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16438466 No.16438466 [Reply] [Original]

- Right next to China, Japan and Korea
- Siberian Tigers in the forest
- Population mix of white russians and east asians ( no negroes or muslims)
- 600k population (perfect size)
- Far away from the degenerate west

How to move to Russia´s far east?

>> No.16438470

off topic
wrong board

>> No.16438488

I´m curious to know about job opportunities, so it´s business related

>> No.16438500

I'm guessing you're best bet is the maritime industry, specifically offshore drill rig construction, which is highly internationalized (I just found out that Singapore and Russia have a joint venture based on Vladivostok).

Since you are here asking, I am guessing you don't have skills in that area at all. It would also help a lot to do anything else if you spoke Russian. Good luck on both.

>> No.16438506

There’s an American embassy there. You could join the foreign service

>> No.16438522

isn't that part China feels like Russia stole from them?
China expands first city they take is Vladivostok.

>> No.16438528

Vladivostok was first named in 1859 along with other features in the Peter the Great Gulf area by Nikolay Muravyov-Amursky. The name first applied to the bay but, following an expedition by Alexey Shefner in 1860, was applied to the new settlement.[13]

In Chinese, the place where the city is situated nowadays has been known since the Qing dynasty as Haishenwai (海參崴, Hǎishēnwǎi), from the Manchu Haišenwai (Manchu: ᡥᠠᡳᡧᡝᠨᠸᡝᡳ;Möllendorff: Haišenwai;Abkai: Haixenwai) or "small seaside village".[14]

In modern-day China, Vladivostok is officially known by the transliteration 符拉迪沃斯托克 (Fúlādíwòsītuōkè), although the historical Chinese name 海參崴 (Hǎishēnwǎi) is still often used in common parlance and outside mainland China to refer to the city.[15][16] According to the provisions of the Chinese government, all maps published in China have to bracket the city's Chinese name.

>> No.16438533

Thanks. It´s a long term goal. I only have a econ degree right now. I know the first step is to learn Russian. I want to get far away from the sinking ship that is called europe, and I like being close to east asia

>> No.16438566

another cucked weaboo leaves europe lol

>> No.16438572

visit it first. if you like it - best option would be to work from home for western clients and you will be comfy even making just $500/month since ruble is weak and the prices are rather low

>> No.16438601

Im not a weaboo and im not cucked. Europe is going down the shitter and living here makes me depressed. Culture in western europe sucks too imo. I´m gonna start learning russian and then visit the city. While burgerland and europe decend into civil war, I will be super comfy

>> No.16438610

Yes, that sounds like a good option. Im also considering buying a few more xtz and then start a staking operation. I also plan to sell music on the internet and I can do that from everywhere in the world

>> No.16438617

>I also plan to sell music on the internet
great. i'll fax you over an order.

>> No.16438630

what country do u live in that is making you so depressed?

>> No.16438643

>Far away from the degenerate west
you're never far away from this no matter where you go. russians use iphones and listen to hiphop now. it's fucking revolting

>> No.16438667

Norway. I don´t see a good future for norway and the rest of wester europe. And to know that I´m living on a ship that is sinking is making me depressed

>> No.16438676

again, you should visit first. i’m not saying it’s not developed or shithole or something but i feel you might be a bit deluded now

>> No.16438717

Yes, you are right. Im gonna work on the preparations over the next few years, so I can be ready to move later. Norway is a good functional country, but something is wrong here.

>> No.16439028

It would be war, then- it’s a strategic port.

>> No.16439033


>mix of white russians

they're all ukranians

>> No.16439069

U r retarded

>> No.16439124

Stop im a hohol who also wants to move to Ukraine or Russia and speak Russian fluently. I'm a chemist too

>> No.16439161

>тyпыe aмepибляди

>> No.16439187
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Saint Petersburg is also looking like a nice city, but a little too big for my taste.
Vladivostok have siberian tigers, tokyo and pandas nearby. And it´s by the ocean which is a must for me

>> No.16439215

no no ukraine dont need ruskie speakers, go to russia, faggot

>> No.16439223


>> No.16439232

Do you speak Russian?

