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16594353 No.16594353 [Reply] [Original]

so turns out my mom saved 40,000 usd in a 529 plan for me.
im 21 and im not sure if i want to got to college.
what should i do ?

>> No.16594355

all in link

>> No.16594387

College... is a shit investment, but in the same time, the only realistic Plan B.
Throw it all at btc. This is near the bottom. At least 30k. The rest, try to wholesale I guess with amazon fba. Im just going all in btc right now. Mid term I want to start wholesaling online and become self employed.
I did a 2 yr degree. Absolutely worthless. Im just doing security right now. After a year, you can get pretty okay jobs (such as a security guard at a school). Well... a yr is what they ask for but jobs arent guaranteed.. but ya, so far I feel college was a fucking waste. I need 10 more classes for a bachelors as I just finished 2 more on sunday. I really just dont see an actual future with this. YOU have decent capital though so you might be able to work with that to escape the wageslavery

also, fuck alts

>> No.16594400

Buy physical silver

>> No.16594403

do you have skills? is there something missing in your town? then start that business

>> No.16594435

Literally can’t use it for anything else without paying out the ass in taxes and losing like half of it.

>> No.16594461

its a 529 plan...
so its ahuge tax and lost if i take it out for no college purposes ...
you get it

>> No.16594470

college is the biggest scam

>> No.16594489

Just go to college you ungrateful loser. Maior in something worthwhile and truly reflect on things you want to do. Instead of being such a lame sap. College is a good formative time

>> No.16594492

> You're gonna lose half of it to a scam if you don't give the entire thing to a scam

I'm not seeing a better alternative

>> No.16594508

I agree with this anon, throw it all at BTC and 10k in UPT. That's how you can make it.

Disregard his final line.

>> No.16594559
File: 50 KB, 340x604, gamer3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm swedish so i don't know what a 529 plan is.

i don't know what paying for education is either, 40k for collage sounds nuts to me. especially these days, once you're done you might find out your promised job has been automated.

>> No.16594798

Either go for economics or programming. Regardless of what you choose, I'd recommend that you try your college's debate club. Debate club taught me more than most courses and gave me a leg up when looking for a job & negotiating pay

>> No.16594831

what the fuck is wrong with her legs

>> No.16594870

If you're not sure if you want to attend college or not, maybe you should go through some of the free on-line classes on Coursera or something like that to see if you at least like it. You also have to be honest with yourself and ask if you currently have the discipline to buckle down, do the work, and do decently in college to graduate in 4 years.

If you want to have a career in something like medicine, engineering, accounting, etc., those field require that you have a college degree. Even relatively bullshit careers such as IT or software development are much easier for a person with a degree in computer science, engineering, or some other hard science.

My opinion is that you should attend college, especially if you are interested in a non-bullshit major. However, make sure you are mature enough to go to college and not goof off so much that you fail out or get a GPA so low that you'll almost never find a job.

>> No.16594951
File: 30 KB, 540x399, what free education and healthcare looks like.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i don't know what paying for education is either,

Yea nah dude. You stupid europoors don't even realize how much you are getting robbed by the taxman. We pay for our own education and healthcare because it is actually cheaper for everyone involved to pay for your own shit. OP's mom "paid" 40,000 dollars into a 529 plan so her ungrateful son can go to college. In Sweden he would have gotten into school for "free", but his mother would have ended up paying over 1 million euros for it over the course of her life because she has to pay for her son and everyone else's college too.

College debt can easily be paid off in 10 years or less if you make even a measly 40k. The problem is that most people don't actually try to pay off their loans, and skirt by on minimum payments for 20+ years then wonder they have no money.

OP, go to college. You have a fantastic opportunity in front of you right now. You can work part-time throughout and college and have a fat stack for yourself by the time you graduate. You can also get some basic bitch warehouse or production job, and literally walk into a management position by the time you're done with your degree. You have a magnificent opportunity laying in front of you so do not waste it.

Your mom should have told about your college savings your senior year of high school anyway.

>> No.16594964

Dont listen to this guy waste of money.

>> No.16594965

she's like 5'3"

>> No.16594977

>get a GPA so low that you'll almost never find a job.

