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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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16678119 No.16678119 [Reply] [Original]

How can I leverage being an INTJ to make money?

>> No.16678129

>Money makers
Nah senpai, the real redpill is the ISTPs.

>> No.16678155

Mbti doesn't actually correlate to iq so you still might be a retard even if a nt.

>> No.16678159

ENTJ chad

>> No.16678176

Based brother of another mother.

>> No.16678200

INTJ's have to go full NEET to make it in the financial markets. Your type won't be able to wagecuck and be successful simultaneously.

>> No.16678222

INTPfag reporting in
how to end it

>> No.16678229


>> No.16678249

NTJ's how do you feel about being completely ass blasted for 1 hour by our lord and savior C.S Joseph?

Shallow business pirates, arrr!

>inb4 he doesn't know what he's talking about
>inb4 tl:dw
>inb4 you know he just does this for money, right?
>inb4 his system is wrong
>inb4 he isn't even ENTP
>inb4 NTJs trying to desperately claw back reputation

it's about time someone called out INTJs/ENTJs to be perfectly honest.

>> No.16678296

INFP-T, just took the test
The fuck? I’m a web / software developer and manager. Apparently I should be an author or something. I hAve always liked fantasy and daydreams and ive always been a reader and musician...
those aren’t j-o-b’s though - not a fan of the 9-5 wage life, but who is? Honestly without the structure I’d fuck off all day and be homeless.

>> No.16678339

INTP-A here how do i make good investments? ive already lost my virginity so i dont care about women anymore

>> No.16678348

Second this. Start your own business and the sadness will get better

>> No.16678360
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MB is outdated shit. Big 5 aspect scale is a better model.


>> No.16678362

Oh wow, nice echo chamber faggot

>> No.16678532

Is having a business the best option for INTJ's? I have been planning a business for a little while and hope my strengths play into it.

>> No.16678538
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>> No.16678543


Fuck yeah boys I'm gonna make it

>> No.16678575

Im entj and trying to figure out how to ascend to my rightful place in the 1%

>> No.16678808
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>How can I leverage being an INTJ to make money?
I got INTJ -T on that test, not sure if it actually means anything. And in answer to your question can you please be more specific. I think being an INTJ means you have certain personality traits and to find the answer to your question you'd have to take the test, break down the traits that are good and the ones that are bad and then think about how you can use those good traits in your day to day life to make money.

INTJ riding my bike delivering food to make money so I can start my business up again.

You're unbanned anon

Starting a business is a good option for people who are interested in business. If you're not interested in business then there's no point in starting one unless you really hate working a job.

>> No.16678938
File: 134 KB, 680x417, cielito_lindo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>head out of ass
>head into passive income
Slow and steady rise to riches

>> No.16678943

the first muscular babe I've ever felt attraction toward.

>> No.16678956

I'm an INTJ and feel like a complete and utter failure.

>> No.16678964

is it possible to be a fail INTJ?

>> No.16679017

INFJ, can confirm.

I am very successful but will rage uncontrollably if I am criticized in any way. My ego is huge but my self esteem is small. I will never forget those who have wronged me and my insatiable desire to accomplish "big things" is mostly driven by the desire to be better than my enemies and to protect myself from abuse.

>> No.16679035

Nah he was right. I’ve been exposed before but idk if I’ve ever been eviscerated like that

>> No.16679036
File: 310 KB, 427x576, 4D Chessmaster.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello fellow INTJ chads.

To answer your question OP, become a master of the long game. We are careful planners, not impulsive spergs.

Time in Market > Timing the Market.

>> No.16679050

sell crypto late 2022, buy into the markets a year or two later
t. 135 intj

>> No.16679058

INFP here, these guys seem intelligent so I'm going to copy them.

>> No.16679165

I hear you. Just waiting for Bitcoin to hit 300K is going to seem like an eternity. But then sometime within the next 3/4 years it will and it'll see like it was just the other day I was posting this comment. Hodl strong lads.

