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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 33 KB, 500x500, hex they.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16521792 No.16521792 [Reply] [Original]

> BTC claimed: 143,020 (1.572% of claimable)
> 35,543 ETH ($5,162,597.51) claimed HEX via AA
> 6500 ppl in Telegram chat
>Piratebay made 5mio+ hex from their referal
> Yesterday the hex yield per eth found a bottom
> It's a working and audited contract

Not a single post on /biz/ about it.
> be in shock

You missed bitcoin?
You missed eth?
You missed xlm?
You missed bnb?
You missed link?
GET IN ON THIS! This is your chance.

Bitcoin went up 26x from $750 to $20,000 in only 378 days. Ethereum went up 233x from $6 to $1,400 in 403 days. If you got in at $1 you made 7 times more. Imagine how 1,400x returns feel. Some people got in 3 times cheaper than that! Had you put in $223 when you first could, it would have gone up 4,500x to $1 Million, in only 3.5 years. Life changing. Most of the wealth in the world is made by those that get in first!

>> No.16521801 [DELETED] 

I have to wait 300+ days to sell my bags...

>> No.16521803
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Fuck Off pajeet

>> No.16521815


I'll lay it out so simple even the biggest retards will get it. You will get justed, some of you are already megajusted and you don't even know it here's why, with evidence:

1) Adoption Amplifier will wreck you. It will vomit hundreds of millions of hex for 350 days, 300 million MINIMUM. source: https://hex.win/adoption-amplifier.html
Some of you retards already massively overpaid for this stuff on the first days, it's tragic when you think about it https://imgur.com/a/5SwKz7j Remember AA will spit hundreds of millions of HEX for almost a year GUARANTEED. Stuff that you bought for hundreds of dollars today some poor pajeet will be able to afford in a few weeks for pennies once the hype goes down. DO NOT SEND YOUR ETH to Adoption Amplifier too soon or you will be ruined. If you really must waste your ETH wait a few weeks or months and you will get millions of HEX for 1 ETH unlike those nerds who fomoed in too early.

2) Free claim is dogshit. Say you have a reasonable sum of 100 BTC. You freeclaim and you get 10000 HEX for 1 BTC. For simplification reasons let's say you will get generous 20k HEX total for 1 BTC at the beginning after all bonuses are counted in. What does a big sum of 100 BTC give you? 2 Million hex. How much is it? Not much. According to HEX telegram bot the total supply of HEX is projected to be around 600-800 BILLION after a year. That's right, and the lower bound is considering only 1 million BTC will claim. source https://imgur.com/a/VaWBsuu
Think about it again. Even when you stake all of it your amazing free claim for a sizeable sum of 100 BTC is but a small fraction of Inflation Amplifier that dumps 300-500 million HEX every goddamn day on your heads. Imagine if you control 1 BTC or less. You're literally a tiny, insignificant, invisible atom in a big, big pie of which roughly 30% will be owned by origin address anyway.

>> No.16521831

you don't like free money?

>> No.16521845
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The only winner is Richard. Good luck selling your worthless shit.

>> No.16521872

This just goes to show that you have no idea what the fuck you are talking about. You just have a hate boner because you bought into the FUD.

>> No.16521882

show me btc pricechart day 7 lol

>> No.16521930

exchange price doesn't matter until after AA is over in 1 year. Right now it is all about staking and 88% of all hex is staked/burned.

>> No.16522261


>> No.16522470
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>> No.16522504

>Imagine how 1,400x returns feel.

i've got LINK you shitstained pajeet. 1,400x returns is literally FUD for LINK.

>> No.16522510
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>> No.16522538

obsessed seething little broke shitcoiner

>> No.16522574

But in a year nobody will know wtf hes is? and who cares if about any of this if 1 hex is still worth less then a penny because nobody puts value in it.You could be getting a 1 million hex a day and still only be worth 5 dollars. At the end of the day all that matters is what people are willing to pay for it

>> No.16522725
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>Make freeclaim for a few shitpennies.
>AA Autists pay ETH and get orders of magnitude more than BTC will get
>They still get rekt because there will be hundreds of millions available every day for MONTHS and demand will eventually dry out
If you really hate your ETH don't be a total dumbass and just send it to the contract in a few months. At least you'll get several dozen millions more for the same price.

>> No.16522810

It's gonna moon so hard. New technology should be paid accordingly. Just gotta lock up your coins for at least a year then we riding to the moon.

