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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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16670347 No.16670347 [Reply] [Original]

Most people cannot produce 5k in liquid if they wanted to.

>must buy the new nikes!
>must buy a $500 supreme shirt!
>must renew my porn subscription!
>must consume the new Disney movie!
>must drink new IPA flavor

Our society is doomed. The young generation is obsessed with engrossing themselves in materialism. They are in love with bodily pleasures. Their religion is the work of corporations (OMG BABY YODA). Men would rather check out of society and play vidya games and escape into star war movies and women would rather throw their high heels on and party until they are 40, at which point they drink wine in their house full of cats, prescribed 10 different anti-depressants and anti-psych meds.

People are living dangerous lives of escapism. Putting themselves into a false fantasy in an attempt to reach a state of bliss. Ironically, the more they try to reach this state, the deeper they dig themselves into a hell.

>> No.16670351
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>> No.16670357

What shitcoin are you shilling?

>> No.16670362
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>> No.16670367

It's hilarious lol they're basically not people

>> No.16670368
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>> No.16670369

Ok boomer

>> No.16670377
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>> No.16670384
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>> No.16670385
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>> No.16670386

Better hope she lands face down when she dies alone, the furbabies go for the eyes and ears first.

>> No.16670388


>> No.16670402

They are slaves, unironically.

>> No.16670415
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Dude, let them screw themselves fucking over.

Use it to get ahead.

Use other people's shortcomings and retarded behaviors as a way to advance past them.

Don't preach and warn and try to convert them. It's a waste of fucking time. Focus on your own shit

>> No.16670428

How is weed consumerist? If anything it allows you to not be consumerist. Ie smoking a bowl and going for a walk, staying home watching discovery channel, talking to friends, playing with lets etc. the only reason I smoke is to escape the consumerist bullshit. Unless youre saying the act of buying weed is consumerist, which doesnt apply if youre growing it yourself

>> No.16670436
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For u

>> No.16670447


>> No.16670454

Sounds Jewish

>> No.16670488

Drugs can be a vice or a tool. All in the choice of substance and how the state of mind is applied

>> No.16670489

I just quit smoking after 10 years and I had similar rationalizations, trust me, smoking weed is one of the most good goy things you can do, unless you are growing it yourself in a state where the cops won't wreck your life over it.

>> No.16670493

Fair enough, though it reminds me of people who compare themselves dropping out of community college with no job to someone like bill gates who was already running a successful business when he dropped out of Harvard.

>> No.16670509

Very few people use drugs as a “tool”. Such a small amount. The large majority of drug users do it recreationally and lying to yourself saying that “it helps me in my life” is such cope. The only person you hurt with that logic is yourself.

>> No.16670517

The Jewish way wins in the end because of the me first attitude. Take care of yourself and everything will fall into place.

>> No.16670533

a reddit screenshot of an instagram meme page that's just a picture of someone elses tweet

the internet is so gay now

>> No.16670539

Imagine the kinds of "conversations" this guy has with his nutty shrew wife

>> No.16670542
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>> No.16670546


>> No.16670553
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Millennial here, I hate consuming product. I usually can watch the same movies/play the same video games I have and rotate every so often. I really like playing games and doing stuff with other people but most people are busy and can't meet irl to play board games/miniature war games. I know a lot of Millennials though who do love to consume product but it seems weird to me. I've always gotten along better with Xers and Xennials (Millennials born in the early 80s) than other Millennials but that's just me.

>> No.16670561


>> No.16670563 [DELETED] 

I am in that minority. Weed, tobacco, and alcohol are all "bluepilled" IMO.

"Redpilled" includes caffeine, small doses of stimulants like adderall, microdoses of certain hallucinogens like psilocybin

>> No.16670566

Enlightened shroomer here. That tool is a hell of a drug

>> No.16670573

This would be nice if it were true, but having no children unironically makes women unhappy and bitter, since having kids is a biologically instilled need for women. Then these unhappy roasties spend their miserable lives doing everything they can to make sure everyone else is as miserable as they are.