GPA is biggest meme in all of college. After your first job this literally never comes up again. Even then you can work around it with enough experience.

>> No.16594979

All in UPT under ICO. Wait 2 years.

>> No.16594981

mom clearly wants you to go to college so go to college to spoiled prick
you're literally going there for free

and study something useful

>> No.16595011

>american women

>> No.16595017

Go the fuck to college you dummy. Literally just study hard for free using ACT/SAT online study stuff and get a scholarship so you don't have to pay much of the 40k you have. Get a degree in something that is useful and also somewhat fun and THEN go after investing and whatnot with the remaining money. The straight and narrow (read: best) is not always the easy path to a better life, anon.

>> No.16595018

I want to breed with this thicc midget.

>> No.16595019

The first job is very difficult to find for a person with a low GPA. Now, I'm sure there are people who can have extremely low GPAs who, due to connections or excellent salesmanship, are able to find jobs. However, the truth of the matter is that GPA matters a lot in some places. More likely than not, a college graduate is going to be working for a company. There are companies out there that pay very well and will not hire people without the proper degrees or GPAs and this goes beyond entry level positions.

>> No.16595024


>> No.16595048

>The first job is very difficult to find for a person with a low GPA.

Maybe if you literally never had a job before college. The only thing matters is work experience. The only jobs I've ever even seen ask about GPA were research/linguistic positions at defense agencies, and a teaching jobs. And for the latter you can just take an easy ass exam to get certified.

>There are companies out there that pay very well and will not hire people without the proper degrees or GPAs and this goes beyond entry level positions.

Maybe, but what the fuck are these jobs? I work at a company where a college degree simply makes it far easier to move up the chain in management. Anybody can get the entry level job, not everyone sticks around long enough to move up.

>> No.16595064

>College is a good formative time
what a meme. With the 529 plan, I suppose he should go (though to a CC first), but take it from a guy that has done over 140 units. Most of college is fucking bullshti. You dont go there to "learn". It is inefficient as fuck and instructors are vague with tests making it artificially harder i.e. the class itself is easy but they make it harder buy not actually directly telling you what to study for so its basically a roulette when it comes to study. You gotta hope you study the right things. Chances are you will forget most of what you study. Half a bachelors also consist of bullshit GE classes that give you 0 skills for survival (to be an employee or entrepreneur).

If you actually believe in college, you are an indoctrinated sheep. Doesnt falling for propaganda embarrass you?

>> No.16595065

I am an American and your views on college debt are ill-informed. It is utterly unconscionable that the U.S. government serves as the leg breaker for college loans that cannot be discharged through bankruptcy. Meanwhile, the text book publishers, in collusion with the colleges or professors, are essentially in violation of anti-trust laws due to the utterly usurious prices for text books in common subjects such as calculus.

Finally, if you think all tax-paying Americans aren't somehow subsidizing college, you're not paying close enough attention. The public colleges receive money from their states and all real colleges (including private ones) receive free money through their exemptions from capital gains taxes on their endowments and exemptions from property taxes for their campuses. Then we can add in the billions of dollars squandered on college for illegal aliens and stupid minorities who are not qualified to go to college.

I'm saying this as a person who graduated long enough ago when public college tuition was maybe 10% of what it is today. I do not worry about the effects of outrageous costs of college for myself; I worry for the future of this country.

>> No.16595072

>the text book publishers, in collusion with the colleges or professors, are essentially in violation of anti-trust laws due to the utterly usurious prices for text books in common subjects such as calculus.
No, this is incorrect and you do not know how the pertinent laws work, anon. I'll look into the other stuff you said though, because I had never heard of it and didn't know about the bit about exemptions from capital gains taxes on their endowments/exemptions from property taxes on their campuses.
t. American law school student who graduated college earlier this year

>> No.16595080

>Maybe, but what the fuck are these jobs?
I don't know what kind of field in which you work or what you majored in but there are some very well-paying jobs that you pretty much have to have a degree from an elite college to get hired. It's bullshit considering how stupid many of the elite colleges' alumni are but that's life. As for GPA, do you really think the stupid HR people can measure how qualified a person is through a mere interview? They're often too stupid to even read a resume. The GPA is about the only thing they can understand: "Higher number better!" They're so dumb that they believe a 4.0 in basket weaving is better than 3.7 in physics.