>> No.16522909

I love how Richard actually convinced people that this is anything comparable to a CD. He then pulled numbers out of his ass, comparing it to time deposits and gold. A time deposit is kind of like the antithesis to a loan. You give away your money and get interest on it. The bank gets value from that because they can use that money to give out loans or invest it and make a ROI which you get a piece of for providing the funds. In HEX, you just hold that shit and get paid more HEX from an infinite pool of worthless tokens. Nobody does anything with these tokens, it's of no use to anybody. This is why "staking" in HEX completely pointless, you don't secure anything, you don't provide anyone with value. It is nothing but a dumb game with literally worthless fiat tokens. And the best part is, Richard's fanbase got already rent -95% from day 1 when most of his brainlet 3rd worlders gave him free ETH.

>> No.16522947

what do you mean free money? fucking 35k eth have already been scammed out of low iQ retards with this shit. not that i'm against it these suckers are a blessing i made 15 btc with my matic short yesterday thanks to the same type of retards

>> No.16523014

"but he called it PUMPAMENTALS man, that means it's gonna pump" is probably the thought process of a poor, desperate 3rd worlder buying into this

>> No.16523031
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this kek, i love how the assblasted pajeets are already talking about "just wait a year bro, hex is for the long run" only 5 days into the ICO

>> No.16523053

Premined shittoken ;)

>> No.16523140

It's not a ICO. Got your so fucking stupid it hurts.

Also, when you stake you burn the coins. This creates scarcity.

For example, each day in AA 500 million hex is minted and 88% of that each day has been getting staked. That means 88% of what was minted got burned.

>> No.16523191
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>"your so fucking stupid it hurts"
>"when you stake you burn the coins"
>"That means 88% of what was minted got burned"
OH NO NO NONO i know this is probably bait but there's probably people out there thinking like this top fucking kek
this just made my evening thanks for that

>> No.16523215

You need a little chlorine in your gene pool. I can only explain it to you; I can't understand it for you.

>> No.16523254

the "adoption amplifier" is a scam ICO and anyone above 80 iQ can look through this i couldn't imagine falling for something this stupid
please don't tell me you're serious

>> No.16523302

Why does this board have such an obsession with investing in criminals and scammers

Literally nobody here knows fuck all about proper investing.

>> No.16523323

It's just another way to get hex instead of on a exchange. The entire point is to mint a bunch of hex and get adoption. 500 million hex gets released each day and split up between all the people that put ETH into the AA.

Obviously, the ETH goes to Richard because he deserves it for creating HEX. He can use it however he likes including for marketing.

In fact, this is extremely similar to how EOS did their launch. This is where Riichard got the idea in the first place since it was one of the most successful launches.

You can cry scam all you want but it doesn't change the fact that you are full of shit and have no idea what you are talking about. People like you are the reason we have to put directions on shampoo bottles.

You can't name a single reason why this is a scam except "where does the eth go lul" and some stupid shit about the OA as if it is unique to HEX.

>> No.16523349

There is no proof that Richard has ever scammed anyone. Also, he has talked about his past and his real name on stream many times. Go to the hex telegram and type !past to see a video about his past.

Richard has been helping people not get scammed for years.

This hate for HEX is fucking cultish behavior. It's weird as fuck and totally ignores the facts.

>> No.16523371

fuck off back to r*ddit you absolute retard, at first i thought you were trolling but you're actually retarded

>> No.16523386

You are it. The fabled Marble Brain, the smoothest of all Smooth Brains.

>> No.16523397


pasta, you are so retarded that the only thing you do is copy paste

>> No.16523403
File: 404 KB, 1000x808, 1565163650839.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when you finally realised that all your money is lost, don't blame "whale manipulation" or whatever bullshit, remember this. it was obvious from the start, everyone here figured it out, you were the only retard here that fell for this weak scam. don't act like a victim, you're responsible for losing every single dollar you put into this

>> No.16523407

I love how fucktards eat it up despite it doing everything short of saying "LEL GIVE ME YOUR MONEY YOU DUMB FUCKS" in big bold font.

>> No.16523429

It's free if you have bitcoin you absolute fucking moron.

>> No.16523451

not worth the hassle it's locked in for a year who is to say it will have any value at all in a year. you also should move your coins to be safe which may cost more in tx fees than what you earn in hex.

nah it's all about the eth richard steals.

