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16274661 No.16274661 [Reply] [Original]

>recently got a new wagie job as a server for a restaurant after NEETing for 4 months
>wake extra early up to hit the gym before work this morning
>car not starting
>call in to tell work I won't be able to stop in today
>"dont you have anybody that can drive you"?
>tell them the truth that I don't
>"yea but cant you just take an uber"
>hide my anger and calmly respond by saying its a $60
roundtrip to take an uber from where I live, also tell her that im in a rough spot financially and the money I do have is better spent on fixing my car
>"well if youre in a financially tough spot, not coming to work isnt gonna help you"
>tell her I didnt choose to have my car not start and that Ill let her know as soon as I get things fixed

im honestly disgusted by the way she spoke to me as if taking a $60 uber is a reasonable option WHEN I MAKE $12/hr and then she had the audacity to shame me for it too as if I somehow wanted my car to not start. im really thinking about quitting over how this middle management retard spoke to me.

is it a overreaction on my part or should I just suck it up like a good lil wagie?

>> No.16274664

What are you a fucking retard ? Jump start the car you moron

>> No.16274672

This is how most managers are I'm afraid. They honestly don't give a shit why you're not there they just need you there or they'll find someone who's more reliable

>> No.16274678

Sorry the manager is right in this case, car not starting is not one of the valid excuses for noy showing up to a shift

Probably would've been better to just call in sick

>> No.16274683

Faggot, you have enough time to sit here and blog post and post pictures of a cartoon frog, yet you can't call a towing company to start your car.

I mean you have a car. You have insurance. Insurance has roadside assistance or a discount service.

How fucking stupid are you, that you have to result to posting on 4chins to get advice over something you can figure out in 30 seconds?

Grow up incel fuck

>> No.16274686

I tried that dipshit it fixed nothing

i mean yea i guess, when most 20 y/olds call in and say they're having last second car issues its code for they got hungover from the night before and they need an excuse not to come in, but ffs can you explain to me why car issues is NOT a valid reason?

>> No.16274704

my post isnt me asking for car advice you fucking brainlet get your reading comprehension checked and maybe ill let your retard ass post in my thread

>> No.16274709

You're gonna be fired. Sorry anon, but having to chalk up money for an uber or something isn't really a great excuse either.

Reee all you want, but that is just the reality of it all.

>> No.16274722

If you don't show up then someone has to stay to cover your shift, and if everyone says no then she's probably going to habe to do it.

>> No.16274729
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>nooooooo how can people be mean to me this isnt faaaair my teachers always told me I was a nice kid I will find a job where this never ever happens

>> No.16274731

No idea

Point is, in a situation like that the mindset from which you should've approached the problem is not "what is right?" but rather "what can I do that will actually get me out of this situation?" because odds are neither you nor her really care about your jobs.

You have to understand that from her perspective, she will not look good if she excuses an employee for "car issues" because she will seem weak. But if any employee is sick, because that is arbitrarily defined as more ok, she won't look as weak and would've been more likely to accept.

Next time remember that it's not that what is right needs to happen, it's what you need to do to make the thing you want to happen, happen

>> No.16274733

so am I supposed to take a $60 dollar uber ride everyday to work when I make $92 a shift before taxes? how does that sound reasonable to you?

>> No.16274742

Tell her you can't make it in but you're currently fixing the problem. You'll be in tomorrow and you'll make the hours up.

Stop being a snow flake

>> No.16274748

It's not. But your employer really isn't obligated to keep you on to work if you can't make it in. You could probably scoot by if you phrased it like "I live far away and can't afford it" but, you basically flat out said that this job isn't worth the uber ride.

I know you're looking for justification here, but you're fucking over your coworkers and workplace because they have to work harder to pick up what you would cover. There's really nothing else to it. You have to do what's best for you, and your employer will do what is best for them.

