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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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16752919 No.16752919 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread >>16743013

CZ is seething we are 113$ now

Get that popcorn BSV is almost there to overtake BNB

>> No.16752927
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tick tock mr squids

>> No.16752938
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How could Burger King let this happen?

>> No.16752969

BSV was $255.88 in June. Who cares? Wake me up when we are mid-five figures.

>> No.16753191

115$ this is not stopping

>> No.16753346
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>> No.16753365

it will be $5 soon enough
it's obviously a degen not an oscillator with a half life of roughly 1y

>> No.16753980

No you

You clearly are not bright

>> No.16754023

Who is buying? I mean whale-wise. Or is this just general build up to Genesis?

>> No.16754027

Normans wouldn't understand it.

>> No.16754050

what a 'bright' retort from the tripfag. "when I read... I m-meant w-wrote the bitcoin whitepaper" kek all of the lies will catch up with you scammers soon enough

>> No.16754065

where is the waiting room for the bonded courier? lmao bsv pajeets stinking out this board too much lately

>> No.16754074
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>> No.16754128

Just bought more of the true BitCoin. Going to be rich this year! Woot woot

>> No.16754148

That is a pointless statement.

>> No.16754149

CZ is shaking in his boots no doubt pfffffft.
Binance not lasting until 2020 was one of many bsv scammer promises that were broken.

>> No.16754191

Funny binance is dead in the water the way I see it. Exchanges are a dime a dozen

>> No.16754228

Mr Squids. How many BSV to make it this year?

>> No.16754244

It's not about how many. It's about what path you choose. Every one still thinks Craig is a fraud, you are early.

>> No.16754289
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Not everyone ;)

>> No.16754548

The path I'd like to choose is financial freedom and unbind myself of debt

>> No.16754602

BSV is the path of light