>> No.16439242
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It’s a shit place to live (so is the rest of pidoRussia)
Don’t do it man. Russia is a place where the wicked are punished for sins committed in previous lives.

>> No.16439254
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>degenerate west
I always laugh when I read shit like that from westerners
Have you seen Russia’s stats on alcohol consumption, murder rate, abortion rates, hiv rates ahahaha
You have internet yet you refuse to use it fag.

>> No.16439280

Norway had Brewick.
Russians are cucked more than Europe in this regard.
Something like Christchurch shooting could never happen here. Maybe It’s for the better bc muzzies will absolutely win.
A couple of weeks ago a tatarian recruit in the russkie army shot dead like 7 russians who made fun of him
“dedovshina” is still a thing here.

>> No.16439281

Imagine moving from Western Europe to fucking Eastern Russian because you think you'll somehow be less depressed there and that it's less "degenerate". It's a fucking shithole and the locals will think you're insane for moving there.

>> No.16439291
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He is deluded big time.

>> No.16439304

They hate Asians there https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/race-hatred-simmering-in-vladivostok-chinese-who-are-trading-in-the-former-closed-soviet-city-are-1431205.html

>> No.16439310

It's a shit city, just stick to Moscow and St. Petersburg

>> No.16439318

Can confirm. I’m a local and this varangian is insane.

>> No.16439333

He needs to stick outside of Russia. As far west as possible.

>> No.16439371

блядь и тyт вы

>> No.16439380

Кaк и зa гpaницeй, пидepaхи нe любят дpyг-дpyгa нa инocтpaнных фopyмaх....
Bпpoчeм ничo нoвoгo
A вeдь нaдo пpocтo пepecтaть ccaть хaчeй, pycaчки...

>> No.16439396

Imagine leaving one of the richest nations in the world to move to a failing state that's one step away from dictatorship.

You're a retard who knows nothing about the real world and spends to much time on /pol/.

Russia is a fucking shithole compared to Norway. Wages are literally 1/10 what you can make in Norway. Your just a kid thinking that Russia would be good, but it's trash.

>> No.16439407
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Just being a citizen of Norway means you have already made it.

>> No.16439439
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I always like seeing retards like this with goofy nonsensical grasp on world.
Makes me feel better about my life.

>> No.16439464

>one step away from dictatorship.
>he doesn’t know

>> No.16439474

Ктo мы?
Pyccкиe пoвcюдy aнoн
Бaзoвый фaнaт Oлдфишep

Just let him come here anon
I personally know few cases of foreigners committing suicide after coming to Russia to live here and open bussiness. Meybe he will be another one.
Natural selection u know

>> No.16439683


>> No.16439697

The average iq in Norway is dropping every day. In 10 years we will be nust as bad as Sweden, and sweden is a shithole. Thats why I´m searching for business opportunities elsewhere

I would say norway is good for now, but it won´t be good for too long. But yes maybe the grass is always greener.

>> No.16439783

>Europe is going down the shitter and living here makes me depressed.
Belgian here, can confirm.
Muzzies are already taking over and coming in at an extremely high rate, and people unironically want them to come in faster.
It's over, no two ways about it.

>> No.16440060

Did you know that Breivik was Jewish and that the shooting was staged?

>> No.16440086

it literally does not get better than norway you imbecile

>> No.16440098

Don't treat the locals as your equal (especially males) and you will be ok.

>> No.16440137

>he fell for the poltard memes of "muh civil war anytime now"

>> No.16440221

I was born in kiev and have lots of family there

>> No.16440252

>Don't treat the locals as your equal (especially males) and you will be ok.
>Gets beaten/crippled/murdered

>> No.16440342

Doesn’t matter.
The victims both in Norway and New Zealand are real.

>> No.16440363
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>> No.16440418

Nice evidence you got there
Victims of 9/11 are fake as well?

