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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 432 KB, 2400x2400, logo_tag_2400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16798568 No.16798568 [Reply] [Original]

If a coins is being MASSIVELY fud Athe last few months is for a reason. Quant or Link had the same sort of FUD before they exploded.

This token is unknown and many people here are falling for insane fud but here some data.

35+ clients (Airbus & Defence, AmSpec or Khrone all industry leaders among them)

6M tokens used the last 3 months by enterprises. (We have a current dashboard with links to etherscan, which is public, transparent and immutable)

The team buyback from Idex and Kucoin 600K tokens the last 3 month and then burned (We have links to etherscan)

Revenue for V-ID on its first year has been over 1.5M$ which is INSANE for a company on its infancy.

Total Supply: 30M and the supply is reducing at speed due tokenomics and adoption.

Marketcap> 2M

IF you want a possible x100-x1000 coin for the next few years this is one of those with a real chance to make it. Due an incredible blockchain use case solving Million $ problems, incredible tokenomics and an impressive global adoption.

By the way they are working with IBM, CMS LAw and GDPR, Fantom and Multiple Government Contracts among other projects but that's another story :)

>> No.16798583


There will always be competition and that only means V-ID is a startup tech company on a growing market with a potential exponential growth in the coming years.

We accept competiton as every other field but we have the first move advantage and multiple companies that are alredy established as our clients.

And YES I agree Acronis will be a hard competitor as they are a really well known company with many links in the space but their focus is not on Blockchain. They offer a multipackage to their clients where now they can add the notary service while V-ID is their only focus. Which means still the company that wants ONLY the Validation service will always choose V-ID.

>> No.16798612

Why are you shilling VIDT? Serious question.

>> No.16798624

>presenting truthful facts is shilling

this is the problem with crypto today.

>> No.16798628


Based. We can't let the schizo Pajeet Acronis poster win in his disinformation campaign.

Don't forget the fact that VIDT is focusing on the most marketable use case in block chain, period. Try explaining LINK to the average normie. I guarantee you they won't understand it. The beauty of the verification pill is that even literal baby boomers can understand it. VIDT will be HUGE.

>> No.16798632

I mean, why did you make this thread?

>> No.16798634
File: 118 KB, 863x545, shills-manipulating-you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's Dj, the resident shill. Same post as last week verbatim: >>/biz/thread/S16681548

>We can't let the schizo Pajeet Acronis poster win in his disinformation campaign.
Pic related.

>> No.16798653

I have no idea what you're trying to say.

VIDT is a phenomenal opportunity though.

>> No.16798685
File: 177 KB, 930x930, tokenomics-exploit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I have no idea what you're trying to say.

>> No.16798705

Yeah, that is still making no sense. Try writing in coherent English sentences with appropriate context. I'm going to buy another 50,000 VIDT soon :)

>> No.16798728
File: 32 KB, 819x618, numbers-dont-lie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pee pee poo poo price is even lower since i made this image in august lmao

>> No.16798738

That only means

The lower the price/The higher the burn rate

And that is a great thing for investors because even if the price goes low they benefit of a faster burn.

Not sure what you are trying to say if you are being ironic you are not smart enough

>> No.16798740
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nice roi retards

>> No.16798749

>Measuring in fiat
The sat value is the same, you fucking retard. You just proved you know absolutely nothing about crypto. Back to the drawing board, Ranjeesh!

>> No.16798750
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>And that is a great thing for investors
Is that why all of you are in loss?

>> No.16798753

You are basically saying that you are FUDDING this project since August... the only reason someone would do that is to lower the price and accumulate your bags.


>> No.16798773

>he only reason someone would do that is to lower the price and accumulate your bags.

>> No.16798774

Do you even know what the basic cryptocurrency market cycle is, you troglodyte? Literally every single project has lost over 50% of its value. It is literally irrelevant until Bitcoin exits the reaccumulation phase and really kick-starts the Golden Bull Run, which will peak in Q3-4 2021. Bitcoin will be over $100,000. VIDT will be over $30. Cope. Go load up on acronishit, faggot.

>> No.16798780
File: 181 KB, 1190x592, acronis-clients-2018.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Validating 50,000 documents a month, like AmSpec is doing, means it costs nearly one million dollars a year with V-ID to validate hashes on the blockchain versus $99 a year with Acronis (or less than $1000 if you use a server). And you only need one copy of Acronis per office: https://notary.acronis.com/

Acronis Notary costs $99 for the whole year and comes with a cloud backup solution, HDD image creation, and all the validations are free. That's right. Free. Because 99% of people who buy the cloud backup solution are not using notary services in the first place and they're subsidizing the transactions of those who do need the service.

