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16689633 No.16689633 [Reply] [Original]

you realize the ETH devs are buying ftm correct?

NODE created on xar
in the middle there is Jun capital.
Who is an advisor for Jun capital? Vitalik. Not to mention that the EVM is being developed at the EXACT SAME PLACE THE FVM IS
(fantom virtual machine)
^^ the leader of the EVM improvement based in the University of Sydney. He will be making the FVM for fantom.
They will literally be built almost 1 block away from each other. Michael Kong has connections with almost every single person in the Academic sector of Sydney. Isn't it convenient that the SAME WEEK the Opera mainnet for fantom came out, that some of the top ETH devs and cofounders have been selling insane amounts of eth? Because they are coming to fantom.
The creator of the ICO is creating the next generation called the ITO on fantom. This alone will bring the next 2017. Only this time to participate in an ITO you need to hold fantom. Think about 2017 but better.
500tps currently, slowed down because of the shitty EVM. It still runs 500 tps on every tx, and can fit up to 100 tx in a block. this equals up to 50,000 tps RIGHT NOW on the shitty EVM. When the FVM comes out, expect to see figures greater than 300k.

>> No.16689639

If ETH devs were bullisht on FTM they would just come out and say it. It's not like they're some retard maximalists (like bitcoin) where they pretend all other chains are garbage. Buterin has gone on the record praising other chains as potential rivals to ETH, and he's never brought up Fantom once.

>> No.16689669
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African Banks, and banks in Europe are also working with the team directly. The Statheros mainnet was created to fit the needs for the banks in South Africa. The banks are the SARB and the Royal Bank of Africa. Both of these banks are 2 of the largest banks per capita in the entire country. These will pump billions of dollars into fantom as fantom works to digitize the nation currency of South Africa. Expect to see more and more of this across the globe in the next 2-3 years.
Major ties in Dubai that will also pump billions of dollars into fantom. As the team continues to build communications and works in Dubai and all of the middle east, expect more and more money and international attention to go to fantom.

Now that Opera is live, there's nothing stopping this from happening now. You had months to accumulate, and I seriously hope you are done. When the mobile wallet is released on the 7th, expect a fairly consistent green candle to $1 over the next 6 months. Then as other developments (I can't mention them, but there will be major developments in asia and more to come in SA in the future. MUUCH more) come, there will be a massive shoot to $10+. These numbers might honestly be a little low, but I want to be conservative. Eventually, BRICS will be using fantom (If they aren't already in development) with them.

Good luck, don't get shaken out by those DAG and SATSGANG FAGGOTS. And, no matter how easy it may seem, don't you dare sell fantom at $1. Screen shot this thread.

>> No.16689719

>Who is an advisor for Jun capital? Vitalik
I wonder if he knows about that.

>> No.16690111
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>you realize the ETH devs are buying ftm correct?
>in the middle there is Jun capital.
I can make a node and call it ECB (European Central Bank)
>Who is an advisor for Jun capital? Vitalik.
No evidence that Jun capital are involved. Plus, where is evidence that Vitalik truly are advisor?
>the leader of the EVM improvement based in the University of Sydney
>He will be making the FVM for fantom
>They will literally be built almost 1 block away from each other
The Russian temp devs that Fantom hired after the entire chink team exit scammed, are not based in Australia. Another blatant lie
>Michael Kong has connections with almost every single person in the Academic sector of Sydney.
> Isn't it convenient that the SAME WEEK the Opera mainnet for fantom came out, that some of the top ETH devs and cofounders have been selling insane amounts of eth? Because they are coming to fantom
One cofounder selling to have capital for his game studio. ZERO connection to fantom.
>The creator of the ICO is creating the next generation called the ITO on fantom
This makes zero sense
>The creator of the ICO is creating the next generation called the ITO on fantom
No, Fantom made a shitty fork of Ethereum Virtual Machine, took some crap on top of it, to call it dag-like and crashed everything. Current tps is laughable 18 tps. Pic. Fantom's tech is always shit. Compare that to the insane 300 000 tps lies Fantom scam team has been rambling about since the beginning. Fantom has some of the worst tech in crypto.
>It still runs 500 tps on every tx
>and can fit up to 100 tx in a block. this equals up to 50,000 tps RIGHT NOW
Will NEVER happen. More fantom garbage and insane claims what they will do in the future,

>> No.16690126

>African Banks, and banks in Europe are also working with the team directly.
Lie, all you is scammer Andy's corrupt connections from South Africa after he worked there. Nothing more.
>African Banks, and banks in Europe are also working with the team directly.
Insane scammer lies.
>Major ties in Dubai that will also pump billions of dollars into fantom
No official deal with Dubai, only a prince, not in an official representative of Dubai, made some general statements to get tech glitz and promote Dubai. NO progress, NO deal, NO business. Lies and scam.