>> No.16670582

Redpilled is not doing drugs
Try again

>> No.16670583


My one friend for example, great guy, consumes product to a staggering degree. He spent most of his 20s living at home with his parents and worked part to full time jobs. Spent ALL his money on video game shit. A year or 2 ago he dropped 1k on VR and only ever played it like 5 or 6 times. Has a bunch of board games he's only ever played once which cost a hundred dollars+ each. Buys video games and only plays them once or twice. I know other people who do similar things. I think he consumed product to escape his own shitty life though. Now that he got a steady gf, things have gotten a little better for him because he's starting to realize he isn't going to be in his 20s forever.

>> No.16670584

You could say the same thing about alcoholics. Are you saying there definitely exists no happy medium between straightedge and drug abuse?

>> No.16670605

If you call yourself enlightened, you are not.

>> No.16670608

Savers have been punished for 50 years now. This behavior is rational.

>> No.16670617
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> t.

>> No.16670622

How is recognising that savers have been getting screwed since the gold standard ended pro Jew?

>> No.16670626

Then promote buying gold instead of hedonism you fucking jewish fuck.

>> No.16670629

What lol

>> No.16670649

I'm not promoting anything. I'm stating facts, such as that you have a low IQ which stops you from reading and understanding posts.

>> No.16670663
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You called hedonism rational behavior and now you're trying to tiptoe around what you said like the jew rat you are.
How come you are all the same?

>> No.16670683


I would've agreed with you before, but after years of inviting people to better themselves and watching them stagnate and complain it really is the only approach in life that makes sense. Look after you first and then family.

>> No.16670697

The currency is hyperinflating, you motherfucking idiot. What do you expect them to do, save money in a bank account at -10% interest? You dumb nigger

>> No.16670706


I think it's Jewish as hell to profit off of other people's misery. Hence why I refuse to invest in certain areas (like legal weed up here in Canada). Boomers were bragging about how they made money off of it but then again they have no souls.

This is /biz/ and not /pol/ though. I do agree that helping people who don't want to or can't be helped are a waste of time, but don't make the world worse for profit like the other poster was suggesting.

>> No.16670715

0/10 b8

>> No.16670727

But the schadenfreude is nice

>> No.16670750

It's not crack, don't be such a bitch. Just take the money.

>> No.16670773

lmao this has to be staged as a joke

>> No.16670789
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>> No.16670802

but it costs you everything not to say the n word, nigger

>> No.16670815

Looks like a classic fantasy being played out here. Women love the idea of castrating weak men for some reason

>> No.16670827

She’s cheating on him guaranteed.

>> No.16670834
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This as well. Imagine the conversations with her bull lmao. "I had him cut his balls off earlier today Chad, now I am going to suck on yours."

>> No.16670840

To me its no worse than pounding beers after work

>> No.16670849

HELL coin (ticker HELL) consensus mechanism: POD proof of death.
Creator : Satanic Elites.
Exchanges it’s on : Dienance

>> No.16670860


I can't wait for the conversation a few years from now when she decides she wants to have children and conveniently knows where to get a sperm donor without having to convince her beta cuck to go through the surgery to undo his vasectomy.

>> No.16670912

Clearly don't know what either is. Hedonism is not consumerism, having kids and having family over for dinner is hedonistic for some.

>> No.16670949

this is every generation tho, since consumerism pushes capitalist economies forward. Society is set up to promote it at all times.

>> No.16670960


>> No.16670965

kek the absolute state

>> No.16670974

>I usually can watch the same movies/play the same video games I have and rotate every so often.

That literally is consuming you dolt. Producing is things like making pottery or creating art, or going on nature trails and hiking and camping to create your own experiences and bettering yourself. Consuming is enjoying an experience that someone else created, whether it's watching a movie, playing games, especially if you're paying for the product.

>> No.16670976
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>> No.16670985

They are both horrible for you. Weed is less harmful though.