>> No.16595087

College is overpriced, but that doesn't mean paying an extra 30% in federal and state taxes would be better.

>if you think all tax-paying Americans aren't somehow subsidizing college, you're not paying close enough attention. The public colleges receive money from their states and all real colleges (including private ones) receive free money through their exemptions from capital gains taxes on their endowments and exemptions from property taxes for their campuses.
I never said they weren't. However, that money paying for schools comes from taxes we already pay. There is specific education tax like theire is Sweden. I was never arguing that college is cheap.

My point was that paying $300-$500/mo for 5-10 years after college is a helluva lot cheaper than paying an extra 25% on income for the rest of your life.

>> No.16595088

*There is no specific education tax like there is in Sweden

>> No.16595090

The law has been corrupted and you are a product of a corrupted system. [Note: I am not trying to insult you. The system is terribly broken and it is the system I am attacking.] How else can you explain a freshman calculus text book costing $200 or more? The material in those books has not changed in hundreds of years. It's even more hilarious when there are frequent updates to these books.

There is no law that specifically states that the college text book scam violates anti-trust laws or racketeering laws. However, I'd be willing to bet that lawyers during the time when the U.S. actually enforced things like the Sherman Anit-Trust Act would see the text books as a clear violation of laws.

>> No.16595102

Oh I don't disagree that there are laws that have been incorrectly made out of poor ideals such as greed or other such corporate lobbying, but I wanted to correct you since you said text book publishers and colleges are in violation of anti-trust laws; they are not, and this is an important distinction to make from what I've learned. I think when you say
>However, I'd be willing to bet that lawyers during the time when the U.S. actually enforced things like the Sherman Anit-Trust Act would see the text books as a clear violation of laws.
you are referring to the spirit in which the laws were made, which is definitely up for debate (this is a topic many people on my campus talk about and disagree about while still both being reasonable).

>> No.16595108

join the Army, pay your own way to college. then use the 40k to get a masters degree.

>> No.16595112

*forget most of what you study after the class is over

>> No.16595113

I didn't go to an Ivy League school so that was never really an issue for me. I also didn't major in STEM, so GPA requirements are incredibly in my field. For my degree, industry experience and foreign language skills will get you further than GPA.

> do you really think the stupid HR people can measure how qualified a person is through a mere interview?
I don't even worry about that shit. 9/10 resumes just end up in the trash even if the person was qualified. It's just a number game and having talked to many a hiring manager, I know it's a rigged one at that.

>> No.16595119

The extra taxes in Sweden aren't just for college as I'm sure you're well aware. Swedes also have universal health care and a universal pension. The boomers (yeah, yeah, I know, fuck 'em) are retiring and many of them are totally screwed since they don't have pensions. It's even worse for subsequent generations. Social Security is a pension but it doesn't do enough to replace working income. The U.S. retirement system was supposed to be a stool with three legs: savings, a company pension, and Social Security. Boomers squandered their savings, some never had a pension or got screwed (thank scum like Neutron Jack Welch), and Social Security doesn't pay much.

I'm not saying that I like the Swedish system; I think the U.S. system, done right where plunderers are severely punished, results in a stronger, more dynamic economy. But the high taxes Swedish people pay do give them a lot of benefits. Finally, the tax rates in the U.S. are lower but most of it has been due to giveaways to the ultra wealthy and the corporations. Meanwhile, we're running up terrible deficits and it's difficult to know who's going to take it up the ass when it all goes to pot. I hope it's foreigners and the rotten rich (not all rich people are rotten).

>> No.16595120

I had a buddy in college that got through college using scholarships from his test scores and then used his GI Bill to finance his Master's. I thought it was a pretty smart plan and would definitely recommend for people who would rather sink 4 years of their life to pay for school rather than the tuition money (so it depends on their starting financial standing).

>> No.16595130

> We pay for our own education and healthcare because it is actually cheaper for everyone involved to pay for your own shit.
Sounds delusional. The pic you posted doesnt justly compare costs either. It would make more sense to compare buying power by country or possibly paycheck to paycheck stats (i.e. in the u.s. 78% of fulltime workers live paycheck to paycheck. Imagine adding in part time workers into the equation).