Why would any company choose V-ID over Acronis is beyond me. Not only is it cheaper, but Acronis also works with every Fortune 1000 company.

Release date of Acronis Notary: 2016
ICO for V-ID: 2018 Q4 (and still work-in-progress as of 2020 with no consumer app - supposedly "coming soon")

Makes you think.

VIDT is a scam. Token not needed. They created VIDT for the sole purpose of raising money. Service idea came first and then VIDT got shoehorned into it. They needed a utility coin for an ICO, as otherwise it would have been a useless security token and have no chance of being listed on exchanges or being legal. They knew no one would want to invest in a "1 VIDT = 1 Validation" scheme because that would make it a stable coin and have no speculative value. Which also means that VIDT price doesn't matter to V-ID at this point, they already got their million dollars. Unless they want to dump. All buybacks are scams to raise the price, so you give them your lunch money and create liquidity to dump into when the time comes.

>> No.16798791
File: 25 KB, 1088x295, vidt-is-a-scam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

V-ID has partnered with HOWDOO UDOO, FTM, and LTO. All pump and dump scams. The reseller partners are either shell companies or outright scams.

The project is overpriced and worthless. Customers cannot validate files in bulk, there is no software, and the team has to come to your place of business to validate or you have to upload all your sensitive files to the server of a small Dutch startup ran out of a shared office, next to a Subway sandwich shop. Pic related. To be a reseller of V-ID, you need to pay for tokens upfront, bought on exchanges, and hope to move it by roping in customers. Meaning the more tokens you need, the more you have to pay. Does that sound reasonable? Having to pay a company to sell their product? The tokens are worthless on their own. MLM pyramid scheme scam.

>> No.16798798

how do I filter this stoner shitcoin so I never have to hear about it again

>> No.16798803
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>ICO for V-ID: 2018 Q4 (and still work-in-progress as of 2020 with no consumer app - supposedly "coming soon")
Makes you think.

>> No.16798833

And the FUD pasta begins...

Get TOPPED, Pozzed, and die of AIDS. You'll never have to hear about generational wealth makers ever again! Fag.

>> No.16798853
File: 1.23 MB, 1425x1600, comfy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And the FUD pasta begins...
This thread has been topped and pozzed. Take your meds and make a new one.

>> No.16798873

the amount of outright lies in this post is outstanding. fair play for going through all that effort

>> No.16798876

So yeah when I said being MASSIVELY FUD what I meant is this guy TdVnA+Bd opening 20 posts per week and schizo appearing on every VIDT thread you see to start compulsive lying

Thats exactly what I meant

>> No.16798913

No one believes any of this. Look at the price. Prove me wrong by pumping it back to 50 cent when smart anons including myself sold. Otherwise try a new tactic.

>> No.16798921

smart anons? lmao please get back to your basement

>> No.16798950
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>> No.16798955

have the intelligence of a traffic cone

>> No.16798975

Condolences, anon.

>> No.16798976

vidt is human shit from streetpajeet. maybe even bigger scam than ocean

>> No.16798990

tenner says you had to google condolences to make sure you spelt it right

>> No.16799004

Thanks. I am literally going to buy another 50K after reading this thread. Your desperate FUD attempts and ass-pain only fuel my bullishness on this project. You would have to be a retard to not own a 20K bag at this point. Stay poor.

>> No.16799030

He'll give up soon.

What we're experiencing here is early Link days.

>> No.16799044

1.5m revenue on a 2m cap coin with new clients popping up every week

dude can fud all he wants hes an idiot

>> No.16799058

He's FUDDing for a reason. Just like everyone used to FUD Link.

He's accumulating.

>> No.16799069

nop, i legit think hes an idiot

>> No.16799101

circulating supply not needed

>> No.16799118

This. I used to think he was accumulating too. But now I just legitimately think he is retarded or schizophrenic. He thinks God is telling him to FUD vidt or something. He's just a fucking freak. That or someone who IS accumating is just paying him to FUD. But yeah, he sounds way too retarded to be playing 3D chess.

>> No.16799123

Sold this shit in August, take your losses and get out of this shitcoin.

>> No.16799168

VIDT will be $10 EOY 2020. Get in or get fucked.

>> No.16799242

>Take your losses and get out of this shitcoin.