>> No.16523499

You throw around the word "steal" like it actually means something. You have brain worms. Not a single original thought happens in your head.

>> No.16523530

>You can't name a single reason why this is a scam except "where does the eth go lul" and some stupid shit about the OA as if it is unique to HEX.

>you can't name a single reason it is a scam AKA UNLICENSED SECURITIES OFFERING except that part where it literally is UNLICENSED SECURITIES OFFERING


>> No.16523560

this scam is too obvious even for /biz/.
/biz/ needs a complicated fake rationalization to be scammed, like decentralized oracles

>> No.16523585

I dont get it
>if you clamed btc you get literally dust
>if you spend eth you lsot allready 95% and i can buy 10x more per eth this moment
>cds produce value with money noone si buying this shit onyl vay fr value to go up is if beopel buying next 10 years lol

I mean anons are retarded as fuck

>> No.16523596

This just shows how dumb you are.

I recommend anyone that is interested to go to hex.win and the telegram channel. You can ask any question and you will find detailed answers.

>> No.16523601

the CD idea is so stupid

Yeah, it would be CD if it would pay out real ETH

Instead Richard gets ETH and you get to lock your useless HEX and get more % in useless HEX by locking it.

>> No.16523614

>I will just conveniently ignore the article that explains how this all is a huge scam: https://www.sec.gov/tcr

You dun goofed pajeet. You lost your money, accept the place of a dumb loser as your rightful fate. Know your place dumbasss.

>> No.16523616

>if you clamed btc you get literally dust
What if in a year that is valuable and no longer "dust". Why not just free claim. This makes absolutely no sense.

>if you spend eth you lsot allready 95% and i can buy 10x more per eth this moment
Price on exchances doesn't fucking matter. People get HEX on the AA, not exchanges. Again with the ignorance.

>cds produce value with money noone si buying this shit onyl vay fr value to go up is if beopel buying next 10 years lol
If you stake your hex, you get more guaranteed (it's in the code). Obviously, it doesn't have a real USD value until after AA (1 year).

>> No.16523640

No one is ignoring that stupid fucking medium article. It basically talks about the OA and how that makes it a scam... It doesn't. For one, it lied saying it is %45 percent when it is really about %30. And this isn't unique for HEX anyway.

The OA is used to help with things like supply. It's sort of keynesian economics. The OA is a good thing and helps HEX in the long-term. This is what people don't get because Richard can't tell them. If he says this in public then HEX won't be allowed on exchanges.

>> No.16523686
File: 16 KB, 1241x742, hex eth eos chart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16523745

Don't bother, they are too stupid to understand this.

>> No.16523838

too stupid to understand how rich Richard will get from his unlicensed securities offering? Yep

>> No.16523848

So you're mad that Richard built something awesome and got paid for it. That is fucking pathetic.

>> No.16523890

Where is the "something awesome" part expect where Richard gets rich?

Awesome for him, yeah, sure.

>> No.16523920

He built a blockchain CD (for hex) that works fucking awesome. The UI is good too. Lots of people are participating and having a good time.

We like Richard and we think he has built something great. So we support him and I have a feeling that a lot of people are going to be upset that they didn't free claim their btc this time next year.

Obviously, Richard deserves compensation. But, you can see the ETH address for yourself and it hasn't been touched.

Richard was already wealthy before he even built this. I suggest anyone to go to his YT and watch his livestream. Get to know the man and you will see that he just has a passion for crypto.

>> No.16523923
File: 44 KB, 1240x747, scam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's the hex one for comparison
i get that you're calling everyone stupid that brings up valid arguments while not having a single constructive thought this whole time. the sad thing is, you're so ignorant you won't learn a single thing from all this and will be the loudest one screaming "MANIPULATION" in a year when the long awaited token unlock comes and you realise that no matter how long you wait, your highly inflationary token will just be worth less and less over time. and before you ask again why this is a scam, it's simple: richard heart is the only person that will ever profit from this whole HEX scheme. literally every other person will lose money
>muh free BTC claim
you get 0.003% your btc value in hex tokens, noticed how almost nobody has claimed yet? now you know why

>> No.16523947

>He built a blockchain CD (for hex) that works fucking awesome.

yeah, I agree it works fucking awesome in making Richard rich, you are right

>> No.16523953

He could have not put his identity on this at all but he chose to do it.