>> No.16274749

If your car won't start you could bike if it's just a few miles. She doesn't really know where you live so why would she not assume you could have some way in before you said it would cost 60$? Second, to me it would mean it's either an excuse or you're telling the truth. If I don't have much to go on I would look at your age, demeanor, and how you work. If any of its negative I'll chalk you up to a shit employee. It's just how humans work, we assume a lot of things and take for granted things that others wouldnt, i.e uber. Maybe she lives real close and uber's a lot, don't know. But if you would quit over this you just have to ask yourself if you can afford to quit, and if you should quit because she gave you a bit of annoyed tone. She likely is a good wagie and doesn't understand or represses it, why you wouldnt try to get into work. I.e your nihilism and apathy towards waging

>> No.16274772

Have the company pay for the uber, go to work.

>> No.16274787

alright boys I appreciate the insight this actually helped

>> No.16274797

>dump thousands into a piece of scrap metal to get around
>piece of shit breaks down, can't get around until you dump even more money into fixing it
>once you get it repaired, keep dumping money into gas, maintenance, & whatever else breaks down next
>choose to live away from public trans routes
>choose to work so far from residence that uber & biking aren't an option
Just quit & find a job closer to where you live so you're no so broke & dependent on your piece of shit car

>> No.16274801
File: 163 KB, 700x875, 1570645709271.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah sorry friend. Not trying to be an asshat -- we've all been there and it does suck. Personally, if I know it's gonna be a quick fix, I would have just said you were super sick or something, but I know why my shit breaks.

Also a good reason why working shitty jobs sucks sometimes. Don't be afraid to keep looking, or moving to a new career path. Better jobs are usually more understanding. Also maybe try taking a bus.

>> No.16275084

this is just how it working at shit jobs. management feels like they have to act like babysitters because sometime they actually do. you don't encounter this sort of thing in professional settings. you don't even need a reason, just call in and say that you won't be coming in today. "ok, see you tomorrow then."

>> No.16275130


Wow how unreasonable for the place you work at expect you to make it to work when you are due in.


>> No.16275140
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>> No.16275142

Suck it up bro ......remember accidents happen .....its not like this will happen again

>> No.16275150

Did you ask if they would comp you an uber? No. Of course not.

>> No.16275165

>boss wants employees to come to work
>must be some sort of mind game
Jesus fucking christ

>> No.16275168

Fucking boomer, kill yourself faggot.

>> No.16275174

This thread is full of retards.

>> No.16275186
File: 274 KB, 1125x2436, F7CA3313-54D2-49D4-8CFF-E2EF185B7038.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all these fucking boot lickers

Lmao OP they are baiting you. Fuck work. Car is more important than a shitty minimum wage job. Just call in sick next time

>> No.16275196
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>> No.16275206

You can make more than that in a warehouse job where you're in a union, get full benefits, and where your supervisor will say "Thanks for letting me know" when you call about not coming in because their people often don't even make the call at all and just don't show up, and they can't do anything about it because lol union. The qualifications for this sort of job include having a pulse and being able to make it through a day without forgetting to breathe and dying, and they are always looking for more people.

So go ahead, explore your options and consider quitting.

>> No.16275217

I would probably quit over that, but I'm more on the reckless side, and I knew my career path was in STEM when I was in high school. So if that applies to you then go for it.

>> No.16275232

Managers are barely above the minimum wagie tier. They only act bossy and superior because if they don't they lose the illusion of power. If you want true financial freedom look into Ferrum, its a ticket out.

>> No.16275262
File: 220 KB, 512x654, 18e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but yes op, you should quit the job. with zero notice, too. in fact, just never even contact them again and get back to that sweet NEET life
that'll show that stupid manager for doing their job of making sure they have employees to work all the positions required that day.
meanwhile you can look for a better job where they don't treat you like you're a new employee but rather someone with loads of experience whos been there 10 plus years and is always reliable. you aren't, but they should treat you like that anyways, right?! they need YOU, you don't need them!
>kids these days

>> No.16275326

Just take the bus next time. So easy

>> No.16275338

No mind games

I am just putting into words things that happen subconsciously

>> No.16275409

You take a financial loss on that shift, but your sacrifice ensures your ability to earn money in the future. Assuming you can fix your car.

