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File: 466 KB, 635x661, 1568608713427.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16818721 No.16818721 [Reply] [Original]

Is surgery off the board for me now? Although I doubt it, anyone with a similar experience? Was considering doing something not procedural as a career now even though enjoy surgery.

>> No.16818732

did you get it from anal or sharing needles?

>> No.16818745

I kind of wish I had HIV. It looks fun. There's a huge support group for it and probably a good way to make friends.

>> No.16818761

had unprotected sex with trannies and crossdressers.
Having a life long disease is not my idea of fun. Also not much into socializing.

>> No.16818762

Go ask /med/ on /sci/.

>> No.16818773

wow OP, I wanted to help you by offering emotional support, but you actually deserve to die if thats true.

>> No.16818779

Do you hold Chainlink?

>> No.16818782
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>being so lonely you wish you had HIV for the opportunity to make friends
of course, in order to get it you'd need to lose your virginity, or at least get someone to share needles with you, so it will never happen

>> No.16818823
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there's a med? damn ok, used to my bizbros.
yes, yes I do.

>> No.16818948

just take your meds and don't think about it

>> No.16818959

>had unprotected sex with trannies and crossdressers.

you literally got hiv from being a degenerate

>> No.16819072
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You deserve to die. Mother nature is punishing you.

>> No.16819475
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Loneliness + self destructive tendencies. Yeah had what was coming
Thanks anon, doing that

>> No.16819536

So you let a man, dressed as a woman, put his penis in your butt, anon? This is the one way you could have gotten the aids that no one will feel sorry for you lol

>> No.16819577

The only question that matters

>> No.16819609

Has to be a fucking bait thread. Or a chainlink holder

>> No.16819637

Yeah, OP is a fucking bottom if this isnt a LARP, tops have way lower probability of getting infected than a bottom that receives a pozzed load.

>> No.16819638

spotted the zoomers. Whats it like playing fortnight every night and not living your life

>> No.16819706

Jesus fuck. I was just thinking the other day about how all these people doing medical degrees develop these superiority/god complexes and think they can get away with whatever degenerate shit they want. Then lo and behold here you are. Don't do surgery, you're going to spread that shit.

>> No.16819763

Why are you even asking /biz/?

>> No.16819798
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I top which is why I also thought the chances were slim. Goes to show
Idk, a lot of people in medicine had strong moral upbringings/compasses hence going into an altruistic field. Having existential conflict with morality in this day and age can lead to degeneracy streaks and two-face complexes

>> No.16819824

Lol yea also starting to wonder. Was thinking if I get a good lawyer and get undetectable surgery would still be possible. Spent years doing scutwork in labs for publications

>> No.16819898

Probably better than dying from aids i imagine

>> No.16819950

lol you are fucked OP

>> No.16819958

>had unprotected sex with trannies and crossdressers.
this is a LARP. I got HIV tested at some faggot organization and they told me they get less than a handful of positives every year. and thats with thousands of degenerate faggots walking through their door every year. you'd have to be a special kind of absolute reckless retard to contract HIV

>> No.16819975


>> No.16819977


just get on HIV pills, tons of degenerates running down with HIV pills and not suffering any symptom whatsoever

>> No.16819997
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Petition to kill OP also known as a faggot

>> No.16820046


>> No.16820071
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>> No.16820082

He literally killt himself for being a degenerate kek

>> No.16820087 [DELETED] 

do you regret your sins now? maybe your HIV is a gift from God that you are on the wrong track and need to repent, your body may fail eventually but your spirit lives on?

>> No.16820128

OP have you tried faith yet?

>> No.16820137

sorry you had to go through that anon, we all deal differently with pain and loneliness, some of us become drug addicts or alcoholics, others do what you do, it's never too late to repent and start living a new life through faith, if you have any questions I can help

>> No.16820190

Get over here you
Yeah started meds, ok so far
I thought god hated faggots

>> No.16820200


>> No.16820209

>they told me they get less than a handful of positives every year.
>trusting anything gays say about aids

"its not that big of a deal teehee dont worry about it."

