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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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16480347 No.16480347[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Polyamorous Woman Says All 4 Husbands Will Raise Baby of Unknown Father "As A Family"

How to profit from this?

>> No.16480359


>> No.16480361

She didn't age well

>> No.16480377

how is this business and finance?

>> No.16480378
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>> No.16480381


>> No.16480388

i hope it comes out black

>> No.16480391

The onions with glasses top right is the daddy

I’m sad I looked

>> No.16480398
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>> No.16480409
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giga roastie
because i want to know how to profit from roastie polyamory

>> No.16480415

even a nigger wouldnt hit that

>> No.16480421
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>> No.16480451

this family is retard central.

>> No.16480461



>> No.16480467
File: 83 KB, 634x590, 6D876871-9370-4B51-9DE0-09D79EC4F965.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

be more open minded anon

>> No.16480479

>that thing is 20 years old

>> No.16480481

This is why flat earth is a thing desu

>> No.16480502

Imagine having a son that ends up like this

>> No.16480523

I am just thinking of those dudes, how they'd talk about it all to co-workers for example, or just in general. The hell is wrong with them. They even look exactly like a simp or cuck-old.

>> No.16480558

>All 4 husbands will raise baby of unknown father

>> No.16480567

> all of those guys cucking each other over THAT THING
wtf is going on vros

>> No.16480569

Over-socialization can run pretty deep, it took me a while to figure shit out. But I can’t imagine waking up next to that tattooed hog when it’s your turn and not having any impulse to snuff her out

>> No.16480575

I have no moral hangups about polyamory but the shit does not work. Also it would be really interesting to see how this works legally. I assume none of them will marry and nobody will have to pay child support if they leave.

>> No.16480578

Sell ropes. Disgusting shit.

>> No.16480580
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So they all have permission to stuff her at ANY time?

>> No.16480591

Look at those mongs, each having distinguishable features. They'll know who the real father is pretty soon. Poor kid is going to get brutally ridiculed by his peers as soon as someone digs out this article in future.

>> No.16480592

fr bruh
what u mean?
i guess ginger is the father but ya right

>> No.16480619

says she wants them to have more women but all just bang her lol
how would u even end up in its bed
I'm guessing she decides
At least the kid will have 4 sources of income for his nintendo and star wars items

>> No.16480662

Makes me sick

>> No.16480664
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Damn that's hot in mind but those pics are fucked. Spineless basedbots

>> No.16480736

I'd rather not look at ugly people and non-business related garbage on /biz/.

>> No.16480750

How is it possible to look like 60 in 20?

>> No.16480800

White woman that's how
/pol/tards on this board will reeeee about muh race muh genes but I would rather wake up next to a loyal nymph Asian woman who looks like she 20 when shes 40 vs a white roastie who hit her prime when she's 15 also taken a shit ton of nigger dick

>> No.16480804
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I grow weary of this world.

>> No.16480805

These stories are usually fake. Think about it, even if it were true how and why would this get picked up and published as a story? There's a (((motive))) behind this garbage

>> No.16480824

Nah it's the future of the white race.

>> No.16480836

i cant. i seriously cant. my beautiful baby boy ending up as a puny dog fighting over a bloated whale is too heartbreaking

>> No.16480850
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is she /ourgirl/ biz

>> No.16480856

You never see attractive people in these type of relationships

>> No.16480860

Those all look like /biz posters except one of them somehow managed to get pussy and continue its genetic line. Lol at you.

>> No.16480871

the lowest tier of biz/nessmen wouldnt associate with that thing

>> No.16480872

Make fun of them all you want but those guys are having sex and you incels aren’t.

>> No.16480891

>having no standards BUT at least hes having sex incels
retard. id rather fuck a guy than that thing.

>> No.16480895


>> No.16480900
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>> No.16480903

How can you not have moral hangups? Normal people both have the drive to want more and not to want more. But the polyamorous choose vice over virtue consciously. Because, while already having one partner (instead of none), they want more. And so they also argue "I know there will be jealousy, but... I suppress jealousy and choose vice over virtue." And they do so actively, maybe mindlessly. It's completely irreconcilable with ethics/morals by definition. Moreso shouldn't you expect for these kind of people to tolerate you later on. Because they have no concept of ethics/morals. So it's not only irreconcilable to tolerate, but also naive and stupid.

>> No.16480919
File: 628 KB, 2160x1920, Mahou-Shoujo-Madoka-Magica-Madoka-Kaname-Homura-Akemi.Android-wallpaper-2160x1920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A completely different thing would be, of course, to have multiple cute 2d waifu robots. Because only taking one would be unfair towards all the other cute waifus that exist.

This is the future for incels and incels will like it.

>> No.16480980

Yes, that's one of the messages being pushed by this psyop.

How would this story appear different if all the guys were black?
If the genders were switched?
What if all the participants were good looking? Upper class or wealthy?
There are several messages being subtly pushed by this type of propaganda

>> No.16481000
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If only you knew how bad things really are

>> No.16481048

Don't know where you live to consider it white but she look mixed as hell to me.

>> No.16481081

Almost 100% probability these sexually frustrated and mentally deficient autists will rape the child.

