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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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166125 No.166125[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>165080

>> No.166127

Remember to only create new threads AFTER the old one has reached its bump limit of 300 posts.

Exchange - Current Price 173 Satoshi:

Buy DOGE with fiat:

Mining guide:


Useful sites:

Free doge:


Want the DOGE coin to succeed? This is how you can help:

Ask btc-e to add DOGE to their exchange:

Donate to the original doge owner:

Join #do/g/ecoin at Rizon now.

>> No.166134
File: 233 KB, 492x722, marketsnapshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the opposite of the Moon?

>> No.166131

THIS POST IS ABOUT PANDACOIN (PND). WHAT IS PANDACOIN (PND)? IT'S AWESOME AND YOU SHOULD MINE IT NOW. (http://bamboohouse.info/index.php?page=gettingstarted))

UPDATE YOUR WALLET TO THE NEWEST VERSION(1.5.3): http://bamboohouse.info/bin/pandacoin-qt-win32_1.5.3.zip

Bitcointalk: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=464476.0
Twitter: @panda_coin
Facebook: /pandacoin
Reddit: www.reddit.com/r/therealpandacoin/

Want to help PND?
Coinedup subreddit: http://www.reddit.com/r/CoinedUp/comments/1ylq9d/please_add_pandacoin_pnd_to_coinedup_0_premine_3
Coinwarz contact: http://www.coinwarz.com/contact <- Contact to list PND

Website: http://thepandacoin.net/

Binaries: https://github.com/pandacoin-official/binaries
Source: https://github.com/pandacoin-official/pandacoin

http://bamboohouse.info - amDOGE's official pool (0.8% pool fee)
http://pandacoin.scryptominers.com (1% pool fee)
https://www.pandapool.info (0.5% pool fee) (China Pool 3) 0% pool fee
http://thepool.pw/panda/ 0.3% pool fee
http://wolongsucks.tk 1% pool fee
http://panda.moonishere.com/ 1% pool fee 1% pool fee
http://panda-mine.us 1% pool fee



Mining Guides:

Mining Resources:

IRC: #officialpandacoin@freenode (webchat.freenode.net)

>> No.166141



>> No.166143 [DELETED] 
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New gif for the love of NEET

>> No.166138
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>> No.166139

how do I update my wallet without changing the balance/address

>> No.166144

As much as I'd like for us to win, I am a realist and I believe the Rothsjews will win this round.

>> No.166145

Just run the new files provided.

>> No.166150

backup wallet.dat
delete everything else
install again

>> No.166155


>> No.166169

What's the address of the site in the background?

>> No.166184

i believe that blockchain.info

>> No.166185


>> No.166186


Every new coin is an scam. I get it.

>> No.166195

>didnt even read the site
being this moron

>> No.166197 [DELETED] 
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Hmm looks all slow and weird on here, trying another file

>> No.166219

What the fuck, I thought the thing about vertminer fucking up your GPUs was FUD but I tried it to mine that new GPU shitcoin and my main desktop card fucking died. I tried different settings for 3 hours and got about half of the hashrate, tried to optimize it, then I couldn't even get back to the initial half hashrate and had about 1000 driver crashes and had to hard-reboot my PC about 100 times and now my GPU lost like 20% hashpower on normal scrypt coins aswell. Fuck that shit.

>> No.166222

PS: I mined another scrypt-n coin as a test run because I wanted to hop on the new launch but fuck that now.

>> No.166223
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Last try, should play at the right speed this time

>> No.166227

Being this new.

>> No.166231

It depends on your config if you fuck up your gpu or not.

>> No.166235

Works fine for me
I still won't be mining GPU coin though

>> No.166236

Hurray, it worked. I had to optimize for 'difference' and set it to 20ms per frame.

*closes eyes and waits for billions in PND tips*

>> No.166238

Doesn't matter. The point is that bitcoin is will never be stable enough to be used as an actual currency and even if it was the people with the money would not allow it.
Ripple fits into their world nicely and therefore it has a more realistic chance of being used mainstream.

>> No.166243


>> No.166246

Nothing interesting.
Should mine it anyway.

>> No.166250

>no u
if you think for a second you will notice

- ripples is not a coin like bitcoin, its pretending to be a "transaction system"
- ripples are centralized and owned by a single company
- ripples scam people by trying to appear decentralized and open while in fact are close, centralized and controlled
- ripples are 100% premined and you have to buy into it either by bitcoins or by fiats
- ripples have gotten null acceptance in the crypto scene since more than a year because of exactly these facts

now go amd read some information about ripples and then you may come again implying something like "every new coin is a scam"

>> No.166253

i will mine it as soon as reward rises

>> No.166252

shit, not sure anymore. i got 1.1M doge. what do?

