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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1680393 No.1680393 [Reply] [Original]

Why do some people insist that Computer Science is a meme degree while others say it's one of the most in-demand, well paying career paths? I'm confused. Which is it, /biz/?

>> No.1680394

depends if you ask b4 they graduate or after.

>> No.1680403
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It's both.

Computer science is a good field but real-world programming makes you a useful asset, not $100k meme degree. Most degrees today are memes but it's especially true for computer science since it's one of easiest topics to learn online and practice requires nothing but a computer.

>> No.1680410

there are loads of open positions right now. have you tried looking?

the problem is they all require years of experience and mastery of some sort when they pay like 13$/h

>> No.1680466

In 10 years the ride will be over for comp sci, even faster for bootcamps. Stanford, MIT, Berkeley grads will be well compensated in US, everyone else will be competing with Pajeets and Philippinos (Pajeets are already too expensive!)

>> No.1680476

If you could make a decent income pushing a big red button over and over again for 40 hours a week, would you still do it? The caveat is that you can't do anything while you're at work besides sitting in your cubicle pushing the button.

CS isn't a meme because the pay is bad: it's a meme because the work is incredibly trivial and unfulfilling, and everyone who does it gets burnt out on how pointless it is after a couple years.

>> No.1680493

This desu senpai

3 years into CS, making $80k, ready to say fuck it and become a grunt in military because I'm so bored.

Money is nice and all and my 401k is thicc but it's just so tiresome.

>> No.1680503

Degrees don't prove anything, it's how you used them. I know guys who have History degrees and now make 100k in HR departments. I know people who got CS degrees who make $13/hr working for Best Buy Geeksquad.

Life lesson: Learn to network yourself and market effectively.

>> No.1680541

Fuck off we full.

>> No.1680545

But what's stopping you from writing something you want to create yourself with the knowledge, or turning the salary into a portfolio that's dense enough to start doing work you actually like outside the field, considering how set your 401k is?

>> No.1680553

Software development is in high demand. It's just not the $80K+ guaranteed your used car salesman I mean career counselor tells you. You also don't need a degree to program though. CS is a meme.

>> No.1680606

A 40 hour work week and the fact that you pick up CS because you're a lazy fuck.
t. Programmer and CS degree holder in the same position

>> No.1680608

>Why do some people insist that Computer Science is a meme degree while others say it's one of the most in-demand, well paying career paths?

Because people like to blame their failure to build a career on whatever they can.

>> No.1680611

It's true. In college you have are always making something new. In the working world, you are most likely improving/salvaging some shitty code the guy before you wrote.

>> No.1680745


I know a lot of the compsci guys.

The answer comes down to autism.

There is a lot of money to be made in the field but you gotta be a normie who shows up, works hard, and gets along with coworkers.

Not a wierdo who can't form a sentence.

You gotta be able to sell it like a chad.

My buddy is moving out to CA for some programming job making $120k a year. Plenty of top programmers at big companies are making $200k+

>> No.1680748


Gotta start your own company my man. That is were the REAL fun begins.

>> No.1681080

Exactly. Companies are always going to hire the guy who looks like he's a functioning member of society over some autist computer prodigy

>> No.1682066

This desu

Between my 2 hours of commuting every day and 40 hours a week job, I can't be fucked to do anything other than drink heavily during my off time.

>> No.1682097


> Move to california to make $120k
> Immediately lose half that amount to Shlomo Shekelsberg in rent

>> No.1682125

$120k in California (the parts people want to live in anyway) would barely get you a one bedroom apartment in a non-slummy neighborhood. You'd never be able for afford to buy even the tiniest condo on that salary. Not exactly living the high life.