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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 26 KB, 780x273, 2014-Year-of-the-Horse-Coins-in-Colored-Gilded-and-Gemstone-Editions.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1682570 No.1682570 [Reply] [Original]

1. Every man should have the right, without the obligation, of earning money.
2. Every man should have the right, without the obligation, of earning all the money in the world.
3. Every man should have the right, without the obligation, to donate all his money.

>> No.1682638

I declare you to be an idiot.
Without the obligation of taxation, your money would soon use its value.

>> No.1682641

How did people live before taxation? The mind wonders...

>> No.1682671

>Without the obligation of taxation, your money would soon use its value.
We've got VAT going on as we speak.
>How did people live before taxation? The mind wonders...
Some thirsty fucktard must've licked condensed alcohol vapors out of the cold walls of his fermented mare's milk recipient or something.

>> No.1682675

4. Every man should go to r9k

>> No.1682716

>4. Every man should go to r9k
No man, point four is something else entirely.

>> No.1682785

Ok, let me explain the very existence of the fifth point, so that you you understand why there's no rush into it, especially all of a sudden.
>...and then, suddenly, out of nowhere, no women, like ever, ever helped His MOM, ever again.
>6. Thing is, I am not there yet.
<to be continued>
There will be money still, this I promise.

>> No.1682795

barter system

>> No.1682833

>barter system
I am from Romania. I am still here. We people don't know that much.
>So, given the current level of understanding of the society I live in, I, for now, feel the need to explain 2 (two) very basic, basic levels of understanding of what ONE MAN's life is:
Level 1: <to be explained still>
Level 2: Back when one poor, way over 84,(something) out of the hundred percents of her true biological time, did her tricks almost naked in front of the whole world, for the whole world to see, and her, and appreciate, The Americans removed their thumbs out of their asses and the {arguably} proceeded to insert 2 (two), let's say needles, inside their "priza", I'm sorry, it's a Romanian word, and I don't have enough biological time to Google translate this right now or anything like that, and then I guess they proceed to piss on it only so that, back in the 70's, the only woman who ever achieved that level of physical prowess, Nadia Comaneci, would literally lose it, in full 360 degrees view of the whole world, as she got to see her lovely, back then, self, being graded with no more than exactly 0 (zero) points for her performance. And then there was Alina Popa,
>You do not know my mom.
<to be continued>

>> No.1682891

So I'm thinking, for now, The Scourge of God, and what it meant.
>You know, Buddha, Jesus FUCKING Christ almighty, The Prophet, et caetera. You know the drill.
>Google Translate this in Mongolian, you WILL come to love Mongolian laughter.:)

>> No.1682903

Everyman has the right to eat dick


How can you even understand as when this board go to hell for undoing was frail. Asstrain your fuck!!!!

>> No.1682949

>How can you even understand as when this board go to hell for undoing was frail. Asstrain your fuck!!!!
I drink, I shit. Fuck's wrong with you?
Let me try translate what my real answer would be, straight out of my Father's Tongue
>Let it there be that I shall introduce my cock into the dead of the dead of your mother's dead.
e.g. Romanian common curse.

>> No.1683005

And I'm not kidding, really. Thing is, we've got the Croatians around here, who basically invented the common Romanian word for "Dick" and the Serbs, who basically invented the common Romanian word for "Pussy". So I'm not tying to be mean or anything, but you should remember the "Welcome to Hell" grafitti('s) that basically welcomed you to their lands back in 1992 or whatever, when there still was a country named "Yugoslavia" on the map.

>> No.1683382

no the barter system predates money but not taxes. in the beginning the chief would take your daughters virginity and your goats that was the taxes.

>> No.1683390

what is the purpose of this little manifesto?

>> No.1683414

They died from infections and war before the age of 25

>> No.1683418

>I am from Romania

Ahh okay a poorfag shitposting on /biz/... Nothing new here move alone folks!

>> No.1683433
File: 41 KB, 749x512, 1481825604322.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Without a tyrant ruler stealing your property with the threat of force, society would crumble

>> No.1683493

>your money would soon use its value
>use its value

>> No.1683513

are you drunk hobbit?

>> No.1683647
File: 68 KB, 498x829, 1475961196598.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1683793

>We've got VAT going on as we speak.
Don't you think every man should have the right, without the obligation, to trade freely?

>> No.1683837

i think vat is fucking crazy. i would murder the faggot that came up with it.