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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 133 KB, 1050x671, PNKgirlol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16832254 No.16832254 [Reply] [Original]

After weeks of pissing and moaning on this board that Kleros "wouldn't sell more than $20K" in their sale because of low volume on IDEX / Finex (even though UNISWAP has always been the play there), Kleros put up their token sale. In 24 hours, they've sold nearly $275,000 in PNK.


How much time do I have? Is this gonna sell out? I get paid again in 2 weeks and wanna put another $2K into it, but worries Vitalik is gonna buy or some stupid shit.

Anyone with a chunk of money on the sidelines, this is a great nab for liquidity, and you should research Kleros, and take it.


>> No.16832258 [DELETED] 

I will not buy your scam shit token. SAGE

>> No.16832271

Damn son, I account for 2% of the sale so far

>> No.16832273

I'm already almost a top 50 holder, I'm set. The lower tiers of the sale will be sold I'm sure, but you might still be able to get some in two weeks.

>> No.16832274

Thanks for chiming in.

>> No.16832284


nice nice.

>> No.16832293

This was originally a FUN image :( Why y steal

>> No.16832321

Anymore images like this?

>> No.16832415
File: 118 KB, 891x1280, pnklink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some solid memes out there. i assume they will grow.

i like this link one.

this is gonna go nuts in 2020 :


>> No.16832466

Got myself a fuck load just waiting for the Vit pump

>> No.16832533
File: 69 KB, 680x440, kleroslol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish he'd tweet about the sale. Shit would sell out in a hot bit.

this one is a kek.

>> No.16832536
File: 253 KB, 1280x960, klerosa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16832660

I love this one.

>> No.16832665
File: 139 KB, 960x640, kekpnk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16832779

But its not erotic

>> No.16832870

post erotic kleros memes.

>> No.16833007

I'm also interested in this

Will pay for it in PNK

>> No.16833966

U stole FUN girl she's my creation.

>> No.16834089

Someone else stole it

>> No.16834104

Cope. No one said they wouldn't sell 20k, they said 150 million more tokens are released and they would have to sell $1 million USD worth. Now the supply has doubled

Dumpening soon

>> No.16834123
File: 74 KB, 720x707, 1561559089589.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Le vit pump
>"Vitalik shilled us"
>Dude fitvit will buy a gorillion tokens
>Check Vitalik's tweeteries'
>If you fud then you are for some reason the Jamai coin dev

Yes I'm thinking a large dump will soon take place

>> No.16834239

I can't believe how desperate you guys are. That shit coin will NEVER succeed in the long run. There is a millennium old justice system that our civilization is build upon and nations won't just dissolve their judicative authority to some neet with some shit coin tokens FFS. For that to happen the judicative institutions would have to make that the new law which means the would need to declare themselves obsolete, which will NEVER happen. Stop living a pipe dream.

>> No.16834426

won't they though? you're forgetting that their opinion doesn't matter in this space.

>> No.16834443
File: 153 KB, 500x573, epoque-long-vitalik-buterin-protects-ethereum-from-shillers-30145009.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kleros jurisdiction is only the smart contract, it's not going to make warrants or arrest people LMAO. It only controls the Eth or Tokens in the smart contract only if you choose to add it to the contract code. It prevents scams since kleros can override the contract and return ETH to the investors. All ICOs that dont use kleros will look like scams.

>> No.16834447

Moon soon.

>> No.16834452


>> No.16834467


Who's desperate? $250,000 just entered. All smart money, IMO.

I can't believe how desperate you guys are. Bitcoin will NEVER succeed in the long run. There is a millennium old banking sys...

I can't believe how desperate you guys are. Ethereum will NEVER succeed in the long run. There is a millennium old savings / finance sys...

oh wait.

>> No.16834493

Gee I mean there are so many shitcoins that people thrust money hoping they moon, at least this one let's you stake Pinkies and get Eth whilst at the same time having some use case already in place

Seems more likely to moon a bit if ETH goes on to have another bullrun, even at 0,1 it can cover my initial investment

>> No.16834539

The bear truly got to people if they don't think there will ever be an alt-season again. This has 0 negative bagholders, literally.

>> No.16834555

Still I don't think they will sell all the tokens, I mean you can go to uniswap directly, I hope I'm wrong though

>> No.16834573

>look at all this smart money flowing into PlusToken

>look at all this smart money flowing into BitConnect

Oh wait...

