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16777967 No.16777967 [Reply] [Original]

Is 22oz enough to /makeit/

>> No.16777991

not if you're planning to soley make it on gold, I would recommend if you are keeping large amounts of gold to have at least 5 kilos.

>> No.16778058
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> just have 250k$ worth of gold laying around bro!!!

>> No.16778075

approximately 100 GLD 21 Feb 20 $150 strike calls or 20 GC futures contracts.

>paper shiny rocks are so much easier to profit

>> No.16778142

Even 10 oz is enough if you hold long enough. But yes, in the next 10 years your 22oz should be enough.

>> No.16778194

in the most delirious goldbug wet dream 22oz would be worth 200k
by no definition is that "making it"
gold is for grandpas and paranoid libertarians, no one has ever gotten rich by hoarding gold

>> No.16778242

>no one has ever gotten rich by hoarding gold
Except literally fucking everyone who had gold back in 2006.
And in 2015.
And it would appear in 2020.
>gold is for grandpas and paranoid libertarians
No, it's for the Banks to keep them in power. They'd have no problem paying $27,000 per ounce, they produce this worthless paper money anyway. They only care about staying in power, if I could sell 20oz of gold and "make it" they wouldn't mind, I'd get my house and happy life, they'd get 20oz more gold than some Government they try to financially annihilate.

>> No.16778283

Paper shiny rocks are easy, but no fun.

>> No.16778312

(((Paper Gold))) is just for dumb rich people who hear about the safety of gold and buy this trash so they can be told that they have a position on gold, when in reality, they own zero actual gold.

>> No.16778417
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Tfw only .5 oz of gold.

>> No.16778463

If you plan on making it ONLY off gold then yes, gold isn't an investment although it can be, All gold is useful for is securing your wealth. To make any significant amount like a million you need to at least have 100-250k worth of gold which is 2-5 kilos.

>> No.16778487

Fair enough.

>> No.16778532

Surely if gold goes to 10-20k that means the dollar has collapsed and then everyone wi be in demand for gold. The banks get first dibs and will be a fuck load of back order. So then you can charge fucked loads above spot to local people who wants some.

>> No.16778582

Dollar doesn't need to collapse for the price to go to 10k. You have to understand that the primary buyers of gold are the top 1%. They couldn't give a single fuck if an ounce of gold costs 2k or 12k. They will buy it just to have more than some other Jew. But you need a catalist for that to happen, like a war in a country near Israel or shrinking yield of mined gold or depleting gold veins in general.

Oh, wait...

>> No.16778683
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Potentially. Also...
> gold
> Israel

Spot the country not on the list.

>> No.16778721

They keep all their gold in America and all the other countries where they dominate the Banking Sector (so pretty much almost everywhere).

>> No.16778727

like how they dont have nukes?

>> No.16778765

Sneaky cunts.

Israel wouldnt have nukes, they are peaceful, stop asking these silly questions.

>> No.16779117

Gold is not a good form of income mate, its literal only use is to secure your wealth in a recession-proof state.

>> No.16779259

What do you think is about to happen? Global recession/depression incoming. All it needed was a trigger.