>> No.16481132
File: 1.52 MB, 2000x2500, photo-1546567460-d005b1751f46.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

every single one of the people in these pictures are remarkably disgusting; the woman looks like some variation of a female le 56%

if any of you /biz/ autists find everything about this scenario to be disgusting, you'd BETTER have some fucking kids of your own

>> No.16481135

why do all 4 guys look like the ONIONS mouthed cartoon characters? >>16480664
Also mad respect to that woman for locking in 4 guys when she looks like a Greek Aunt who works as a librarian.

Go long on relationship counseling, family therapists.
If you see a guy who looks like pic related, assume that he's open to sharing his wife. I'm sure this has financial implications, but I'm not quite sure what they are yet.

>> No.16481265

>that smug look when she chose you to procreate because you're less beta than her other boyfriends

>> No.16481407


make it so

so anyone not holding Ferrum?

>> No.16481455

How is this legal but polygamy makes everyone shit their pants?

>> No.16481471

Underrated post

>> No.16481790


>> No.16481812

Imagine having 4 fathers that are combined less masculine than your whore mother

>> No.16481823

I don't believe you need to be married/divorced to get stuck with child support.

>> No.16481846

These niggas gonna all be paying child support I bet.

>> No.16481859

is that woman white though? She looks like she has some latin or other "POC" background. or maybe she's just italian lol

>> No.16481871

lmao he does look the least like a pile of beta shit, like a bargain bin ginger Edward Snowden

>> No.16481950

Sell shirts that say "I love my 4 husbands/wives" idk, stop pretending this isn't a /pol/ thread and fuck off. I doubt you would have enough money to fund such an operation anyway.

>> No.16482072

Having a son would be bad but imagine how fucked up a daughter growing up in that environment will be.

>> No.16482676

He looks like middle age European aristocracy, the devastation of inbreeding.

>> No.16482716

Followed by being publicly shamed online. Sad!
It’s not like they’re going to be hard to manipulate
Hope they don’t go in dry

>> No.16482766

That's one of your based Zoomers, newfriend

>> No.16482805
File: 105 KB, 640x1048, BCB18A04-5317-4E7C-9814-CC65861EE2F7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

his nails are polished aaahhhhhhhh

>> No.16482834


>> No.16482850

A simple DNA matching test can be done once the baby is out and one of them will know for sure, then watch the real jealousy happen.

>> No.16482852

You need the rope

>> No.16482922
File: 241 KB, 890x854, 1567791864136.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How thirsty does a man have to be in oder to share a 3/10 slut with three other men? How? I don't get it.

>> No.16482947

That's actually a good solution: 80% of women get fucked by chad, and incels get a turn with sub par women like her. Incels get to fuck and even to breed.
That's better and more sane than the incels get transexual and get fucked by black solution.

>> No.16482979
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>> No.16483123

uhhhh how is CPS not on this? I live in Switzerland and there's no fucking way anyone except maybe some Saudi Oil prince who's visiting with his 3 wives who greases everybody would be allowed to do shit like this, any kid with """""polyamorous""""" parents would be taken away by our version of CPS

>> No.16483126

>Despite being in an open relationship, Tory is currently the only one who has multiple romantic partners.

>However she says that her boyfriends are 'welcome' to pursue other people.

>> No.16483137

>hitler dubs
ahahahahaahahahaha even Kek is with you on this

>> No.16483139

article says she's already engaged to one of the 4

>> No.16483142

That's the face I see when I read the rebuttel 'have sex'.

>> No.16483154

Have sex

>> No.16483183

/ourgirl/ 100%

>> No.16483194

this is what total domination of the soul looks like

>> No.16483239

100$ say that he's probably the only one with a stable job and will get divorce raped somewhere down the line

>> No.16483251
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>all four went away together
>mfw she cucked all of them with some other cuck

>> No.16483264

of course

>> No.16483274

>Spare wars
You have brought great shame to our clan of bowlers. Turn in your USBC membership card and never return.

>> No.16483288

The fuck is she 20 years old? I'm 39 and I look younger than that.

>> No.16483333

That's the most British smile i've ever seen.

>> No.16483379


>> No.16483385

that's the smile of someone who can't wait to have a daughter

>> No.16483476

Find a story where a bunch of chads are taking care of an ugly as fuck woman and her child. I bet the story doesn't exist.

>> No.16483494

Best sperm wins

>> No.16483499

Way more people in the west are ok with polygamy than ever before? Last i read 8% of americans being ok rose to 16%. Polygamy is gaining steam thanks to tinder.

>> No.16483545

a mystery method loser. he has been studying tricks to get ahead of the others. he's happy because it workded: she didn't take the pill with him, unlike her fiancee >>16480900

>> No.16483561

>Way more people in the west are ok with polygamy than ever before?
Because religion is declining.

>> No.16483567

holy fuck i just saw that too...very unsettling

>> No.16483607

It's ok, without that solution you'd just have more violent incel mass murderers

>> No.16483609

You just know these cucks go down on her while the other guys loads are still dripping out

>> No.16483649

Hopefully one of those faggots have AIDS so they can give it to the mother and all die and give the baby to another family

>> No.16483653

Lmao, this guy even gets his fingernail painted

>> No.16483656

literally impossible

>> No.16483885

>How is CPS not on this
They don't respond to fictional stories