It also makes no sense as to why wages have remained stagnated yet cost of schooling keeps going up. People in the u.s. are actually having their buying power reduced. This is a sorry ass country fyi

>> No.16595136

If the two people you are describing are applying for the same job (one with a 4.0 in Basket weaving vs 3.7 in physics), then one or both of them is retarded due to the nature of their degree compared to the nature of the job they are applying for. Also you need to take the quality of school into consideration. For example, I have a cousin who went to Harvard and majored in (I shit you not) some dumb shit that I think was called "political dissidence" or something, while I majored in a soft and hard science science for my major/minor at a t60- my cousin now has a significantly higher paying job than me due to her school and the connections she made there despite her degree being essentially garbage.

>> No.16595140

>Swedes also have universal health care and a universal pension.

I used to be all for "universal" privileges until I realized that most people are just fucking retarded with their money. I've met a few people who truly were down on their luck and trying to make a way for themselves who deserved genuine help and couldn't get it, but 90% of the time, people are just irresponsible.

Stack gold and silver. Fuck everybody else.

>> No.16595141


Go Air Force and be 10x comfier if you're just doing it for the perks anyway.

>> No.16595142

>in the u.s. 78% of fulltime workers live paycheck to paycheck.
The number would be lower if some of that 78% weren't so utterly terrible with money. Even people who make fairly high salaries squander money on things like overpriced mobile phone plans, unused gym memberships, etc. A friend who works in the wealth management industry told me of a VP who grosses over $1M/year being on the verge of having his new BMW repossessed.

Beyond the fact that standards of living in the U.S. have declined noticeably since the 1970s, we seem to have become much dumber when it comes to managing money.

>> No.16595154

I threw out basket weaving and physics as a gross example. A real life example would be a person who majored in IS (information systems) versus a person who majored in computer science. Where I went to college, the IS program was in the college of business whereas computer science was in the college of natural sciences. The most difficult mathematics the IS major had to take was a watered-down differential calculus. The computer science major is essentially a math major and had to take things like differential equations, graph theory, linear algebra, discrete mathematics, etc. Large corporations viewed the degrees as equivalent and viewed a 4.0 GPA in IS as better than a 3.7 in CS, assuming both degrees were issued by the same university and in the same year.

>> No.16595175

Even with the exboritant cost of college a simple guesstimation will tell you it's cheaper to pay for your own shit.

Say tuition in sweden is $10,000 but you go for "free", and in America school costs (I'll use my debt amount) $38,000. Assuming you earn an average of $60,000/yr dollars for the next 40 years, and 25% of that goes to taxes for education. You're looking at $600,000 dollars worth of tuition in Sweden versus only the $38,000 plus interest here.

College is a racket in some ways, but once you get over the initial debt set back, it's smooth sailing because of significantly lower taxes.

>> No.16595246

Tell your Mom you don't want to go to college, tell her you want the money to "fall back on" or some dumb shit.

>> No.16595298

>implying you could look yourself in the face after shamming through four years of Air Force
join the actual military, nerd

t. Army

>> No.16595325

>Destroy your back, knees, and hearing for Mcdonalds tier wages and a college degree that can easily be paid for with subsidized loans

lol. Army is literally the worst branch, and anyone who knows anyone or anything relating to the military knows it. Only retards and recruiters recommend joining the Army.

>> No.16595330

how much money for a girlfriend like this?

>> No.16595331

I lost like 30k in crypto this year, not sure i can give you any kind of advice

>> No.16595363

Leave it alone until you find out you actually need that little slip of paper for whatever career you want to try to go for.

>> No.16595381

go to college or give the money back to your mom stupid fag

>> No.16595405
File: 282 KB, 1080x1345, 3C276533-C1E2-4998-83D1-93C212A2CE34.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go to college if u got into a top 5 one for your specific field other wise bet it all on red and get a drinking addiction :)

>> No.16595427

i have never EVER seen a job ad that wanted college degrees. literally every god damn ad asked for previous experience and never college degrees. college really is a scam at this point except for very specific jobs that demand a degree but those basically dont exist lol

>> No.16595444

I agree college is a scam, but with that said, there are a lot of jobs locked by degrees even if the job doesnt need it. Example: sister got env science degree. After 2 years of minimum wage (not including when she worked part time while studying) she found a job (thanks to a friend) but she wouldnt have gotten the job without the degree. Thing is, shes an administrator in a uc school. They asked for any degree. Her friend got a fluff psychology degree and is actually in a higher position. Its a fucking bullshit clown world.