>> No.166261

Reading into it,

Tries to mime the dogecoin market grow and adoption.

I can't mine for shit. But it's sure early bet.

>> No.166263
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You truly are the top GOY.
The Jewish people thank you for your contributions.

>> No.166266

it tries to reinvent the fiat flaws. community is not accepting it, especially not bitcoin holders
bitcoins are not a currency and wont replace it, but there are other coins that could become currency-like, for instance dogecoin because of its inflationary concept.

>> No.166267

>rising rewards

shiet, is that good or bad?

>> No.166269
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>> No.166271

i think its good, when it works. the reward stay low on first blocks and rise after. that prevents instamine

>> No.166274

I think it's just PoW. They list PoS as something negative that they don't want

Sort of hard to think how this will affect the value as more miners will mine it when the reward is high... It will be interesting

>> No.166277

Looks like I misread. Carry on.

>> No.166279

ok, but doesn't it promote parasitic johnny come lately mining?

>> No.166285

So what are you mining with your other 4mhash amgerman?

>> No.166284

depends on how the reward rises. when it rises slow enough, it doesnt matter

>> No.166287

What makes you think places such as Amazon or eBay would choose bitcoin over Ripple?

>> No.166295



>> No.166298

Why do you think Ripple is gonna be this success you are talking?Because google is falling for the scam?

>> No.166303

Because like you said, it tries to reinvent the flaws of fiat, which bankers and Jews consider advantages.

>> No.166308
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What's more profitable at the moment: MONA, PND or DOGE?
Also, how do you think gpucoin will go?

>> No.166312


doesnt seem much lucrative to miners

not sure how they will get steady mining

>> No.166309

they would rather chose their own system over anything.
you don't make money with amazon currency as you make with bitcoins. that are totally different markets. even if they take ripples for transactions, wich i don't believe, especially for ebay that have their paypal, there is no reason for anyone in the crypto world only paying attention to ripples.
companies however might take other cryptocoins into consideration, if there is enough demand

>> No.166323

Check my ID mang, i ain't even in the discussion, but i'm out of the loop when it comes to Ripple, it has the flaws of fiat but the advantages of crypto, anonimity and fast intertransactions, can you mine it?

>> No.166325
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>'Mining, it seems, is considered there in the same light as here, as a lottery, in which the prizes do not compensate the blanks, though the greatness of some tempts many adventurers to throw away their fortunes in such unprosperous projects.'

Adam Smith, 'The Wealth of Doge'

>> No.166334

i stop mining pnd when amdoogue stops mining pnd

>> No.166338

Well said my friend, in amDOGE we trust.

>> No.166340

>can you mine it?
its 100% premined by the company

>> No.166342

>Also, how do you think gpucoin will go?
I think it's gonna be profitable for the first 48 hours, and if the dev doesn't run off with the $72k he got from IPO and actually makes the store, it could be profitable for mining long term.

>> No.166344


>> No.166346

>ipo premine
gpucoin is a scam
why are people falling for it again and again

>> No.166348
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Well, biggest cryptoscam ever.

>> No.166359


you're putting a lot of responsibility on amdoge's shoulders, guys

>> No.166355


I remember getting like 30k ripples or whatever the fuck they were called by asking on BCT at one point

I sold it instantly for 3BTC

>> No.166356

that's what i am trying to explain to those two newfriends who just dont get it.

only way to get ripples is getting into their centralized network

>> No.166369

AmDOGE is love, AmDOGE is life.
AmDOGE knows what she does.
Got a Shiba after all

>> No.166373

I lost 3 mil on doge dice last night AMA.

>> No.166375


>> No.166385

are u retarded?

>> No.166381
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you are retarded

it's not a question

>> No.166383

I don't understand.
I know it would be almost entirely in the devs favor but what do the people who mine it from a low difficulty actually lose?

>> No.166389
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Is it true that Adaptive-N mining HARMS your GPU?

Please someone confirm

>> No.166402

>Implying i wouldn't go homo/het for amDOGE

>> No.166403
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Still up 4 mil overall. I have learned my lesson.

I played martingale full till and it bit me in the ass.
Will not be playing again

>> No.166398

Depends on your config.

>> No.166407

You goddamn imbecile.

>> No.166409

Only if you have a bad config

>> No.166410
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that's a yes?

>> No.166422

thats the same what people asked with wolongcoin.
you are right, you don't lose anything if you are not interested in cryptos on long term.
but then you are nothing but a parasite and can line up with the devs of these scamcoins.
people that create coins with IPO doing it for fast profit and all morons supporting it feed the parasites.
one could maybe debate for premine when it is completely transparent and only used for bounty (still debattable), but IPO is scamming morons off, nothing else.