>> No.16799291

name me another crypto that's doing 75% of its mcap in revenue in pretty much its first year of trading. yawn

>> No.16799328

Show undeniable proof that V-ID is generating that much revenue and I will stop fudding.

>> No.16799347

you know what a blockchain and a smart contract is right?

>> No.16799377

Show undeniable proof that you are not an incompetent moron and we'll take you seriously.

>> No.16799387

lmao he has the intelligence of an eggplant

>> No.16799388

Give me proof. Not a fudder like the other guy just interested in buying and want something other than NO YOU

>> No.16799390
File: 2.58 MB, 3305x3305, LTO-V-ID_tweet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's get sh*t done!

>> No.16799432

You know what discounts are, right? Offering discounts would be worth it for V-ID for building up their client base, reputation, and trustworthiness .

You have no proof. The revenue numbers are made-up bullshit, like the IBM partnership, in the hopes of roping in naive anons into the ponzi. Name five coins that pumped based on revenue. Yawn.

>> No.16799442

God it's been so long since I've seen anything positive posted on this here. I am suspicious.

Who are you people and why are you shilling my coin?

>> No.16799467

lmao making this stuff up as you go along. do you have like a canned list of unsubstantiated theories you just copy and paste? or do you get them from other threads like boom that guy is going down a tangent lets take that too?

>> No.16799483

moon landing was fake and queen is a lizard am i right?

>> No.16799486

Also curious to see some evidence of the revenue stream

>> No.16799495

It's still shilling if you're advertising your shitcoin you fucking idiot
Fuck off with your shitcoins you poorfucks. The only coin that matters is bitcoin. It's year 2020 not fucking 2017 where it was the wild west in the crypto world.

>> No.16799499

I'm still waiting on proof. If there's one thing I've learned about /biz/ is that every time a positive thread props up making claims with zero proof to support those claims / ignoring genuine anons asking for such and just carrying on their argument with fudders/paid fudders then it's just a paid shill.

Lurk more and adapt your strategy or answer my question

>> No.16799507

Yep, you're right. They broke into IBM buildings, faked video evidence with fake IBM employees and then posted it all online. It's all a ruse.

Anyone that is capable of using basic math to their advantage can do rough calculations to understand where the $1.5m figure comes from. After all, it's all on the Blockchain.

If we collected all of the dribble that left your swollen mouth and processed it into drinkable water we'd solve one global problem right away. No one would ever be thirsty again.

>> No.16799515

oh shit that last bit was actually quite funny lol

>> No.16799518

Take five minutes to browse their real time User Dashboard. Then take another five minutes to look into all they've achieved.

Don't post about your ignorance while insulting others. Do some research yourself.

>> No.16799525

You dodged the question about revenue and discounts and flipped the "spotlight" on me and my character to not have to address your bullshit lies. Bagholders are disingenuous and should not be believed. The phrase "conspiracy theorist" was meme'd into reality to silence those who dared to question things.

>> No.16799532

Never insulted. I stated a plain truth gained from years of experience on this shithole.
I am asking that anon to give me the proof asked of by several other anons now. He made a claim he can back it up. I have other threads to deal with.

>> No.16799533

dude stop we are supposed to do all the work for them

>> No.16799546

so you actually believe the moon landings were faked and the queen is a lizard?

all jokes aside seriously just do your own research, it takes less than 5 minutes to work it out if you have a couple of braincells and a basic understanding of blockchains

>> No.16799560

if you come in here advertising a coin then do the fucking work for us and show us some evidence. It's not that hard

>> No.16799566
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Didn't read, never buying.

>> No.16799571

Fuck em. They've lost a whale due to arrogance. I'm bored anon shill me something other than this failed attempt

>> No.16799580

I forgot that most of the viewers struggle to read.

Let me just whip up a pop-up book for you.

Lost a whale. Oh. Ha.

>> No.16799583

>s failed atte
a whale on biz aight mate nice try

>> No.16799602
File: 378 KB, 746x1089, muh-revenue-and-profit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Again, doesn't answer the question about potential discounts. Your rough calculation relies on the idea that clients who do mass validations are also not receiving heavy discounts. You have no idea how much discount they might be receiving, as it is not stated on the V-ID website. None of the bagholders even read the whitepaper or knew about pic related until I posted it and used it while "fudding". Can be confirmed by browsing the Telegram or Warosu archives when that image popped up the first time. You are all scammers.