Employers ask for degrees when not needed for the job which is why so many people go to college in the first place so employers are just at fault for the student debt crisis hence why it should be illegal to ask for degrees unless strictly required for the job (i.e. nursing, lawyer, etc.)

>> No.16595660

A real opportunity to follow your lifes purpose and passion. Don't rush it, don't squander it on some stupid fucking gamble either.

>> No.16595688

You are an actual retard who has never pursued a worthwhile job then, anon. Have you considered the fact that 99.999 etc people who are successful in any measurable way have degrees (usually advanced ones beyond just regular undergrad ones too!). Maybe you should consider looking a bit higher than "help wanted" ads.

>> No.16595714

Please tell me she has a penis

>> No.16595717

look up the statistics you retard. any engineering, science, construction, mathematical or coding job ALWAYS demands proven experience over a degree.

>> No.16595867
File: 831 KB, 300x221, how.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good job making me not take you seriously in the first 6 words of your ramblings

>> No.16595882

Wow you are somehow even dumber than I thought. Literally go try to get hired at any firm whose offered position any reasonable person would call "successful." Literally any.
Law firm? Get a bachelors and a JD
Hospital? MD or DO
Business at any non-entry level? Bachelors and MBA
Shoot even the lowliest engineer has an engineering degree you fucking mong - it's the god damn law.
Kill yourself for being so unquestionably stupid whilst pretending you know anything about anything.

>> No.16595884

Go all in into CENNZ, do that and you dont need to go college

>> No.16595893

Oh and one more thing you peerless retard; attempt to get a coding job at Microsoft/Apple/Google or any other high tier company that wants computer scientists/computer engineers; they want both a degree (required for non-retard positions) AND experience (also required to show you aren't a mong).

>> No.16595899

Go to college. Learn an actual useful major that will get you a job afterwards

>> No.16595905

Is that Roger? Or his dad?

>> No.16595917

>so its ahuge tax and lost if i take it out for no college purposes ...
a bigger loss is to give 100% of it to tribal desert people. The real comedy is 40k isn't enough for even a bad state school - so you will probably need to add in another $40k of debt...then you can graduate with a gender studies degree with empasis on zulu feminism
Your absolute best plan is this: (a) Spend about $10k on some technical degree - plumbing, electrical, system admin, oil field tech, etc. (b) take out remainder and pay tax hit (pay a CPA $500 to consult because there may be a way to pull it out in phases to minimize tax burden), (c) invest in mix of 1/3rd btc, 1/3rd large cap stock ETF, and 1/3rd tax free municipal bond fund. (d) get a job making $35k per year from technical degree and add $3000 per year to nest egg savings. (e) retire with a couple of million
giving it all to the tribe people plus going into more debt is just a plan to kys. this is probably what your mom wants....shame you dont have a dad because moms are sweet but absolute retard normie npc who's thinking on these matters should be totally disregarded.

>> No.16595918

Sure, take tax deferred money, spend it on crypto, and the mother gets to pay the taxes on it AND a 10% penalty - so you'd be throwing away at least half of it in taxes.
Fucking degenerate gamblers.

>> No.16595948
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hah, now i see it as well

>> No.16595949

you are literally making this up. go on fucking indeed and look up coding jobs for apple google and microsoft. 9 times out of 10 they wont ask for a degree you stupid nigger.