>> No.16275430
File: 573 KB, 537x831, media0_20191115_155650.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP you should be troubleshooting to start the car as fucked as it is this isn't much of an excuse. Fix your car or learn how it's good experience, there were no warning signs to it not starting? Could be the starter bang it with a wrench

>> No.16275444

>paying to work

>> No.16275479
File: 140 KB, 400x594, 1557075307073.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Act outraged any time it turns out a subordinate is a human being with human problems, because you lack the agility/foresight to deal with contingencies
>Wonder why you're still wallowing as a $30k supervisor managing poverty-line wagies despite applying for every promotion that you're eligible for

>> No.16275537

just take the bicycle, lmao

>> No.16275572

>im honestly disgusted by the way she spoke to me
You are a fucking wage scrub talking to someone that is a wage scrub. Wagies are on the bottom of the barrel. Not only that, restaurant worker are on the bottom of the stuff at the bottom of the barrel. Being talked down to is part of the wage life. She dont care about you. She need bodies to do work and if you dont show up she will have cover for you. Not spending half your paycheck on Uber is selfish, fuck you.

>> No.16275599

>Read outrage out of casual distaste
>Wonder why you're overemployed and unable to transfer elsewhere

>> No.16275643

I got paid over 400k last year and am still deeply resentful toward my employer and can't wait to escape wage slavery.

>> No.16275676

But what I said holds true even if the person I'm replying to isn't himself a manager somewhere.

Bad low-level managers frequently treat their employees badly because they're bitter, are bitter because they can't get promoted, and can't get promoted because they treat their employees badly (which effective managers don't feel the need to do).

If your plan to get through the day falls apart any time some kid you're paying $12/hr has an issue come up, you're bad at your job.

>> No.16275691

Stupid piece of shit, you know how hard it makes it for everyone else in a restaurant when someone doesn't show up.

>> No.16275696

And it's the weekend too. The busiest time for a restaurant. Kill yourself.

>> No.16275700

OP wants excuses, not solutions

>> No.16275710

>WHEN I MAKE $12/h

12 dollars an hour plus tip? (You said you're a server). You don't deserve half that.

>> No.16275737

What job pays 400k?

>> No.16275767

I once called in sick and told my wagie boss i didn't even need pay for the day but i was just letting them know i couldn't make it. He spent the next two minutes trying to convince me i wasn't sick and should come into work anyway.

>> No.16275769

>implying it's not your responsability to show up to work on time
lol wtf
this is why China will win

>> No.16275780

Look at all these angry middle managers lmao

>> No.16275792

you arent wrong. snyone whonsays otherwise is a fuxking idiot. i worked at a place forbovrr four years and they pulled shitnlike this on me all the fucking time. fuck them. if you. can quit do it or just treat the job like shit and do nothing.

>> No.16275794

>has a shit job
>surprised when he is treated like shit by his employer

maybe when you get an adult job you can complain, but $12 an hour is like retail cashier tier

>> No.16275802

Shut the fuck up boomer

>> No.16275807

professional larping pays well I hear

>> No.16275808

>i mean yea i guess, when most 20 y/olds call in and say they're having last second car issues its code for they got hungover from the night before and they need an excuse not to come in, but ffs can you explain to me why car issues is NOT a valid reason?

It's not a valid reason because it's your fucking problem and you should deal with YOUR problem by getting to work by another means instead of making it everyone else's problem. You agreed to show up at a certain time. Now they don't have someone to fill that role. Now other employees have to stress run around doing more tasks than they're capable of. Now customers are getting sub-optimal service. They might leave a bad review. Business is damaged.