>> No.166420

I dunno ;^^^)

>> No.166431
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i didn't know what to do with my doge, so i gave them to a charity.

>> No.166432
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I know I wouldn't recommend the evil dice to any shibes now.

I got lucky that I bought in at mil at 50 satoshis gambled my way up to 7m sold out 4m over that time buying things with doge.

Now I have no doge, 2 Miners and a shit ton of crap from amazon.

>> No.166438
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>> No.166439

Lol I am not even a supporter of ripple and even I know this is untrue. They have given away billions of ripple already without needing to mine them and plan to give away the rest except the 20% the devs keep (greedy mark zuch like bastards). Thats being said ripple will make a shitload of profit and banks will adopt it over bitcoin because of all its financial connections. Thats why I dont like it. It will succeed regardless of the crypto currency community hating it. They dont care about us or need us they are aiming for support from the general public

>> No.166442
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>another idiot falls for the jewish ID scam

>> No.166449

it is centralized, premined scam, not?
so where was this untrue?

>> No.166450
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the issue i've seen raised is lower quality devices do not have efficient cooling on VRMs so they tend to overheat as Adaptive-N is highly memory intensive.

>> No.166457

Is PND kill?

>> No.166462


>> No.166458

when amDoge abandons it yea

>> No.166476
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Since I got that $100 gift card I won't be able to use I was wondering if it was a good idea to make a giveaway to get more users in PND.
How does that sound?

>> No.166486

People confuse ripple (centralized network) with XRP (distributed crypto-currency). It would be pretty much like if Paypal decided to create their own virtual currency, keep 20% and give the rest away for people to use. Its only a scam if they are dishonest about making money on it, which they aren't. Its the case of a company with big corporate backing and investment firms trying to step in and take over virtual currency and make lots of cash. Will the crypto-currency community fight it? Yes. Will the general public fight it after all the bad press with b itcoin? Probably not. Ripple will be regulated and centralized and not anonymous in all the ways that we hate. But the normal person loves that because it gives them protection and is what they are used to.

>> No.166482

bueno do it

>> No.166483

I have noticed the miner runs alot hotter mining vertcoin.

>> No.166484

Good idea

>> No.166485

>premine only given to island citizen
why the fuck is it rising?

>> No.166488
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forget past revenges /biz/, let's get with coins that will really be worth our efforts.

>> No.166492

monacoin is a weird coin
it's good but if we do anything they threaten us with ditching the coin.
we gotta stealth support this future bitcoin 2.0

>> No.166493
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Is "Credits" a good idea? Lauching with marketplace n shiz

>> No.166490
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>> No.166499

I support it.

>> No.166500


>> No.166509

What would you guys do that would make them ditch the coin?

>> No.166507

Why would they threaten us for trying to support the coin?
That doesn't make sense.

>> No.166510

The Japs are known xenophobes, why should we support their coin?
It's not even in English for crying out loud.

>> No.166516

Wrong configuration.

>> No.166513

Why am I getting ~13kHash/s using vertminer while I get ~275kHash/s using a normal Scrypt miner?

>> No.166514

they're concern was that it was unfair that foreigners could mine this coin faster because the Japanese had bad rigs.
makes sense right? Why should anyone but the japanese have more control over their crypto?

>> No.166517
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Because of the shekeru mai furiendo.

>> No.166518

You guys yell scam all you want and like I said I dont like Ripple. But the sad reality is that it has piqued interest and best suits large companies and the banking cartel. They want something they can control. BTC is too nebulous and rogue

>> No.166519
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This, they threated to withdraw community efforts.

>> No.166520

Have you mined any Adaptive-N crypto yet?

Does it damage your GPU?

>> No.166522

I'm using approximately the same config as with scrypt (as the guide said that would be fine), but lowered intensity a bit.

>> No.166523


Excellent idea

>> No.166525

>chatting with friends
>talking about bitcoins
>"but have bitcoins not been hacked recently?"
>no they havent
>i heard people lost millions because they got hacked
dont trust foxnews

>> No.166530

I tried vertcoin but then nah.

I'm not sure. It probably depends on the configuration.

>I'm using approximately the same config as with scrypt
Look for a better guide then.

Thanks for the feedback.

>> No.166532


I've been mining a bit of mona and sakura the past few days. I'm only around 110 mona but over 1000 sakura, you guys think I should focus more on mona or get sakura while it is low difficulty?

>> No.166533

bitcoins dont want acceptance by bankster cartells

>> No.166539

I'd say you should get sakura while it's low, and mona whenever you can

>> No.166544


But that says $25 m8

>> No.166546

That is my point exactly. The banking industry practically has the government and media in their pockets. Without thier support bitcoin doesnt stand a chance.