>> No.16596089
File: 379 KB, 1935x1209, 4chan4EverPicture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are quite persistent in your ignorance - have you ever held a successful career before? I wonder, do you live in Seattle (or any high profile city with a massive amount of talent/money in the area) like I do? Did you get a degree from a t30 undergrad like I did and meet a bunch of friends there who went on to get jobs like exactly what you're describing at the places you're describing? Do you know successful lawyers, doctors, and computer scientists? Or did you go on a fucking website and look for the minimum requirements for low-paying entry-level jobs like a fucking mong? Do tell.
Since you're dumb as a sack of shit, I instead make this post to anyone else reading as I kind of like this board: DO go to college (a top one if you can afford it, and on a scholarship so you won't put yourself in debt to a silly system). DO get good grades and make connections there. DO get experience via internships during your summers and you will absolutely get a successful career. Bonus points if you're a minority or a woman or a tranny because you get in easier via oppression points.
DO NOT listen to the retard who keeps replying to me saying to not go to college and somehow acquire connections/experience without it; the exceptions do not prove the rule people!

>> No.16596102

as usual weeb opinions dont matter

>> No.16596121

Oh and the best part is that you completely ignored my other post to you about lawyers, doctors, businessmen, and engineers. This is because you probably looked it up and found you were wrong, then decided to not reply for fear of looking stupid on an anonymous mongolian fishing forum. Then you decided to retain some of your dignity by only replying to my post about coding by looking at entry-level requirements for coding positions in the hopes of retaining some sense of intelligence.
Kill yourself you actual retard. You are a nothing.

>posting a picture of 4chan mascots means you're a weab
>disregard all good advice from people who know more than you in the hopes that no one will see you're a retard
I don't even know where to begin. Again, you are a nothing and will likely serve me at the next restaurant I visit.

>> No.16596190


go to college to be an LPN or a RN.
a man working in the healthcare field as a nurse is highly sought after in healthcare and the perk about doing this is that you get to work with lots of women.
you'll never not have a job because hospitals are always always looking for male nurses.
its one of the ultimate job security positions and the work is extremely easy to do.
and with $40k you could easily pay for your entire education with it.
hope this helps ya out kid but fill some bags of LINK, RSR, ETH, and BTC if you havent already.

>> No.16596906

If you have any doubts about college then don't go. If you don't have the motivation of a degree in something you have a real passion for, then there is no point. College is a waste of time and money if you half ass it. Sit on it if you might use it in the future, if not, taking the tax hit might seem insane at first but it's logical. There might be a big brain "Go to cheapest community college and spend 35K on 'books'" thing but I have no idea.

>> No.16596951

go to tech school for welding or hvac and use the rest for a down payment for a house.

>> No.16597279

OP, don't listen to the retards arguing about GPA. It matters, and college is worth it assuming you go in and don't act like an ungrateful nigger. Do some ECs, it's maybe 2-3 hours a week and gets you interviews or start some bullshit club if it's not already there.

Go to your state univ (UVA, UW, UMich, UT Austin) or a community college with the intent of transferring. Stay in-state and the 40k should easily last your tuition/fees. You have to use it on college at this point. Study and get the fuck off 4chan when you need to, pick a major that gets you some $$ that you enjoy doing. Aim for a starting salary about equal to your total cost of attendance for all colleges.

>> No.16597299

>5 years of collage in Sweden. Comp sci
>live at home, no student loans, just free education
> first job making $5000 USD dollar/month
> taxes 30%, sucks but still bring home $3500 USD/month
> salary increase expected
> 23 years old
> no debt
> will move to norway anyway
> fuck sweden

>> No.16597628
File: 13 KB, 400x400, GBeCdeOo_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All in Nerva

>> No.16597672

The alternative was his mom didn't buy the meme fund. Fucking TERRIBLE place to put any money.

>> No.16597696

This thot is hot as fuck and you can tell that she has selfsteem issues somehow. Perfect to be manipulated, god she must ride like a crazy hoe.

>> No.16598369

Use it as collateral to take out a loan and put a down payment on a condo you can rent Lito pay for itself.

>> No.16598423

Literally buy btc. 20k at least after 2 months later dude.

>> No.16598426
File: 43 KB, 552x527, 7AFA61E906934F90A19A5E37984F00C6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Consider not majoring in anything other than Hard Stem, friend. I never was "indoctrinated" even in my humanities classes. Depending on the field I am in, I could see myself using a lot of what I learned and it is good to know how to do the general ed things. If you can't pass calc 2 and understand the concept material, then you've pretty much had entire sectors eliminated for you.

