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16795338 No.16795338 [Reply] [Original]

Wife and I both work in DC and make about $200,000 combined. With the cost of child care for ONE child and the insane housing prices, we can't afford a house that isn't a piece of rotting shit or in a shit neighborhood. All the nice neighborhoods are too far to commute into the city. We are stuck. How the fuck can a couple making $200k not afford a house and one child?

It's essentially $500k for a decent TOWNHOUSE.

>> No.16795353
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You’re like a little baby

>> No.16795419


Fuck this world man

>> No.16796106

priced out. should have bought more meme coins

>> No.16796185

What are you blowing your money on, I'm sole provider making 150k/yr, I have 2 kids, my wife is a stay at home mom. Our house costs 500k, it's absolutely doable you baby.

I also live in a maryland suburb and telecommute. My house is 4000sqft, make better life choices.

>> No.16796225

reminds me of the one time I was staying by my friend's uncle's house on Marine Dr in Vancouver. His home was the only building in the in the entire neighborhood that was not chinked, i.e. turned into a mcmansion. Do you know why? Because the house stayed within the family, he was not fucking selling.

>> No.16796232


>> No.16796261

The thing that pisses me off most about your post is you saying "we are stuck"

You are the exact opposite of stuck. All your problems originate from where you idiots are *choosing* to remain.

All you have to do is move over 50 miles to the east side of Baltimore in some of the best suburbs there are. Continue to make the same pay working at aberdeen proving ground.

Have a cheaper house 3x the size.
Same salary.
Safest neighborhoods
Best schools
Easier commute
Great community

I could go on and on, but you two are probably the typical idiots who love their "city life" and just want to bitch about it at the same time.

Meanwhile, I'm sitting over here 33 years old, 400k in stocks, 100k home equity, 4000 sqft house, 2 kids I'm paying for to be in private preschool, 2 mercedes, all off income 3/4 of what you guys have.

>> No.16796348

so serious question: what phone do you have? how many shoes does your wife have?
not being snarky but its quite possible you and/or her have shopping addictions

>> No.16796511

>make 200k a year
>can't save 500k
top kek

>> No.16796521

I live in NOVA and a shitbox down the street from me went got 1.2 mill. My wife and I make a little more than you and yours, fuck this area. Everything is retardedly expensive or deep in nigger territory.

>> No.16796530

You bought a house north of Frederick because you can telecommute, congrats, I have to physically treat patients and bumpkin hospitals pay bumpkin wages.

>> No.16796548
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You nailed it: chinks and people pandering to chink money. Can’t really blame them I guess, after all a winning lottery ticket is a winning lottery ticket

>> No.16796553
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you're retarded^_^
>move to a different town, you can't afford it so you shouldn't be living there.

>> No.16796557

>me and wife make 200k
>waaah I still can’t afford shit

You won’t get sympathy here. You are in the top 10% of earners in the country and can’t get your shit straight. That’s on you and the absolute worst city in the country you chose to live in

>> No.16796752

Ya, if only there were patients in other places in the country, I guess people only get sick in DC. What a fucking retard.

>> No.16796769

if only there were Johns Hopkins University/Hospital, the most presitgious medical place right in baltimore, only 15 miles from great suburbs.

You don't want help, you just want to live the typical omg i live in NY and pay X $$$ for my tiny apartment. It's some sick pitty game you city faggots love to play.

>> No.16796784

imagine working in DC and expecting not to get assfucked if you're less than a multimillionaire

You ever notice how you can turn your head in one direction and see street parking full of BMW, Mercedes, Audi, Bentley, etc, and turn your head in the other direction and see a public park literally full of dozens of homeless people making camp and milling about?

>> No.16796824

Median Household Income $81,106.00

My suburb
Median Household Income $85,798.00

Damn, those "bumpkin" wages sure do suck. Not everyone is a liberal faggot who likes getting raped by niggers. Enjoy

>> No.16796843

>in the USA
>making less than $200k
Get a job at a different hospital dipshit.