>> No.16679217

the redpill on that pic is any one of them can be insufferable assholes

>> No.16679228

I sold during tulips 2.0 and have been eyeballing the resurgence ever since. I'm considering getting back in, but it'll only be a sliver of the portfolio. I'm mostly in ETF's and tech stonks now.

>> No.16679268

It's late 2021, dude. 2022 will be the bottom. Also INTJ

>> No.16679334

>listening to intjs

Yeah no this means its gonna boom in 2022

>> No.16679349

Can we agree that anyone with an F in their type is an NPC?

>> No.16679370
File: 50 KB, 564x445, main-qimg-45e32f8f2ca2b2fe7e1828cb3d176416.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

INTP master race

>> No.16679604
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>all these retards think these tests mean jack shit


>> No.16679668

>compares astrologers to psychologists
>Calls others retards
>Stupid anime picture

dumb faggot confirmed

>> No.16679698

damn thats, like, totally me

>> No.16679708

are you INTP?

>> No.16679723

mbti is not a legitimate psychological tool, it's something a housewife and her mother in law came up with after reading Jung, and marketed to idiots.

>> No.16679801

the only people that say that are the ones that got some gay ass personality type.. anything with XSFX

>> No.16679809

>t. Virgin who watches cartoons for prepubescent children


>> No.16679812

I am either ISTP or ESTP. I don't know if I'm introverted or extroverted. Either way I'm probably a sociopath

>> No.16679816
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MBTI is only good for memes, I really hope this is bait

>> No.16679846

People are actually this retarded. It's not limited to leddit or forchannel or the libtards and conservicucks. It's not a specific country or ethnicity or gender or class. People are just retards and hate to do any research.

>> No.16679860

>adult virgins think they’ve got the world figured out


>> No.16679884

Consistently score ISTP over last few years from INTJ. I ain't mad.

>> No.16679935
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Kill yourself

>> No.16679968
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this whole site would be better without people like you.

>> No.16679988

>Ur a meanie bo beanie
Cry harder bitch

>> No.16679990
File: 110 KB, 736x1308, 9A89F0EC-CAC9-4A7F-BEA3-D700D97E7A4A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ENFJ chad reporting

>> No.16680012

trip back on faggot
you contribute nothing at least let me filter out your gay ass

>> No.16680074

fucking waste of my time
it only gives you a brief, abstract description most people know about themselves anyways. fuck u and your shitty test

>> No.16680101

mbti result is always subject to change, I used to be an introvert and then I learned social skills all of a sudden I'm an extrovert. It's not really reliable in the sense of actually evaluating your personality. What it does is just give you an idea of what kind of "mood" you're in for the time being.

>> No.16680136

>do a personality test
>answer based on how I want to be and not based on what I'm actually am
oh wow INTJ

>> No.16680310

pretty much, it's a projection

>> No.16680324

feels good that my superiority made that basedboy seethe

>> No.16680394

Get a job in software engineering and INTP the hell out of that shit. Use the money to buy bitcoin every month. Working out OK over here.

>> No.16680471

INTP bros I feel like if we've united and separated from the rest of the civilization we could've become superior species.

>> No.16680479

I've always got the same results. I was 60% introvert when I was autistic IRL, when I had parties few times a week and when I become autistic again

>> No.16680525

We already kinda are. Though there's a fine line between being an effective INTP and an avid mental masturbator.

>> No.16680527

Estp master race

>> No.16680778
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Don't sell , inflation will be bellow gold by that date , it's game over for the fiat printing scammers crypto will go up like housing did since the end of bretton woods.

>> No.16681040

Same here. I think beeing a neet musician/writer/blogger/youtuber might be relieving but I don't think I could handle beeing a poorfag again.

>> No.16681090
File: 7 KB, 174x149, knuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am INTJ and my favourite meme is the Ugandan Knuckles