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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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16331297 No.16331297 [Reply] [Original]

This is biz in a nutshell. You're so late to the party. 2017 was a one-time life event, and you missed out because you think the meme that is smart contracts will be lead by Sergey fucking Nazarov. What has he ever accomplished in his Hamburglar filled life?

You're toast. LINK is a meme designed to steal your ETH and BTC, and make that team filthy rich. You all have been had. You're not getting on a yacht, you're not buying that Aventador, you're not avoiding wage cucking. You will never make it holding Chainlink. 2017 is never happening again.

Three years in a row you cucks have screamed $1000 EOY, and you're still mopping the floor at KFC. Get smart and buy real assets.

>> No.16331310

sirgay got rich, wtf are you talking about?

>> No.16331315

I bought BTC when I was still in high school, since I am an actual old fag. Why bully these kids for putting their $500 life savings into LINK which has more functionality than the memecoin I got lucky on?

>> No.16331323

Good to have astro tier larp back. Bullish.

>> No.16331333


UncleOldfag, your still here? you been fudding since .17c.

Poor UncleOldfag. You are destined to remain poor while LINKies have made it rich already.

1000x and counting if you hold Chainlink.

>> No.16331341

Based and bully pilled. In 2017, if google shilled a random shitcoin on their blog, it would’ve been a 100x. Link never even made it 20x

>> No.16331350

Unironically link?

>> No.16331357

>and make that team filthy rich

You need to start reading anon, I already said he got rich.

>> No.16331365

He’s saying that biz was so sure they would make it because of that “functionality” but crypto is a meme. You proved his point

>> No.16331367

TRX went 100x and it didn’t even need to be shilled by Google

>> No.16331386


No linky has made it rich already that wasn't already wealthy. Link has not had transformational growth.

Assuming you got in at the ICO and sold at the absolute tippy top you're looking at a 40x gain. Shitcoins in 2017 were pulling 100x every month.

>> No.16331399

Thanks for the buy signal

>> No.16331416


Good advice here. But they won't listen. The average /biz/ kid these days thinks they make a dollar to 1 million in 3 months. They have that in their head.

>> No.16331426
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Trips wasted, you're a liar. 1000x is proof you linkies are absolute retards. Where's your wealth?

If you threw $100k in, you'd have 7 figures. People threw $5000 into antshares and made hundreds of thousands. I was one of those people. It was so easy (xmr, eth, ans, xrp, doge) and yet linkers think $0.70 to $2.60 is something to brag about. Absolutely pathetic

>> No.16331478

>LINK is a meme designed to steal your ETH and BTC
LINK is up 3x against BTC and 5x against ETH in the past year

>> No.16331513

So was EVERY shitcoin before being dumped back for the big 2. Don't be foolish

They won't listen. Get rich quick is all biz is these days. No one wants to buy cash flow producing assets or emerging tech like genome engineering firms, telecommunications, cloud, etc.

>> No.16331556

Nothing says wealth like a standard pattern Goyard cardholder (costs under $500) and some Chase cards.

>> No.16331571

Where can I buy some shares of this “cloud” thing?

>> No.16331706

>Get smart and buy real assets.
Based oldfaggot

>> No.16331948

>some Chase cards
I doubt you'd qualify for private banking, cuck. Also, I'm wealthy, not stupid. Want me to spend $3000 on my wallet instead? kek

Well anon, you're not buying the cloud. You're buying companies that administer and configure it. A nice package for this would be an all-in-one like SKYY, but VGT and FTEC also would work.

>> No.16331958

Why. Do. You. Care. Fatty.

>> No.16332011

pee pee poo poo

>> No.16332021

Ok so you are saying crypto in general is dead? Isn't Chainlink the last piece of the puzzle though?

How many links do you own uncle?

>> No.16332046

>you think the meme that is smart contracts will be lead by Sergey fucking Nazarov
this can happen bro
Anyway 1'000$ I'd say it's a meme. in the next 4 years we are head to 50$ in my opinion

I agree with you that 2017 event could never come bac... fuc a lot of normies I now they were all investing wihtout even what they were doing

This is the exactley definition of a bubble...the bubble poppeed...

