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16534169 No.16534169 [Reply] [Original]

lost interest in sex and somehow all the material aspect of life. Not larping. There is no point in it.
I am doing it good (the meditation) because sometime I feel the exstasy of the ''0 toughts'' state. And believe is really restful and peaceful being without toughts. When I say without toughts I mean without any toutgh in your mind.
I have started this meditation because I suffered of obsessive compulsive disorder. I was thinking to kill myself at some point cause the intrusive toughts didn't let me live a normal life.
All I can say is this: inform yourself and read about it how much as possible.
This rhing helped me a lot in various aspects of life and I am only at the beginning

>> No.16534380

nice anon, keep going

>> No.16534429

I meditate on my bus every day on my way to work. It helps clear my mind and be at peace with myself. But I still like to fuck my gf and be a human.

>> No.16534831

>But I still like to fuck my gf and be a human
I have evolved to the next step

>> No.16535634

used to meditate an hour a day back in the summer for like a week
had the most intense nut fucking my then gf after an hour
dont give up on sex fren

>> No.16535784
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Thursday at 7 PM

>> No.16535838


>> No.16535945

I don’t get it

>> No.16536908

Cool anon, inspired me to get back into meditating. I did everyday for a few years and fell out of it

>> No.16536942

explain step by step your meditation process please?

>> No.16537008

hello friends. i too meditate. i recommend being acutely aware of your existence as well, taking time to breathe and experience beyond the monkey mind

>> No.16537018

i want to meditate but dont know how

>> No.16537019
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>When I say without toughts I mean without any toutgh in your mind

>> No.16537035

Who is the one being mindful? Figure that one out and you've solved life.

>> No.16537462

>don't think about money goyim

Nice try shlomo

>> No.16538028

But I enjoy having thoughts

>> No.16538696

Found the jew

>> No.16538770

Reminded me to do it, gonna do it once I finish writing this.

How to do it: Sit in comfortable position, eyes closed, relax your body completely, try to have proper sitting posture. breathe deeply in and out. they will begin to become deeper and deeper and then your mind should be still.

also, you place your focus to your penis and balls and from knees to heel. so that you move to other body parts, but the head/brain.

when you breathe in, you can feel that the air is coming in deeply through your front body side and eventually you will track the movement of the breathe. similarly when exhaling and your back.

this is hard to explain through word. yet i am using them and then you're gonna use your mind to ingest, but it's all about the practice.