>> No.16796857

He's probably a male nurse who collects niggers semen samples

>> No.16796871

You know they have exorbitant loans right dummy?

>> No.16796905

Yeah I didn't consider this. Even so, nurses in America with half a brain can make surprisingly good money and it gets better in more rural areas.
Yeah and he'll pay it off faster if he moves to a hospital that pays better you brainlet

>> No.16796910

So it basically boils down to not wanting to live around niggers. You sound like you could use some cultural enrichment

>> No.16796934

>child care
found your problem

>> No.16797094


We hate the fucking city. We want to live in the country. But the commute is killer. Sorry I don't want to sit in traffic for 2 hours each way.

Our jobs tie us to the city. Also fuck Maryland. So we would do Virginia, out to around the beltway or a bit further is about the max distance.

>> No.16797155

Doubtful. you obviously have an elitist mindset calling suburbs "bumpkin" you are a typical city faggot who thinks you are better than everyone else who doesn't live in the city, and justifies your misery in that shit hole by how much more cultured and cosmopolitan you are than others.

This is how city people justify their miserable circumstances, they live in shity conditions but they convince themselves they are more moral, virtuous, cultured, educated, etc than the other people, and it's the price to pay to live around other awsome like minded people like ourselves!

If you truly wanted to not live in the city, you wouldn't. You are a grown ass adult, you are in control of your life, do something.

>> No.16797164


9000 take home

3300 house
1500 child care
500+ for medical
400+ utils and insurance
100 entertainment
120 car insurance
120 parking
300 gas
600 student loan
300 to savings
250 pet stuff

And that leaves 1500 for food, shopping, and emergencies (kids and copays are expensive)

>> No.16797175


You're talking to a different guy bro I never said bumpkin. I hate the city, I hate city people, I hate liberals

>> No.16797188


Forgot 300 for college savings

>> No.16797209

3k a year on 'pet stuff' top fucking kek


It's not about salary, it's the bottom line. Disposable income, and quality of life.

You can live in a suburb of baltimore, commute to hopkins in 30 min.

Chop 1k off housing and have a bigger house
Drop the 120 parking
Drop some off childcare/food because cost of living

in all it will probably add up to 20k/yr in after tax money, in turn you have better quality of life, better home, and the same or more disposable income. Salaries in baltimore are the same as DC, DC pay is a myth. Baltimore/DC/MD are the same payscale, I've worked both.

>> No.16797248

Ah, sorry then, didn't realize that. But seirously pay is the same. A friend of my wifes always bragged about his "DC" pay and lives in Alexandria. I remember one time he was like hey if you ever need a job let me know, trying to humble brag his awsome DC job. Turns out he made 30k less than me, was so much fun dropping that knowledge bomb on his ass.

If you are a government worker (VA?) the government payscale for DC and baltimore is identical, yet the cost of living is so much different. As such because the government work makes so much of the economy around these areas with contracting and all. In order for other employment to actually remain competitive they also offer the same salaries, otherwise they'd never be able to hire and government contractors would jsut scoop up all the talent.

>> No.16797259

Yeah dude that makes no fucking sense at all. I bought a house for 120k with a combined income of 37k. At the same multiple of income as me you'd be able to afford 650k. More so than me because your basic needs are much easier to meet on 200k vs 37k so you'll be able to rat hole much more every month. How did I buy a house? I lived on about 8-12k a year for 3 years and mortgaged the rest.

>> No.16797278


Dog walks, vet fees, vaccines, hair cuts, medications, bones it adds up

>> No.16797440


Where? Did you have a kid?

>> No.16797642

I don't know what you are looking for, the only way to change your situation is

*TO CHANGE* your situation.

Move, you make 200k a year, you have the capital and means to easily fix your situation. The only thing stopping you guys is yourselves.

Both of you look for a new job in the area you want to be, when one of you lands the new job, that's 100k/yr.

Move to an apartment in that area for cheap, the other stays home with the kid eliminating child care expenses. If you can't make it off 100k in a cheap apartment you are retarded.