>> No.166550

It's an apple tv and an itunes gift card. Both would be $100. Of course the user will be free to choose from any other product available at the apple store.

>> No.166547

i need more info on sakuracoin

>> No.166553

I wish i knew more about this while bitcoin thing, i just said that out of common sense.

>> No.166555

wait you're giving away an apple tv?

>> No.166560

see >>166476

>> No.166558


This isn't early December anymore. They've mined the shit out of this for two months now, and they wish they had more international support. They have added English support to the exchange and made a store that only accepts mona that aims to give international buyers Japanese items. We are welcome to shill mona now

>> No.166564

mine something else, buy PND
other miners see low diff and start mining
you provide demand and get more pnd than with mining, more people are interested in pnd.

>> No.166565

with saying that, why are you even into cryptos?
if you dont think they can be an alternative to fiat, what are you doing here at all?

>> No.166566

What's the giveaway going to entail? Will it be americlaps only?

>> No.166569

A registration and at least one active miner at my pool. And yeah it will be US only.

>> No.166573

Managed to fix it, cheers.

>> No.166575

0% premine?
super hype?
sounds pretty good

>> No.166579

Mining for profit is dead. Now we mine to invest.

>> No.166577

I like you guys.

>> No.166581
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>> No.166582

2 satoshi, gg

>> No.166583
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>> No.166596


>> No.166618

Done. Thank you.

>> No.166616

Change price to prize

>> No.166623


>> No.166624
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i've also heard adding system memory and adjusting thread-concurrency can help hash rates.
i wonder if system memory could be preferred over VRAM.

>> No.166620

Anyone have a good setting for sapphire 280x with vertminer?

>> No.166626

Is the winner being drawn now, or at a future date?
Just wondering if I can go shill people to mine our coin at your pool with this giveaway.

>> No.166638

i did and it didnt destroy my rig. but i also have a script that shuts down when gpu goes to hot since vertminer fails reading gpu temperature

>> No.166631
File: 99 KB, 440x352, 1260597167758.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good idea!
where will you do it? reddit?

>> No.166632



>> No.166634

To get back to my original point I dont like ripple but I think the crypto currency community as a whole needs to be more realistic and not dismiss them so fast. In order to survive BTC needs to be more open to regulation, not so hard set on anonymity, and focused on generating more public adoption rather than fighting over the crytpo market as it is today. In general, we need more good press by making significant changes.

> distancing ourselves further from silk road by removing anonymity
> following ripples model by way more BTC giveaways to the general public instead of just crypto-miners reaping the benefits
> welcoming regulation so that Mtgox doesnt happen all over again

That is what a lot of us would like to see because we would love BTC to survive and become more adopted. If not, then Ripple, although pre-mined will fill the space.

>> No.166635

Once 500MH/s is reached.

>> No.166645
File: 71 KB, 258x186, lol (4).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>BTC needs to be more open to regulation

>> No.166658

I am not even saying its a realistic I am just pointing out its what needs to happen in order for BTC to survive

>> No.166661
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Woops. Missed that.

>> No.166666
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DOGE 400 sat

PND 55 sat

>> No.166668

you basically say, btc has to give up everything that they been invented for.
why should anyone bother for bitcoins then at all still?

also remember, bitcoins got their last huge push after global financial crisis when people realized that centralized, controled money will be exploided by bankster criminals and their savings can just be taken by corrupt gov.
bitcoins created a welcome alternative for that because it's safe from gov and corruption.
and, who the fuck cares about silkroad besides some foxnews-rednecks?

>> No.166675

5 6es cant be wrong

>> No.166681

Why do you think Bitcoin needs regulation to survive? Almost 400 million dollars was "stolen" and it lost about 30% in value. I think Bitcoin is doing fine, all things considered.
MtGox was either extremely careless or there's something else going on. This serves as a wake up call to the other exchanges and creates much needed opportunities for a newer, more diverse system of US based Bitcoin exchanges.

>> No.166689

5 minutes until GPUCoin launches.

>> No.166692

Nothing is safe from governments and corruption. If the government wanted Bitcoin gone it would happen. The only reason the banking industry and companies are even taking the technology seriously isnt for the anonymity or the fact it is controlled by early miners instead of the fed, it is because they see value in the actual protocol and virtual currency as a whole. When China and Russia start really pushing to remove USD as the world reserve currency the fed needs a backup plan. My guess is that when a world currency is pushed and goes into adoption it will be a digital one.

>> No.166693


>> No.166694

>5 minutes until next big scam released into the wild

>> No.166699

the fuck are you touching that coin for?

>> No.166703

What are your plans for your dogecoin holdings?

Just sit and wait?