No one actually believes they are getting their ETH back. You TRANSFORM your ETH into HEX. Then, when you have HEX in your wallet, you can stake that HEX and get more HEX after your stake has ended. That is a CD for HEX. No one thinks they are staking ETH and are going to get more ETH. It's all made very clear.

You can get HEX free using btc and it might not be as much as actually giving ETH to mint your own HEX (transform), but why would you expect to get just as much for free? It's still plenty. 1btc =10,000 HEX. If you stake that for a year, you might be really happy next year. It's just silly not to do it.

>> No.16523967

>long run

What kind fo faggot invests in anything apart from bonds and stocks in "long run"?

Degenerate Pajeet gamblers who failed to sell the pump or fell for a scam project, that is who. Fucking idiots and their sunk costs fallacy. No wonder India is such a shit country full of poo for brain streetshitter tards

>> No.16523981

Or, you might be completely rekt next year..

>> No.16523982

That graph you just made is the stupidest fucking thing I have seen all week. God help you child.

Plenty of people have free claimed LOL What are you talking about? A lot of btc holders weren't allowed to claim in the first place since we don't allow whales to dump on our heads. Mt Gox addresses are not allowed to free claim, for example.

>> No.16523994

How am I going to be rekt? You don't know anything about what I have invested in HEX. I had pretty large btc bags and I staked HEX for 1 years, 2 years, and 5 years (gave me 2x).

>> No.16524015


You sound like you are 13 years old.

You know absolutely nothing about it yet you have an opinion that you think has value.

>> No.16524022
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>> No.16524026

>That is a CD for HEX. No one thinks they are staking ETH and are going to get more ETH
but they think that the HEX they are getting will be worth as much or even more than what they bought it for. and that's 100% not going to happen, which is very obvious for everyone that's been in this market for longer than a few months. in reality the hex tokens will be worth close to nothing since there's not only no demand but richard hasn't even created a reason why there would be any demand for it in the future, he's not even acting like the usual ICO scam, he admits "i'm not promising anyone to make profit in this" because he knows otherwise there would be lawsuits coming
>It's just silly not to do it
you get 2.5$ for a btc. why would you bother? if you have $750k in btc, why would you bother doing all this shit for a mere $250? who gives a fuck about that? it's obvious why not even 1% of btc holders have claimed their hex yet. the whole HEX scheme i designed to make a ton of money with the "AA" scam

>> No.16524060

I didn't mean you specifically. Fair enough if you claimed it from BTC holdings. I'm not parting with ETH for this, though..

>> No.16524066

>You know absolutely nothing about it yet you have an opinion that you think has value.

That is an exact sentence structure that a bit higher paid Pajeet Mechanical Turk hired street shitter shitposter would type.

>> No.16524067


>> No.16524078

You don't know what the fuck is going to happen. No one knows. It's all speculation. Everyone knows not to put more in than you are willing to lose.

Every single day 500 million hex is made and over 88% of those hex have already been staked. Clearly, there is some fucking demand for this shit. Don't be retarded man. You are better than this.

We won't know how HEX is going to work out until this time next year when AA is over. Right now, the exchange price doesn't mean anything because most people are not buying from there.

> you get 2.5$ for a btc. why would you bother? if you have $750k in btc, why would you bother doing all this shit for a mere $250? who gives a fuck about that? it's obvious why not even 1% of btc holders have claimed their hex yet. the whole HEX scheme i designed to make a ton of money with the "AA" scam

You don't have to give up your btc. If you had btc in a wallet that you can sign, then you get HEX for free and it takes you literally 1 minute to free claim. You don't lose anything and it's free. And when you get your free hex, you can stake it for a year or more so you will get even more hex back after your stake ends. And by this time next year, AA will be over and the only place people will be able to buy hex is on exchanges. Even if you speculate that no one wants to buy hex (kinda stupid if you ask me considering all the people loving it right now), you might as well spend the minute to free claim just in case.

I don't really care if you do or not. I am just trying to help you faggots.

>> No.16524117

da fuck are you charting, you dumb fuck. it's ETH/EOS!

Nobody bought 1 hex for 0.12eth

>> No.16524137

I think he drew that shit in ms paint or something LOL

This is the kind of people we are working with here on 4chan. As an "oldfag", wtf happen to you faggots?

>> No.16524148


Yall niggas shilling this shit need jesus

>> No.16524151


we are going to make it hex bro, I'm going all in around day 60, what about you?

