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16900768 No.16900768 [Reply] [Original]

Is it worth the investment to date single mom?

To me it's the same as dating unmarried girls when you know these girls have already fucked several guys in their lifetime, and they're inexperience to adulthood.

>> No.16900771


>> No.16900822

If you're about to turn 40 and have no other option? Yes

>> No.16901412


>> No.16901427

Kill yourself incel

>> No.16901436

>Is it worth the investment to date single mom?
If she's a sugarmama investing in you, then yeah.

>> No.16901452

You didn't mention all the time, energy, and resources you'd be wasting on her son.

>> No.16901461

dont marry anyone other than a virgin, let the roastie generation die out

>> No.16901476

Nope, not if you have any self worth. Not only are you raising another man's kid, you don't have any legal right to the child you will now be paying for and supporting. There was some cuck talking about how he was with a single mom for a decade, paid tons of time and money on the child, and then didn't get to see her again after they broke up. LOL

>> No.16901484

Do you want to raise another man's child?

>> No.16901487

tfw my wife was a virgin, feels good boys.

>> No.16901497

Be a literal cuckold? Only if you have no other option, and you can have a another kid with her that's actually yours.

>> No.16901504

In the south all women have their first kid with their highschool sweethearts at age 18-23 and then they break up and everyone switches like musical chairs so they're all stepdads with children being raised by other men.

It's insanity.

>> No.16901559

if she's asian and her husband passed away, of course. if it's a roastie and the kid is brown stay the fuck away

>> No.16901587


Same thing in my Ohio hometown. I think it's a small-town/rural idiot kind of thing.

Ghetto blacks take it a step further and deliberately try to collect baby daddies/mommies. I have one guy on my FB feed who works as a fucking warehouse laborer and has 4 baby moms at the age of 26 already.

>> No.16901641

I worked with a guy in a warehouse who had 5 baby mommas already and had gotten another one pregnant while he was working there. We eventually busted him for being apart of a theft ring.

>> No.16901644

literally the ultimate and final cuck

>> No.16901649

depends on the type you are.. lot's of children dislike their stepdads and the feeling is often mutual.
I don't think i could stand living in a house with people i actually dislike, it would be messed up thinking about home and then there is this irritating presence, that you can do nothing about..

>> No.16901671
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Since your question has been answered this thread is now about ancap memes.

>> No.16901774


The couple of single moms i “date” both give me most of their food they get from ebt, If u play it right its revenue positive Tbh

>> No.16901832

>be me in my early 20s
>Poor self worth and desperate
>Meet single mom
>She's easy
>Start dating because she gives me sex and she's hot
>She's a fucking idiot but I stay with her because good sex
>Put a lot of effort into her and her kid, but still retain dignity to advance my own life
>"You're selfish, anon, you spend too much time on your career"
>We argue about this for 2 years and I'm too much of a pussy to end it
>I move out of state for job
>Her and kid visit, plans to move in
>Worst fucking week of my life, kid whines all day/night, no sex, fast food, kid walks all over mom, etc.
>Realize I don't wanna do this shit
>Ran out of fucks, somehow I have grown balls and I end it
>She catches her flight back home
>Her and her friends blow up my phone for months, calling me selfish for pursuing my dream and not continuing to be a fuck
>Hit the gym, keep my head down, and progress thoroughly in my goals over the next year
>Develop enough self worth to go for actual highly quality women
>Get high quality woman
>We live together and have meaningful discussions and lots of sex

It didn't work out for me, Anon. Save yourself a headache a really ask yourself if that time invested is worth it. More than often, it's not.

>> No.16901855

No. They can be amazing people, but ultimately you want an amazing person who isn't preoccupied for 60% of their free time.

>> No.16902148
File: 62 KB, 713x611, Comfy smoke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Say it with me lads:


single moms are only good as temporary sugar mama's.

>> No.16902941
File: 85 KB, 670x420, Roast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No improve yourself work on yourself and find a nice woman with no Fuck Trash
There are plenty of other options if you're close to 40. Ironically enough I did not start taking childless women until my late 30's thru church.
Don't raise other people's Fuck Trash

>> No.16904047

The difference is that they will be devoting all of their attention to their kid. You're just the bagholder stuck picking up the bills for food and diapers.

Also, if you "assume support of the child" a court can then demand that you pay child support until the kid turns 18. That is a near certainty if you marry her, and may even be possible if you don't if she can convince a judge that you made promises of support.