>> No.166705

you still say nothing else than stripping the ideas and ideals bitcoins was made on from the cryptos to give it acceptance.
you might be better served with ripple scam

>> No.166701

I'm not mining that shit, The last hypecoin I mined was rapidcoin.

>> No.166714

greedy goys
they grab every shit that promises profit, no matter how scammy it is

>> No.166715


vertminer? mmmm no thanks

>> No.166713

Because without regulation or government control they will kill it and nobody in the public sector will bat an eye. They will have seen all the bad press and say "yeah that makes sense."

>> No.166718

We need more cyprus level bankruptcies.

>> No.166723
File: 163 KB, 878x588, さくらコイン.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what exactly does this mean here with the "?".

The ticks are accepted, and I've got the coins in my balance fine, but the "?" are generated but not accepted? What exactly does that mean then?

I got these by solo mining.

>> No.166720
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>> No.166725

It has yet to be confirmed on the block chain.

>> No.166726

Exactly. I'm not mining hype unless the hype is all over /biz/

>> No.166732

Even with regulation and transparency BTC would still better than anything we have out there now. It would be a shame for BTC to be replaced by Ripple because of an unwillingness to evolve

>> No.166738



>> No.166735

>replaced by ripple
it simply wont

>> No.166741

The market is stagnant. The 2 satoshi buy wall is holding.

Will we recover next week?

>> No.166742

It had no chance

>> No.166745

I like your optimism. I would like to believe you.

>> No.166746

That's silly.
You're silly.


Sure, Mt. Gox going is a big deal. But it could've been prevented if it was lead by somebody a little more technical. They used custom wallet software that was the source of all their problems and I believe they were warned about this previously.

>> No.166747

What happened?

>> No.166748


quick, bombard the thread~

>> No.166755

Its all a dog and pony show. I am about to blow your mind right now. Did you know Andreessen is one of the main investors for Ripple? Think about those implications for a second.

>> No.166752

you don't even believe in cryptocoin ideals, how would you believe me?

>> No.166760

1 node, it's being ddos'd
dev went offline
source code doesnt compile, only way to mine is solo-mine

>> No.166763

lol fork in the first 5 minutes of existence? people crying no pools working? big premine ipo and still fucked up?

>> No.166765
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Top kek

>> No.166774

tol kef

>> No.166775
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>> No.166768
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>Source bugged, pool owners can't compile, multiple forks from solo miners.

I fucking love disastrous coin starts like the GPUcoin clusterfuck going down right now

>> No.166778

apparently solominers (who already got way over 10 million coins) even forked the fucking coin.

dev went offline.

this shit is delicious

>> No.166782

Worst launch in history of a coin

>> No.166788

Yes. He's also invested in Coinbase, amongst other prominent venture capital firms.


You can't mine this Ripple stuff, right? That's one of the biggest reasons Bitcoin and it's derivatives got so huge.

>> No.166794
File: 29 KB, 374x339, hm_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

today is the day of fails.

horsecoin failed hard, too earlier today.

two fucking fail coins in one day.

>> No.166795


Mariana trench

>> No.166801

Are weekends usually this shit for cryptos?

>> No.166807

>tfw we got COINTELPROd by the Wolong Crew

>> No.166805

wouldnt be impressed if dev dived away with the ipo
never trust an ipo coin

>> No.166809

Fuck GPU coin, Im going back to mona

>> No.166811

Mining has very little difference from giving it away except mining uses up resources and they can scam more people out of money by creating companies like butterfly labs which sells mining rigs for an incredible markup.

>> No.166815

It's not very hard.

>> No.166813

>tfw you took off your trip just to post that
>tfw /pol/ lowered the collective IQ of these threads enough so that JacobUX's FUD campaign worked.
>tfw if we had stayed on /g/ we would be 60+ satoshi right now

>> No.166814

>I'd make a shitcoin with an IPO if I knew how

>> No.166816



Confirmed for next week

>> No.166822

How would we stay on /g/ if mootykins created a containment board just for us.

>> No.166820


so PND shills shifted blame from wolong to /biz/ itself, you guys really killed yourselves.

>> No.166824

This is so hilarious.
This is worse than Rapidcoin launch, Rubycoin launch and Zeitcoin launch together.
And people invested lots of bitcoin into this.
My fucking sides.

>> No.166831

>People invested bitcoins on this
This can't be real.

>> No.166828
File: 35 KB, 542x195, curse_of_vertcoin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




will people never learn that there's something massively wrong with vert miners


>> No.166833

You have very very low reading comprehension. That is a sign of autism.

>> No.166835

vertminer is not the problem
ipo scam is
i am mining vertminer coin for says now without problems

>> No.166836

Anybody want to help me make a coin?
1% premine for IPO
It'll be great™

>> No.166840

As GPUCoin was a fucking disaster, what should I mine now?