>> No.16799605

also do your own work you cretin, if you where actually a serious investor you wouldn't be looking for investing advice on a anon form full of neckbeards

>> No.16799611

You can't even type. Degenerate

Yes a whale. 2017 called and wants you to go fuck yourself. Your coin will go nowhere with blatantly obvious shill attempts like this. At least learn how the board works before you accept the job.

Oh and I followed your little lead. No evidence of what you claimed what-so-ever. Try harder and back up your claims.

>> No.16799618

where have you got this whole thing around discounts? you've literally pulled it out of thin air and posing it as a substantiated argument

>> No.16799638

He's using multiple ID's.

>> No.16799642

our coin? bitch please theres thousands of people invested, you fault for not dyor and expecting everyone to do it for you

>> No.16799701
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>you fault for not dyor and expecting everyone to do it for you
You're talking to someone who bought BTC
at $15.61. I followed your lead and did the research you asked. Nothing you said amounted to anything.
Your replies are getting more and more pathetic by the minute. You can't even switch ID's correctly.
Stay poor and tell your boss you need a new set of instructions.

To other anons reading: ignore these retards. Follow the pattern of this thread - it's prevail-ant in almost all shill attempts. It's so classically predictable it's ridiculous. No decent project will have these threads. Especially not ones where they can't even back up the claims they make.

>> No.16799715

ofcourse you did, your a millionaire who still posts on 4chan lmao

same writing style as the other guy too what a coincidence

>> No.16799716
File: 81 KB, 1248x963, the-real-numbers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>where have you got this whole thing around discounts? you've literally pulled it out of thin air and posing it as a substantiated argument
Their website says that Enterprise clients will receive an adjusted price point based on volume. It is quite telling that you have not even read the V-ID website.

>> No.16799737

I’m not sure that qualifies as a discount

>> No.16799738

Again - stay poor. Even the lifestyle you imagine is unrealistic. I live comfortably and happily, shitposting on /biz/ and several other boards in between games. Unlike you being paid pennies to shill something that will never be worth more than a handful. buhbye

>> No.16799745

ofcourse you do!

>> No.16799754

VIDT is a scam but you’re also a faggot

>> No.16799758

I don't switch IPs and never have. My arguments can stand on their own without having to have Telegram butt-buddies backing me up or having to create imaginary friends by hopping from one IP to the next. I want a bagholder to have me BTFO with pure arguments, but it never happens. At least Devery (EVE) shills were a challenge.

>I’m not sure that qualifies as a discount
Fuck off.

>> No.16799769

sure, every coin is a scam! your far too smart for everyone else here

>> No.16799781

Scaled pricing doesn’t mean discount. VIDT is a scam though. Also, eat a fat cock you faggot

>> No.16799805

Why is this guy putting so much effort on this thread to attack v-id? I am actually gonna have a look at the project

>> No.16799847

you've been btfo plenty of times. you just refuse to admit it, pretend you won, and dance around the subject.

>inb4 then why don't you do it?
waste of time. don't feel like spending the next 8 hours "debating" you

>> No.16799848

That is you admitting in a roundabout way that you got BTFO and have no argument. Nowhere did I make the claim that every coin is a scam. It's easy to predict what will dump based on dubious and false claims, organized shilling, arguments, and patterns. I cannot predict what will pump because I'm not personally a part of an organized PnD group.

"Scaled pricing" is the same thing as a discount when they are paying per file, except it doesn't give off a negative/cheap connotation. If you are calculating revenue based on the highest price but not take into consideration "scaled pricing", you are intentionally manipulating numbers. Eat shit.

>> No.16799859

Smart. All the people calling it a scam are clutching at straws. Project has both strong TA and FA

>> No.16799869


>> No.16799884

>you've been btfo plenty of times. you just refuse to admit it, pretend you won, and dance around the subject.
You have read these threads. All the counter-arguments where I supposedly got "BTFO" were bagholders theorizing and conjuring up what-if dream scenarios and possibilities. None of it could be backed up with links/sources nor were they rooted in "right now". They were all "coming soon" and "we'll see". That doesn't convince anyone.

>> No.16799896

lmao that's literally all you do but ok

>> No.16799923

Is that why I predicted everything regarding VIDT? See, if the price would have recovered and saw a significant sustained uptrend or V-ID got hundreds of clients, I would have already been BTFO with my tail tucked. None of you can name one thing I was wrong about so far.

>> No.16799947

literally everything,but thats ok.

>> No.16799949

Cringe and gay

>> No.16799961

Based beyond belief

>> No.16799967
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>> No.16799974

well atleast you have memes

>> No.16799983

And you have heavy bags. We're even.