>> No.16670995

2 iq or jewish, or both

>> No.16671112


Consuming, as in consuming product, involves spending money on consuming product. I don't spend money consuming product or getting excited for next product. My money goes elsewhere and I'm not really a economic "consoomer".

Faggots like you don't understand the nuance of being a consumer. All that money you blow on your art products, camping gear, and other shit on a regular basis makes you more of a consumer than myself. Keep thinking it's about self-discovery or some other hippy shit instead of endlessly purchasing product you don't need.

>> No.16671290

the fucking cope in this post, holy shit. He was absolutely right and you're a dumbass consuming milennial.

>> No.16671303

Because it is hanuka, the day of forgiveness, I will let your hostile ignorance slide.

It is rational behavior to spend money instead of waiting in low interest and inflationary environments.

This is why Japan is doing their big negative interest rate experiment. They need people to spend. Capital moving through the economy can stimulate it. They need to accelerate wage growth and capital expenditure.

You should do some research into the deflationary spiral. I'm not saying any of this is good, but it means it makes more sense to buy a new airconditioner now then wait a few years. I hope you understand

Salaam alekem

>> No.16671328
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Arent boomers the worst example of this?

They've constantly voted in the ballot box and with their wallets for lax monetary policy and fiscal irresponsibility

>> No.16671349


>> No.16671410


He's ascetic-posting and I'm the one coping? Dude I don't even consume next product but because I'm not spending my money on camping equipment and painting and am investing it I'm the dumbass?

Consumerism is one helluvah drug. Get excited for next fishing canoe brother.

>> No.16671428

top kek the mom like figure on the couch looks like a frog i unironically belive this is what satsgang family christmas's look like including the frusterated dad who hoped for a son so he could see his son live out his failed dreams but only to see it all in a cycle again. just failure.

luckily i've been earning on PNK all year so I took my family out for a few trips in exotic countries.

>> No.16671616

Who fucking cares. What do you want people to do, work for shylock? Make shitty art? Poop another baby out? Everyone will be on ubi in 10 years and plugged into the wall in 20. What difference does it make what they consume

>> No.16671974

Don’t listen to the lemming plebs around the chons, weed is based IF you use it right. The way you described is almost definitely on the correct path.

In college I used to love finishing my homework & then taking a walk into the woods behind the dorms & vaping a tiny lil bit of buds. And just stand there and think (until I got too paranoid that someone would see me standing there in the trees lol). Helped me sort out all the randomly strewn debris in my mind.

I need to get back into it honestly

>> No.16671979

> Everyone will be on ubi in 10 years
You realise that even if this was true (which it is not) they could move to a country with no ubi and still retain their soul?

>> No.16671985


>> No.16672031

What's wrong with ubi? Why should people work when the people maintaining the automation will be the only one's that have to?

>> No.16672042


Israel doesn't exist

>> No.16672044

Based. I honestly think it depends on when in the day you do it. I never wake and bake. I make sure I finished all of my responsibilities for the day, and then I light a joint. Which is usually around 8-9 at night. I relate to what you say about sorting out “randomly strewn debris” in your mind. I always described it as “zooming out” and making sense of things in my life from some higher vantage point. Weed has definitely had a net positive effect on my life.

>> No.16672048


That is not how economics work

>> No.16672069

what a stupid thing to care about

>> No.16672079

>oh yeah well its not as bad as ____
why do all potheads say this

>> No.16672093

When a robot can do your job 10x as fast for 1/10 the cost business owners won't give a shit about "how economics works". What the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.16672095

exception to this is creating music

>> No.16672103

Most people here wont be able to afford a small 30m2 apartment until they are 40 or later. I imagine since property prices are so prohibitive it is pointless to save for anything because you will be old before being able to start what boomers could at 25-30. Like lmao what are u gonna say at 40? Look i got this room i bought lmao

>> No.16672107

Too many wacko nut jobs who take the easy way out by blaming "jews". I'm not pro or negative Jew, but you really need to start letting up with this terrible lie that it's all the Jews fault.