>> No.16524179

If I was shilling it, I would at least share my ref link. The level of hate that hex is getting is astonishing. Something interesting finally happens in crypto and all of a sudden the btc maximalist lose their goddam minds and get a massive hate boner that spreads and fucks all the pussies.

>> No.16524184


TOP KEK, I fucking love you dude

>> No.16524186

>No one knows
everyone with basic understanding of maths and market dynamics knows what's going to happen, that's the point. that's why everyone here that's calling you stupid is able to back up their arguments while you're just talking out of your ass since you don't understand how this shit works
> If you had btc in a wallet that you can sign, then you get HEX for free and it takes you literally 1 minute to free claim
the tutorial video alone takes like 5 minutes to watch, are you really arguing that it's worth claiming the free dust? i made 15 btc profit yesterday as you can see here >>16518762 , i admit that was the most profitable day i had all year, but still, i usually make like 100x as much with a few mouseclicks as i make by claiming that shit. as already said less than 1% of free hex have been claimed, for obvious reasons. one would be stupid to claim that little bit of dust, it's literally what you pay as trading fee on an exchange, no one cares about that amount

>> No.16524196

charting? are you retarded? i draw a red line over that shit. it's how the eth/hex ratio will look like. there's nothing hard to understand on that pic and you still failed

>> No.16524205

LOL look at this armchair economist lookin ass.

The free claim tutorial is 1 minute long you piece of shit.

>> No.16524222

I bet he spends moms money on btc and gets fucking wrecked trading every day.

>> No.16524231

ok i'm gone, since you're cocky in all your cluelessness i don't even feel bad about your misery. don't blame the others in a year, blame yourself. it was obvious from the start

>> No.16524245

Dude I have been into BTC since 2010. I will be okay. Have fun getting wrecked trading. You got lucky with Matic or whatever that stupid shit is called. You almost got wrecked.

>> No.16524290

you sound like that guy who would sell btc when it was 10 cents. Why bother?
a pizza costs a thousands of btc, why would I ever want to keep that?

>day 7 on exchange

don't be retarded and think of the timeline and proportions here.

>> No.16524332

yikes why u still discussing hat shit man
it's down 85% sincw the last time and you still talking the same bullshit how assblasted are you
you done goofed nigger move on

>> No.16524336

I am literally saying the opposite of that. Everyone else is saying hex is just dust. I am saying maybe not in a year after AA. And it's free. When you free claim, you get hex and it is auto stacked for a year which means you will get more. Then, this time next year you can no longer get hex on AA. You have to buy it from exchanges.

I did very well with btc but no need to go through those details on 4chan.

>> No.16524355

Again, price doesn't matter. No one is buying this shit on exchanges. You get it from AA and then you stake that shit. 88% of hex has been staked which leaves very little supply on exchanges.

Anyone can go and totally change the price on an exchange with about 2btc. That's how little this matters.

After AA, in 1 year, is when trading will start to happen. No one is trading this. HEX is against trading, that is the point.

I won't repeat myself again.

>> No.16524378


>btc was down 85% multiple times
>btc didn't have any value at all for the first year
>calling a coin shit after it's been out for 7 days

by that same logic eth/eos/xlm/bnb are shit. big brain thinking

>> No.16524387

As a software engineer, this makes me cringe so fucking hard that you believe this is logic.

>> No.16524393


How the fuck is this interesting? Its literally a richard payday

>> No.16524395

you do realise Richard would just send his money to AA and get all of that hex while keeping ETH right?

The peasants will never learn, that is why they deserve to be poor and take advantage of.

>> No.16524407

>by that same logic eth/eos/xlm/bnb are shit

eos xlm bnb are shit

>big brain thinking

street shitter Pajeet tier phrasing

>> No.16524408


But they all are. Lol you shitcoiners will never learn topkek

>> No.16524415

You can't seriously be this fucking stupid man. Plz tell me you were joking...

Just in case you weren't joking, you can see the eth address and you can verify if that is happening. But, i get it, funny joke man.

>> No.16524432
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>No one is buying this shit on exchanges. You get it from AA
yeah thats what im talkin about dumbass

>> No.16524448

It's a CD on a blockchain. I personally think that is pretty cool. This encourages HODL and less trading. This should reduce volatility and prevent things like what happened to MATIC.

