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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 145 KB, 1000x1000, Basic-Attention-Token.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16326290 No.16326290 [Reply] [Original]

There is no way this Bat shit is sustainable. It's a pyramid scheme giving zero results to advertisers. They send me the same ads 10 times a day and I never clicked them once. Advertisers aren't going to keep throwing free money at NEETs.

>> No.16326347

>t. FUDder that sits on 4chan, exchanges, and xhamster all day
>I get the same ads guise what a scam kek

If you go to the same sites day in and day out, your browser won't give you any new categories. All you'll get is crypto shit, finance shit, and untargeted categories like charities. There's more active ad campaigns in more countries than ever.

>> No.16326810

true but they are going to be worthless, we are in it for the $$ these ads are ignored

>> No.16326822

pump and dump attempt with the the "new"
>FUD and make em fomo
approach. Fuck off to twitter jeet

>> No.16326839

Targeted advertising? Worthless. If it would have been worthless, no company would have invested in bat. At least not for 2 years. Are you 14 or something?

>> No.16326846

Marketing and advertising has failed to deliver for one and a half decade. Why do you think it is being outsourced. Literally no influence on sales, and even the pajeets are getting too expensive for the return. Ad industry is dead, and those a bit tech literate haven't seen ads since 2008

>> No.16326862

Where do you get that information from?

>> No.16326873

B2B sales. Most of my work is explaining customers that marketing are a bunch of retards and shouldn't be taken serious.

>> No.16326874

You mean like how most ads are ignored across all platforms? People don't get paid for normal ad services but they ignore them waiting for their YouTube video to to resume, their porn to start, and to reach whatever page on the site they're visitng. But guess what, its still a multi trillion dollar industry.

Advertisers really care about the click through rates, which Brave is killing the competition with. Google and Facebook arent even on the same planet in stats. Brave crushes them. Long as users are interacting with the ads and a few of those users are buying/using the service advertised then the tokens and ad campaigns will continue to grow.

Your thread is fucking retarded and your intellect is downright embarassing. BAT FUDers cant even hold an argument, they just agree with you lmfao.

>> No.16326908

You're an idiot, people click on them for money. They're incentivized to click cause it will give them more ads and more free $$

>> No.16326926

You mean you're manipulating your costumers so your company gets to sell something? Wow, I'm shocked.

>> No.16326938

1) You don't have to click the ad.
2) Advertisers are actually getting MORE for their money with BAT since they get raped by Google, Facebook et al taking all the profit PLUS an overwhelming number of target users running ad blocker programs.

You sound like some third world fucking cretin. You have no idea how BAT works. You have no idea how advertising works. You have no idea what you're even talking about or trying to FUD. You agree in your last comment to me>>16326810
You get shut down because even a 10 year old knows how basic marketing/advertising works then you babble the same tired bs again in another post.

Dont @ me again fucking mongoloid. I just told you how you're full of shit and everything you need to know so learn something from it.

>> No.16326959

That is the advertising and marketing venue. My customers appreciate my honesty and giving them numbers and realistic prognostics so they can make better risk assessments instead of relying on flashy feel good bullshit from fat blue haired whores.

>> No.16327586

You dumb shitters, I knew it would dump.
Enjoy bagholding for the next year.

>> No.16327595

You retard, all crypto is down, in case you didn;t notice.

>> No.16327603

Oh, so you work for an advertising company and shill here that advertising doesn't work.

>> No.16327613

Will you say the same shit once other alts recover and bat dumps even further?


>> No.16327667

This. It's dumping harder than others too.

>> No.16327692


>> No.16327983

So you work in banking and give advice to customers about advertising?

>> No.16327992

So did bitcoin from 20000. Are you telling me there is no chance it can go up again? Have any solid reasoning?

>> No.16327994

Are you 12 or just retarded?

>> No.16328015

You sound like one of those asshole accountants that tells people they can make double the money if they cut their entire ad/maintenance/general upkeep budget and think you're a genius for telling them that. You're the reason why entire industries in America are failing.

>> No.16328030

go back to minecraft, this isn't the place for 12 year olds

>> No.16328075
File: 6 KB, 250x240, shitcoin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


BAT is gimmick scam shitcoin

> Brave browser has less than 1% of marketshare

> Users use Brave to block ads not view them

> Viewing ads is optional, only a fraction of users will choose to view ads for some obscure crypto token

> No advertisers will pay BAT to poor people who want to view ads on a browser with less than 1% market share with a fraction of the users who actually view ads. Advertising is all about hitting demographics with money.