>> No.16332053

Qualified for anything I want since the womb, faggot.

>t.grown trust fund kid

New money faggots like you are a disgrace.

>> No.16332147

>It was so easy
I put 300$ in Oyster pearl ended up with 30'000$.
I put 100$ in IOTA ended up with 1'000$
My sense made me also put 100$ in XRB at .40 cents and sold at 1$
It was so fuc*ing easy ... why? Because it was a bubble
Good luck moving this shit now from 2.60$ to even 26 $ ( a x10 )

A google blogpost in 2017 would have yeald a x1000

Come on guys I now it's a decent proect to have some money in ...but a lot of people here are so deluded with gains... this is a 50$ in 5 years

>> No.16332157

So these are just the usual demoralization threads to get you to sell when the price is down, just as we get the happening and make it threads when we pump so newbies buy high. I've DCA'ed LINK for over the past 2 years and will probably not have to work within the next 5. This is the real deal...its almost pointless to come here anymore but I like to keep up on the breadcrumbs although now most things are going public and twitter is where everything is happening now.

>> No.16332166

If you haven't noticed by now Uncle is actually incredibly based and times his posts to be near local bottoms

please respect Uncle

>> No.16332190

So trust fund kid, are you all in link?>>16332046
Thats before normies on Facebook started making crypto groups, now it’s too late

>> No.16332229

He fucked up one time and left his trip on to shill lol. Psyop like the rest of em. Imagine believing anyone here has your best interests at heart.

>> No.16332243

LINK was at .20 in the middle of the bear and hit more then 30x out of the bear market.

Chainlink is the only investment that has done this in a constant 1.5 year uptrend.

Invest now or be poor. simple.

>> No.16332321

I earned my cash then. Let me guess, you're not even old enough to drive yet

>> No.16332377


I actually really do. I do not care about about money. I do this because I care about the internet. About Freedom. About free speech. About a lot of things.

>> No.16332414

You and your shitty boring fud is so banal i can't even believe that someone so vapid exists to it keep going for this long.

>> No.16332424

He didn't fuck up. In that thread, he actually revealed that he was in link all along, and was just fudding for fun the whole time.

>> No.16332430

Already am

>> No.16332437
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This fud gets tiring so fast. Care to make some new content? I may start actually reading the posts.

>> No.16332452

Meant for

>> No.16332485

>plebbit spacing
You don't really care about conservation though

>> No.16332566

This fud is so boring and pointless anymore. Why does anyone here care so much about the delusional?

>> No.16332594


Funny. I'll go with it.. converse then, pleb

>> No.16332607

I invested about 50k which is by no means a lot
Which gave me a bit less then 300k link
I know people will scream larp but if you were there back then we had a few anons with easy over 100k stacks
If they held long enoufh i dont know but me i sold more then half of mine which almost made me a millionaire
So yes 50k to almost a million is still or was still doable
Fuck OP and his negative vibes

>> No.16332650

>uses overly simple password for trip, likely derivative of name
>jumps the gun, assuming that the LINK run to $4.00 was never going to end, and reveals himself to biz as a true holder.

ONE of these two things happened to op a few months ago, and either scenario means he is a complete tech and crypto market illiterate buffoon. He is no insider. He has no valuable insight or privileged info in the crypto space. Generating a password that is extremely simple to remember and very difficult to crack is trivial for anyone remotely familiar with technology. Pass this along whenever this downy retard decides to larp about his money and try to get you to sell. This kills UncloOldfag.

>> No.16332662
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>> No.16332701

Stop LARPing. Pathetic

>> No.16332722
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No u.

>> No.16332726

It is like it is. Being a trip fag is unfortunatelly still the best way to scam new fags from name fag platforms. And still they are cancer because the same normies they scam believe to think tripping is aokay on here.

>> No.16333295

Link made some rich but to act like OP is lying... clearly no one here made it to Malibu buying link tokens

>> No.16333893

confirmed retard