>> No.16275809

Waaaaaaah my job is so much harder when one disposable job a monkey can do is missing waaaaaah
OP don't listen to these boomer ass clowns. You should quit. Not every job has managers that treat you like a slave. If you show up to work most days and do your jobs they shouldn't bitch acts of god preventing you from working

>> No.16275813

Walk retard. I used to walk 8 miles up and back so 16 miles total. She's right it isnt going to help you financially. Jfc you're a fucking tard

>> No.16275817

ok zoomer

>> No.16275822

Towing service and roadside assistance usually takes about 1-2 hours to get there. Not only that but it might not be worth towing the car because OP sounds like it might just be a dead battery. He should go buy one and put one in. However that might not be the case it could be a starter.
>you have enough time
He could be waiting on his car? You know there is a thing call phones right?

>> No.16275832

at $12/hr if my car does not start, my manager can suck my balls.

>> No.16275839

>Waaaaaaah my job is so much harder when one disposable job a monkey can do is missing waaaaaah

waaaaah a monkey could do this job but I deserve more than $12 an hour waaaah

>> No.16275851

you overreacted. you would be treated like this in any restaurant. you could even have negotiated the uber bill with your employer...
restaurants are run on a tight schedule if there are people missing it fucks everything up. you can use this fact to your benefit when you negotiate them paying the uber ride or at least a big part of it.

>> No.16275853

>not going to make it

>> No.16275866
File: 618 KB, 597x590, 1571191608281.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tree falls on your house
>you need to come to work anyway wagie
>father dies
>ok see you at noon wagie
>50 inch snow storm
>when are you coming in?
>walking out the door after a shift
>where are you going wagie we want you to work more
>ask for day off two weeks in advance
>get a call the day before asking you to come into work

>why are there so many shootings?

>> No.16275867
File: 188 KB, 327x316, 1548783491417.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is why people don't respect these jobs when they work for people like you. If you cannot make leeway for life situations such as this then you deserve all the bad workers you are going to get.
Just remember OP they can't fire you if you do the minimal work. Remember to break shit constantly and make the restaurant lose money.
>but your sacrifice ensures your ability to earn money in the future
HAHAHAHA! This has got to be fucking bait.

>> No.16275870

Or asked if someone there could pick you up. My boss picks people up who are having car trouble or are snowed in

>> No.16275875

jesus christ NEETs are useless
you will go nowhere in life

>> No.16275876

He never asked for 12 an hour. Blame the government not him you pathetic gay fag

>> No.16275879

Fuck you retard. Fair enough if it were a salaried position but a fucking hourly mcjob? They should be so lucky that they got a warning call. They won't get paid for not being there so what is the issue??
Even if it was a salaried job, he could just make up the hours. Life is random. Bad shit happens. Genuine car trouble is a valid reason for being late/not coming to work. You have a poor outlook on life if you have think otherwise.

>> No.16275894

>actually sucking your managers dick
Unironically you will never make it. You are a sheep and you'll be managing 18 year olds for the rest of your life. Climbing the ladder has never actually worked you boomer

>> No.16275903

I'm a bit higher up the chain than her(still middle management) and she was pretty ridiculous in my opinion. I'd be having the same thoughts as her mind you, but if I was in your position, I would have ubered. The only time I've called out in the last decade was when I was rear ended and rushed to the ER, I offered to come in late and was told not to. I'm not saying there's no right time to call off, but especially hearing I'll let you know when it's fixed, I'd be pretty pissed. I still wouldn't say anything because It's not my place to and I'd likely be in violation of some corporate policy or another, but I don't need to tell you that uber exists, and know that you at some point decided 'I could uber, but fuck that I'll just call out', so my only real tool is to point you and keep your lack of commitment in mind in the future.

>> No.16275915

>restaurants are run on a tight schedule
99% of the time restaurants are dead. All of my favorite restaurants have very laid back employees.

