is a fraud

>> No.16918982

XLM and/or XRP?

>> No.16919012

Ask yourself /biz/raelies, why is it that this copy pasta thread always receives a huge response? I wonder who could be behind this...

>> No.16919033

I'm a genuine anon helping my frens

>> No.16919052

>all the ancaps,libertarians,entrepeneneurs and high IQ adopters are now in BCH or move to other projects
Fuck you

>> No.16919104

The repeated forks were a way of containing the libertarians and ancaps in BCH and remove them from influence

>> No.16919105

this is my only worry with ZEC desu, that all the breakthrough this team has pioneered will just be adopted by other chains and it won't rise properly like it should.

>> No.16919115

Well being a bsv pajeet makes you in expert in shitting outside of the loo. I'll have to take your word for it.

>> No.16919121

so was bitcoins the first few years.

>> No.16919197

Holy shit my sides

>> No.16919244

This must be a copypasta. Who would pick bch over bsv in 2020

>> No.16919280

BCH is a containment coin for ancaps. The elite has no interest in making ancaps rich.

>> No.16919283

I just bought my whey today bro.
I got all the ab chao I could ever want

>> No.16919356

Interesting. thats the most convincing argument you’ve made

>> No.16919408

its literally in the OP
reread greentext

>> No.16919558

you probably hold request network too huh? fucking retard

>> No.16919583

>muh greentext
Surely anyone buying crypto at this point is pro capitalism? Nobody actually buys this stuff for equality or environment or other liberal shit do they?

>> No.16919612

BTC is full of people who get their worldview from marvel and star wars movies

>> No.16919627

its a scam you fucking retard

>> No.16919640

thanks, sold 100k

>> No.16919644

youre acting like all the other schizos on this board. instead of giving clear answers you want to beat around the bush and be mysterious. delete your ego faggot, we are all here for the same reason. we aint here cause we got nice lives.

>> No.16919686

Can you expand on what you mean anon? Are you speaking on people who will piss away their gains with bad financial management or tax rape?

>> No.16919690 [DELETED] 

This threads message is to realize that engaging in crypto we are helping those that gave you your not nice live, and that you have to understand where they want to go with it to profit massively which is like selling your soul but will work out monetarily.
BSV glows more than anything.

>> No.16919722

Yeah that's what I said faggot
Do your own damn research. We aren't here to spoon feed you degenerate cucks. You wouldn't listen even if we told you. The fact that you still don't know proves you deserve to miss out. That's the easiest of the whole narrative too. Imagine being in our position, you don't have the capacity to understand.

>> No.16919734

Why does BSV glow, the elites already got what they wanted with the lightning network?

>> No.16919756

No he means at a certain level these mega holders of BSV will be suicided. Be modest.

>> No.16919775

>They never pick a winner outright. They support multiple sides and see what works out. We are close to the selection being made in crypto. Maybe it already was.

>> No.16919790 [DELETED] 

Calvin was on FBI top wanted and made a deal to get off with nothing. Couple months later he is balls deep in BCH.
Craig did contract work for the NSA in the past.

>> No.16919797

>buy bch
>uh no I mean bsv

Here we go again

>> No.16919839

>They support multiple sides and see what works out.
The banksters wouldn't like BCH so we can eliminate that one immediately.
>Calvin was on FBI top wanted and made a deal to get off with nothing. Couple months later he is balls deep in BCH. Craig did contract work for the NSA in the past.
If that's true then it just sounds like BSV is nothing more than a sabatoge effort, which they are trying to inflict maximum damage to the BCH community over a prolonged period of time. No reason to believe they would select BSV when their BTC scaling solution gives them more control (LN).

>> No.16919875

>No reason to believe they would select BSV when their BTC scaling solution gives them more control (LN).
At least as far as I understand, you're free to change my mind

>> No.16919889

LN could be their play. Its a possibility.
It is fundamentally bad tech that still doesn't work though.

>> No.16919943
File: 12 KB, 500x280, 1578897891323.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does BAT glow anon? Check that ID.

>> No.16920600
File: 121 KB, 862x819, Bitcoin_destroys_corruption.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The game is over when the public knows. Their greatest weapon is keeping people in the dark.

Bitcoin will usher in a new era of transparency, both in and out of government.