>> No.16672135

Imagine unironically browsing a board that's 99% crypto posts made by third worlders, and not realizing there is going to be a universal currency system. Like seriously, I can only aspire to be so clueless one day.

>> No.16672139

>I think it's Jewish as hell to profit off of other people's misery.
Why complain about jews ruling the world if you are such pussies. Goyim are so pathetic.

>> No.16672144

That's literally a talking point crafted by Democratic think tanks like the baker Institute, getting people used to the idea of a drug use "spectrum" where responsible use is a possibility. You have probably been carrying this idea around like a dog who found a bone, time to drop that shit. Come up with your own opinion and we can talk.

>> No.16672145

I was a huge CONSOOMER through my 20s

Thousands of hours of Team Fortress 2 2007-2009
Thousands of hours of HoN 2010+
Lots of WoW (damn early WoW was so comfy)
6500 hours Dota 2 2013+

I CONSOOMED last night when I watched The Lighthouse. And I've watched probably 200+ action thrillers.

Yeah I regret it (to a degree) but its easy to see how people like me come about. Shit economy, subpar father figure and role models, the future always looking shit and the instant gratification stuff is easily available. This stuff is very obviously a symptom of larger problems i.e. immigration globalization political correctness offshored manufacturing affirmative action and so on. Also I've always wanted to be some kind of hero and to go on a quest or adventure. Lots of us seem to have this desire (look at the Instagram thots travelling in vans) and the Marvel films clearly key in to this.

>> No.16672153

Basic economics is harder than DUDE JEWS LMAO

>> No.16672175

Why do you take such pride in destroying systems? It takes exponentially more energy and will in men to craft and maintain working systems, that is called "having morals". Despite what you are told to believe there is not and will never be a fully autonomous and trustless system, if you are a living human you will always have to place some degree of trust in your fellow humans. People like you like to intentionally degrade and abuse that social trust for your own gains, and then claim it was not your fault but that it was just a terribly crafted system, and that anyone would have betrayed the social trust if they were in your position.

>> No.16672202

>muh morals
Lmao. This is why you will always lose.

>> No.16672230

Far from everything is jews fault but some things are and it's just dumb to ignore the root of a problem.

>> No.16672237

He's not talking about a universal currency system but about universal basic income

>> No.16672245

No, this is why you lose. Emotionally stunted humans who lean into their psychopathy are closer to mental retardation then enlightenment, despite what they think. Pedagogical pursuits are a lasting change unlike force and coercion, unfortunately for you a horse can be led to water but not made to drink, and all that.

>> No.16672250

I know. It will come, what other use is a universal currency? No more escaping taxes.

>> No.16672380

>be insecure faggot
>its because of the immigrants

>> No.16672594

Control can sometimes be an illusion. But sometimes you need illusions to gain control. Fantasy is an easy way to give meaning to world. To cloak our harsh reality with escapist comfort. After all, isn't that why we surround ourselves with so many screens? So we can avoid seeing? So we can avoid each other? So we can avoid truth.

>> No.16672620


what does it matter lmao

>> No.16672625


This is some form of mental retardation, isn't it?

>> No.16672699

> doesn't respect morals
this is why pogroms happen

>> No.16673238

It doesn’t cost anything to go outside bro

>> No.16673252


>> No.16673257

Coomsumerist culture and late stage capitalism is inextricably linked to feminism and the feminization of men

>> No.16673326

Thank you. Pls we need the right wing to stop being shills for free market capitalism.

>> No.16673393
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the only thing you should use a credit card on is crypto

>> No.16673459

I guess I'm just different.
I absolutely HATE spending money.
I've been a cheapskate my whole life.
Worked out great. I have $350k and am quitting my job (hopefully for good) in a few months. I am 46 yo.