Then while you are relocated in the new area not trying to juggle some crazy commute and 1 of your jobs being far away from the other, whoever doesnt have the job looks for one in the new area as well.

Eventually you both get employeed in your new area, and you buy a house.

Problem solved.

>> No.16797664


Excellent plan, but both of our jobs are locked into DC. We don't have careers that translate to any other city.

>> No.16797672

1500 childcare? Why the fuck isn't your wife at home?

>> No.16797676

I hate weak willed faggots like you. It's always the same story. Don't consume like an NPC and you will have savings, fucking nigger.

>> No.16797678

DC cuck

>> No.16797683

Also, you are getting gouged on your medical. Wtf are u paying for? A new heart. God I hate the upper middle class so much sometimes.

>> No.16797685

What could your career possibly be that doesn't translate to any other city? Are you a lobbyist?

>> No.16797688

This thread really shows 4chan has grown up. You guys are making lots of money and having families.

>> No.16797694

"Kids are expensive"

No they aren't. White yuppies make them expensive. You fucking idiot. You are the type of person who is causing this country to crash in the ground. I bet you vote for more somalis in your neighborhood too.

>> No.16797697

I think I spend less on my 2 kids than the guy does on his dog

>> No.16797708

Exactly. White people could have so many more kids. This "kids are expensive" meme has to die. Are they cheap? No of course not. But are they a total fucking unbearable burden? Give me a break.

>> No.16797726

Only the first one is expensive, from that point on it's like 10% the cost because of hand-downs. If you are cooking for a family and not eating out the extra food cost is minimal.

>> No.16797767

If you aren't a lobbyist I don't know what other job couldn't 'translate' into another city. At the end of the day you are a professional with a skill set.

You may not have the exact same job title, working at the same place, but that doesn't mean you can't work somewhere else.

If you are working at CIA or some other intell in DC there are plenty of other intell sites (APG I mentioned) as well as baltimore etc.

I was contracting FBI, and an NSA govie. Ultimately I just totally dropped my clearance and got out of the space though because it's a joke anyways. My life is much better not dealing with cleared bs work anymore.

>> No.16797803


I won't get any more specific, but we must work in DC.

Medicals are high because of issues. Sucks but that's what it is.

>> No.16797865


>> No.16797881

there is no such thing as *must*

*must* is something you are deciding.

Unless you signed your soul over to someone like joining the Military. Otherwise, it's just *difficult*

>> No.16797949

>treats patients
>job 'tied to DC'
>won't say why
Are you the guy who gives the infusions of baby blood and foreskin stem cells to jewish senators?

>> No.16798021

I don't think he actually treats patients, I think that was someone else I was confusing him with earlier. I'd be very interested to know what field or degree they have. The not being able to move or find a job anywhere else is absolute nonsense.

You might not be able to find *THAT* job somewhere else, but you can find many other jobs using your skills or knowledge, experience, etc that pay just as well.

So in the end of the day, you are valueing your job more than your personal life, which is why he is stuck in DC and his personal life sucks. If he wants to start enjoying his personal life and living situation, he might have to leave some "dream job" he has in DC and focus on something else with his life.

>> No.16798084


OP here, I am actually President Trump. White House is expensive. Sad!

>> No.16798109
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>paying someone to walk your dog
>paying someone to cut the hair of the dog some stranger will walk
>paying strangers to take care of your child
>paying for house you are not even in

next step is your wife getting banged by jamal, and you paying for all of that and can't even sleep there or stay there. you are basically visiting the property at this point

>> No.16798586

Joke it up, your life is a joke.

You complain, people give you advice, and you ignore it.

How does it feel being a complete failure to your wife and kids?

>> No.16799094


>> No.16799176
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Okay, this is epic

>> No.16799519
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Paying others to raise your children.

>> No.16799659

Taking the most important achievement of your life, your legacy, the very meaning of life. And being a giant man child who is to lazy to do your most fundamental duty, and instead trusting the absolute bottom rung of society with 0 vested interest to do it for you.

The modern man and woman. We are fucking doomed.