This post reeks of regret
T. Minor regret, but I make ok money so I'm happy enough

>> No.16598522

>if you don't write every post like an academic paper then I don't read it

Whatever then. I don't come here to impress your faggot ass. Enjoy your taxes.

>> No.16598562

Work for a few years and then realize that you need a degree in order to get a higher paying job. Then get your degree when you're ready and motivated for it. If you never get one or need one, then the 529 can be used for your kids.

>> No.16598574

That is so sad. RIP dota-allstars

>> No.16598579

Hnng. Would breed even if it resulted in doomed manlet sons.

>> No.16598598

If you need to ask what you should do, you should go to college. If you were intelligent and driven enough, you wouldn't need to, but you're not.

>> No.16598659

How is that hip to waist ratio even possible brehs?

>> No.16599330

stay away from crypto bro, i lost 5000 usd on it and unless you have a time machine or are a part of a pump n dump group dont bother. go with stocks, hedgefunds...

>> No.16599405


>> No.16599540


She has the short stout look it's cute desu

>> No.16599613

Go to community college and find some random 2 year degree and waste 5k of that on it. Once you get it, just have her withdraw the rest of the money and give it to you (Since you finished college, the penalty on the account wont be severe.) You get your money, and your mom is happy knowing that you went to college and got a degree

>> No.16599677

Please respond, I NEED it

>> No.16599741

This but unironically

>> No.16599853

Go to your local community college and get a nursing degree. in 2-3 years you will be making 30-35/hr and have a three day work week and will have a bunch of that 529 money left over which you can then withdraw and eat the tax penalty because it doesn't matter at that point. This is literally the best course of action available to you, but you won't do it because you are an idiot.

>> No.16599898


This is the type of face you just wanna sink a left hook to

>> No.16599906

Don't nursing is a nightmare if you hate women.

>> No.16599919

if you go to college you will have a better shot to get a girl like your pic op - 40k is nothing

>> No.16599932
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>> No.16600014

They are annoying, but it is still the best path at the moment and if he isn't retarded he will stand out against the backdrop of dumb girls who make up the majority of nurses. If he is actually intelligent and can do well in school, it is also the first step on the path to CRNA which opens the door to 160-200K per year.

>> No.16600036

Not wide to be asuka

>> No.16600037


>> No.16600130


A man of culture.

>> No.16600163

reverse image search faggot

>> No.16600223
File: 48 KB, 494x740, 1572787945930.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too wide, try this

>> No.16600287

>college is a shit investment
>throw it all into a shitcoin you know nothing about
god i love this board

>> No.16600316


I've followed this advice and am doing better than any of my college educated friends. God bless /biz/.

>> No.16600317
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>> No.16601236
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this is a good answer, if you can use the 529 to learn a trade that'd be best, if not do a 2 year tech degree and the rest like above. that can easily land you a 70k job in any major metro area

>> No.16601267


>> No.16601441

get an associates and learn to margin trade bitcoin and TA

>> No.16601846

You were doing fine until you mentioned software jobs. The software industry is one of the very few industries where any monkey can find a job and make six figures, even for non-retard positions. Granted, if you want to work for Microsoft Research, you'll likely have to have a degree or have done something truly significant if you don't have a degree.

But true engineering jobs (software engineering is not real engineering, in my opinion) practically all require engineering degrees to get hired on. To get the Professional Engineer designation, the candidate *must* have an engineering degree, have passed the EIT certification, and have X number of years working under or with a Professional Engineer.

>> No.16601861

Put it in the sandpaper 500

>> No.16601874

Put it all into an Indian crypto scam

>> No.16601993

he's my favorite asuka desu

>> No.16602108

Education isn't a scam if you aren't a dumbass. If you want proof, surely you can look at some local doctors and how much they make. You're just bitter that you're fucking stupid and could never make it into a career that matters.

>> No.16602114

This is fucking terrible advice. Don't respond to your mother's hard work by gambling.

Go to community college at least. If you aren't in a vulnerable position financially, higher education will absolutely enrich you. There's a reason liberal arts were created - they make better men, even if we live in strange times academically.