>> No.16673465

what's basic about the level of consooming that goes on today? you fucking faggot.
>le jews wouldn't hurt a fly

>> No.16673487

they have nothing else to live for.
no religion, no kids, no big struggle, they're told to hate their countries, their families, their culture/traditions.
they're vapid creatures with a big void in their hearts and the way they cope with that is by consuming porn, drugs, alcohol and video games.

>> No.16673507

Why do boomers get so mad about this shit when they are the ones that “raised” the generation they constantly complain about after selling out their future to Jews and mega corps? Seriously I’ve talked to so many people who have the same story, “yea my dad didn’t really teach me anything but we watched sports ball together a few times and he took us on some nice vacations and we lived in a house poor McMansion”.

>> No.16673558


Your time will come soon enough

>> No.16673597
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I absolutely hate the millennial bashing. There is a massive psyop of corporate depersonalization, consumption, multicultural liberalism. But, nooo, you millennials just need to stop crying and pick yourself up by your bootstraps.

>> No.16673616

sure enough you got 4 replies bitching about it too
junkies are basically this meme of the naked gay pride guy sticking dildos up his ass while yelling "why do you hate fags you bigot"

>> No.16673621


>> No.16673628

>>Millennial here,

anyone that says 'xyz here' needs to fuck off back to r*ddit

>> No.16673671

As stupid and weird as this is most of the men who do this already have children and just want to have sex with their wife without condoms or birth control

>> No.16673700
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Pissed off the consoomer jannies on /tv/ last week

>> No.16673782
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based and immoralpilled

>> No.16673794

>t. addicted potheads

>> No.16673808

retarded af still, surgery vs. plastic or pills

>> No.16673842

109 countries

>> No.16673946

Lel. Consoomerbrain cant come up with arguments.

>> No.16674316

condoms suck and birth control causes hair loss/mood swings in most women

>> No.16674332

OP i’m constantly wavering between 1k and 2k, I moved into my first apartment recently and my car keeps shitting itself. I’m 20, I don’t really consoom but i feel like I should have more money (military). Am I fucked if I can’t produce 5k at this time in my life?

>> No.16674355

weed got me off the other kike stuff but the responsible drug use is being pushed heavily. My normie brothers are wanting to microdose with shrooms/lsd now.
I wonder what the end goal of this psychological training is

>> No.16674398

Yeah, its gonna be downhill from 20 usually

>> No.16674423

>People actually disagreeing with this guys claim that hedonism doesn’t equal consumerism
Read some Epicurus, you uncultured swine

>> No.16674672

>implying paying for kike artificial hormone medication every month is a good idea

>> No.16674917

quit complaining faggot and profit off the sheeple.

>> No.16674982

ur an idiot. nobody forced the cattle to buy anything. its your fault you failed to profit off transactions where both parties are willimg participants.

>> No.16675064
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>He thinks the last pogrom in human history is already in the past

>> No.16675077
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>> No.16675174

Include me in the cap too bro!

>> No.16675184

I am legitimately frightened of the day these idiots get what is coming to them. When the economy crashes and they must pay their bills and debt payments without any savings to support them, will they turn on those of us who were responsible? Will I have to pay for their mistakes?
In a just world, I wouldn't concern myself about this. They would get what they deserve and nobody would pay any attention to their pathetic envy. However, we don't live in a just world. These people are numerous and they vote.

>> No.16675282

Millennials and their student debt will be part of the cause. Don't act innocent faggot. As for the Zoomers, they will be as fucked up as you will be.
Everyone who hasn't made it will get shit.
t. a person who has made it

>> No.16675295
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>they must pay their bills and debt
or else?

>> No.16675353

>Don't act innocent faggot.
What are you even talking about? I never said that I have debt (I don't and never have) or anything about generations either. I'm speaking about this in general. Both millennials and zoomers overwhelming have debt and little savings. I was saying that I fear for the few of us in those generations that are the exception. I don't want to get taxed more to pay for other people's retarded mistakes.
Learn to read.