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16658929 No.16658929 [Reply] [Original]

>takes one hour to confirm your transaction
What the fuck? Totally a currency of the future.

>> No.16658934
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>still does not understand what bitcoin is

>> No.16658939

Try ethereum

>> No.16658941

>2020 - 6 days
>uses bitcoin as currency

>> No.16658948

Weird my Bitcoin has been sending nearly instantaneously and confirming shortly thereafter. Are you complaining about an exchange or your actual bitcoin wallet you pleb?

>> No.16658960

or a minute

>> No.16658989
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>uses bitcoin as currency
"Bitcoin Standard will replace central bank fiat currencies as the global monetary and financial system." Satoshi Nakamoto

HAHAHAHAH "Digital GOLD" is COPE you cant use BTC as Fiat. Its over time to move on to BSV.

>> No.16659051
File: 69 KB, 970x650, 30-Minutes-Pavel-Gear-Patrol-Lead-Full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bsv pajeets btfo
This is a corechad thread now

>> No.16659056

Try to sell a piece of gold and see how long it takes you. I'll time you, kek.

>> No.16659069

> lets have a bank and state funded startup control the only implementation of bitcoin
> decentralization

>> No.16659077

Suck it core faggot.

>> No.16659084

Digital Gold was just a buzzword to reel in the next generation of bag holders. Anyone who knows gold knows its purchased mostly for industrial purposes or jewelry. And Cash is considered one of the best stores of value anyway (But no corecuck will tell you this)

What's next, Digital Plastic? Digital carbon fiber? Lmao

>> No.16659086

Or hell, even just wait for a check to clear...
Checks are literally like 0 confirm transactions that fuck over the recipient.

>> No.16659098

Bitcoin (btc) transferred hundreds of millions of dollars in a single payment that costed few dollars, took 10 minutes and was unstoppable, this year. Thats its true powah. Now bend the knee.

>> No.16659104

bitcoin banking services provided by existing commerce infrastructure is the only hope for it to become mainstream.

>> No.16659143

>buy $10 million in bitcoin
>it drops 10% overnight
>lose $1 million

>> No.16659230
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In one of satoshi's last posts, he realized Bitcoin was set in stone as there would never be consensus to change it, which is a requeriment of decentralization (1 MB was part of it, just like 21 million coins) and left, because his work there was done. Once you realize Bitcoin has value because it cannot be changed, you'll stop shelling pajeet coins. Of course, this takes years of losing Bitcoin to shitcoins.

>> No.16659237

>only unconfiscatable strictly limited in amount asset to ever exist will not continue to keep going up long term when meassured against infinite supply fiats

>> No.16659271

Not anymore

>> No.16659279 [DELETED] 
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>> No.16659291 [DELETED] 
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2019 xD

>> No.16659545

btc can be accepted as 2-conf safely enough that's 20 minutes. if you want it instantly use ln!

>> No.16659554

you are wrong tho
btc is the only trustless permissionless publicly auditable and secure ledger to date. there is no other.

>> No.16659789
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it takes 3 seconds transfering bitcoin through the XRP Ledger.

>> No.16659808

BTC game theory is literally perfect, I wonder if it really was an one man project. Satoshi is like Da Vinci and bitcoin is his Mona Lisa

>> No.16659826
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that's why ETH will flip BTC

>> No.16659827

You are bullshitting yourself if you think btc delivers constant 10 minute blocks. I've seen wait times of 30-60 minutes constantly. More than I would like to admit.

This shit isn't just cutting it for payments and microtx. You will never see mainstream adoption in a coin this slow.

>> No.16659829

Yeah until all the other ones showed up

>> No.16659839

>Anyone who knows gold knows its purchased mostly for industrial purposes or jewelry
>And Cash is considered one of the best stores of value anyway
maybe in mumbai raj
you clearly have no idea what you're talking about

>> No.16659850

>unlimited supply

>> No.16659857
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You mean the other ones which are centralized clusterfucks.

>> No.16659863
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>And Cash is considered one of the best stores of value anyway (But no corecuck will tell you this)
the absolute state of rajal

>> No.16659866
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>> No.16659872


Nope you transferred BITCOIN you didn’t transfer FIAT. Therefore your argument is invalid.

>> No.16659874

It averages 10 minutes for a block. It was never meant to be faster. If you are only learning this now, welcome to the future. If you want instant, try ethereum, stellar, visa or paypal.

>> No.16659877
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Funny because bitcoin's development IS centralized around blockstream.

>> No.16659887

The other ones are flawed and gay. Not fungible, hence little effect on supply.

>> No.16659892

>thinks asset with unlimited asset will increase in value
>attacks intelligence of others

>> No.16659894

>common = best
as I said
maybe in mumbai
keep shilling though, you'll definitely get someone dumb enough like yourself to buy BSV

>> No.16659903

But it isn't and blockstream is one of the few good companies in the space.