>> No.16275927

yes, the boss would prefer to have people actually working and not fucking up the schedule over losing a bit of time or money to pick someone up (given he does not live 2 hours from where he works). especially in a restaurant. if your shift is 8 hours, it makes sense.

picking up OP is a different story though. maybe not worth it...

>> No.16275930

>being this much of a good goy
Your'e not going to make it lmao. Are you on link? If you are i think I'm going to sell

>> No.16275938

what if one person is suddenly not at work? if its a small restaurant it can be shitty.

>> No.16275941

You act like they're building rockets to Mars. He's just a waiter.

>> No.16275962

But he wasn't suddenly not at work he called them to let them know.
If your really that busy at your restaurant you should hire more waiters or just serve food at a slower pace.

>> No.16275974

> Not crushing corporate life
> Not being on track to be an executive by 40
> Only hope being internet shit coins
> No future of prestigious career
> Thinks he'll make it
That's gonna be a yikes from me

>> No.16275975

I'm retiring next year at 31. Have fun living off those europoor dollars

>> No.16275985

Also if it's a small restaurant it makes it even easier to deal with. How many customers could you possibly get in an hour? If you have waiters and it's not a fast food type place you can't possibly have that many people.

OP even said he only makes 90 a day so it's not as though he's working at a fucking 5 star restaurant. Its probably just a denny's or something.

>> No.16275991

You don’t have to answer to that bitch. Say that I won’t be coming in today and that is all. No need to explain yourself to some roast.

>> No.16276006
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>he actually thinks he's going to climb the ladder in this environment
Just work hard abs pull your boot straps right? How much do you make a year? How many times have you been promoted? How old are you?
Having a million dollars by the time your 60 isn't making it.

>> No.16276007

Can't you take a fucking bus or train?

>> No.16276017

>going to be a yikes
Also confirmed as fag

>> No.16276024

Lmao lying because you got btfo. Show proof. You won't becuase your actually just a wagie

>> No.16276027

This goy gets it

>> No.16276031

Can't you stop switching ips?

>> No.16276035

All managers are going to be like this. The grass is never greener.

>> No.16276044

>just live in an expensive city instead of your parents house
Yes very wise financial planning as renting a apartment is cheaper than a car

>> No.16276048 [DELETED] 

Ok but the issue is leniency for others over non-leniency for nig tier employees you know are abusing you cuz fuk dat got my Bill's paid I ain't need to show up. Then when you tell them no, show up, they'll say but you let Johnny call off yesterday. Then they'll tell HR you're discriminating against them

>> No.16276054

Ive had managers like this. I never lasted more than 3 months with them. Some managers are not like this though.

>> No.16276078

Kek this. Just lie

>> No.16276084 [DELETED] 

Speak English you fucking nigger. I can scarcely understand a word.

If the nigger comes up with an excuse to not come to work every other day, then just lower his hours or tell him to fuck off.
Giving a person an unpaid day off because he is not physically capable of coming to work is retarded.

It's actually pretty funny becuase if you treat all you're employees like niggers the only employees that are going to stick around are niggers.

>> No.16276107

Dude just never move out of your parents house lmao

>> No.16276119

I'm 30, with no college degree making 65K in the midwest with ~70 direct reports. In my career I've been promoted 4 times. By the time I have my BA I will be commanding a 6 figure salary, my MBA I'll most certainly be an executive candidate. I'll make it much further than you. Also yes, I hold link.

>> No.16276125

based schizoposter

>> No.16276156
File: 460 KB, 1477x720, 1570357431606.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dude you need to move out if your parents house when you turn 18
>dude just move out of your parents house when your working a min wage job
>dude just get a mortgage from sheklestein instead of taking advantage the of intergenerational wealth that is the only Europe and Asia had functioning societies

You fell for the independence meme huh. Unless you have a family you have no reason to move out other than peer pressure. If you get peer pressured into something like that you'll never make it.

