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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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16791182 No.16791182 [Reply] [Original]

Elections coming!? Nope.
Tariffs!? Nope.
Iran!? Nope.

Stocks literally keep going up and it'll never ever fall down FeelsBasedMan. Fuck low IQ crypto gamblers.
We all gonna be rich soon.

>> No.16791211

TESLA $1000 EOY am I right. It's the real chainlink.

>> No.16791227

you can thank millenials for single handily saving this economy most have opted to not go to college and instead wage 60 hours a week for goldstein just to buy the latest apple product

>> No.16791234

>Tesla is worth 180 billion dollars
No. Except Tesla. Tesla is literally the most overpriced stock after netflix, amazon, salesforce etc.
I even drove a Tesla, other than their amazing semi-automous driving, the design of the technical is shit.

>> No.16791248
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Thanks, millenials. 2020 is the year of the Zoomers cucking millenials after they got cucked by boomers.

>> No.16791268

na zoomers have no chance in hell in this lifetime

>> No.16791287

>portfolio growing 4% a month
>boomers telling me that I'm gambling
>retard ex gf put her money in savings when I told her the economy is going to soar before we broke up
>democrats are going to get shit on too boot thanks to this bull run

what a great 2020

>> No.16791293
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*enters thread*

>> No.16791300
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All my college zoomer buddies are investing in robinhood and M1 finance with their factional shares. Some of us are getting options with 5000% up. It's literally easy money and everyone winning in life while having lots of sex.

Get cucked millennial loser.

>> No.16791307
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>it'll never ever fall down
>t. top buyer

>> No.16791339

sure you are little man meanwhile i bought in ETH at $7 when i was 17 and already have lived a life of riches and am now just waiting for the next wave

>> No.16791361

My fucking AMC stock keeps going down. I put half my bank account in at $8.16

>> No.16791388
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Get cucked loser

>> No.16791499
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Thats the exit signal...

>> No.16791532

What in the absolute fuck ru doing?

>> No.16791578

I'm 24 am I millennial or a zoomer someone tell me I dont even know anymore

>> No.16791595

zoomers are the cringe lords born in 2000+

>> No.16791596
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>> No.16791627

Do you see why I'm unsure

>> No.16791678

you going to trust a based anon or some cuck ass google jew

>> No.16791691

Good call, thank you based anon. My mind is clear now

>> No.16791699

Kek, my sides

>t. Based millennial

>> No.16791719

Literally was on /tv/ where a couple of Anons could not understand the value of investing in Apple stock over buying the latest iPhone.

>> No.16791775

Year lmao, try month or few months tops, so many idiots that were waiting have huge blue balls right now, it's gonna pump more than these shitty cryptos. Stocks are way to go, fuck crypto, stocks are in a cryptolike bullrun right now, idiots that are sittiing in crypto are literally missing Bitcoin going to $20k equivalent in stocks.

>> No.16791791

you are right op. economy can never stop booming. i'm taking out a reverse mortgage loan

>> No.16791805

>All my college zoomer buddies are investing in robinhood and M1 finance with their factional shares. Some of us are getting options with 5000% up. It's literally easy money and everyone winning in life while having lots of sex.

I plan on investing in Robinhood when I get out of debt this year and I'm a 40 yr old boomer.

>> No.16791823

If you are 40 you are not a boomer.

>> No.16791827
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Stock market profits are NOT risk free.

>> No.16791874
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Diversify or die.

>> No.16791958

Don't bother with Robin Hood when Charles Schwab offers everything they do and more.

>> No.16791996
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unironically this. gonna call vix calls tomorrow

>> No.16792145

Whats the best way to invest? Do you guys buy individual stocks or just go with an index fund?
In Australia, my choice of funds seems really limited.

What happens if the fund goes under? Do I lose everything? What if no one wants to buy my part in the fund when its time to cash out? How do I know the fund will be around in 30 years when I want to retire?

>> No.16792173

Start with index funds and ETFs first. Index funds might need a starting account balance but there is usually an ETF equivalent that allows you to start with no money down. Buy and hold do not sell. Get low expense ratios - tenths of a percent we're talking.