>> No.16834588

Imagine splitting this many hairs. How sharp is that knife, anon.

>> No.16834672

I wonder if the token registry was up and running at that time bitconnect would have been flagged as a scam

>> No.16834680

HA. Let's put HEX on it.

>> No.16834852

>put a HEX on it

>> No.16834882

Kek eBay and Alibaba already have literally millions (yes fucking millions) of jurors doing petty jobs like controlling the refunds etc. by judging whether the store owner or the buyer needs to get compensated. This is not civil law where somebody sues for battery for example. At least I don't believe we could ever go this far with the whole blockchain mumbo jumbo.

>> No.16835289

I forgot to mention in my previous post that this is Jamaicoin team and I apologize for fuding Kleros. I was salty about my last swing trade so I decided to buy back in cheaper but ended up buying in higher. I'm a top 100 wallet again and I'm not selling until 1 dollar.

>> No.16835435

Stop it, you'll only hurt yourself in the end (just like Link)

>> No.16835454
File: 450 KB, 600x672, 0b3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> mfw I sold because of you

Just kidding I would never. Thanks for the top tier KEK though. I knew it was you. I was even the first to call it out. Welcome back brother.

>> No.16835459


You'd be surprised.

>> No.16835486

What is freelancing a growing market especially in international trade
What is CHAI being the newest TCR verified token

What is brainlet

>> No.16835508

Nobody actually expects it to take over the justice system. Settling small disputes is cool, but I'm more interested in how it will be used for things like oracles and creating token curated registries.

>> No.16835687

Kleros has the largest TCR in the ecosystem as far as I know.

Kleros + Realitio = actual oracle.

No one seems to care how good this is.

>> No.16835702
File: 53 KB, 640x360, download (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spoken like an anon who has taken the icosahedron pill

>> No.16835724

Nobody on biz buys early don't take it personal

>> No.16836195

This is the only alt I hold besides LINK, the only alt I've bought in a year. In an ocean of shit, it can be easy to overlook small gems like this, but this is actually a useful service and I'm excited to see where it goes. Like LINK, Kleros can be used to solve the oracle problem in a decentralized, trustless manner, but its solution has potentially broader applications.
Very optimistic about long-term price. In the short-term, most of the current holders are blockchain nerds who will hodl stubbornly through pumps and dumps, stabilizing the price somewhat.

>> No.16836230

It's been years
it hasn't pumped
its DEAD

>> No.16836278

It hasn't died yet
Everything is increasing
It must be something else, why would you lie otherwise.

There is something you must be alluding too. Is it...is it....that Aragon is dead and Kleros is the Phoenix?

Your statement makes sense like that.

>> No.16836358

>he fell for the "crypto is dead" meme.

IF it was dead, it'd have a -98% chart like almost everything else. The fact that it doesn't is super bullish.

>> No.16836418


>> No.16836430

Muh Vitalik tweet

>> No.16836447

its gonna be at least 20 years before we have courts like that. Kleros will go bankkrupt long before then

>> No.16836489

Or, you know, it could be 0 years, because it exists today, and it's called Kleros.

>> No.16836542

They need to work on the fucking court website.

>> No.16836563

Jesus Christ, it's actually very hard to tell if you are either 15yo or have bags and desperately try to regain the losses of your last shitcoin L M A O

>> No.16836599

Polish will happen. The important thing is that it works.

>> No.16836604

I finally got it too after 2 days. I’m staked 5k to see if anything happens. Nothing yet.

>> No.16836614

5k is way too low if you actually want to get drawn btw.

>> No.16836746

175K is a good go-to amount if you want to be chosen the majority of the time.

>> No.16836750

You have time. Come Feb 11 there will still be PNK to buy, it will not sell out.

>> No.16837830

Don't be so sure. ;)

>> No.16838091

Okay, this is fucking cool : https://blog.kleros.io/linguo/

>> No.16838153


Can someone fucking enlight Me why is there sale for token thats allready tradeing for like 1.5y....


>> No.16838328



>> No.16838345

that is pretty based actually

>> No.16838466
File: 180 KB, 750x558, 1577265658688.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This all is cool and all but what are we looking here? Is this some slow product building shit or are we playing into betting Vitalik tweets some bullish shit about this project?

>> No.16838542

With all due respect if you would have simply done a Google search for Kleros and visited their website you would see their current roadmap for upcoming goals and objectives. You can DYOR research if you doubt me but they also accomplished everything in the last roadmap and much more.