>> No.166841


haha, oh wow. gpucoin really made my day. haven't laughed about a coin like this for a while

>> No.166839

™Coin when?

>> No.166843

since you have vertminer running already

>> No.166850
File: 498 KB, 252x166, thecityofgpucoin.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.166852



>> No.166845

With the current difficulty of PND, you may as well go back to mining it.

>> No.166847

Reading about it more gives me the impression that their network will supplement BTC rather than replace it. I'll have to follow them a bit more closely.

>> No.166849


>> No.166855

Well i guess this lauch was a total fork-up.

>> No.166856

26k coins - Thickness of the Earth's crust
Scrypt Algo
1% premine for IPO and giveaway
5 coins per block
I'll make loadsa money™

>> No.166857

Execoin it is, heard some good things about it.

>> No.166862

i am running it and will see how it goes

>> No.166863

10/10 Would buy IPO.

>> No.166864
File: 1 KB, 272x186, lol (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


10/10 scamers scaming scamers

>> No.166865


>> No.166859


>> No.166860

I'm using Debian sid, should I install Arch Linux?

>> No.166872

I would make up some bullshit story about how I was scammed from Wolong and I would never do the same

>> No.166867

Why the question?

>> No.166875

I may be the only one but doesn't MagmaCoin sounds really... volatile?

>> No.166878


>> No.166874

It's on my mind and you are known to quickly respond.

>> No.166882


>> No.166879

How about a literal ScamCoin?

>> No.166880

I don't see the advantage of arch over debian other than super bleeding edge.

>> No.166884

I'm down for it
Too bad I don't know anything about cryptos

>> No.166886


>> No.166887
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>> No.166888
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>> No.166892


>if that launch fails

they're being really optimistic here

>> No.166889

amDOGE herself said cloning a coin isn't hard, may as well ask her.

>> No.166893

>We will have a new dev tomorrow.


>> No.166896

I really shouldn't be surprised, but I really am.
Seems pretty dead tho..

>> No.166897

I was told the packet manager pacman is great for reasons I forgot. I'll just unburden you with my problems and install it in a VM I guess.

>> No.166898
File: 149 KB, 565x575, 1336600796277.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ain't this just beautiful?

>> No.166899
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>> No.166900

It's great if you prefer the edge. I personally like just staying on something that is proven to work.

>> No.166901

pacman is steaming garbage trust me on that homeboy.

pacman -Syu will break your system 50% oft he time

>> No.166903

amDOGE, how do you create a coin?, you said it wasn't hard at all a bunch threads ago.

>> No.166902

What about that website where you pay to have a coin made?
Or maybe we could bullshit the whole thing?

>> No.166911

don't think stackcoin ever existed, just a photoshopped screencap of the wallet

>> No.166907
File: 347 KB, 1169x1767, amDoge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


amDoge, will you travel to Ukraine to meet your new friends?

>> No.166912

There was a guide somewhere but that got deleted.
Basically what I did for PND can be seen at https://github.com/pandacoin-official/pandacoin/commit/bbc8713..


>> No.166917

Toppest of lels

>> No.166920


I must apologize for this, and can only hope you all will stand by us. I know this has already been a rough start, but we do believe that if successful we can provide a great service to all the miners.


>> No.166914

Hmm this has potential
I might try this out
Does anybody else want to help me?
We can split the profit™

>> No.166916
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>> No.166925

Is amDOGE the new dev?

>> No.166928

Bullshitting the whole thing would make it all the more legit, but making it legit would be even more lulzy.

>> No.166929

I'm having trouble getting execoin to mine. Anyone know if there's a command line version of the execoin mining program?

>> No.166936

Was fun, though.
Owner has new dev now, gonna relaunch tomorrow.

>> No.166937


>59 BTC

8/10 would lel again

>> No.166938

We could release it and then completely abandon it
Making it real takes more time
I would rather rake in the dough with little to no effort besides Photoshop

>> No.166932


>> No.166933
File: 102 KB, 1920x1040, pnd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.166934


they wish;

>> No.166944

You actually believe this?

>> No.166950

I did some search, the source code of litecoin is on github, shouldn't be much hard, will look onto it.

>> No.166945

>still supporting IPO scam
>still not getting it
>still total idiot

>> No.166947



88888888 total coin

Block reward always ends in double digits.

2.22% premine for competition

>> No.166948

Nope, but I don't care.
This is far too fun.
And I had the opportunity to learn how to make NScrypt work properly on my GPU, which is gonna be useful for the future, so whatever.

