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16400020 No.16400020 [Reply] [Original]

Why do people work?

>> No.16400023

Because they're born into the slave class.

>> No.16400025

Lack of photosynthesis

>> No.16400060

I seriously don't understand if there's a financial reason for working or it is a psychosocial disorder/mass hysteria.. I see wagies in a hurry, they can barely finish a sentence, anxious, unhealthy, wtf is this?

>> No.16400063

I believe the vast majority of the population would go insane if they were left alone with their thoughts for longer than a week or two. Work provides fulfillment, and something to do other than that.

>> No.16400086

>I believe the vast majority of the population would go insane if they were left alone with their thoughts for longer than a week or two.
Most people I know can't stop talking/texting/watching/reading for more than 5 minutes.

>> No.16400129

He says, posting on 4chin

>> No.16400149

It's just a larp. We live in a post-scarcity society but we aren't ready to face that fact, so we make up jobs to keep everyone busy.

>> No.16400166

Personally, no confidence to leverage my talents.

>> No.16400184

in five years if no big expenses surprise me I will have saved enough money to passively earn about 1500 usd a month on dividends

that's enough to live comfy for the rest of my life without ever having to work again

>> No.16400191

That's cool.. At least you have a reason.. I wonder if you'll actually stop though

>> No.16400234

>I wonder if you'll actually stop though
the only people who actually want to work are workaholics you stinky neet
people don't work for fun

>> No.16400245

And what is your reason if I may ask?

>> No.16400260

I couldn't afford to live if I didn't. Saving up what I can now to hopefully buy a small cuckshed on my own small bit of land with an internet line and enough passive income to pay whatever bills and feed myself. Hopefully within ten years. Land is too expensive here, tempted to move to Russia or the US or somewhere else where land is cheap to save a shitload on both setup cost and ongoing expenses.

>> No.16400281

Good luck friend

>> No.16400294

If you don't mind me asking, what does your portfolio look like?

>> No.16400297

also saving/investing my money in hopes i get wealthy enough to not have to work ever again

>> No.16400337

If you didn't get neetbucks you would probably die lmao what a failure
>t. Six figure office chad

>> No.16400349

Because (((existence))) is a trap.

>> No.16400381

No choice m8

Grew up in the middle of nowhere, no chance at college if I even wanted to go (I don't)

Joined military and I'm about to get out and either be a cop or be an electrician

I wish I had money, but I missed out of the 2017 bull run and learned about crypto and investing to late to really accomplish anything

That's why I work and I am very sad all the time

>> No.16400405

To be honest, I kind of like the jobs that you do/are going to do. Cop sounds pretty laid back. Did the military treat you badly?

>> No.16400442

Yeah honestly the military has been 5+ years of hell.

Imagine working with the dumbest fucking retards imaginable, but they have seniority over you and you have no say in the matter.

I've almost an hero'd 3 times and almost went postal like five. It's just not worth it for my mental health

>> No.16400458

To get money to buy drugs. If I didn't do drugs i wouldn't work.

>> No.16400476
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Yes, it's one of my fears to get drafted lol. I cannot deal with irrationality like that. Don't kys friend, life outside will be better. Get a comfy government job and eat donuts all day!

>> No.16400488

Assuming the "vast majority" have nothing else to keep them busy, such as hobbies. Hard disagree.

>> No.16400520


I could do my current job for a private contractor for 70k-ish tax free, but I'd have to deal with the same retards and be deployed to Kuwait 6 months a year

idk man I just wanna smoke weed and chill out for like 3 months, but that doesnt make money

>> No.16400525

True but tribes worked together, build together, protect together
I think the woman movement destroyed/destroying society

>> No.16400529

To support my child wtf kind of question is this

>> No.16400573

I was in the (((Army))) can confirm. Thankfully they still did two year enlistments back then. All I could take.

>> No.16400584

>missing out on the 2020 Bullrun as well
why do you hate free money?