>> No.16838849
File: 304 KB, 1894x858, PNKvitaliksite.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you mean like a few weeks ago?

....or a few weeks before that?

or...pic related a few weeks before that?

get up to speed, lads.

>> No.16839342


Yeah I did all that in the weekend when I stumbled upon this random token. Look don't take it personal I like it but I'm just here to make money, not in it for the tech if you catch my drift.

>> No.16839518

>asks for tech progress
>gets the information he asks for then says he doesn't care

Are you sure that you're here to make money?

>> No.16839603

I don’t know if I’d be comfortable dropping a grand into it. I’ve got 25k so I’ll put it up and see where it goes.

>> No.16840765

It's getting bought up!

>> No.16841285

Almost 50 million sold, not bad

>> No.16842336

He's just another Jamicoin style guy.

>Prays price drops

>> No.16842396
File: 68 KB, 640x640, IMG_20200111_183328_434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I should have read this a long time ago I'm really gonna make it aren't I

>> No.16843113

Kek at the whale who put in 555 ETH few hours ago

>> No.16843118

Saw that. We're gonna make it.

>> No.16843427

Was it ever a question?

>> No.16843554

$1 in 2021.

>> No.16843691
File: 353 KB, 1024x425, screen-shot-2019-03-08-at-12-24-30-1024x425.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bet it was the Bitfinex cabal exit scamming Tether for alts

>> No.16843697

Just to make sure..

100k is the minimum of a PNK suicide stack right?

>> No.16843834

There was $20K in finex volume during the sale. There has never been $20K in finex volume on any day I think.

175K is comfy to be picked for staking most of the time.

300K suicide stack.

1M to make it.

>> No.16843878

If you are worried its gonna sell out, why post a link to the sale? Not falling for your shitcoin

>> No.16844031

I mean... I hold a bunch, so it doesn't matter to me anyway.

>> No.16844072

There is no hurry buying it until there is none left.

>> No.16844250

Considering 555 ETH got put into today, it could be overnight. Reeee.

>> No.16844314

truth although not a bad long term (6 months in crypto) hold

>> No.16844449

One year and I guarantee we're above 20 cents.

>> No.16844918

I actually think this is likely as well

>> No.16845103
File: 195 KB, 1200x899, pnkekkkjudge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sir, we hereby sentence non-believers to death.

>> No.16845670
File: 465 KB, 1415x2048, PNKtimeline.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dis timeline tho.

>> No.16845729


Were they ever really alive in the first place?

>> No.16846067

hahaha. who are you people. let's have a yacht party at 50 cents?

>> No.16846234

33% of the sale gone in three days? That's pretty good considering no one buys ICO's anymore.


>> No.16846238

Yep. Patient hands checking in and forgetting this exists until 2021.

>> No.16846446

550k here, don't know if I should keep accumulating.
Project seems good but more often than not that doesnt count a damn and you see shitcoins mooning for no reason apart from shilling

>> No.16846484

get to 1M, the make-it stack. ROI with ETH from jury trials. never sell.

>> No.16846548

But you have to stake a lot of Pinkies to get picked for jury duty no?

>> No.16846580

175k is a standard "get picked" amount. that's not much $.

>> No.16846584

in terms of the spread, no, not really. each thing is different. load up the platform, poke around. it's quite nice.

>> No.16846643

50M PNK sold. Impressive.

>> No.16846706

Who is this btw?

>> No.16846717

Also this dude mixed all his ether through Tornado before buying.

>> No.16846752



>> No.16846767

Fucking based.

>> No.16846806

So it is just to be picked and not what I'm staking in case I vote against the majority and lose everything ?

>> No.16847079

You'll be fine. You think like this about all PoS systems? Besides, if you have a stack once they release the Governor Dapp you will be able to vote some profit bringing use cases in. I will do just that join me.

>> No.16847121

Based. Scammers btfo. This will help do it. I bought! And the linguo thing is based if it becomes popular and I will use it to translate a few books

>> No.16847442
File: 858 KB, 324x333, skele1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its Vit he is even using the mixer he shilled

>> No.16847669


>> No.16848106
File: 2.63 MB, 326x253, 1547032600570.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Liquidated some of my shitcoins and see them bleed out on this btc rally but PNK keeping it's ETH price. Comfy af