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16906283 No.16906283 [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone actually believe this guy is Satoshi, or am I being memed?

>> No.16906288


>> No.16906292
File: 234 KB, 1046x764, TwoCoins.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All In .... He is Satoshi

>> No.16906295

You're being memed so hard lmao
Sell now or lose everything

>> No.16906300

Some retards probably do. Delusion is a powerful thing. Admitting you got scammed by pajeets into buying a worthless memecoin is a lot harder than tricking yourself into believing a lie.

>> No.16906302


>Just waiting for that "final slice" from the "courier"


I'm shorting it

>> No.16906303
File: 1.50 MB, 1125x2436, 1579388889036.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yup. he has the keys. he's won. BSV is going to pump hard. DONT LIKE IT STIFFF


>> No.16906325

He's satoshi you fucking retard, you'd have to be blind not to see this. and if you are blind? STIFF!

>> No.16906365

well retards do. so i guess it depends on if you view them as people or not

>> No.16906391

Has it ever occurred to you that they ramp up the obvious delusion when they WANT you to short?
Why do you think it pumped after the whole "shadow courier" stuff? Because they know they can get idiots like you who think they're smart to get liquidated.

>> No.16906404

>He has the keys to publicly available info, he must be satoshi

I legit hope you're a paid shill and not some deluded victim of the PAJEET SISTEM OF WELTH

>> No.16906440
File: 659 KB, 1024x768, 1561525812250.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course he is satoshi, haven't you done any research?

>> No.16906444

I'm gonna ruin the fun. It's an elaborate larp to weed out the brainlets who fall for it.

>> No.16906452

Bro this is desperate. Anons were calling out to short ages ago. If you had gone short today you would be in profit. What is going to keep the price above $250?

>> No.16906518

I suppose some people do but he is obviously not.

Check out this freudian slip>>> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cKbPNFUHLYM

>> No.16906655
File: 255 KB, 1153x985, documents.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you think satoshi would put billions of man-hours to prove his identity the WRONG way?
while he was communicating via pgp he was a big fan of proving his identity via cryptographic signatures. he just stopped suddenly in 2014? pfeh!

>> No.16906658
File: 230 KB, 858x874, 1579394956701.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No doubt in my mind.

>> No.16906695

get fucked you stupid paid shills. you faggots have been circle jerking this meme back and forth. you faggots are the most beta retards in existence.

>> No.16906763

This honestly. The saddest part is that the guy is serious and he's seriously demanding that signing, and can't understand why that's unnecessary.

>> No.16906776

I back my words, he's a filthy paid shill yes.

>> No.16906779


>> No.16906809

stay mad fuckers the fact remains nobody sane will believe any "satoshi" until there is a proper public signature. it is the way.
your stupid shilling is completely pointless btw. not even a billion blog posts tweets and articles or serious other forms of opinionated shitposts are worth a goddamn.

>> No.16906816

*various not serious wtf is autocorrect doing these days...

>> No.16906880

so you don't believe any obvious things in this world without signings? do you generally even believe our existence?

you have to do a 30min research and you'll find it out right away, there's no doubt about it. don't be such a childish fucking stubborn baby

>> No.16907333

Holy shit that's a rare Craig

>> No.16907342

Original writings of the real Satoshi was rather CypherPunk and somewhat Ancap.

Craig Wright is litigious and his hand writing is not the same.


>> No.16907564

>so you don't believe any obvious things in this world without signings?
never said that. i said i don't believe any satoshi candidates for obvious reasons unless they sign.
>there's no doubt about it
about craig? lol there is very little to doubt as most of his bullshit is easily debunked.

>> No.16908608
File: 103 KB, 640x845, 1551454055162.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He is going to give his private keys worth billions of dollars in an open court.

Do coretards all sniff glue or what is up with that? They are all so insanely retarded it defies comprehension.

>> No.16908622
File: 52 KB, 985x753, ELV4y00XsAAiKT2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Paid liar right here. Only here to spread disinfo and FUD.

Won't stop Bitcoin from scaling though, so that's pretty STIFF.

>> No.16908659

do you """believe""" that 2+2 equals 4?

Then yes, Dr Craig Wright is satoshi nkamoto