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File: 79 KB, 850x565, WhiteGold.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16420709 No.16420709 [Reply] [Original]

The cost of elephant Ivory is roughly 700 - 1500 dollars a lb. Most elephant dusks from a bull weigh about 70lbs. This translate into needing to kill only about 12 elephants to make it . Including Rinos as well I suppose.
Trump has recently lifted the ban of Ivory for importation from trophy hunters in Zimbabwe and other African states.

>> No.16420769

Based ivory general. Keep up the good work anon

>> No.16420880

Elephants are based and if you kill them that’s cringe

>> No.16420930
File: 22 KB, 307x343, SoyBoy6.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Elephants are animals. If killing 10 of them meant that I would no longer be a slave to jew bankers then goodbye elephants.

>> No.16420936

You're a fag

>> No.16420958

Kys you slimey edgelord fuck. I hope an elephant tramples you and your family to death. You're probably a smooth brained zhong guo ren thinking keratin can cure cancer.

>> No.16420963
File: 11 KB, 222x227, RedditTrash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have a you

>> No.16420973

Are you telling me with all your masculenity you would not shoot 10 or 12 elephants and sell their trophies in order to obtain substantial wealth ?

>> No.16420981

OP is that much of a nigger he has transgressed stealing to literally wanting to go back to Africa and play ooga booga with the wilderbeast.

>> No.16420998

kek don't listen to the vpn samefags, I dislike poaching in general but would totally be down to sell their tusks

>> No.16421063

I wouldn't kill an elephant. That would cripple my consciousness and leave an everlasting mark. Maybe if I was really desperate, but then I would resort to other stuff. Killing some rich guy would n't be a big problem, but killing a completely innocent animal is too much. I would though sell the tusks if I found some or stole from some guy. But the real question is, can you make good replica ones?

>> No.16421080
File: 150 KB, 640x633, 758b6b08271b424285475b78095426c7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>replica ones

>Lab-grown ivory

But to answer your question no I wouldn't. Elephants are endangered and there aren't so many of them around. Also, I would have to sneak around in the middle of Africa while hiding from rangers.

>> No.16421096

Honestly if i would do it, i would saw them off and attach 3d printed fake ones while the beast is drugged. This is perfectly acceptable in my mind.

>> No.16421114


bang out of order mate. you might make it, but you will never be worth tuppence.

>> No.16421148

Elephants will evolve to be our assistant race with in three million years

You are in hell already

>> No.16421211

Based OP educating us on a new untapped market. I will shoot 100k.

>> No.16421259

why don't you just flip the ivory OP
niggers probably sell it for a pair of basketball shoes and some mud cookies

go to africa buy the ivory and sell it in china
or just start an elephant farm and harvest it that way

>> No.16421261

Cringe and bluepilled

>> No.16421277

Have you considered how much CO2 does elephant produce in it's lifetime. It is actually very progressive to kill elephants

>> No.16421300

Have consider how much of a fucking retard you are?