>> No.16799989

could be heavier though unfortunately

>> No.16800006

When V-ID ceases development and marketing (no more moonboy hype) and switches to "sales and support" >>16799602 you will have plenty of time to stock up.

>> No.16800017

Predictions for when this hits zero?

>> No.16800027

You absolute nigger I have said VIDT is a scam multiple times apreafy. Stop being a moron.

>> No.16800033

$0.0X? Three to five years.

>> No.16800045

That was meant to be cents, not dollar.

>> No.16800096

I still can't decide if this faggot is financially motivated with his FUDing or just mental ill like the DAG fudder raphael. Either way I'm buying more

>> No.16800120

DAG had a nice pump and dump. Hope you all sold the top last year and didn't hold onto it like with VIDT. Hehe.

>> No.16800213

>nice pump n dump
>up 6x from my buy in last summer

>> No.16800231

>Still hasn't sold

>> No.16800272

sold half at 220 sats, letting the rest ride. I'm up 60k on one paycheck's worth of investment. You're a mentally ill faggot with nothing better to do than FUD a dutch shitcoin

>> No.16800336

>Defends his investment to a mentally ill faggot when no one cares

>> No.16800463

You cant sell the top of a pump and dump. VIDT is also shilled by Satsgang.

Google Satsgang VIDT Twitter and laugh at the bagholders being robbed by Pajeets. If you want to see a real robbery, check out DAG. That community got rekt by Satsgang. They are literally their telegram admins Kek. You think im joking, go take a look for yourself

>> No.16800484

Just googled and saw nothing except some faggot using a VIDT hashtag

i'll give you 1000 bucks if you can prove satsgang is manipulating VIDT

>> No.16800517

>i'll give you 1000 bucks if you can prove satsgang is manipulating VIDT
I could prove that Satsgang is involved in the price manipulation, because I saw proof of it months ago, but you wouldn't pay the $1000 on some technicality. "That doesn't count as manipulation, they are invested and know a good coin when they see one" I know your bag of tricks.

>> No.16800538

>months ago
So probably last summer with dubious proof at best aka nearly a fucking year ago. We're talking about right now

>> No.16800569

Late-fall, not summer. But I'm not going to gather evidence for an hour to give you proof on your investment. I have nothing to gain from it, including lols and memes. The info is out there and it's irrelevant to my arguments.

>> No.16800576

Satsgang were the reason VIDT pumped, not because of fundamentals or the tokenomics.

>> No.16800589

You didnt google shit you lying faggot. Fucking Satsgang GTFO

>> No.16800593

KYS you fucking ignorant bastard!

>> No.16800607

Let me in the gang. No initiation necessary. I'm better than half of you lackeys. Instead of fudding, I will shill. 50% upfront, 50% later.

>> No.16800611

lol you sensationalist faggots just got blown the fuck out. Post proof or fuck off

>> No.16800640

This is the part where you go in the Telegram and say you BTFO the fudder once again. Give me $1000 and I will post proof. Make the smart contract.

>> No.16800654

You two dumb bastards post this bullshit all day in multiple threads. It's all bullhsit that you faggots made up.

>> No.16800665

This is the part where you neck yourself for being a faggot

>> No.16800676

>make a smart contract that can interpret some obscure sperg's evidence
Just keep obfuscating you little patsy. Spending hours in these threads, photoshopping memes, researching misleading bullshit, but you can't take the time to post proof of price manipulation? HAHA. Nobody believes that for a second. You'd be salivating to get your hands on that shit.

Do you sit in the telegram group waiting for people to take about you? Does that raise your dopamine? Does it? HAHA nice life kid

>> No.16800679

Okay, Raynesh. Maybe learn to use Telegram search and you will see the evidence.

>> No.16800710

Ok faggot, maybe stop being a useless piece of shit perpetuating a shit larp

>> No.16800737

You and the rest of the bagholders spend countless hours discussing the same worthless shitcoin day in and day out. If I were to make memes promoting VIDT and defending it relentlessly in these threads, making up bullshit about revenue and future potential, then I'd be "based" in your little butt-buddy group. Ironic.