>> No.16276176

So you actually aren't going to make it at all. If you didn't hold link you'd be retiring at 50. A 100k income is not making it. You're 30 years old. Half your life is already gone. If you don't make it in 5 years you've only wasted your life as a wagie

>> No.16276239 [DELETED] 

I was saying what niggers would say you fucking neet autist

>> No.16276267

"Yo my car broke again nigga", no it didn't Tyrone.
>instantly tells HR you're discriminating

>> No.16276291

shut the fuck up boomer

>> No.16276313

This, holy shit, the JIDF is out in full force this lovely saturday

>> No.16276335

Being sick is the only reason I give anymore for taking off days. My manager didn't like my reasons for taking days off in advance so now she doesn't get a warning.

>> No.16276540

>on a anonymous imageboard

>> No.16276543

salaried position don't give a shit like OPs boss. people leave work all the time in professional setting for small reasons or no stated reason at all. adults don't need babysitting. if you're stuck in a low level shit job where you are still being babysat, grind your way out until you are in a better position. salarycucks are still slaves, but god damn, we're a lot more comfortable.

>> No.16276571


>> No.16276579

if you are a man, you know the answer

>> No.16276604


>> No.16276610
File: 7 KB, 352x425, 1567441195678.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Faggot, you have enough time to sit here and blog post and post pictures of a cartoon frog, yet you can't call a towing company to start your car.

I mean you have a car. You have insurance. Insurance has roadside assistance or a discount service.

How fucking stupid are you, that you have to result to posting on 4chins to get advice over something you can figure out in 30 seconds?

Grow up incel fuck

>> No.16276638
File: 53 KB, 390x519, des.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

op here guys

>why didnt you just ride your bike
I dont have a bike
>just take the train or bus
no train or bus runs from where I live to where I work
>why didnt you ask if they would pay for the uber
I genuinely didnt not think of this at the time, valid point

anyway I got my car towed to a mechanic so I can get jewed out of more shekels. dont really give a fuck what middle management thinks anymore to be honest, im gonna get payed $12hr regardless. if they cut my hours after this or some petty shit ill just quit. imagine respecting a place that doesnt even let the employees take the fucking food home when it gets dumpstered regardless. pic unrelated

>> No.16276720

>Not packaging the food nicely in the trash and coming back for it at night

>> No.16276758

I live in an area that has a lot of homeless and pour bleach on any food I throw out to prevent poor people like you from making a mess digging through my trash, I hear a lot businesses do the same.

>> No.16276775
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>> No.16277027

Only Americans are obbssed with moving out of home. Probably because we are all mentally deranged here

>> No.16277036

>I've already made it
>can't use the most simple function on photoshop
Either way your cancer

>> No.16277042

But that's not what's going to happen in reality.

>> No.16277099

Being gay.

>> No.16277112

No OP, its your responsibility to get to work. You dont get to not go in because you were inconvenienced. This is how the real world works outside your neetdom insanity. enjoy being fired

>> No.16277120

I'd quit. Maybe let someone higher up know.

If you're not gonna do that dont even bother calling them, just stop showing up and don't answer their phone calls.

>> No.16277125

My god, how low is your IQ?

>> No.16277148

Having the drive to find a decent job that allows you to live comfortably on your own & stand on your own 2 fucking feet without leaching off others does not make you mentally deranged

The fuck is wrong with this board?

>> No.16277153

That's disgusting. Hate how lying let's it slide, telling them the truth results in punishment even though both do the same thing, you cant show up to work. Learned this at a previous job.

>dental appoinment
>harassed for the length I'll be gone
>call in sick a different time
>"feel better anon" as if they even care

>> No.16277183

Bait or a true wagecuck. Going out of your way for the company. You sound just like the ugly broad at a previous job who said "I'll bleed for (company)" while I replied that's crazy. The assistant manager was there too but he seemed like the kinda guy who was the type to only be there cause he needed money, one of the few respectable workplace managers I had. She eventually quit btw.

>> No.16277209

Not an excuse.