If you don't think that is cool and have no interest in it, then fair enough. But, Richard is trying to create services that you get from a bank but instead of the blockchain. Because banks can go to hell.

>> No.16524469
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>it's down 85% sincw the last time and you still talking the same bullshit how assblasted are you
>you done goofed nigger move on

You said:
it's down 85% sincw the last time and you still talking the same bullshit how assblasted are you
you done goofed nigger move on

It isn't down 85%. You are too retarded to realize AA wasn't over yet and it's like ebay so everyone waits at the last minute. On day 1 everyone fomo'd but now it has stabilized.

>> No.16524482

And it's going to keep releasing 500 million hex every day for the next year. Over time, less and less people are going to get into AA and those will be the best time to throw in $1 and get a bunch of hex while no one is paying attention.

>> No.16524509

How does the btc claim work? You just link an address and you get free HEX right?
Is there a minimum amount of BTC that needs to be in your wallet?

>> No.16524523

Basically, you have to have btc in a wallet that you can sign. So if you have a ledger or something that works fine. You just connect it to electrum and use that to sign the message.

There is a claim tab on go.hex.win that makes this easy. Also, there is a video on the hex.win website that is only about 1 minute long.

There is no minimum amount.

>> No.16524529


No it’s not. It’s a scam.

>> No.16524536


BTW, the best place to learn about hex is in the telegram channel. You can find a link on the website. Lots of people there. Probably the most popular crypto community around right now.

>> No.16524537

you don't know about share price yet. staking early will give you better %

Share Price
In order to ensure that longer and larger stakes pay better over time, there is a pricing mechanism built into the contract. Every time a stake is ended the gains for that stake are calculated in the form of a share price which all future stakers will pay to convert their HEX into shares. An important note here is that HEX’s base unit is the Heart. Hearts are to HEX as Satoshis are to Bitcoin. There are 100,000,000 Hearts per HEX.

The share price at launch will be 1 share per Heart. The way the price moves is related to return on investment for a stake. For example, if on day 5 someone ends their stake and has a 20% gain, it translates into a share price of ~1.2 Hearts per share. If that user wishes to stake again, their Hearts will be divided by 1.2 to determine their number of shares.

>> No.16524550

I get that. Staking early is best which is why I have HEX from day 1.

>> No.16524552

thats 2$ right now for a whole btc aka 7k. LOLOLOLOL

>> No.16524555

So what's a fair market cap of hex on day 350?
10m? 100m?
Well we know its currently going for $.0003 a token
Assuming 250b tokens itll have a $75m marketcap

I bet well see $.0001 by day 200
Day 1/2 buyers got rekt

>> No.16524562

But I still think it's a good idea to put in $1 in the AA if not many people are using it.

>> No.16524577

It's impossible to know at this point.

Someone realesed a chart showing when people's stakes are ending and it's all over the place for the next 5 years. A lot more people are staking longer than I thought.

Also, it depends on what the OA is going to do. It could try to reduce supply on day 350. Oh and most people aren't going to end stake until day 353. So, there are a lot of variables here.

>> No.16524585

wtf are you talking about?

>> No.16524644


Why would i care? It’s a scam.

>> No.16524649

i could probably buy more now on the exchange than you will ever get from staking. but i won´t, exchanging eth for shitcoins (this is most awesome shitcoin after biconnect to date), is so 2017. at some point you can probably buy at 1 gwei, lets wait for that.

>> No.16524662


Why dont you want to learn about zux bux dude? Its 2x the returns of hex guatanteed. Here check it out man


>> No.16524689

sounds interesting, is there a link to the contract address?

>> No.16524691

It's not that much better than what is on AA. last time I looked on bidesk, it was like 500k for 1eth. No thanks. You can do similar on AA and you don't have to go to a shitty exchange to do it.

And if you did get that much, you would want to stake it for at least a year to be able to get the bigpayday bonus. Also, hex isn't worth shit right now so you might as well stake it. After AA is over, you will only be able to purchase hex on an exchange.

I get it, you are a btc maximalist that hates "shitcoins". ETH is much better than btc by the way but you are too much of a faggot to see the facts.

>> No.16524701

I love a good joke but this one is just retarded.

>> No.16524704

>you can verify it is happening

You know Richard has millions, right? So that ETH going into AA might as well be his.

After the year, once all the idiot Pajeets have spent their ETH, he will begin moving it out.

> But, i get it, funny joke man.