If you don't want a liberal arts education at all, go to a trade school. Learn something, get a degree.

It becomes fucking brutally hard to compete out there if you don't work to obtain some evidence of an earned skill or merit.

I'm really just thinking of how your mom must've set that aside because she loves you, and how best to honor her sacrifice.

Good luck man, I hope you lead a happy life.

>> No.16602160

Non-college related distributions from a 529 are taxed at a penalty and at your income level.

If you withdraw that for any reason other than college you are literally throwing away your mom's money.

Go to college you stupid faggot. I wish I had that money walking into it

>> No.16602237

Also don't listen to this guy. STEM is dead in the US. The only jobs that haven't shipped over to China, Russia, and India are fought over by recent grads and oldfags. If you want an actual return, do comp sci, business, or finance.

>t. Biochem major

>> No.16602248

529 is retarded. Research it and explain to her why she's a dumb cunt. Anyone over 120 IQ can know why it's shit.

>> No.16602253

Id gape her pussy with my coke can cock

>> No.16602254

Holy shit I want to plow that

>> No.16602371
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>> No.16602480

Lol no shit you can't find a job retard. I'm a mechanical engineer. Majoring in anything like business is retarded. Go to school for things with an application. Mechanical engineering is good if you tailor it to something, but I'd probably be paid more if I stuck to aerospace or went to ee. But biomed is pretty much there to go to med school fren

>> No.16602500

Take 1-2 classes a semester, get a degree, fuck some chicks.

Not that complicated OP

>> No.16602510

>Majoring in anything like business is retarded.
>Business knowledge is necessary for 100% of all businesses
stick to your back office incel

>> No.16602588
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Go to college anyway. Get yourself in a good frat, network with jews, fuck bitches. Your grades and your degree is the meme; it's irrelevant how well you do in school. What matters is who you did a line of coke off a prostitute with who eventually becomes CEO thanks to nepotism.

>> No.16602602
File: 1.92 MB, 443x452, Smugkus.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because it is. You have almost no practical knowledge and are going to start at the bottom of the totem pole because a business degree is way too fucking broad to apply, and in my experience so far in the corporate sector, not nearly as good as STEM background.

Getting a business degree pops you in the dumbest monkey positions. These are your sales guys, your hr drones, and your accountants. A business degree may help you understand what you need to do to start a business, but you're going to be hard pressed to start a business by yourself, because you're gonna know squat shit about what you'd be doing. You'll be starting at a lower pay and a more stressful position as well, making it even harder for you. And unless you are going to a bigger name school, then your business degree is instantly not worth as much as an engineering degree from the same uni.

>> No.16602715

instead of majoring in business, wouldn't a better teacher be actually starting a business?

>> No.16602736


>> No.16602871

Delicious brappers

>> No.16602927


>> No.16602939

>>16594353hahahaha thanks me later ,,, you can earn as much as you can. go to xurmoney.xyz/2716627104627/
I have done already 3400/w
and I'm doing this because I need referral for more earning

>> No.16603018

Dont go to college! With 40.000 its very easy to retire by 30. Live with your mom and get a job. Pay her rent so you are both happy together. Learn about real estate and loan money to buy a property to rent. Its literally like playing monopoly. If you do it correctly you will be a millionaire in a few years.

>> No.16604058

Use it for college sicne taxes will be awful if you don’t.

Get a double major; STEM and a humanities major (philosophy is best but also history or literature would be good) you’ll be equipped for life and it’ll cost hardly a thing. Plus you’ll likely make some good friends

>> No.16604105

I have a BE in biomed and a masters in Neuroscience, but I've been doing unrelated stuff for a few years. I'm uninterested in med school or academia but how hard would to be to get a biotech job in industry?

>> No.16604501
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Give it all to that thicky little piggy just to lick the sweat from between her toes.

>> No.16604508

I wish I had spent my 529 on bitcoin back in 2010 when I cashed it out.

>> No.16604514
File: 721 KB, 1136x640, 4A5F011B-E144-479E-BE75-BEAF3237BC1A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>warcraft III
A king

>> No.16604546

Navy nuclear is the worst gig, trust me I have seen many suffer through it.

>> No.16604579

Unironically this

Also very nice trap.