>> No.16440504

correct to write kyiv, stupid hohol.
we dont care what do u have , deportation ur ruskie family to russia. ukraine for white ukrainians and hot scandinavs

>> No.16440600
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>off topic
>wrong board

>> No.16440614
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>> No.16440626

If china attacks Russia, usa better side with Russia.

>> No.16440665
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>Crimean war

>> No.16440796

Left > right
By a long shot.

>> No.16440862

There were no victims, it was staged.

>> No.16441094

>hiv rates

>> No.16441163

go there first. it's shit. go to moscow. or harbin, china (cheap hookers, great food, less shit winter)

>> No.16441395

Amazing that you fucktards don't realise that Europe is market for civil war at best.

What's coming in 5-10 will make WW2 look like a peaceful solution.

>> No.16441418

You first degenerate faggot.

>> No.16441440

Highly doubt that. They'll rather lick your ass than intimidate you once they learn that you are a White Man. It's pretty much the same mindset the Chinese have.

>> No.16441525

Yes, I´m gonna visit some time. Maybe I will do the last year of my econ degree in Korea which is also an interesting country. Im gonna work towards making money on the interwebs

>> No.16441658

>Highly doubt that.
THen you are extremely wrong
Also Ive seen 1 guy getting hit with a knife cuz he looked at the guy "wrong way"

In Russia you are either humble or you fuck off/get rekt. Especially outside of Moscow
But you are probably another westcuck gayropean who lives in a bubble and knows nothing about world around him

>> No.16441672

Why? You'll both be nuking each other within a week. I live in Seattle and I don't want any part of that.

>> No.16442034

Are you going to hug at take selfies with pandas?

>> No.16442078

You sound like a Jew and your comments are utter rubbish.

>> No.16442105

I am Norwegian as well, several guys from Hegnar online moved to Russia and they are very happy there. Many of them became millionaires and said that they could not have done it in Norway due to taxes, bureaucracy, but also political corruption (if you are conservative you will get harassed in Norway by the state, NGOs, labour unions etc). I am planning to to do the same. Good luck, anon.

>> No.16442160

>white russians
Anon.... I......

>> No.16442166

Nothing will happen faggot.
We had 5 years of hardcore sandmonkey killing and raping yet europeans weren't even assed to elect a far right (lite) leader in germany or france.

Incels like you have wild fantasies of civil war because you're an absolute loser, you're no different from commies and their myths of reset and glorious revolution not realizing you would be the first to die because you have no skills, no assets, nor relations.

Things will keep sinking for another century if not more, Rome took 200 years to fall, it will be no different here, especially as escapism will go in overdrive with VR and automation will bolster consumerism even more, sedating the masses from any dissident thoughts.

>> No.16442180


>> No.16442284

Takker og lykke til

>> No.16442721

I can understand the draw in many ways, though like other anons ITT I would voice caution about finding what you want in Russia. You may think Norway is degenerate, but I think you'll find Russia less hospitable in terms of amenities all the same. With that said, now that I know you're from Norway, oil rig construction seems like a natural fit for you kek.

>> No.16442921

>Angela Merkel in power for 16 years
crying about "dictatorships"
also, the common people are not rich in western Europe.
and money is definitely not everything.

>> No.16442928

then get the fuck out faggot

>> No.16442971

lol enjoy being a second class citizen to Ahmed and Goldowitz.

>> No.16442999

How is being next to China a good thing?

>> No.16443018

>breeding out Turks and de-Islamicising them
what's your problem?

>> No.16443021

Forget about getting a job locally in Slavic countries, it's not worth it.
You'll make more if you learn some e-trade and make money on the internet.
You can meet new people in martial arts training and other activities instead.

>> No.16443565


> Using incel to discredit

Sounds pretty Hebraic to me Shlomo.

It's almost like you don't understand how the pendulum changes direction.

>> No.16443956

Top earners in Moscow earn more money than top earners in some first world countries. Moscow and St. Petersburg are like almost their own countries inside of Russia and almost all money flows to them, especially Moscow. It's a big problem. They should take care of and develop every major city.

