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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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16650859 No.16650859 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.16650861

Thanks. Just market bought 1

>> No.16651619
File: 66 KB, 1185x589, vidt-stole-this-idea.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MLM pyramid scheme scam.

>> No.16651754
File: 82 KB, 678x542, IMG_20191224_122238_482.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao, V-ID was featured in huffpo, who's laughing now fudders?

>> No.16651886

Nice iron-on VIDT t-shirt. Doesn't even fit. Team can't even get that right. It's unironically over.

>> No.16651912

VIDT unironically 1$ 2020

>> No.16652155
File: 41 KB, 859x557, esdl6HsC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this kills the V-IDT fud.

>> No.16652176

0 volume kills FUD? dead shitcoin scam

>> No.16652338

double bottom off 40k skellys and steady use of VIDT according to dashboard.

>> No.16652350
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Nice red ids LMAO VIDT 1$ 2020

>> No.16652428

I'm sure vid has already seen its pump, what's there to raise its price realistically speaking?

>> No.16652516

The previous bullrun will be considered a light pre-pump compared to whats ahead.
It will start when they land the next big client, but then it is too late to buy in on these price levels..

>> No.16653176

This is a verified Satsgang pump and dump scam. Check the etherscans, everything dumped to wallets in SE Asia. This is a failed business promoted by Indian pajeets who bought it for nothing and convinced you it was going parabolic. The only thing going parabolic is Ranjeeps curry orders to feed his team of biz shills.

>> No.16653381

I'm not really worried. VIDT has been somewhat stable for the last few months. The KuCoin competition and a few weak hands are really the only things that brought the price as low as it is now. The company is still performing well and has even bigger plans for the new year (including independent use, American/Asian contracts, and the VIDT-VIDS swap) has me optimistic. Buying at these prices now is going to gurantee you some money in the next year or 2. Worth throwing 1k into.

>> No.16653962
File: 59 KB, 1011x516, bagholders-fucked-in-2018.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The company is still performing well and has even bigger plans for the new year (including independent use, American/Asian contracts, and the VIDT-VIDS swap) has me optimistic.
LMAO. No one is going to use V-ID for verifications in 2020. Acronis is taking over to the point that now 100% of Fortune 1000 companies trust them. Yes, you read that right. And VIDT-VIDS swap will be the death of the speculative value of this token.

>> No.16653983
File: 181 KB, 1190x592, this-was-2018.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is a verified Satsgang pump and dump scam.
This. VIDT is not worth more than one penny. And V-ID reseller program is an MLM scam.

>> No.16654415

>literally anything crypto

I call BS. We are so risk averse it's almost funny.

T. Hospital admin for one of the worlds most prestigious networks....and we only ditched Windows XP back in 2017. That's how slow we roll.

>> No.16654432

>I call BS. We are so risk averse it's almost funny.
Except Acronis handles their hard drive backups and ransomware protection (which automatically means they have Acronis Notary free of charge). Here's one example: https://dl.acronis.com/u/rc/CS_Acronis_Backup_Rush_Memorial_Hospital_EN-US_140530.pdf

>> No.16654447

There are many other hospitals that use Acronis software, which is exactly why V-ID will never take off... No one is trusting a dutch startup ran out of a shared office, which also happens to share a wall with a Subway sammich shop.

>> No.16654687
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Yeah Acronis is taking over

>> No.16654755
File: 29 KB, 399x385, 1537201325119.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>steady use of VIDT according to the scam's own dashboard

>> No.16654765

no shit sherlock
we bought this shit @5 cent and made 1 thread per hour on /biz and pumped al lthe way to 50 cents
thanks biz and enjoy the bags.

>> No.16654825

Here's one of the Acronis wallets: https://etherscan.io/address/0x00472c1e4275230354dbe5007a5976053f12610a

One customer can notarize once every 70 minutes (files gets batched to reduce costs for Acronis and make it virtually free for the customer). Now refresh that page and you will see a different client notarizing at least once every minute. On Christmas. When businesses are not even in. It costs less than 2 pennies for Acronis to validate a hard drive. You can validate 20 times a day or 600 times a month. Costs less than $12 a month for Acronis if you do nothing but validate 24/7. V-ID charges a minimum of $54 for a subscription alone, not counting a $2.22 charge per file.

Here's the kicker: If a bagholder says the above validations are too low compared to V-ID's Etherscan activity, then we know for a FACT that V-ID is faking the number of validations considering the number of clients Acronis has (millions) compared to V-ID (around 32).

>> No.16654839
File: 11 KB, 250x250, disappointed-rodent.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In fact, if you compare the numbers you can tell the ratio of validations are off and V-ID is lying.

>> No.16654887
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Validating 50,000 documents a month, like AmSpec is doing, means it costs nearly one million dollars a year with V-ID to validate hashes on the blockchain versus $99 a year with Acronis (or less than $1000 if you use a server). And you only need one copy of Acronis per office: https://notary.acronis.com/ Acronis Notary costs $99 for the whole year and comes with a cloud backup solution, HDD image creation, and all the validations are free. That's right. Free. Because 99% of people who buy the cloud backup solution are not using notary services in the first place and they're subsidizing the transactions of those who do need the service.

And bagholders say VIDT is not overpriced...