If you want to try your hand at individual stocks to get that 10+ bagger or for dividends then I suggest you keep investing in low expense index funds in the meantime while studying up on how to pick good stocks. Index funds are easy, simple, set it and forget it investing and it usually beats active investing over 90% of the time. Active investing requires mostly luck and is only for the most daring. Don't daytrade though. That is speculation which is a fancy word for gambling.

>> No.16792184

what's the next 10x stock?

>> No.16792202


Thanks anon but I already know all of that. You didn't answer any of my specific questions about index/ETFs

>> No.16792206

With Financial decisions?

>> No.16792210
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Is Chainlink a stock?

>> No.16792244

>Some of us are getting options with 5000% up.

are you investing in spx/gold or what?

>> No.16792284

When Netflix or Disney acquires AMC at $25/share it'll all be okay

>> No.16792355
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I'm 27 so I'm outside of this cut off. Have never felt like a millenial and don't feel like a zoomer. Be that as it may, I have your back brother. Fuck millennials. Get money.

>> No.16792366

Understand that the target demo for this ad is boomers (and not in the ironic way). Fuck boomers.

>> No.16792438

If you buy an ETF that has been around for at least 3-4 years, with a lot of liquidity/a large daily trade volume, and with an overall good performance you ought to be good. Try to avoid highly specialized ETFs because those go under a lot (google the LGTBQ ETF, kek). Keep the sectors you go into broad or USA based. SPY and QQQ (along with their many variants) are always a safe bet.

>> No.16792463

Individual microcap stocks buy and hold style.

>> No.16792487

you sound like a typical edgy millenial, kys

>> No.16792588

>Fuck low IQ crypto gamblers.

I hold a lot of stocks, mainly banks bought cheap.

I also hold dividend paying etfs
I also hold foreign property
I also hold art
I also hold antiques
I also hold gold
I also hold silver
I also hold diamonds
I also hold forestry
I also hold land
I also hold some crypto
I also hold antique arms
I also hold livestock, horses, cattle, hawk
I also hold rental
I also hold cash, pensions, tax free bonds
I also hold first edition and antiquarian books
and other things, the lost loot from forgotten kingdoms that reigned for millennia and were forgotten to. In my home I walk through spaces that are packed with pricess works that could easily grace the Louvre or Met yet here they are in my home.

I've seen wars and countries, women, children, friends and family come and go, most forever into dust, or just lost in time and mass movements, countries, cults, celebrities, revolutions, presidents, kings and queens, tycoons, battles, sieges, ideologies, come and go. I've had guns held to my head and said, go on pull the trigger and waited. My hands have been red with other mens blood, my face wet with tears and been deafened by screams. I've laughed and danced and loved. I've made nations and been loved by many, changed a billion lives but also hated and forgotten. I'm still here. I've written books and music and poems, devices and mechanisms and then seen others claim them as their work I've killed and made life. I'll be here when you are all forgotten. I'll try and remember you people but I can't promise. Never call anyone else an idiot. You might be wrong.


>> No.16792598

People laughed at me when I told them the president after Obama would bring about the Golden Age of America. This was when he got elected the second time. They laughed.

>> No.16792672

No empire as great as America which only began the path to reaching its zenith with the collapse of the USSR vanished quickly, the USA will be the dominant military, economic and cultural empire on the earth for all the lives of the people here and their childrens lives to. You'll all be long dead and dust by the time America is not the prime power in the world and is sickening.

>> No.16792694
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You sound like an incel with quite some practice in telling people to kys on the internet. Have sex.

>> No.16793247

Sounds like a bubble. Id sell if i were you.

>> No.16793317

>other than their amazing semi-automous driving, the design of the technical is shit
you cannot be fucking serious

>> No.16793442
File: 584 KB, 678x692, 1558935429751.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

10x this. as long as interest rates are this low worldwide, there has to be a bubble. every american company is heavily overvalued, since european investors try to get their euros in dollar and therefore dump on european stocks and european stocks are overvalued, since the ecb gives out loans at negative interest rates.
but as long as
>muh stock go up :))))
retards wont ask why or how

>> No.16793453

kys tesla fanboy

>> No.16793482

im not. just speak aloud the words you've written. you be very young my friend. what teslas done...consequences will never be the same. its the same with quantum computing and DWAVE. nobody was trying particularly hard to make these things reality b/c they got paid either way or were risk adverse. happy to make easy money in the casino, why innovate at all...

>> No.16793521

buy chainlink faggot