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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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16905499 No.16905499 [Reply] [Original]

This timeline is so fucking insane

>> No.16905517

they still dont believe... after breaking ATH and being the biggest gainer this year kek

>> No.16905529

would fuck

>> No.16905532

The denial is just amazing, how can they not be hyped about bsv and craig?


>> No.16905665

How can I believe he's still not providing any proof he's satoshi?

>> No.16905745

Is this genuine?

>> No.16906298

You mean Flooding a court system with fraud garbage the same way he pays to have this board flooded with fraud garbage? I'm sure the judge is going to start hating him as much as I do.

>> No.16906347

He's provided beyond enough proof and it's still not enough, oh well, stay poor. STIFF!

>> No.16906360

When craig goes to jail I'm going to laugh hard.

>> No.16906374
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>> No.16906691

>He's provided beyond enough proof
you mean nothing? zero proof so far. that's not gonna be enough.

>> No.16906713
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>> No.16906730
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He's handed over 1.5 million documents so far.
>Ira: Give me all the documents I want
>Creg: Ok
>Ira: Nooo, that's too much information!

>> No.16906736

when BSV moons past your faggot's budget and you can no longer own the real bitcoin, I'll laugh.

>> No.16906798

I too think DEX-manipulated zero liquidity pumps are a legitimate indicator of value
wow 1.5 million worthless documents that prove nothing, that’s actually worse than zero

>> No.16906844
File: 293 KB, 858x874, 1579396111143.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was one of the first Craigposters on /biz/, way before the BSV split.

They are literally just pawns that listen to whatever Coindesk or Greg Maxwell tells them.

Craig is a hero of our time. One of the most based men to ever live.

>> No.16906870

Lel as if you've seen a single document.

It's going to be a good day when this hits $1000 and you're priced out.

>> No.16906871

He has so far only produced the encryption key which unlocks a list of total Bitcoin holdings and has not provided the private keys necessary to access the funds themselves.

Herp a derp still no proof

>> No.16906898
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Checked. Thanks for the rare creg, fren. Saved.

>> No.16906900

fantasies of the cregcuck

>> No.16906915

No more sanctions. Why is that?


>> No.16906954

Bar some of Ira's fees for fucking him around

>> No.16906998

Stick to facts instead of assumptions you fucking retard

>> No.16907022
File: 616 KB, 1536x2048, 1579023686566.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BSV will flip BTC and be worth four figures before you know it. Enjoy those facts faggot.

>> No.16907142
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>Stick to facts instead of assumptions you fucking retard
If only you read the case with Ira. You would know what you just say is very comical.

>> No.16907148

missed the cock-sucker's posts>>16907022

>> No.16907156


>> No.16907168

>You would know what you just say
Shitskin damage control shill detected

>> No.16907187

This is finally it. These braindead rumors will not keep the price of BTC down anymore. We never have to listen to this retard again.

>> No.16907209

this thread shill quality is much lower than average. none of you are getting paid.

>> No.16907310

suck my bloody cock cocksucker

>> No.16907475

cock my suck fucka~! There is no "shill" helping bsv. just basedfags

>> No.16907485

well i would hate to be the guy that has to go all over craigs bullshit

>> No.16908679

He provided plenty of proof. It's called proof of knowledge and proof of work, something that can NOT be faked or stolen.

>> No.16908691

kek it's funny because it's true

>> No.16908707
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Same friend.

I'm one of the main reasons BSV is even popular on this board. If only you knew how much info here was given by me during the last 2 years.

It's been a pleasure shitposting with you all BSV anons. 2020 will be the year to celebrate.

>> No.16908708

how many bsv for 1 pumpkin in december 2020?

>> No.16908718

there's a very simple way of proving he's satoshi and that is by releasing thousands of early-mined bitcoins into the market

>> No.16908722
File: 30 KB, 552x615, 1558361725910.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why the fuck would he give the court his PRIVATE keys? Are you legit retarded? Serious question. Did you have a lobotomy or something?

>> No.16908761
File: 111 KB, 1691x755, Satoshi_serverfarms.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LOL no, that literally proves nothing. In that case he could have stolen them from the real Satoshi.

The only real proof is proof of knowledge. His intimate and accurate knowledge of Bitcoin, how it works, how and why it was designed the way it was, details around its creation and the people involved is something that can not be faked. Which he already provided.

I guess only retards can't recognize that. Sucks to be low IQ I guess, but that's why they say BSV is an intelligence test. Most people will fail it.

>> No.16908780

Thank (You) for your service. Seriously. What do we have to look forward to with Genesis coming up? Is that going to affect the price at all or are we waiting for good news from something like Coin Geek London conference?
Next month and the rest of 2020 should be baller for us

>> No.16908966

I would say stop focusing on short term price. I don't have much sympathy for traders. If you wanna do your thing riding waves up and down that's fine, but it's literally gambling.

If Bitcoin succeeds in scaling, which currently it is with full steam ahead, you are looking at the entire world's monetary system run on the BitcoinSV blockchain within a decade. Price evaluation of the coin from that will be almost beyond measure. There will be large onboarding announcements from enterprise companies this year, I know that for fact. It will snowball very quickly.

You won't be that concerned whether you bought at $250 or 280 then.

Accumulate. You should've done so before this recent bump up (as it was hovering around $80-100 for a long while), people are starting to get seriously priced out of decent size stacks. There isn't much time left.

>> No.16909031

Thanks anon for talking me down. I accumulated between $85 and $113, and trust me, my hodling is mental illness tier. I didn't sell a dime at $450. I just like to see number go up. :) but yes I understand there are huge things in the works and I should just be accumulating as much as I can while we still sit. Honestly my biggest fear is not getting fiat onboard fast enough to still grab it below $300. Buybsv.com isn't working for me and might have to wait for a coinbase bank transfer (which is fine if we still have time and will save me on fees)

>> No.16909043


>> No.16909111

>biggest gainer this year

>> No.16909160

Also remember not to invest more than you can afford to lose. The golden rule of investment. It holds true even for things that look as certain as BitcoinSV does. The people we are up against are SICK people and very powerful. You never know the fucked up things they do, they talk openly about assassinations and other violence against Craig and others. We do have powerful allies on our side as well, both in and out of intelligence, military and government. It's a form of shadow warfare, most of it play out in the infosphere.

But yeah nothing in life is 100% certain. But do the best you can with the information you have. If you already have a decent size stack, just DCA from here on out imo. Pumps are fun, but take the long term view with long term strategies, it's healthier.

>> No.16909271

Godspeed on your journey. 2020 is going to be marvelous. The world is primed for Bitcoin on many levels. It took over a decade to get here, but I think we will see true utility value this decade of this tech. Really is pretty cool to watch.


>> No.16909286

I think he is. Core cucks have been brainwashed into thinking all that matters is a public signing. No amount of Craigs past academic publications, books, jobs etc will convince them because of this brainwashing

>> No.16909379
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Absolutely friend, good night to you as well, may 2020 be the great year we all know it can be.

>> No.16909406

very rare