>HAHA nice life kid
#triggered #btfo

>> No.16800786

you spend more time in these threads than the top 10 VIDT shills combined

there's nothing even special about VIDT. So many better scams out there. More deluded communities. Better meme potential. But you are stuck to VIDT like flies on shit. With every engagement you become more and more emotionally attached to the individuals behind it. They're living rent free in your mind. My personal opinion is that you were excluded from groups during your formative years, or did not receive enough attention. So rather than join the groups, you are habitually compelled to play contrarian against the boogeyman hivemind. A true loner. I'd love to hear your thoughts

>> No.16800851


>> No.16800865

>he doesn't know how to read blockchain transactions

the absolute state of /biz/

>> No.16800871

>talking about any coin is shilling
why are you even here on /biz/?

>> No.16800930

>My personal opinion is that you were excluded from groups during your formative years, or did not receive enough attention. So rather than join the groups, you are habitually compelled to play contrarian against the boogeyman hivemind. A true loner. I'd love to hear your thoughts
You realize I'm in a group, right? A group of people who sold VIDT and realized it's a shitcoin. I simply don't see why I would want the approval of people who I think are either scammers, illogical and naive, easily manipulated by peer pressure, or bipolar and emotionally unhinged.

>> No.16801019

>3D chess

>> No.16801052

>You realize I'm in a group, right?
You call yourselves faggotgang? Because you're all massive faggots!

>> No.16801063

You replied 40 times in this thread only to FUD this project...

>> No.16801088

That's our rebrand for 2020 Q2. "coming soon" hehe

>> No.16801102

Again, all of those traits can be applied to other groups tenfold. You are emotionally attached. Come to terms with the fact that you require the group’s approval in a different form

>> No.16801134

Start ignoring my posts and don't engage.

>> No.16801949

I'm almost at 100K VIDT.
It'll be worth $3,000,000 in the next 2 years. I am so fucking grateful for this once in a lifetime opportunity. Keep holding strong and accumulating while you still can!

>> No.16801975

This guy nailed it. The schizo Pajeet needs serious psychiatric help.

>> No.16802027

Hope you can spare a few VIDT when you're a millionaire once it hits $1000 a pop. My mental illness of reading 4chan is allowing you to accumulate for cheap.

>> No.16802071
File: 26 KB, 474x474, content.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Note to anons: See how they don't respond to arguments when they get BTFO and instead focus on the person? They make a claim like "V-ID is generating millions in revenue" or "V-ID has the market share" then when someone proves them wrong they disappear and another anon with "1 post by this ID" takes their place who will make another erroneous claim until the head TG honcho makes another thread like nothing happened.

It's funny that the only way bagholders can promote their project now is by discrediting the personality of fudder. Evidently, there is nothing else going for it, other than ponzi buyback burns, at which point you might as well buy NUKE or any of the hundreds of deflationary cryptocurrencies that are out there.

^ pasta btw

>> No.16802082

Not a single anon had anything to backup their claim as to why YOU should invest in VIDT other than peer pressure. I'm looking for YOU anonymous anon, reading 4chan. Do not be swindled!

>> No.16802288

THIS. It's just an obvious /biz/ pump and dump

>> No.16802416

Im starting to worry for you schizo fudders... do you sometimes sit and think if you are even real? Maybe you were just programmed to fud vidt, its ok let me snap you out of it. You are free. You are free to spend your precious time and energy else where! Go on BOT be FREEEE.

>> No.16802468

VIDT will be $10 EOY 2020.
VIDT will be $10 EOY 2020.
VIDT will be $10 EOY 2020.
VIDT will be $10 EOY 2020.

>> No.16802556

Don't buy anything that's already gone up 3x or more.

Get some FRM, stake, and relax.

>> No.16802693

where's the proof they have 1.5m revenue?

>> No.16802775

They have no proof. They are literally using my FUD from earlier when I did the math with a generous $2 per file price (to figure out the value of the company and the real value one VIDT for the VIDT/VIDS conversion) and then now they pretend they came up with the math. Forgetting I was being generous and didn't calculate any discounts or account for bulk volume pricing. That way I could not be accused of fudding the math. I inflated the numbers for the purpose of illustrating the point that even at a 3X multiple 1 VIDT is worth less than a penny in reality.

>> No.16802897

>46 posts by this id

Hello mr acronis fudder. Did you go poo poo pee pee today yet?

>> No.16802989

I have a laptop so I can poo as I post. No need for me to go anywhere, sirs.

>100 posts about Mr. Acronis instead of VIDT.

>> No.16803126


Any talk about revenue at this point, is going to go nowhere. No one knows what kind of deals their clients have gotten.

For anyone who thinks this is a scam though, consider this: No funding was raised for this project, until after the product had been developed and clients had been onboarded.

Not exactly scam-project behaviour.