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File: 146 KB, 1200x630, BB27E388-BBC2-4737-89D4-9B7C3D3AB8D4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16530254 No.16530254 [Reply] [Original]

Ok I sold all my chainlink and now I have 0.888888 btc and 111 BSV

Please redpill me on what I should buy instead of this

>> No.16530262

sell the rest of your btc and buy more bitcoin

>> No.16530265
File: 25 KB, 880x400, 4296A786-C0FE-4953-A065-306FE4D609F0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

USDT then more BSV when BTC is below 5k

>> No.16530277

Another BSV shill thread, yawn + sage

>> No.16530285
File: 42 KB, 853x433, 39D87511-4976-4C58-BDD9-64D9C5680E52.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based and redpilled

>> No.16530291

Checked and shabat pilled

Yavè your face zioni

>> No.16530401


>> No.16530420

Sell BTC and hedge with BCH.

Small block bitcoin is shit

>> No.16530469

I don't understand how this fraud of a shitcoin is damn near $100 yet Chainlink, the DEFACTO crypto project, can't stay above a measly 3 bucks.

Fuck this project.

>> No.16530724

Total supply

>> No.16530725

Craig patented link tech, cope

>> No.16530730
File: 60 KB, 598x415, 1562742276999.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he sold the dip

>> No.16530733


You'll probably laugh, but BTC and Link. The only answer that will work long term in crypto.

>> No.16530739

link will be a continuous falling knife for the foreseeable future anon
i'm sorry that you didn't sell above $3

>> No.16530781
File: 33 KB, 1027x324, chad invests.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just bought. Everyone knows that this is the foot hills of the mountain.

>> No.16530808

it has literally just fallen down a little past return to "normal"

>> No.16530844
File: 128 KB, 771x960, Chad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok virgin. have you heard anything on the media yet about LINK? hmmm...

>> No.16530866

no but i can feel bobo lubing his shaft

>> No.16530886



>> No.16530911
File: 28 KB, 674x496, coldwallets.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice BSV stack, I just loaded up on a bunch into some cold wallets. Wrote a shitty little html page to keep an eye on them because I'm paranoid, pic related.

>> No.16530949
File: 103 KB, 400x400, 1559405076610.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's yet ANOTHER episode of anon pretending xhe held and sold LINK to buy *insert pajeet shitcoin here*

>> No.16530992

What's the best way to make cold wallets?

>> No.16531016

Unironically NOIA,
Mainnet Q1 2020
Microsoft & Cisco Partnership
Not looking to replace isp an easy platform where gamers and streamers can fund their account with tokens and have their traffic routed over a more optimum route.

Recently hit its all time low, 600k usd mkt cap.

>> No.16531183

bitaddress.info, I went to their github page, downloaded the src. Disconnected from wifi, hard connected to printer, and generated/printed them that way.

I was going to be extra paranoid and boot onto a Tails OS on usb, but the browser sucked (tor) and then I realized I really don't feel like dealing with getting printer drivers to work. so I just said f it, good enough.

>> No.16532447

wait, you sold your chainlink for not even a full btc and 111 BSV?


>> No.16532594

Don't forget ETH, the golden trifecta.

>> No.16532618

You should buy STPT, it almost did a 2x since October and it's currently 11% up today. It has a small market cap but good volume, trading on Bittrex and others.

It also has a huge ecosystem (https://medium.com/@StandardTokenizationProtocol/introducing-the-stp-ecosystem-84491865a775)) partnered with big projects like ONTology, BitMax and others.

>> No.16532628


>> No.16532649

Buy a rope.