>> No.16820213

HIV PreP is now recommended alongside anti-malarials for travelers going to SE Asia.
Maybe OP was a sex tourist?
HIV rates are decreasing where PreP is easily available.
It isn't available everywhere though.
>t. Public Healthfag

>> No.16820261

God doesn't hate faggots but he hates the sin of faggotry I think, it's hard to speak for God when he is not around, wonder what Jesus would say, I do think nature as it ought to be intends for male and female to become one unit of procreation, and that homosexuality is out of the norm like many things in the nature, but we are all guilty of many sins, what matters is if you have got a sincere desire in your heart to know God, that's what really matters, if God is love He should accept you like you are, just be who you are but don't act on it by committing those sins

>> No.16820282

It actually depends on the jurisdiction. In a lot of places, you're allowed to do whatever medical profession so long as your viral load is undetectable. In other places you can't do any procedures where your hands are going in body cavities where they can't be seen at all times, so you would be barred from a lot of surgeries but certainly not all. In still other places, you might be banned from all invasive procedures or from the medical profession entirely. Talk to an infectious diseases physician about it when you start treatment.

You will have an easy ride through if you specialize in sexual health and/or ID, those specialties are the standard wastebasket for doctors and nurses with chronic diseases of degeneracy.

Also, come back to god. Go to a church service for HIV positive people and find a wife with the same issue so she understands. Be monogamous and keep the faith. Take your meds and stay healthy. Disregard trannies.

>> No.16820303

Being honest with you. I'm not sure I'd feel comfortable with a HIV positive doctor operating on me.

>> No.16820308

>In a lot of places, you're allowed to do whatever medical profession so long as your viral load is undetectable
for real?
I wouldnt even wanna be in the same room with some HIV+ faggot, let alone have him do medical shit on me. noe more reason to avoid doctors I guess.

>> No.16820451

Yes for real. Argument being that virus cannot be transmitted if the person has undetectable viral load.

Fags are very rare in surgical specialties though. They usually get bullied out of the training programs.

>> No.16820466
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Cool, yeah I have a moral compass and would not want to hurt a wife with my degeneracy if I had one. Trying to focus on school/work
Based, yeah figured it would be heavily jurisdiction based. Also considering ID as would be based to cure this shit.
I will diddle your balls after you’re knocked out, then you’ll be a faggot too

>> No.16820510

>I will diddle your balls after you’re knocked out, then you’ll be a faggot too
>Cool, yeah I have a moral compass

>> No.16820607

damn it. that must be horror. god bless you. please continue to help other people. nobody deserves that. god bless you.

>> No.16820650
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>had unprotected sex with trannies and crossdressers.
>he actually fell for the "just fuck traps dude" meme

>> No.16820668

Why are you faggets on biz? this is buisness for sharing crypto fake stories not some /b shit

>> No.16820711

>Go to a church service for HIV positive people
is this a real thing? sounds more depressing than an AA meeting

>> No.16820747

just wear condoms next time and wait til theres a cure op

>> No.16820804

see what happens idiots? stop posting pics of traps.

>> No.16820837
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>> No.16820860

you can destroy his body but you can't have his soul!!!

>> No.16820887

Sage and if it’s not sage then nature got it’s payback because you did something that’s clearly unnatural and this is as generous as I can get describing your situation

>> No.16820931
File: 366 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20191212-210001_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Frenchbro? Is that you?

>> No.16821505

no not frenchbro

>> No.16822133

/biz/, everyone.
The absolute state.
This is a demoralization post created by CA.

>> No.16822178

Same thing happened to me about a year ago it gets better friend

>> No.16822234


>> No.16822322

I manage a pharmacy, and I love my HIV patients from a sales perspective. $3400 for Biktarvy, $2000 for Truvada, etc. I wish more diseased fags came to my pharmacy.

>> No.16822704

Maybe you fags can date each other then

>> No.16822724

do not become a doctor please

>> No.16823264

chekd and kekd>>16822704

>> No.16823347
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is this you op

>> No.16823368


>> No.16823451
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>> No.16823484
File: 92 KB, 215x235, suc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is such a beautiful woman

>> No.16823595

Sorry to hear that op, but at least you can still be a doctor....