>> No.16400586

My history teacher is middle school said that people back then used to sell themselves into slavery. I thought that was weird until I grew up. Wagies all around us begging to slave

>> No.16400628

Nah nigga I got LINK, BSV, Tezos, and Doge

I aint missing shit

>> No.16400658

I'm a full time day trader

>> No.16400688
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>> No.16400698

I've spent my life on 4chan so now interacting with normalfags at work who do nothing but Wageslave and go on holidays is difficult as fuck

>> No.16400728

>cop sounds pretty laid back


I hope you enjoy talking to people who can barely speak English and drug addicts. And solving their very intricate problems

>> No.16400744

From the fact youre posting NEET anime girls Id say you dont even qualify to be drafted, so dont worry...

>> No.16400751

because it has slightly more dignity than neeting with no life prospects

>> No.16401244

That sounds ok. Sounds like an rpg. Do they normally reward you?

>> No.16401269


>> No.16401733

I would move to the US countryside if the whole country wasn't a shithole digital panopticon. Why isn't there yet even a single big libertarian country in the world ?

>> No.16402555

Yeah by inventing more problems or spitting/biting/ telling you how you haven't helped them

>> No.16403072

Since everything is owned by rich class through government and they will come for you if you dare not to pay or take anything.

>> No.16403085

I wouldn't call it a post scarcity society if we still have third world kids in sweatshops making our clothes

>> No.16403095

That's true, but from the point of view of us, the ultra-elite of the planet, it might as well be. We're still working 8 fucking hours a day doing nothing.

>> No.16403110


>> No.16403126

Yup, by shooting and stabbing you. You think cops are gun crazy only because they're mean bullies?

>> No.16403148

i just perfom.

im an entertainer.

closed door private groups.

i get about 1,500-3,000 an hour, somtimes 6-9 hours a week,

imagine that,
is it work? or what? i feel so satisfied when finish performing, i feel so much emotion, every night is different. its what i look forward to in my life, been doing it for the past year, i can see myself living off this hustle for many years. im only getting more popular.

>> No.16403159

They have become too reliant on 21st century comforts. People are conditioned to be slaves, It is learned, It is not natural.

>> No.16403167


You're an exotic stripper arent you.

>> No.16403174

i could work with that girl.

>> No.16403191

Perform blowjobs or what?

>> No.16403204

Lmao no its not. Shit is going to happen and you will get hit with unexpected expense. Then youre done.

>> No.16403209

Van Darkholme is that you?

>> No.16403218

male stripper?

>> No.16403263

who is this girl? she's hella cute.

>> No.16403292


survival + ( more important ) where they extract the value of their existence

it s really insanity. imagine having all your value on how you perform in the rat race. money being the score, those monkeys can t even understand the value of health or time until it hits them in the face

that said, anyone that thrives to be free should be glad the majority is fucked that way so the competition is far less than it should be

>> No.16403346

She has 6 toes wtf

>> No.16403350

welp problem is even free people need to eat, need to live somewhere and all that cost money

>> No.16403444

so they can reproduce

next stupid question

>> No.16403594


yea but it s one thing slaving with a plan on how to be free, another is slaving to buy trinkets

as long as you have a good job , mobility and can invest ( and i'm not talking meme coins ) you'll need to work for very few years before you can afford to be free

>> No.16403681
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>> No.16403693

yup keep not investing on bitcoin and keep investing on boomer options to retire in 50 years

>> No.16403698

Ok boomer

>> No.16403707


i'll retire in two years at most

and that s waiting for enough money so i can live with assurance assets

i don t need to put all my money in a asset such as bitcoin because i'm not even close to the desperate situation of it s cultists.

it did help me with a 3x back then, but now? i could care less

>> No.16403713

to keep my body healthy

>> No.16403721

Workers contain within them the seeds of warriors.....many people choose to work even though they don't have to work for food or shelter. Anyone who aspires to a greater purpose values the concept of work and struggle

>> No.16403920



what greater purpose?

>> No.16403973

Exclusive porn subscriptions

>> No.16404037

Ok boomer

>> No.16404102

Comedian or knee pads?

>> No.16404113

What's your portfolio?

>> No.16404125

Dude just do it. Just go for it in full power. YOLO, nothing matters, etc. None of your fears mean shit. It took me 10 years of misery, but i finally chose to end it. It's all about choice really.

>> No.16404143

Are you getting bukkake'd?

>> No.16404794

teach me to photosynthesize.

>> No.16404997

This is very true

>> No.16405170
File: 25 KB, 620x347, ass-to-ass-57f967a29bfee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>im an entertainer.