>> No.16444084

the problem in yoiur reasoning is looking too much at the short term conditions
sure europe is going down the drain and will face some bad times ahead, but it will get better, geography dictates that western europe will be one of the premier places of civilization in the future
russia on the otherhand has historical been shit to live in and being russian is about the most depressing life you can wish for
seriously visit before relocating and see how much you like it, you also think moscow is going to be able to hang on to eastern siberia in the coming years

>> No.16444286

I've never been there but to this day I don't understand when people complain about Russia being a shithole. Every woman is a 9, the gender ratios are better than almost anywhere in the world, demographics are still OK, and the culture outside the big cities seems pretty based relative to the cucked west.

What's the problem exactly? Can't stop yourself from drinking yourself to death?

>> No.16444318

And how did they become millionaires?

>> No.16444472

You’re not even trying

>> No.16444479

They don’t know they’re visibly nonwhite like finns.

>> No.16444503

You have ahmed and solomon here in Russia.
You know what you don’t have? Normal wages like in Norway.

>> No.16444583
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You’re a delusional faggot. You don’t even try.
So let me break it down for you.
>Every woman is a 9
No. Out of 1000 women aged 14-20 only ten are somewhat fuckable. And they’re all taken too.
Pic is what an average girl looks like around here.
>gender ratios
If you’re into babushkas, sure. Otherwise ? Heh.
There’s always a couple of thousand men more than females aged 14-30.
Take into account that even a 25yo guy competes for prime teen pussy and you’ll get the idea that it’s a shitshow.
>demographics are still OK
Slavic regions are dying out, 2mln shitskin guest workers for 2019 alone, year real good. Many of them stay, they just use sham marriage.
Also Putin made it easy to obtain russian passport like a month ago.
In October the government was seriously considering uzbeks and tajiks as possible doctors because russians don’t want to slave for 300$ a month being a doctor, but tajiks do.

Drinking is a minuscule problem compared to our abortion rates, crime rates, shit wages and shit weather year round.

>> No.16444629

>pic related is what the average girl looks like around here
Is that a problem? Your picture is fine. It's what average women look like in any non-shit country. Not 10s or 9s but average. Cool.

>> No.16444645

Are you serious? I’d rather fuck a dog that this.

>> No.16444712

They seem fine to me. I think you consume to much media.

>> No.16444770

Inshallah vriend. Better adapt.
Babies born in France and belgium are 1/3 from african heritage.
And I still have normies on facebook that are wondering what people mean with mass migration. 50000 per year on 11 million is not massive they think.

>> No.16444911
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I think you have extremely low standards. This town has fuckable cuties. Here’s one of them.

>> No.16445014

imagine doing shit you don't want to do when you could literally just stake Kleros and work wherever and whenever its blockchain anon haven't you heard

>> No.16445086

So what is coming exactly and where would it begin?

>> No.16445145

im from turkey and i smashed like 5 russian girls in two weeks. all super cute too, just used badoo hahahahaha

>> No.16445146

Rome wasn't built in less than 100 years like modern western civilization. Things move faster now.
>you have no skills
Sounds like projection. I could practice shooting but i go camping larping as military all the time and am considering stealth camping soon.

But you are correct. Civil war likely isn't going to happen.

>> No.16445238

Unless you spent your time in Tuvan or visited in the 90s i sincerely doubt you saw that.

>> No.16445270

That's becuase the average woman from Russia is a 9 and you don't even realize how bad it is everywhere else

>> No.16445333

As others have alluded to, the answer to all of these points is that if you knew how bad it is literally everywhere else in the West, you would not complain.

>> No.16445785

Europe and America are over you just don’t realize it yet. Boomers sold your nation for trinkets

>> No.16445979

My bosses daughter is from Vladivostok. She told me she lived about 20 minutes from the city as recently as 2008, and people shat in outhouses there. Her parents had no running water. Lol rasha