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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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16457385 No.16457385 [Reply] [Original]

Banning people left right and center! Reason why they are exit scamming found here:

>> No.16457396


>> No.16457397


>> No.16457401

Haha get fucked spamming fucks

>> No.16457439
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Get fucked

>> No.16457447


>> No.16457453
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>> No.16457459

OP this is fucking pathetic lmao

>> No.16457461


He's gone too, like the rest of the ico scammers.

>> No.16457477

You bought the wrong thing, you're supposed to be buying / burning FACTOM for Pegnet. Are you not paying attention?

>> No.16457515


>> No.16457812

Fantom team 2018

Fantom team 2019

Two totally different teams. Koreans are out and taken over/ or have been exit scamming long time ago

>> No.16457856

Team moved and hidden as well as possible
Fantom.foundation/foundation /

At least CEO is out and scrubbed, no information from fantom, guess a lot of other people leaving fantom now. Zero update from FTM, if you ask or hint about it, you will be instabanned. What the hell is going on?

>> No.16457871

Btc devs gone...eth devs gone....ripple original devs gone

>> No.16457888

BTC is a static product no comparison to smart cities bla, bla. ETH Vitalik and core devs still there, Ripple I couldn't care less. Fantom is one hell of a mess. I have stack, not my largest, but I am market selling.

>> No.16457906


>> No.16457929

>still holding and believing biz‘ july pnd flavor of the month
You’re not serious right. Topkek Kys idiots.

>> No.16458008

nice fud. btw, MAINNET IS LIVE RIGHT FUCKING NOW. just thought you might like to know

>> No.16458041

Care to post evidence of 30K tps? No?

>> No.16458152

Where is the promised TPS? Nothing fucking kek. I enjoy that shit show so much

>> No.16458187

All this high level fud is getting.me bullish as fuck.

>> No.16458254

try 80k motherfucker. fudders BTFO. /thread

>> No.16458351

Go ahead monkeyman. Post evidence for 80K tps. So glad I am out of the fucking Fantom Zoo, took me waaaayyy to long to figure out it was a scam.

>> No.16458437
File: 140 KB, 514x864, The Team.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you mean?

Seems fine to me https://fantom.foundation/foundation/

How about get some better fud? Oh wait, there is none. That's why you use this low quality shit.

>> No.16458542


Fantom team 2018

Fantom team 2019

Two totally different teams. Koreans are out and taken over/ or have been exit scamming long time ago

Team moved and hidden as well as possible
Fantom.foundation/foundation /

At least CEO is out and scrubbed, no information from fantom, guess a lot of other people leaving fantom now. Zero update from FTM, if you ask or hint about it, you will be instabanned. What the hell is going on?

>> No.16458656

Andre had that Doctor kicked out cause he was a worthless pos just collecting his paycheck. When they overhauled finances in March they kicked him out.

>> No.16458673
File: 6 KB, 150x150, 14295594_1748281335424644_957966875_a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn, i never realized how many russians are on the fantom team. i actually fell for the "chink scamcoin" fud. this is bullish for me

>> No.16458710

Koreans that gave the fake vision and 300 000 tps bullshit are all gone. They became insanely rich for nothing, exited and hired cheap Russians to produce something while they were dumping on investors. There is no way in hell that Russians can fulfill the crazy claims by the Koreans, but they don't care. They didn't make all the bullshit promises and visions, and they just want their money so they can live like kings in Russia for the rest of their lives. Naive biz investors will be burned.

>> No.16458732

shit nigga, did you go to fud college or something? how do you come up with this shit?

>> No.16458747

Koreans are exitscamming all got fired
Now it's a fresh team working on real development.

Calm your balls

>> No.16458765

That's a two year setback. Meaning at best they are two years behind competitors. Worse, Koreans exit scamming because they know there is NO way in hell they can fulfill all the crazy promises they made to the naive investors. You can't just scramble an ad hoc team on top an exit scam and suddenly beat all the best dev communities in the whole wide world. That's Bitconnect thinking. Get out while you can. I market sold today. Doubt very much that I will regret that.

>> No.16458768
File: 41 KB, 374x356, fantombags.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> 300K TPS


>> No.16458780

>Winkelvoss twins gone, Max Keiser gone

>> No.16458787
File: 59 KB, 636x700, 1574295899988.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you please show timestamp and hand to show us why you are providing this entertainment for us?

>> No.16458809

12 fud posts but he won't show us that brown hand, i guarantee

>> No.16458869

OK, you got me. I am a Negro with no education, illegal alien in India, living in the streets of Bombay with chronic diarrhea all day long. OK? Now what?

>> No.16458913
File: 23 KB, 347x1023, 1574115109329.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now you tell us how much you get paid to fud.

>> No.16458957

I find it pretty funny like all of you dumb shitheads demand 30k tps :D The chain runs on like 5 transactions in the complete day. Do you know that there is not a single chain out there which solves the Trilemma problem?

>> No.16458960

Central banks and the Jews behind them are living as parasites on regular people. I want crypto space to be an alternative, so I want to have a clean crypto space with no more Bitconnect and other disasters scaring normies away. To believe that someone is getting paid for fudding is insane.

>> No.16458967

I am rich enough to do whatever the hell I want all day. No need to get paid. You must be a newfag.

>> No.16459195

Back to plebbit you go.

>> No.16459235

OK, boomer. Day of the pillow, when?

>> No.16459352

>OK, you got me. I am a Negro with no education, illegal alien in India, living in the streets of Bombay with chronic diarrhea all day long. OK? Now what?
now you post hand, santosh

>> No.16459414

I was going to buy this but I bought online drugs instead

>I make better financial decisions than fanties

>> No.16459544

You got me, I am Indian. Now what? Can you fantom idiots then stop rambling about hands?

>> No.16459754

>insanely rich.
The fucking price has dropped since the ico dumbass. All this fud is literal desperation from seething kikes who do not by any fucking means want you to become dummy rich. We’re going to fucking make it!!

>> No.16459786

>ico dumbass
Did the team and foundation buy ICO moron? First they got your ICO millions, then they were dumping on you all the FTMs they got for free.

>> No.16459857

Explain to me why they would dump at a fucking lost you mongoloid. They would have sold before any partnerships or anything was announced. Fucking trench brain