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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 116 KB, 1080x810, poverty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16655910 No.16655910 [Reply] [Original]

Money can't buy happiness.

>> No.16655929

>but being a teenage parent and fucking up your whole life does
money not nuying happiness doesn't make poverty less shit, only overly shelterd rich kids idealize poverty

>> No.16655951


No but it makes life a lot easier

>> No.16655966

>only overly shelterd rich kids idealize poverty


>> No.16655979 [DELETED] 
File: 940 KB, 2730x3675, 2remhbo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but it can make sure the kid doesnt grow up poor and miss out on every life experience and end as a 4chan shitposter

>> No.16655987

It sure can.

>> No.16655992

Happiness don't pay my bills

>> No.16656076

but what if shitposting on 4chan makes me happy?

>> No.16656087

Think outside of the box. Think carefully. Does money have to be physical or digital? Think again.

>> No.16656178

for me, it can

>> No.16656424

this is cuba. shes not poor. not in the way you think. it costs very little to raise a child there. with her looks it may also be assumed shes being taken of.

>> No.16656465
File: 22 KB, 400x400, 13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how can THIS makes me happy? It is just lot more worries and anxiety in my already pathetic life.

Only lot of money or death can save me

>> No.16656524

I know...
But it's not like I was getting much love while poor, so fuck you crabby. If I can't have love and happiness then I might as well have money and power.

>> No.16656526

cant get happiness but can get money

>> No.16656533

you guys cant even imagine how much fun a kiddo can be

>> No.16656562

Neither can a wife and kid. Happiness comes from within.

>> No.16656587

>Girl is probably a tourist holding someone's baby
>Blue car was photoshopped
>Pic likely isn't Cuba

>> No.16656601

is raising a child about being responsible or having fun

>> No.16656964

Feels so good... throwing both over the balcony together.
Life's good.

>> No.16656993

No, but it sure as fuck helps! Not having to worry about bills or future financial security takes a lot of stress and worry out of life.

>> No.16657045

It also motivates oneself to push harder for financial success and not give up when things are going bad. It is a shit ton of extra work but worth every second of it.

>> No.16657068

Why would you have kids when they will have a shitty life on a planet fucked up by climate change?
How is that responsible?

>> No.16657081

>climate change

>> No.16657098

one comes with the other

>> No.16657125

>tfw make it off link
>tfw now I have time to ski all winter traveling Europe, Asia, western USA whenever I want
>tfw have the time and finances to start a family/be stay at home dad
Yeah wagecucking is happiness

>> No.16657135

cringe and bluepilled

>> No.16657305



>> No.16657310

"If money cannot buy you happiness, then at least it will let you be miserable in comfort."

>> No.16657314

Money can buy comfort, security and temporary happiness.
For people who are incredibly materialistic it can buy happiness.
For me, not so much. Would make me happy to be secure and have a nice cozy apartment and the ability to travel, so it can buy happiness but also, when it becomes the norm that happiness wears off and becomes normal.

>> No.16657330

Nah fuck that kids are annoying.

>> No.16657371

Imagine being on /biz/ and not expecting to leave your children a massive inheritance.

>> No.16657390

It is a juvenile fantasy that a wife and kid will make it all right.

It wont. Having a wife is maybe a 10% improvement. Having children is maybe a 15% improvement.

>> No.16657515

oh yes they can and 1) im not a female so i don't have this biological need to be "happy" and 2) i don't give a shit about the ugly little old man

>> No.16657827

not only is it cuba. its probably holguin.

>> No.16657841

Yes it can.
>t. Venezuelan

>> No.16657847

>breedercucks advertising their shitty breedercuck lifestyle on /biz/ again

thats a yikes from me

>> No.16657873

It's 5years of misery before they finally begin to understand what's happening around them. You can then enjoy them until they hit puberty and start hating you.

>> No.16657892

Dude, that’s ana de armas. She’s rich.

>> No.16657895


Yes it can

>> No.16657897

She’s 30 btw.

>> No.16657907

Money doesn't buy happiness.. my retard brother has more money than the rest of my family combined and hes the most miserable piece of shit i know.

>> No.16657924

Being a parent or having a family/gf doesn't make you happy either. Happiness is just another jewish meme, they market happiness so they can sell you shit, that's it.

>> No.16657927

Cant it?

>> No.16658209

You can derive happiness from anything and it's affect decreases over time. Money give you freedom to switch agent of happiness in least amount of time. Different pussies, different places to travel, different toys. Some agents last long and some agents last very little. If you are poor your chances of living in post withdrawal period is likely be longer than someone who is rich and can switch faster to some other agent.

>> No.16658224

Money gives freedom. You could be happy as a slave, but that's not for everyone.

>> No.16658318

>Money can't buy happiness.
True, but neither can anything else. It's naive to even view happiness as a goal in life. You will always find yourself scrambling for more, and you will never be content.

>> No.16658616

I've only ever heard poorfags say this. Nobody who's been well of has told me that money doesn't buy happiness. No one.

>> No.16659222

>falling for the climate change meme to prevent the goyim of successfully reproducing and fulfilling their biological needs
Wow, you're ZOGGED
Have sex, faggot

>> No.16659746

oh shit your right. but i stand by what i said. thats holguin and its still cheaper to raise a child in cuba than USA

>> No.16659878

no but it can secure the existence of our people and the future for white children

>> No.16659946

That’s not America. I can tell by the way the buildings are designed

>> No.16659953

True, you can't buy something that doesn't exist.

>> No.16660304

false retard

>> No.16660379

Agreed anon. I am getting a vasectomy, only have to pay $200 in aussieland.

>> No.16660495

Ironic how most wealthy people are not happy huh?

>> No.16661072
File: 114 KB, 640x427, 1575494819098.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

give me 1 billion $. Then we will see who is happier.

>> No.16661078

Where did this thread come from

>> No.16661088

You’re thinking of the “wealthy” people you know who are actually leveraged into shit they’re not positive they afford perpetually. Really wealthy people, or really frugal people, are usually quite content.

Happiness is about leverage position which is why value is tightly tied to liquidity.