>> No.166951
File: 369 B, 180x43, is it recovering?.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.166952

We need a good name and some hype to reel in investors

>> No.166957

>come up with a good name
>invent some revolutionary (but nonexisting) features
>create fake "proof"
>shill everywhere
>huge IPO

>> No.166958


>not 1.11%


>> No.166959

What happened to PND? is it dead?

>> No.166964

>what is gpucoin

>> No.166960

Dont waste your time. People wont fall for this after what happened with stackcoin

>> No.166969

Couldn't we just stick with Burgercoin and say it's Auroracoin for Americans or some shit like that?

>> No.166971

announce and shill it over at least one week so people can hype it

>> No.166967
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>> No.166968

Hibernating. The entire crypto market went bottom up. Patience.

>> No.166977

I'll brainstorm on what the name should be and what "features™" it should have

>> No.166978

lmao fund it

>> No.166983


>> No.166987
File: 72 KB, 698x658, 1288692056566.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.166991

Why not make a CoinCoin. A coin for coin users.

>> No.166993
File: 107 KB, 1280x720, 1362798701227.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There are people that gullible.
Our coin is a guaranteed success, people are willing to buy 71.7 Bitcoin worth of IPO for a scamcoin like GPUCoin, we are going to Ganymedes m8.

>> No.166989

im telling you, SandwichCoin is the next big coin.
make SandwichCoin.

>> No.166997

make it amdoge

>> No.166998

Just do burgercoin. To provide starving™ americans with cheeseburger. Each coin will eventually be worth one cheeseburger. 50% premine that will go to every american with a SSN

>> No.166999

turd sandwichcoin or giant douchecoin?
vote now

>> No.167005

b-but I don't wanna vote

>> No.167000


>> No.167003

Points is perfect
No "coins" suffix
It'll feature a sweet looking wallet, we'll promise them that we'll have a working marketplace on launch that allows you to buy all kinds of things, it'll be based of the Darkcoin algo because hoes love new algos

>> No.167007

please PNDpeople I don't want to see you hurt again

>> No.167008


>> No.167014
File: 923 KB, 1424x1303, 1386741382566.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We'll be able to buy pic related with it?

>> No.167010



Do what Auroracoin did and when it's worth anything just dump the entire premine.

>> No.167013
File: 108 KB, 480x360, vote.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

say what?

>> No.167015

Dooooo eeeeeeet

>> No.167024

How about we focus on the shit coin you've already made before making more shit coins that don't need to exist.

>> No.167026

Not really, but i was duly entertained while reading it.

>> No.167019

bet you fapped till you passed out to this story

>> No.167020

>There was a guide somewhere but that got deleted.

i saw that someone kept deleting the clone a scrypt coin guide, so i saved it, but it's at home.

>> No.167028

the fuc did i just read

>> No.167029

It wasn't serious.

>> No.167030
File: 66 KB, 666x527, Artwork 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my idea for a coin (original artwork, please do not steal). It's a short dick coin for people with short dicks. If you can provide a picture of your short (6> inches) dick then you get one thousand SDC per inch. Please share your thoughts as I've spent a lot of time thinking about this. Thank you

>> No.167035

Sounds like an excellent plan anon

>> No.167038

Lucky we have this kind of site also

>> No.167044

>coin for people with short dicks
>longer the dick, bigger the reward

>> No.167042


Earth beats moon, moon beats sun, sun beats Earth. Supermassive black holes beat everything.

>> No.167043

Whatever people type on the internet is always taken serious unless you say it's a joke in the post. Jokes are never implied on the internet.

>> No.167047
File: 19 KB, 225x225, dripple.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there already is one

>> No.167048
File: 129 KB, 800x556, Artwork 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've made some more artwork if anyone's interested

>> No.167049

I'd love to see it though.

>> No.167046

Am I a bitch if I keep changing between currencies depending on which is most profitable? I've gone between SUN, DOPE and DIGIBYTE today.

>> No.167051

Yes. Stick to one fucking coin. New Cryptocurrencies != riches

>> No.167052


>> No.167053

So is anybody going to help me make a get rich quick coin?
I need some IPO money

>> No.167058

why boner

>> No.167057

amDOGE posted the how-to, i'll work on it, do we use the specs on the MagmaCoin or you have tought others?