> Ads appear as system notifications, that you click and never even have to view. I am not sure how they think who are hate ads will choose to turn this feature which is even more annoying on

> It's not in Ethereum blockchain. It's BAT's own centralized database. Gotta do KYC to cash out. Zero interest even from crypto community to do that

>> No.16328115

The crypto is fucking trash. Good concept but performance is absolutely pathetic

>> No.16328226

It can go up but how long will it take and how much will the price increase? It dumps even when bitcoin pumps. This is a really crap token. Not worth the investment.

>> No.16328237

We do not talk about BAT. Or so I heard...

>> No.16328280

>not accumulating at these prices

wish i had more fiat

>> No.16328563
File: 7 KB, 291x173, scam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


the reason you don't have more fiat is because you are investing in scams like this

>> No.16328577
File: 6 KB, 300x168, download (5).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

better investment then weed, booze or cigarettes

>> No.16328593

You will be accumulating for your whole life.

>> No.16328657


This, as a general statement is true for every human being, ain't it?

>> No.16328669

Reminder that BAT is a reddit coin. It only got 'popular' after plebbit morons started invading biz. Do not buy this shitcoin

>> No.16328672


>> No.16328685

>There is no way this Bat shit is sustainable

it has shit tokenomics and there are zero incentives to hold it for the long term.

>> No.16328690


It doesn't matter. Just sage. We do not talk about it. Let it develop. His opinion, your opinion, and /biz/ .. not needed.

>> No.16328822

You BAT fud fags are in full force today. Do you step on the gas when bitcoin dumps to shit because you don't want BAT gaining ground on your faggy boomer coin? BTC failed to break its way into every home in america, but BAT soon will and BTC will just be seen as an enron tier scam

>> No.16328907

Funny that so many of the people that FUD BAT still use Brave lel

>“BLOCKCHAIN, not Buttcoin!!!!”

>> No.16328938

"brave is a good browser but the token is useless"

I see this same faggot quote everywhere. Theres literally a guy out there that spends energy saying this multiple times a day like clockwork. It's honestly psychotic and im tempted to report him to the FBI

>> No.16328969

The only thing in full force today is you. Shut the fuck up, pleb.

>> No.16329176

>below 2.7k sats
Imagine what will happen once BTC bounces back. 10 cents incoming, keep buying your "dip".

>> No.16329207

bagholder delusion at a level unseen since scambrosus

>> No.16329216

maybe... just maybe... it’s the truth.

>> No.16329372


Maybe it is. Ok, report him. What does this have to do with us? And my wish that we do not talk about BAT?. Nothing. So do what you like about this guy and sage

>> No.16329604

Claiming people will never use BAT even though millions are being onboarded to a crypto-focused Browser is in a big way admitting that cryptocurrency will never be used by the masses.

BAT is literally the guinea pig for cryptocurrency infused web browsers. It’s the first mover. Failure for BAT is failure for digital cash and renders oracles mute. It’s funny to see brainlets cheer against BAT when they’re essentially cheering against their own heavy bags as well. If Brave/BAT fails, you better believe your shitcoin isn’t going to make it, either.

>> No.16329624

most ads are ignored, hell I'm shocked every time I see someone NOT using something like ABP, although I'm sure the rise of mobile browsing has mitigated ABP's use

I've clicked on a few ads that brave gives me

>> No.16329861

I am about to get angry now. NO need advertising. No need /biz/
>>16329624 you too... shut up. Let it all be as it be.

>> No.16330081
File: 85 KB, 1080x716, r768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16330497

tfw just made a BAT purchase then arrive here

>> No.16331546

One question about BAT. I mean when you earn BAT from ads. Is the BAT "actually" transfered to your personal wallet, or is it in custody of the brave foundation until you request a withdrawal? This would explaine why the prices are still tanking even though the huge user number.

>> No.16331578

Checkd and true.

>> No.16331611

>Marketing and advertising are dead
>one of the world's biggest companies by market cap (Alphabet) is an advertising company
Dumbest take I've read on /biz/ today, congrats.

>> No.16331827

What the fuck was that? Random spike from 0,2200 to 0,2350.

>> No.16331886

They are fudding to accelerate the dump. These are accumulators, stay strong BAT bros

>> No.16331934


Wrong. Just shut up about it altogether. Sage.