You're child is sick.
No excuse for you, you massive wagecuck. Get a nanny.
>But it's too expensive i'll only make $20 a day even though my salary is 60k a year
Not an excuse you lazy normie

When did we get infested with so many wagecuck slaves and slavemasters (who are really just better paid slaves)?

>> No.16277210

Sounds like a good way to not retire early and stay working as a slave as long as you can

>> No.16277285

This anon likely gets it. Ive made it a point to a former coworker that it doesnt matter if they paid me 100k a year I'd get sick of it sooner or later and hate it. Usually end up hating a job within 1-3 months (negative 2 weeks or so was the fastest but rare occasion lol).

Lol get over yourself. What about when you guys didnt have that extra employee? Exactly. You're pointing the blame when it's the employer likely running a bone crew to maximize profits.

>> No.16277302

Are you saying living with your parents is part of your retirement play? Holy fucking loser

>> No.16277322

Thats disgusting. I had this roastie demand more details on my absence or itll be unpaid. Lied to her and you know what she said after I finished? "That doesn't sound like something you need to keep secret, why didnt you tell me that before?" Reeee that busybody pist me off I should've not lied and just told her its private. Reality was I hated the job mainly cause of her, found a new job, and was milking as much time as possible. Still got screwed over as their systems didnt give you the true amount of sock and vacation until 2 weeks after you shouldve gotten them. 4 hours of unused sick time and about 8 hours of vacation time. Could've made an excuse and used up the sick time mid day and just call later saying I quit. (No 2 weeks notice, I stopped doing that)

>> No.16277356

Do you think OP is capable of keeping up with a union schedule? Those guys have a LOT of things easy like you say, but their hours can be very demanding.

>> No.16277367

Not true. I've had a very few who seemed to be there for the same reason as me, to get paid. One was a chill dude, assistant manager. He'd talk about video games. I also know someone who was once a manager of some tier, he was well liked by subordinates and got a cake on his last day. Apparently subordinates were happy when it was him in charge instead of the other person. He recognized they are their just to get paid and go home (same as his mindset). That's about the only jobs I've seen that though.

>> No.16277412

Reeeee I said I had a family emergency to attend to and would need substantial time off. She made the stupid excuse of "I need you more" reeeeeeee NO my family is more important you wageslave with slightly more authority! I was lying to her however as I was wasting all my sick time before purposefully quitting, no two weeks notice after the shit she pulled. Even though I was lying the audacity of that woman was disgusting. I literally stuck my hand in my pocket, gripped my badge, and was considering pulling it out, slamming it on the desk, and saying I quit. I freaking lied yet her response was so bad it illicited that reaction. One of the many reasons I want to be financially wealthy so I dont have to answer to bootlicking power hungry wageslave masters like that.

>> No.16277452

Are americans really this retarded?

>> No.16277605
File: 169 KB, 768x1024, 1572819301375.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP should've asked his manager:
>does the company *need* me there right now?
and then called a taxi and billed the cabfare to his boss' company.

>> No.16277674

>Lol get over yourself. What about when you guys didnt have that extra employee? Exactly.

What? Businesses don't put "extra" employees you stupid retard. You put as many employees as you need to operate. I hope you start a business cuz you'll definitely fail.

>> No.16278415

You're deranged. You assume you are a leech but in reality you add a 3rd income to the household making things better for everyone.

In your deranged anger you have changed the goalposts. We don't know if OP lives with his parents or not. Fact is most people who don't live in a major city drive 20‐30 minutes to work.

>> No.16278446

In the real world OP can do whatever the fuck he wants to and is capable of. He could buy a gun and kill his boss if he wanted to. That's how the real world actually works. There are no rules. There's no reason a mid level manager should be such a bitch

>> No.16278975

Considering how many young people don't even bother getting their license anymore, it's true. A car is more valuable than a minimum wage job. The jews can't import third worlders fast enough to fill all their bullshit jobs up, so as a result there is a low skilled labor shortage at the moment.