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16900469 No.16900469 [Reply] [Original]

>80k in student debt
>Biden is going to be the den candidate

>> No.16900505

why did you take the money if you couldn't pay it back? Fucking dumb ass

>> No.16900526

135k in student loans here, anyone else more fucked on this board? At least my income is 95k s year, but 2k+ a month of payments is such a waste.

>> No.16900528

because he wanted to go party for 4 years instead of worrying about his future. Now it's the future and he has to live with his consequences.

>> No.16900531

the increased earnings you get from an 80k degree should easily allow you pay back the student loans you dumb faggot, unless you're a fucking retard who smoked weed 24/7 or went to the most expensive school possible for woman's studies. retards like you should not have your student loans forgiven

>> No.16900540

you people are fucking retards, I did community college for max credits that 4 yr college would allow to be transfered, probably cost me like 2k total (paid for it while working part time)

Then transferred to a low key school that was like 10k/yr in tuition for my final 1.5 years of school, also, all paid for by my part timejob I had at the time doing 20/hr weeks.

Eat shit I'm not paying for your stupidity.

>> No.16900543

There's no such thing as a free lunch and you're not entitled to one cent of anyone's money. I shouldn't have more of my money taken away from me because you fucked around getting a worthless degree and have no viable career options. Unironically kys!

>> No.16900549

370k student loan here. my free flowing cash after the government fucks me anally is about 54k a year. These loans are going to the tomb with me, the kikes will never see it again.

>> No.16900550

Dems wont win anyway faggot

>> No.16900567

Lol, only ones with that high should be docs or lawyers, are you either or? At least still with 54k you can enjoy life.

>> No.16900597

There are a lot of manchildren who are afraid to go out into the real world. So after they get their bachelors they convince themselves they need a masters... then a doctorate... in fields that it doesn't even matter.

I laughed at all the idiots in comp sci who stuck around to get a masters degree, what idiots.

>> No.16900598
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Yep, sucks. I have about 70k to pay back, 600 a month to pay it off. Kind of feels like it strangles me since I only make 54k. Not a bad amount I suppose, but I'm hoping I can get a raise soon and if I am making so little still after a year, I'll probably look for a new job.

I could pay it off faster but I want to put more in crypto so

>> No.16900623

What shitty fields are you guys in? My starting pay out of college with a bachelors 13 years ago was 68k/yr in comp sci. Are you idiots just terrible at negociating or do you actually have women study degrees?

>> No.16900657


>> No.16900690

LMFAO they'll see it again dumb ass, when they take everything you own once you die. Good luck debt slave, you're playing perfectly into their plan.

>> No.16900879
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I've only got 30k
I'm not missing anything, am I?

>> No.16900895

its a doctorate

>> No.16900910

I hope biden is the candidate, because it will blow up the democratic party once and for all. The two party system in america is in its death throes, we might see a Putin-like figure emerge and take over control in the next decade.

>> No.16900932
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A lesson well learned. You berniebros aren’t getting off that easy.

>> No.16900933


>> No.16900950


>> No.16900964

Yes, all bail lord donaldstein trumperg

>> No.16900977

You realize they don't want you to pay off the principle right? Longterm they make way more money off your interest payments. Pay off your fucking loans retard

>> No.16901045

My grandpa still had student loans when he died and he was a wealthy doctor. You don't have to pay them back

>> No.16901077
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>t.seething loan payer
the answer remains the same

>> No.16901118

Get fucked. That's what you get for voting for Trump.

>> No.16901903

I actually don't have student loans and I never took one out. Enjoy your eternal payments faggot

>> No.16901917

Must really suck to be american lmaoooo

>> No.16901945

I’m only 23k in but I didnt get to finish so I don’t know if that beats what you’ve got going. Working as a baker for 13 an hour.

>> No.16902014

I made a profit going to college.

>> No.16902047


>> No.16902051

I will enjoy paying the bare minimum and never fully paying yes.

>> No.16902053
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>$80k in student loans, paying back $400 a month
>vote Democrat
>loans forgiven
>now paying $700 more/month in taxes

>> No.16902074

>They create paper "debt"
>They take back this paper when you die
>Buying into the illusion of possession and value
Are Jews brainlets like everybody else?

>> No.16902078


>> No.16903234
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you're confused

>> No.16903374
File: 2.59 MB, 200x150, 1579063603354.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mfw the faggots who sucked their teachers cocks everyday went to expensive schools
>Mfw they have the most debt
>Mfw the Community College Chads have no debt and actually made money because of their job

>> No.16903915

I've told this story before. Was at a bar with a classmate and the waitress was talking about how she had $300K in loans for her BA/MA/PhD in ethnomusicology. She goes to get our drinks and my classmate looks at me and asks, "What the fuck do you do with a degree in 'ethnomusicology'?"

A few minutes later she brought our scotches. In retrospect, the answer was obvious.

>> No.16903957 [DELETED] 
File: 146 KB, 1024x768, reddit-1565053906382.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, you dumbfuck Democrats aren't capable of understanding that your withholding was lowered, so at the end of the year you had to pay a few bucks more even though your total taxes were lower.

Total lack of finances is why you are poor and always will be.

>> No.16903974

Yeah, you dumbfuck Democrats aren't capable of understanding that your withholding was lowered, so at the end of the year you had to pay a few bucks more even though your total taxes were lower.

Total lack of understanding of basic finances is why you are poor and always will be.

>> No.16903995

What in? Ethnomusicology by any chance?

>> No.16904169

>took a loan you knew you wouldnt be able to reasonably payback
>complain that you cant pay off loan

are you retarded?