>> No.167059

>design wallet
>don't even check to see if it compiles
>release it

>> No.167061
File: 47 KB, 535x287, Artwork 6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one is a little bit brutal though

>> No.167064

Magma Coin sounds great
we'll do 10 coins per block instead though
I come up with some more "features"

>> No.167069

looks more like feminist coin

>> No.167070
File: 108 KB, 500x334, 1389670725081.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>a kind of Auroracoin for Americans

my sides just fucking vaporized

>> No.167078

premine 50% and say you'll give it out to every mcdonalds for them to hand out with ever purchase of a bigmac

>> No.167079

We'll use 820210 coins instead
Turns out the other amount was the thickness of the Oceanic Crust

>> No.167080

>Dicks less than 6" are small

S-stop, Anon... :(

>> No.167083

Also the blocksize will be 5k coins

>> No.167084

>tfw 7 inch dick

>> No.167089

i don't think we should give up on pnd so soon. we made remarkable progress far beyond what was intented.

should we start to work on another coin, some changes should be in order:
less total coins - dogestyle has way too many coins, caps max value per coin.
staggered reward - takes several days / a week for block rewards to ramp up to normal amount. very fair, even better than no premine alone.
bonus blocks - straight multiplier[s] seems more fun than x-y range

i also very much like the messaging through transactions function. i'd also like to see a global announcement, sent from master node or something, to notify of update to wallet / other important info.

wallet gui enhancements - easy way to set us apart. i have experience doing guis, however i've so far been unable to setup a working environment to compile. my asrock h81 pro btc is en route, i think i'll set that system up as linux.

>> No.167092

i liked the coin logo too. life, liberdy and pursuid of burger. somebody repost it.

>> No.167093

So the specs are:
>820210 coins - Thickness of the Earth's crust
>Scrypt Algo
>1% premine for IPO and giveaway
>5k coins per block

>> No.167097

EXACTLY! Enjoy your 500 free coins!(It's not less than 5.5" right...?) Imagine how tiny the average dick in the btc community is maybe 50% premine isnt enough lmao

>> No.167100

>Posting it on /biz/

7" - 3" most likely.

>> No.167102

So what are you doing niggers to raise the value of DOGE and PND?

Sitting in your mil's expecting someone else do the word???? That is for losers.

What would be a efficient campaign that will bring positive attention to these coins?

Now with the mtgoy fiasco we may be in a hard situation but that mean that we are in the doors of Opportunity.

>> No.167106

This is sounding fantastic
How long do you expect it will take to make the coin?
I can begin to write the bitcointalk thread

>> No.167108

is coinverted going to delist PND since no one is using it anymore?

>> No.167109


I might try. I know how to code but not in C++ and I have way too much real work to do at the moment.

>> No.167111

get in #burgercoin @ Freenode

>> No.167112
File: 110 KB, 1542x573, 1393803064887.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.167114

I'm a beginner on this whole thing, but i'm a NEET with 16 to 18 hours per day to lay waste, i give it one or two days before it's ready.

>> No.167116

inb4 wallet steals everyones coins and that's why they kicked the dev

>> No.167117

mine something else, buy it= create demand for it
what more can anyone do? send fucking flowers to everyone?

>> No.167118


make more /b/ threads for hot pics~

>> No.167124


What are the current services where you can use PND?

>> No.167125

When should we release it?
I'm thinking we should release it on Friday at 8 PM EST
This gives us enough time for investors to invest

>> No.167128


There's a logo?

Please for the love of god somebody post it.

>> No.167129
File: 1.99 MB, 307x346, 1322880152004.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stanniscoin WHEN?

>> No.167131



>> No.167134

Does that site call your phone for verification?

Does that site also email giftcards intead of mailing them? I want to use fake info.

>> No.167136


mainly just exchanges, I have tried getting people to trade on here but there isn't enough buying or selling


>> No.167137

Seems good enough, i'll have it ready by then, and you will have the "features" in your mind.

>> No.167157


>> No.167158

I'm shooting for at least 50 btc
We'll both split it evenly

>> No.167163

You made me laugh my friend.

Whenever I have posted this fact on the internet, there are always people who don't believe it. I feel sorry for you. You think having a 7 inch dick is that unlikely that you call troll on it? My sides.

>> No.167164


>> No.167176

the funny thing is, that within this time they need to fix their failure, you have created two coins.

>> No.167188

>implying 7 inches is big

>> No.167195

Exactly, yet needledicks still call troll. Funny eh.

>> No.167196
File: 89 KB, 640x480, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm just wondering how you can be so shameless about the IPO thing. With 70BTC I would make sure to have at least 20 pools ready on launch and competent devs on board.

>> No.167209

thats what normal people would think
i mean 70btc, 10 would be enough for a few good pools and devs to get that shit running
but scammers rather keep their ipo for profit

>> No.167226
File: 80 KB, 398x392, neetcoin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.167253


everything is now a coin
jesus christ just kill me

>> No.167255

What coin is this?

>> No.167258


>> No.167259


hahaha so now you want a new scamcoin with IP, please amDOGE.

>> No.167262

Why has nobody made Jesus Christ coin? Or God coin?

>> No.167263

No thanks.

>> No.167289


lmao thats awful!

>> No.167357

Are you still there?Need to speak with you, send me your contact info on that 10 minute mail.