>> No.16799666

You're blowing your money like a fucking retard. Fuck off

>> No.16799670

Fuck u uppidy DC niggers

>> No.16799672

why not just save and buy a 3000sqft home in a cheaper state?

>> No.16799920

this you dumb cattle.

>> No.16800293
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>tfw live in Frederick
>pay $2000/mo rent
>make $65k/yr
>1 5-month old
>gf is stay-at-home mom
>commute 1hr to Baltimore

It hurts bros
Nah I’m lying, it’s not that bad... I work from home 2 days a week. Thank god I learned to code

>> No.16800310

my wife makes that and im a stay at home neet, houses are like 300k here tho

>> No.16800400

In his mouth

>> No.16800514


I bought 6 apartments units in Alexandria off duke st near the old tower records. Total Ethiopia shithole area, lots of violence and poverty.
2bd 2bth 1200 sqft ground level and 1st floor units $92k each in 2011. Been renting them as income.
Since all the big companies taking over things have cleaned up the areas because those poor folks are cashing out and middle class folks are moving in.
Government jobs dominated every county and will do so. The market is stable and will continue its raising. You are almost priced out but don’t be a poor me.

Annandale, Alexandria, Franconia, Springfield, Tyson’s are not cheap for a SFH. But very doable with your $. How about Woodbridge? It was cheap for awhile and you have metro options.

Dc is out of your price range.

Montgomery County is nice but MD tax is high.
You don’t have Bethesda, Chevy chase, or Potomac $
Silver spring isn’t too bad, somewhat close to DC down Georgia Ave. Metro options too. Lots of Peruvian chicken spots and El Salvador immigrants.

PG County is all niggers and not worth it unless well your a nigger. Us white folks get picked on in that area.

>> No.16800546


what's your profit margin like on those apts? how much bullshit do you have to deal with? how big is the headache?

>> No.16800632

Friendly reminder that the previous generation laid this foundation for us.

Wife and I live outside Atlanta. We have one child. Combined income of 100k a year and it feels like we are just barely surviving. America is just great these days isn't it?

>> No.16800657

Become more frugal or change location.

>> No.16801038


what exactly happened to completely fuck the relationship between income and housing prices?

>> No.16801105

Nothing, most of the areas weren't as wealthy and built up as they are today. The previous generation built up those areas and made them what they are today.

If this generation wants cheap housing they need to start living in cheaper areas, and build up those areas just like the last generation. Instead they just feel entitled to plop their lazy ass down in the most competitive cities in the world, and being the bottom rung of society and still live there.

>> No.16801124


yeah? what about literal time-space? white flight exists for a reason. there is limited geography within driving distance of jobs. at what point does a commute become infeasible?

>> No.16801139

Nonsense. Real estate has been commoditized and is now viewed as an investment instead of somewhere people actually live. You reek of Judaism

>> No.16801159

I thought frederick was cheaper.
T. Pay 1600 rent in rockville

>> No.16801196


why would you ever want to live in Maryland? serious question

>> No.16801318

Why are there so many NoVAers here? Explains why this board is full of uppity twats

>> No.16801325

you deserve this fate for being a filthy public servant

>> No.16801334

Grew up here trying to gtfo and move to idaho. Only 23

>> No.16801352
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the absolute state of this post lmao, where do these people even come from?

>> No.16802053

Become a job creator in more rural areas.

>> No.16802062

He is right, you know.

>> No.16802080

Have any of you retarded americans heard of saving? Jesus Christ.
Even in my shithole south american country where the "ivy league (lol") graduates make about 1k a month on average manage to buy houses that are 200-300k here.

>> No.16802097

Ugh, typical city faggots

>> No.16802307
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I can't get over the pet stuff either.

I live with GF in a 2BR apartment in a nice part of the city for 1450/month with low bills. This nigger pays more for gas than I do on food. We can easily fit two kids in the second bed room and we are in an awesome catchment.

As a out and proud nazi, cheap jewish GFs are a godsend.

>> No.16802307,2 [INTERNAL] 

Is there something more I should know before the purchase?