>> No.16824393

He loves getting fucked by trannys, not god. The main problem isnt even that hes a faggot, but axting on it, and in the most extreme ways. Hes going to hell

>> No.16824411

It is bait probably

>> No.16824461

Reminder to use PrEP and a bunch of antibiotics before you binge on trannies in Thailand.

>> No.16824487

>Is surgery off the board for me now?
It fuckin should be!
>had unprotected sex with trannies and crossdressers.
please kys

>> No.16824561

> For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Guess you should have listened :^)

>> No.16824582

its sad you got HIV sorry so many have no sympathy. As you know the outlook is very positive. Your skills as a surgeon are still greatly needed. Perhaps go abroad, Dr without borders or work in Aftica with Ebola but there are people who need you that will gladly overlook your controlled viral load. Good luck.

>> No.16824588

As a doctor why didn't you go on PrEP?

>> No.16824880

He's a med student, although they readily think they are doctors and don't know shit
Also OP hope for a definite cure because I don't think HIV positive sits well with surgical specialties, and if you live in a country with basic work laws you will probably will be tested sooner or later
Are you on HAART therapy already at least?

>> No.16824953
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As a med student u should know that with current state of medication used to treat HIV u are more likely to die from everything else than developing AIDS

t. doc

>> No.16825087

isn't your life a big YOLO trip now?

also what are you doing on biz? shouldn't you be on /advice ?

>> No.16825150

holy kek

>> No.16825208

He most likely was the one getting fucked if he got aids, it's very rare to get it as a top if you are white due to a genetic resistance to the virus caused by the black death.

>> No.16825318


Honestly I probably wouldn't let you handle my administration let alone my health. It is really hard to get HIV these days, you have to do some extremely degenerate shit.

>> No.16825336

>AIDS is real
gtfo kike

>> No.16825346

explain the type of sexual shit you did. how big is your dick? you might of caused microtears more easily if you're thick/big

>> No.16825559
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>Be me
>Have sex in July last year with random girl i met on internet
>she sucked me off without any protection
>had sex afterwards with protection
> Penis gets some awkward crate on head which disappeared 3 months after intensive washing
> Fast forward until last week
> penis shaft starts soft burning while pissing and mild burning after cooming
>Mfw the doctor put some random cotton swab in my dick entry and send the probe to analysis
>"hey doc i want to give also blood to test against hiv just in case"
> Anon you had only unprotected oral sex it shouldnt transmit HIV

Currently feeling deep emptyness inside me .....

Now waiting for the results additionally imma do HIV test to get clear mind, guys wish me luck im never doing random hookups or ONS anymore fuck this!! Im too paranoid for this stuff. And sex is overrated AF but getting sucked off is actually pretty nice imho

>> No.16825569

>get hiv for some sub medicore sex with used up thoth

Bad deal

>> No.16825637

>give in to coomer instinct
>fuck a prostitute raw in the ass
>splooge inside her delicious ass ... mhhhmmm ...
>repeat multiple times
>many months later give in and do a HIV test
>... clean
How on earth didn't I get HIV I don't know, but I'm happy as fuck

>> No.16825664

Larp, like op. Its not ppssible to get hiv through oral sex. You wouldnt even get it if she bit your dick

>> No.16825674

Except degenerate faggots.

>> No.16825726

It is possible, just very very unlikely.

>> No.16826060

Medicine is seriously the S tier degree. Everything can be automated and change but people will still gets sick and would give every single penny they have to get cured
You can also do whatever you want with that degree. You can teach, counseling, start a private business, work for public agencies etc
Just don't do unprotect sex and take your meds

>> No.16826297

I do the same and its improving my sex life cause my girlfriend doesnt even want to try anal. her fault if she catches aids from me.

>> No.16826344

That was actually my nightmare. Luckily my test was negative but I feel you bro.

>> No.16826371

Did they fuck you in the ass?

>> No.16826373

>> Penis gets some awkward crate on head which disappeared 3 months after intensive washing
Sounds like you got syphilis

>> No.16826454

It's actually impossible to get hiv with a blowjob

>> No.16826542

This. wtf do you have a nigger affirmative action doctor or what