Fuck, I hate these street shitter curry Engrish phrases so much. I bet he is paying you something like 0.10 cents an hour to post these or better yet - paying in HEX LOL! You are pathetic, kill yourself.

>> No.16524706


Yes just send your bitcoins here


>> No.16524717


Still better than hex

>> No.16524740

you dont get it do you, the supply will be so deluded, that it will be worth jack shit and anyone with a dollar will be able to buy the same amount after or during the year, as the dumb people who put in eth every day or staked.

>> No.16524770

good one dude

your family tree must be a circle.

>> No.16524784

Share Price
In order to ensure that longer and larger stakes pay better over time, there is a pricing mechanism built into the contract. Every time a stake is ended the gains for that stake are calculated in the form of a share price which all future stakers will pay to convert their HEX into shares. An important note here is that HEX’s base unit is the Heart. Hearts are to HEX as Satoshis are to Bitcoin. There are 100,000,000 Hearts per HEX.

The share price at launch will be 1 share per Heart. The way the price moves is related to return on investment for a stake. For example, if on day 5 someone ends their stake and has a 20% gain, it translates into a share price of ~1.2 Hearts per share. If that user wishes to stake again, their Hearts will be divided by 1.2 to determine their number of shares.

>> No.16524785

Again, why do people like you talk about shit they don't understand as if what you say has value and authority?

When you steak, your burn the coins which reduces supply. Total Supply is just what is in circulation. Like I said, 88% of all hex is being staked and so that hex doesn't exists.

Also, the OA can stake as well to reduce supply. Think federal reserve or something.

>> No.16524796

HEX will go to the moon. Dumb and ignorant Pajeet holders who hold Matic are mad cause their bags will see less interest over time. Anyone who is smart will buy HEX because it can only go up thanks to locked coins.

>> No.16524841

It works exactly like that, and no there's no minimum amount.

>> No.16524877
File: 38 KB, 450x450, 1547728432089.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>When you steak, your burn the coins which reduces supply
>Total Supply is just what is in circulation
>Total Supply
>is just what is in circulation
holy mother of keks you have to be a comedian at this point

>> No.16524905

The fact that I accidentally misspelled "stake" or did I say something not true?

>> No.16524957

You have been fooled so hard it's painful. You're either 18 years old and it's good that you lose a little money this early so you can learn or you're below average IQ and you will fall for this shit all your life. You are repeating 100% of what he's saying without forming a single original thought. Just think about what you're doing, you're giving a guy actually valuable ETH for a token he minted out of nowhere and that will get shit out every single day for actual dust prices. It does not produce any value whatsoever. It just pays fake interest for fake time deposits. It's nothing real, you get tokens from an infinite pool which makes them completely worthless. His scheme worked already, he made millions. Just cut your losses and try to sell into.that 2 BTC order book.

>> No.16524968

you don't know what staking means, you don't know what burning means, you don't know what total supply means, and you don't know what circulating supply means
all of that is basic shitcoin knowledge anyone that's been here for more than a month knows
you're probably the biggest newbie on /biz/
and still you're being cocky and say shit like "people like you talk about shit they don't understand" while you're the embodiment of that
just quit posting here, lurk for a year atleast before embarrassing yourself

>> No.16524975

so the price is at 2 sats only with 90% staked (staked is not burned) and they all get unlocked after 365 days? did you actually thought that through yourself? imagine what will happen after exactly 1 year. think. i´ll wait

>> No.16524993

They won't all be unlocked after 365 days. They are locked for variable lengths decided upon by each staker.

>> No.16525034


At least its not a scam? TOPKEK

>> No.16525062

Listen brainwashed HEXXIES

here you get 2x the returns! A superior scam! Jump on board NOW!

Here is the origin address to deposit your crappy bitcoins!



>> No.16525087

if you had the platform to reach as many people as richard's youtube account, you could probably also make a mil or two with that, it doesn't look much worse than hex

>> No.16526298

The guy who posts pro HEX doesn’t s the same person or a bot in every thread

Don’t believe it? On waruso search “shampoo bottle instructions” it’s an insult he tries to use every time LOL


>> No.16526563
File: 388 KB, 1554x2048, Screenshot_20191211-144005.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's this pattern called?

>> No.16526586

Heart Attack

>> No.16526756

This. Same faggot is shilling also MTV and other similar useless scamcoins.

>> No.16526908

yeah, nah lole