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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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16547560 No.16547560 [Reply] [Original]

So this is a BitCoin board now? What happened to the seething core cucks? Where did they go?

>> No.16547679

sv is dead but its not getting a burial ceremony
no one carea

>> No.16547683
File: 352 KB, 1455x1024, 1576228553900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, this is a Bitcoin Cash board.

>> No.16547691
File: 60 KB, 619x480, 1573775029591.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the original anti bsv shills are gone but the brainwashed npc's remain. 2020 will be the year of /biz sv/

>> No.16547703

This is chainlink board you pathetic shit coiner

>> No.16547798

everyone has btc that is a given

>> No.16547829


>> No.16547838

No fuck off tranny

>> No.16547851
File: 52 KB, 985x753, 1576208686846.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BitCoin is more alive than ever before

No they dont, its useless crap.

>> No.16547857


velocity of money affects negatively in the price

get dumped on faggot

>> No.16547863

U wish horny boi

>> No.16547873

BSV = everybody milking Calvin, including Creg

>> No.16547875

bsv is an IQ test. You have low IQ

>> No.16547878
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>> No.16547887

You are so low IQ it hurts. Of course BTC has a higher "USD sent" volume. How else are you supposed to buy BSV? You buy BSV with bitcoin.

>> No.16547898

fuck off, BSV drama queen gayboy

>> No.16547903

god damn you lefties cant even insult like men

>> No.16547906

Nah I've just been watching creg tell the same lies every couple years, and the new people don't know about his earlier promises

>> No.16547913

sure sure, homo jew

>> No.16547918

>b-b-but btc is obsolete

Until you get usd to bsv suck a throbbing 2 inch dick, zeta tier pajeet

>> No.16547919

take your meds greg

>> No.16547925

nchain's child fuckers are doomed, jew

>> No.16547929

>homosexual projection from a corecuck
not surprised

>> No.16547936

wtf are you talking about nchain for you dumb confused demon

>> No.16547947

it's the trend nigger. sv is declining since it's birt there is no adoption going to sv it's dead

>> No.16547950

shill all you want have fun missing out retard

>> No.16547953
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>> No.16547959

there is no future for sv if you could read a fucking chart you would see the only seemingly bullish metric is obviously spoofed. spam is not adoption spam is not value spam is just cost and burden.

you shitcoin is dead. it's not even the real bcash.