Ethereum is a TOTAL SCAM, even more crude and stupid than Bitconnect. Just look at this:

>> No.16690139

Haters callling Literal FACTS lies

Thing is ETH devs are selling to buy FTM, ignore these guys who are trying to buy it cheap from you, the proof is in and FTM is the real deal.

>> No.16690142

Fantom is a scam and they can never deliver their 80K tps, 50K tps or whatever they are claiming. The basis of the consensus algorithm is just DPoS.
1. a set of nodes is selected via DPoS
2. these nodes generate blocks as fast as they can
3. they settle on 'absolute time' using BFT (details appear very susceptible to node-level DOS but let's ignore that) and assume literally every DPoS node is honest). This is called 'atropos' and it also creates a dag of valid 'event blocks'.
4. then each node processes all !!!! event blocks from all nodes. When there's a conflict between contradictory transactions, a transaction that's earlier according to the absolute time is chosen..
An extremely peculiar quote from the whitepaper:
>As each node processes all transactions that are broadcast to the FANTOM network, it should provide excellent transaction processing speed.
what this means: throughput is fundamentally limited to the parallel capacity of any individual node. This is fundamentally less scalable design than sharding, which makes the consensus parallel itself (each node only verifies a subset of blocks).

This would be relatively easy to implement for utxo-based transfers, but for smart contracts it becomes a pita. EOS tried to make parallel processing work, but they decided the overhead from detecting conflicts makes it too costly, as too often the state access is sequential anyway (a simple thing like a contract that increases an internal counter each time it's called can't be parallelized!). That's why they settled on 'inter blockchain communication' which is really an inferior version of sharding and an admission that Vitalik was right.
Sharding wins because it makes parallelism explicit: smart contracts have to design for it. So instead of one global counter, there would be many parallel counters on each shard and periodic accumulation of them all.

A detail of their 'lachesis' consensus is that it's _extremely_ wasteful in terms of bandwidth

>> No.16690156

ok boomer, keep lying on Fantom.

>> No.16690157

>A detail of their 'lachesis' consensus is that it's _extremely_ wasteful in terms of bandwidth
as at worst O(n^2) bandwidth used for O(n) of processing. That's because nodes just spam every block they generate, but at worst only one block from all generated at any second is going to be valid. So each node generates n blocks, there are n nodes, giving n^2 blocks, but only n blocks turn out to be valid at the end.
This is a really absurd design decision. If they forgot about their absurd 'DAG' design and just moved block generation to one node at once, but with parallel processing (same throughput) all that waste would be avoided.
This signals that they have no idea what they are doing, so the real TPS - for real transactions, not specifically designed parallel tests - is almost certainly going to be in the low hundreds, making it a yet another forgettable DPoS network

They knew it would never function and chink team consequently exit scammed. Scammer Andy took over and he also knew that 300K TPS with smart contracts was total bullshit, so he got some Russian temp devs to create a shitty fork of Ethereum Virtual Machine. That's it, all they have left is the lies about parnership and non-logical, non-sustainable Ponzi scheme staking.

>> No.16690165

>Haters callling Literal FACTS lies
I dare you to document a single thing in your Fantom garbage, outside one ETH co-founder sold some ETH to get capital for his game studio.

>> No.16690170

Go back to plebbit and smoke that crack, boomer.

>> No.16690252

6 post by this user, notice how there's only one fudder, I'm not here to spoon feed, you're spending this much time making up bulllshit even if I do it seems you're going to keep lying. Have fun though whilst FTM holders go out and make millions

>> No.16690311

>t Bitconnect/FTM will make us MILLIONS ha, ha, ha, stay poor Bitconnect/FTM fudder, ha, ha, ha,

>> No.16690397

oh look, OMG, anyone remember that piece of shit? vitalik was advisor for them too