>> No.16659906

>nah dude fuck all that financial common sense
>muh bitcoin!

How is bitcoin a store of value when its value drops 10% every other day and the liquidity is garbage? Can you think or is your brain filled with cope?

>> No.16659910

BitcoinCashSV is the ultimate scam fork and it's not even a fork of bitcoin, it's a fork of bitcoin cash. Incredible levels or retardation are required to fall for that scam.

>> No.16659965


>> No.16659992

>How is bitcoin a store of value
I don't fucking know
did I ever mention bitcoin?
I just pointed out how stupid you are in general

nobody stores value in paper money.
gold goes into jewelry and investing/reserves in equal amounts, and industry has a much smaller demand in comparison. You suggested that industry demand is the biggest.

>Can you think or is your brain filled with cope?
unlike you I bought my legitimate BTC when it was much cheaper than now, so no, I have nothing to cope about. You, my good sir, seem like you do.

>> No.16659995
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>> No.16660017

Based af. You're probably gonna cop shit from brainlet maxis for this post though.

>> No.16660287

>takes one hour

>be me
>be Amerifat
>don't live in USA
>credit card companies refuse to deal with expats from USA
>barely able to get a bank account, only because my company has 150 foreign employees and its bank is used to dealing with us
>thanks Obama for FATCA and other tax compliance laws that make foreign banks hate Amerifats
>Seriously, it's his fucking fault, he's the one who forced it through, it wasn't a problem before him
>need to make payments to USA
>wire transfers cost $75 and take a week
>along comes Bitcoin
>almost free
>almost instant
>my savior
>2017 spam attacks by Bitmain to drive up fees
>oh no, one hour confirmation times
>oh no, spam attacks on the blockchain mean I'm paying $5 in fees
Seriously? I'm saving a week of time on confirmations and $70 in fees per transaction, and you expect me to be annoyed?

And now we're back to normal again where a transaction costs a few cents and the mempool usually only takes a couple of blocks to confirm.

And with Lightning Network, it's instant, just gotta get both sides set up first.

>> No.16660299
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Yeah, that's what the Lightning Network is for. Takes a few seconds -- or even less if you have a direct route with whomever you're paying.

>> No.16660314
File: 84 KB, 720x960, 1576510174010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are those, piles of old bolivar notes from Venezuela?

>> No.16660330

Yeap btc is perfect

>> No.16660639

Even hardcore cryptoshills have issues with that. Good luck getting normies into lightning.
At that point I'd rather use ripple or stellar.

>> No.16660786

no other has those properties

>> No.16660799

Other than hashrate and name recognition bitcoin has nothing over the competition.

More importantly, why do you think bitcoin will continue to be #1 just because it was the first crypto currency? People will gravitate to the product which meets their needs. Bitcoin is a decaying husk of a protocol, so steeped in tribalism that it can't fucking do anything. It hasn't grown in years.

>> No.16660825
File: 9 KB, 209x241, Triggered Wojak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It. Stores. MY! VALUE!

>> No.16660908

Yeah, but what's the cost?

>> No.16660991

The mempool is currently only 60% of a single block, so any transaction sent right now with even 1 satoshi per byte as a fee will get in the next block (assuming a nonce can be found while including it, anyway).

The only reason zero-fee transactions no longer happen much is because miners have stopped forwarding transactions that don't have fees.

Yeah? So what does the competition have over Bitcoin? Lack of acceptance by anyone anywhere, and ease of 51% attacks?

>> No.16661022

>1 satoshi per byte as a fee
BTW, a typical transaction is around 250 bytes, so that means 250 satoshis, or a little under two cents.

>> No.16661386

hashrate is security

>> No.16661414

Wallet. I used a slightly higher fee than I should have so that's not the issue. The issue is how long it can take between blocks sometimes.
>heh yeah I today I sent my 0.0000045 BTC to my main cold wallet and it got 3 confirmations in 10 minutes!111!!!
Nice luck dingus. Tell that to the other thousands that were waiting for the last 30 minutes for a single confirmation.

>> No.16661433

it's average 10 min could bey easily anything between 2 mins and 1 hour

>> No.16662419

<10min and you don't really need to wait

>> No.16662422

only 5days left

>> No.16662433

visa and paypal are slower than any crypto

>> No.16662440

except it isn't and they are just 1 out of 3 LN devs, not even bitcoin devs lmao

>> No.16662449

except gold is at a 9 year low

>> No.16663228

>The only reason zero-fee transactions no longer happen much is because miners have stopped forwarding transactions that don't have fees.

Because miners are in the business of making money.

>> No.16663240


This. Holy fuck stay poor already

>> No.16663250


If you werent a newfag or pajeet shitcoin shill you would know digital gold was a meme on 4chan in 2010

>> No.16663275

It’s funny an revealing when all the shitcoiners attack bitcoin when we are close to the bottom of the bear. Bend the knee retards. It’s the only coin that will ever have value.